The Red Lands 1

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The Red Lands 1 Page 19

by ForestRage

Miki woke everyone up in the morning. She sat on the steps of the cellar, yawning after having spent the latter half of the night on sentry. Soon, the welcome smell of fresh bread and butter, permeated the air.

  The agreed teams, set out across the snowy plains, armed with spears and crossbows. Clod dragged a small sled behind him, to gather the last load of firewood they had stashed. Chu slogged across the snow, making a beeline for a trail that began in the forest and met a terrifying abrupt end.

  “Why did we come here?”

  Ming questioned. Besides Lucy, the others had not seen the one-sided fight that occurred here.

  “See if you find a dead body. We can bury it in the snow, and report the situation to the garrison. Maybe we will earn an extra reward.”

  “Good idea Chu. That’s why you’re the boss. But why in the snow?”

  “Less sucking up, I don’t have money to lend you on this trip. The snow will keep it frozen, so if the garrison wants proof we can show them, plus we also have the culprit lying in our barn.”

  Chu replied to Ming. They scoured the tracks, until finally finding the body, half submerged in the high snow. After breaking down the snow to bury the corpse, Chu used a branch as a future marker. They soon separated to handle the different tasks.

  Throughout the journey, the snow remained untouched near the forest, with no signs of animal tracks. Like before, they hid their weapons and trudged on to the familiar gates. This time though, a tightly shut entrance greeted them.

  Ming tugged at a rope that extended and disappeared into a small booth at the side. The faint sound of a bell rang out.

  “State your business?”

  A young guard banged opened the door and spoke on reflex. Having to leave his coal pot generated warmth, to face the cold, aggravated him. Standing guard out in the cold, especially under the present circumstances placed him on edge.

  “Ah, damn slum children again? Didn’t you understand the Captain earlier, the gates will open in the morning and the evening. If you miss the time, then blame your bad luck.”

  “Ah, so sorry Bates, it’s me Ming. I didn’t get the notice from the others. Squeeze me in mate, you owe me that much for the empty bottle you sold me.”

  Ming removed his patched hood and replied to the guard. The man expressed surprise, and grumbled while opening the small door. The stout door creaked closed behind them. In front of them, the deserted streets, and silent houses greeted them.

  Chu visited his home, only to be embraced by a worried mother. He calmed the old woman down and after spending time in reassuring her, he departed with Ming. The concerned face of the old lady seemed more than normal today, but he brushed it off as a mother’s worry.

  During winter the Trading Post used their General Store within the town to conduct business. The one on the outside, was relegated for collection of animals by the very few hunters who braved the winter season.

  They entered the vacant store, making their way to the empty counter. Only in dire need, did villagers brave the cold and increased prices, to shop during the winter months.

  The first-person Chu saw, turned out to be a familiar face. The young man sat reclining on a chair, with his eyelids drooping. Nodding on the chair, a line of drool extended from the side of the mouth.

  Chu rapped on the counter, causing the dozing man to jump in surprise. He looked at the boys with a frown, which increased exponentially on noticing the patched and ragged cloak. John was about to rage on these two useless tramps, when his eyes fell on the devil.


  Stumbling off his chair, he composed himself

  "Gooday, how can I be of help to you young fellows."

  "Hello, we just came to get some small supplies and find out some information."

  "No problem, I can help you. What do you... aaahhh!"

  John conducted himself in a manner befitting a proper store attendant. In the middle of this courteous exchange, a large hand swatted him away as a burly figure lumbered up to the counter.

  "Brat you’re alive? I was sure you kicked the bucket!"

  "And hello to you to Mr Griz, you really want to get rid of me, don’t you?"

  Chu greeted the agitated man while sitting down on a stool. For someone like the Master of the Trading Post to be in such a state could only mean a serious matter.

  "Boy, you have no idea what is going on outside your little cooped up hole huh?"

  Chu replied with only a wry grin, for the man had touched on his weak spot. Living out in near isolation, he possessed an inactive and unreliable information network. Worse yet, this frontier village had him ignorant of changes that would impact the world.

  Griz hustled them to a secluded end of the counter and started his tale.

  During the last week a hunter returned raising the alarm of a demon beast sighting. The old man had witnessed the terrible scene where it tore apart a group of fellow hunters not too far from the village.

  From the description the man pointed out the culprit from the old records in the garrison—a wolf demon from the north. A cunning and vindictive lone predator.

  If wasn't for the accidental discovery by the hunter, most disappearances would be associated to the winter season.

  "Why didn't the garrison bait it and kill it?"

  "Brat, did you hear what I said? A wolf demon. This is not your typical farm animal. Haven’t you heard the stories? Which hole are you living in?"

  Demon beast came from the forbidden lands. They possessed higher intelligence and strength than regular predators, with the strongest of them even taking on humanoid shapes. Another main difference was that demon beast focused their hunt on humans.

  A Snow bear might level a small village if provoked, but will not pursue humans on a full stomach. A wolf demon relished in the pleasure of killing humans, for food and recreation. The records stated that this species of demon, would hunt prey to the far corners of the Empire, solely for the thrill.

  “The commander sent out a large patrol team, to investigate in the north. They never returned. The losses accounted for nearly half the garrison. Word has been sent out to Frost City in the north. From the reports coming forward, it seems like this demon has stalked the village for quite some time.”

  "So strong! Why is a last boss here in the beginner village?"

  "What? what is a last boss?"

  "Sorry my mind is just a mess. Why is something so strong here, what is the reason."

  "Simple. We have something it wants."

  Chu looked up to the familiar old man, coming over to join them. His inquisitive nature, along with a good gossip to ward of the cold attracted the guard. Ming sat on the side, wanting to burst out, but held his questioning for later. A glance from Chu notified him to remain silent.

  Chu finally learned that this world birthed terrifying adversaries.

  Demon beast originated from the far north, beyond the Northern Chain. During winter as fog covers the gorges and valleys, some escape detection and sneak through the mountain pass, into the Empire.

  These demons use humans as nourishment. By feeding on a person's heart and contents in the head, they become stronger. Centuries of predatory instincts, had imprinted that humans provided the vitality and nutrients to evolve.

  Conversely, humans through their own experiments and studies, have found a way to utilize demon beast. The Mage Tower has been around from time immemorial, and have used demon beast for strengthening humans.

  A demon beast possesses a lifestone within its heart cavity. If this lifestone is used with some of its fresh heart blood on a Mage Tower talisman, a person can become imbued with some of the abilities of the demon.

  Similarly, a demon beast body is like a treasure trove. It can be converted into armor, weapons, magic talismans and basic ingredients used for alchemy and magic.

  "People hunt demons for an opportunity to become stronger, while the demons hunt people for the same."

  "In a way that is exactly it."

  The m
an said, nodding at how well the boy summed it up.

  Chu did not act terrified, and shake on learning about the demon. He had lived out a year of terror and fear, over the last couple of days. As for joining the village in fearing an attack?

  Yea, right. Didn’t this terror of the north lay dead, frozen on ice in his barn?

  The talk of becoming stronger, interested him the most. If he could earn a superpower ability, while making money by selling the carcass, he would have a win-win situation.

  As a visitor to this strange world, this situation is what he craved the most. Who wouldn’t?

  Painting on a face of concern, worry, fear and frustration he continued his performance.

  "This is too scary. I must return and take the others to safety. We have a good hiding spot, and enough food to last the rest of winter. As a resident from the slums I am totally oblivious to this threat. I don't know what to do..."

  As Chu displayed a panicked act, Griz tried to cash in on a helping offer.

  "If you want, I can send out a few guards to get you and the others back to the village. We can discuss the fee later."

  Griz offering help and stating a fee was understood, they were merely business acquaintances and he expected that much from the man. The merchant did not dig out his eye, since the guards facing the danger needed to be paid.

  Chu however wanted something else.

  "I appreciate your concern, but we have a secure place to hole up. What I need is some more information on this kind of subject. I would gladly pay anything for data like that which would save my life..."

  Chu sighed looking depressed. He waited for Griz to bite.

  Griz glanced at the old guard and replied.

  "Simon here is very familiar with talismans and he can answer some of your questions for now. There is a book that is usually sold to high level adventurers and mercenaries that provide information on demon beast and use of talismans."

  He continued.

  "The talisman parts are used for beginners to understand those concepts, occupying a few pages at the end. Most of the book contains descriptions of appearances from familiar demon beast, and some for the most elusive and dangerous ones ever encountered throughout the centuries.”

  Chu perked up, but his face turned to worry.

  "Something like that would be good but I don't want to know about talismans and such, I just want information on the general characteristics of demon beast and how to avoid them."

  "No, no... wait and talk to Simon here I'll get the book and be back."

  Chu had a forlorn look as he chatted with Simon about the different kinds of beast, and where they usually pop up. He also threw in some questions on the type of talismans and how they worked in between.

  By the time Griz returned, he had a general idea on how these talismans functioned and how to use them. Simon even showed them his, on the promise of secrecy. The old man had a Tower talisman, tattooed on his arm.

  Chu felt robbed on seeing the faint red colored lines and glyphs, that looked similar to a henna tattoo with a few fancy patterns. He had expected something much more awesome.

  Simon indicated for a closer look, pointing to the center where a faint boar head might be seen. His lifestone had come from a low-level demon boar, which provide a boost in strength and a rush ability. The power could only be activated twice daily though.

  “When you successfully activate a talisman, you gain a boost of vitality.”

  Chu’s anticipation of flying among the stars, and crushing a thousand men took a severe beating. At least, he consoled himself, a little power was nevertheless better than nothing.

  "This is the book I was telling you about. See only the last two chapters deal with talismans. Everything else is on demon beast."

  Griz hauled a huge book, larger than an encyclopedia onto the counter.

  Chu dusted it off and rummaged through it as if browsing. Reaching the last few pages he asked some questions.

  "This is good, it seems to have everything. The few illustrations are not bad. I don't really need these last couple pages though. What are these anyway they look like talismans?"

  On some pages at the back were four talismans on a page. He recognized them by the scribbles and lines on each that were the size of a dollar bill. Those patterns were the same, or at least like the one imprinted on Simon. The page was serrated for a person to tear them out for use.

  Chu heart was jumping out of his mouth as he asked the question in an offkey manner.

  "These four are actually Tower Talismans, that one there is an Ancient talisman, usually a dud. Remember I told you that these books are bought by high level adventurers. They normally use these talismans as reference when doing their enhancements. More talismans can be purchased separately."

  "Oh. Well I don't need it anyway. How much is this book?"

  "Twenty-five gold."

  Chu nearly spit out blood.

  Ming on the other hand, couldn't control himself and sprayed them all down with saliva.

  "You are robbing me Griz?"

  Chu looked straight at the man, locking in his eyes.

  "No need to. The reason this book is so expensive, is because it caters for certain class of people."

  Chu understood when Griz explained it to him. This book was a gateway, to rising a whole new level in the Empire.

  Take this village as an example. Only Simon here had a talisman, and it was also one of low quality. People with these successful talismans, were too few and in high demand. Simon could live a comfortable life as the personal guard of the Trading Post Master.

  When Griz is transferred or moved to higher levels, he automatically follows. Old as he was, the talismans give him an edge in social standing.

  "I'll take this book, then and I just need some small supplies. I have to hurry back to warn the others."

  Chu paid Griz from his secret money belt Sakura made for his personal use. Together with Ming, they put on a hustling facade as they left the post with their purchases.

  On collecting their weapons from the hiding spot, they hurried back to the barn.

  This was not because of being worried, but because Chu was filled with anticipation. Seeing no warning signal on the barn they trudged to the door with the supplies and his precious book.

  Ming had not even fully extended his hands to rap on the door when it burst open.

  Sakura flung herself on Chu, wrapping her bloodied hands around him.

  Amidst the sobs, he could barely make out the words.

  "Chu hurry, Lucy... Lucy got injured bad. We can't do anything!"

  Chapter 30


  Chu stared at the young girl lying on the sled, in the middle of the barn. A fire blazed on the side, generating heat and light. Covered in a quilt, she shivered as beads of sweat streamed down her wrinkled brows. Red liquid dripped from halfway down the sled, forming a small puddle.

  “I’m sorry Lucy. Because of me…”

  Miki covered her damp face, sobbing and shaking.

  From amidst the sobs and crying he heard the report. Ambushed by a lone wolf, Lucy sacrificed herself by pushing Miki out of harm’s way. She evaded the snapping jaws, but the large claws tore through her abdomen.

  In the heated tousle, Clod managed to spear the beast on the side, and while attracting attention away from the fallen Lucy, Miki buried a bolt into its head. Forgetting the firewood, they placed the bleeding Lucy on the sled and rushed to the barn in a state of panic.

  The closest Chu ever interacted with a hospital, had to do with picking up his father who suffered from a bad ulcer. Back then he hired a taxi, drove up to the entrance, made a pickup and drove out.

  The only experience in tending major wounds, stemmed from watching medical dramas. He realized that he should have paid more attention to the details mimicking real life operations, and not only on the characters themselves.

  He did have an idea of basic first aid. Acting calm and in a speedy manner cou
ld save a life.

  "Sue boil a large pot of water quickly over the fire. Miki, I need someone to keep focus in the lookout for danger. That is top priority for us all."

  He turned to the group. Getting the emotional Miki to focus on something made sense. She blamed herself for this accident, as she would have been heavily injured or even killed...

  "Clod cut a door in our fence, so we don't have to carry Lucy up the platform and down through the trapdoor. I want to get her close to the kitchen oven, for more heat and treatment. Ming help him out, chop it down if you must. Sakura and Dyna get me some fresh blankets, and the emergency bag from the cellar."

  The emergency bag contained the medical supplies he bought from the Trading Post. Having something and knowing how to use it were two different things. Chu understood he was sorely lacking in this field of study.

  Chu bent down on Lucy's side. The girl experienced pain that had her slipping in and out of consciousness.

  When Chu raised the quilt, he nearly emptied his stomach on the sight that greeted him. If not for the recent bloody experience in this world, he might have fainted.

  Three large rips on the skin of her abdomen exposed her internal organs. From one of the wounds, a length of her intestine poked out. The blood had coagulated and dripped, instead of trickling down the sled like earlier.

  Sakura returned with the bag and handed it to Chu. From it, he removed some rough cloth bandages he bought from the Trading Post.

  "Take these to Sue, let her boil it in water until I need it. I want a pot of boiling water here as soon as possible."

  The girl rushed off in a hurry, flinching at the sight. After the carnage with the wolf pack, these girls could stomach a little blood. The grief of seeing one of their own in a precarious position posed the problem. Chu focused on the task, while having them busy lest their minds break down.

  As the leader, this responsibility rested on his shoulders. He himself could not afford to falter, or else chaos would ensue.

  Doing so at this time would cause all of them to end up as headless chickens.

  Out of the bag he had bandages, small cotton cloths, powder that was supposed to stop bleeding, needle and thread and two bottles of pills that he paid an astronomical sum from Griz for life and death situations.


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