The Red Lands 1

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The Red Lands 1 Page 22

by ForestRage

  Miki said while Sakura nodded. Sue confirmed their report.

  Dyna remained as lookout and only switched recently with Miki. As for Ming and Clod, they were too busy suffering in toiling over the carcass to relocate it as instructed. Once Lucy had been taken care off, she had remained pretty much alone in the cellar.

  The possibility of another wolf demon lurking in the cellar was highly unlikely. The information on the creature depicted it as a vindictive beast, crossed with sociopathic tendencies.

  “I went into the cellar for the spears. It was my turn to sharpen and oil them. It happened then.”

  Ming said while giving Chu a slight nod.

  “I woke up on hearing some loud noises. That’s when I saw Ming.”

  Lucy said.

  Since her story coberatted with Ming’s, a situation now developed that caused Chu’s heart to race. A different door lay at the front of him, one which he could never have dreamed of opening in his past life.

  He would not be surprised on anything becoming a possibility in this damn world.

  "Lucy did you feel anything different when you woke up?"

  "Hmmm… no, I felt refreshed after the nap and the food Sue fed me before sleeping. I woke up when I heard all that banging in the cellar though. That is when I saw Ming rummaging on the floor feeling for the dagger he dropped. He looked at me and ran.”

  "How the heck was I supposed to see the dagger in the dark huh?"

  "Wait, wait! That's not the point you idiot"

  Chu stopped the bickering he knew was going to start. He suppressed his imagination that was running wild. At least from what he pieced together, it was highly unlikely there was another wolf demon.

  "Lucy go back into the cellar, stand where you were before."

  The girl cocked her head and then went down to do as he asked.

  "I was here by the bed."

  "Ok good. Now look and see if you can find the dagger Ming dropped on the far end."

  Right now all the Children except Miki who was up on the lookout were circling around the reopened cellar entrance in curiosity.

  "I can't see it so well Chu… wait now I can. It’s by the sword stack on the ground."

  She looked up towards them pleased in completing her task.

  What happened next was not completely unexpected. With the exception of Chu who just gasped and Ming who stood trembling in excitement, the rest of the inquisitive spectators reacted splendly.

  Clod fell on his butt, scrambling away on all fours. Sue fainted, Sakura screamed as she tumbled away to escape with Dyna who collapsed bring both of them down on the floor in a tangled heap.

  Half hour later Chu had all of them sitting around the table sipping some warm water. He summoned Miki to this important meeting as the girls shared fugitive glances among themselves, while stealing looks on Lucy.

  The shaking benches spoke of the panic that threatened to explode like a volcano.

  Chu took a deep breath to begin his sermon.

  It was imperative that he nipped any signs of fear and discomfort in the bud, here and now. He was not going to ruin a gem out of ignorance or fear within his group.

  "First things first."

  He slammed the demon book down on the table, causing them to jump. By now all of them had a rough idea on its contents. They had personally borne witness to the miracle as it healed the critical wounds.

  "Lucy has successfully activated her talisman. With it she has gained new skills and abilities that we have never heard about. This..."

  He stopped and pointed at the book, turning and making eye contact with each of them

  "This has blessed her with a power which even those in the mighty Military dream about. Know that even the Emperor himself would kill for her luck and fortuitous encounter."

  He gazed at Lucy and smiled. A smile like this in the village was extremely rare. It was a smile when a person was genuinely happy for someone.

  "Lucy has shown she has the ability to see in the dark. However when she activates this ability her eyes turn from blue to a golden-yellow. That is ALL, she is still the same Lucy, the same companion. Never forget that we need this ability to survive."

  He looked around

  "We should be thankful and happy for her and for our luck in having such an amazing friend."

  Chu reprimanded them like a teacher scolding a bunch of children for refusing to play with a new transfer. He was grateful in a sense that his companions were all children. With some coaxing and explanations it was easy for them to understand.

  If this had been a group of adults as companions. The discontent, suspicion and greed that might have festered would slowly begin to spiral out of control eventually destroying his party.

  The subsequent actions of these children proved his point.

  "I'm sorry Lucy, I fainted when you were injured and now I did it again..."

  "I remembered that thing when I saw the eyes, I'm sorry I was scared..."

  Dyna sobbed as she threw herself on Lucy. The other girls soon followed. Lucy was like the big sister to all of them. Even though she and Miki were near the same age, through her fortune, they all enjoyed a better life.

  Chu let the bonding run its course. Clod considered Chu knowledgeable, so he received each words like a devout worshipper. Ming fitted the pieces together along with the recollection from the time listening to Simon.

  A trembling from excitement had replaced the one from fear. His eyes sparkled in anticipation.

  "Chu I want one, but I want one to boost my strength, so Clod doesn't keep calling me weak."


  The sound of a slap echoed out.

  "You think those things grow on trees, I only need to stroll outside and shake one down for you?"

  Chu knew exactly what this idiot was thinking when Lucy demonstrated her night-vision type of ability. Even he couldn't help feel the pangs of envy. After all who didn't want something akin to a superpower.

  He would never grudge her because of it, since she paid a hefty price.

  In the late afternoon after lunch Chu, Lucy and Ming circled in the open floor of the barn.

  "Lucy how are you feeling?"

  "I feel fine after eating, but my body feels heavy and weak. Better than the morning though.”

  Chu nodded.

  So far he confirmed Lucy had the ability to heal much faster than before. This speed was beyond the scope of modern-day medicine in his old world. The ability to see in the dark was another.

  The ability activated with much difficulty, and could last for only a few minutes. Reactivation needed over an hour’s rest.

  “I think with practise, the duration and the time needed will change for the better. Your body also needs time to rest and recuperate.”

  “I see, but can I begin practising this in the cellar. It doesn't require me moving around you know.”

  Lucy replied to his advice.

  “Wait, now that you mention it. Hey Lucy, try running to the ladder and back again.”

  Ming said. Lucy followed his instructions after seeing Chu give a positive nod. Recalling what Simon said, they both wanted to test for other skills.


  “I feel the same. Nothing special. Besides the improved sight, I don't feel anything else. My appetite has increased since I did eat a lot more than normal.”

  Lucy replied while placing a finger to her lips as she frowned in thought.

  "Okay Lucy. That's it for today. I think after a week or so, your body should be in peak form. By then we can really see what you can do."

  "But Chu, how are we going to know what Lucy can do? I remember Simon saying that his strength skill was known because it was expected, so it was easy to train until it activated. Lucy eyes are amazing, but how do we know if she has some souped up killer technique waiting to be activated?"

  "I know what you mean. We have to make a trip to the Trading post again. We need to get some information on training. Then there is the h
eadache behind trying to sell this wolf demon. If we do it right, the benefits are going to be huge, but one misstep could cost us our lives."

  Chu didn't continue to worry them about that part. He needed to be very careful on attempting that trade. A part of him actually screamed out for him to just bury the carcass and done. He was still in deliberation of it for the time being.


  Miki called out from the lookout.

  He hurriedly got up and headed towards the platform. Climbing the ladder he joined her at the top.

  Scanning the area where she was pointing he took some time to register the situation. It was some time until he made out what she was pointing.

  "What the heck?"

  In the open snow not to far from the barn, three wolf cubs dragged themselves across the plains.

  Chapter 34

  It's like a game of chess

  A small campfire was burning in the open area of the barn. Seven children circled the fire, close enough to draw in the warmth. Dyna sat closest to the fire, busy feeding the three pups some watered down porridge. Up in the lookout, Miki had returned to keep vigilance.

  When they had seen those little animals struggling out in the snow the group immediately positioned themselves according to plan. Having participated in a bloody initiation, nobody froze on the sight of a wild animal.

  “I did good didn’t I? Man I wrestled with those beast and finally bested them. Did you guys see the fight? Epic wasn’t it?”

  “You do realise you’re boasting about grabbing three half dead pups and stuffing them into a bag right?”

  Chu said, cutting the boasting boy. The three pups sniffing around Dyna could not be more than a few months old.

  “Careful Dyna, they do have some sharp teeth. Those little bastards are dangerous critters.”

  Ming said while rubbing the scrapes and bites on his hands. They had easily surrounded the three wolf pups, but grabbing them proved a task. The animals might have been weak from starvation, but they possessed a strong will to survive.

  Sue brought a bowl of warm water and sat down next to Dyna. The pups staggered around with bulging stomachs between the girls, dropping their aggressive nature and licking the hands of their saviors.

  "Can we keep..."


  Chu was expecting that question after seeing the girls fawn over those wild animals. At the moment the cubs were still weak and possibly in shock. When he had brought them inside and released them they were too weak to even run. Dyna had slowly coaxed one to eat the porridge with a large spoon.

  Since they were exhausted they could only sit and receive it. When she had lifted one up to feed it better it tried to bite. That bite was simply it going through the motion and reflex. It was too weak to muster any force through its jaws.

  The problem would begin when they regained their strength. Chu really captured them with the intention to earn some more money. Since he was going to the village he might as well try to sell them to Griz.

  "Why Chu..."

  "Think about it, we still don't know if the parents of these cubs are searching for them. Even if it's not a possibility, we are going to have to feed them and take care of them. Who is going to take the responsibility to train them? Worse yet, we are within the hardship months of winter. What if those dangerous beast and demons show up around here? Who is going to keep these cubs from making a fuss and revealing our hideout?"

  When these cubs grow up, they might become useful but that was in the future. Currently it was the month of winter where he was now expecting the unexpected. Because he never knew when they had to hide, these cubs became a liability.

  When these cute pups turned into grown killers, who would feed them?

  His earnings were like a first time employee's year-end bonus. It came in a bulk and left in a rush.

  If he was not careful then they would return to a life selling firewood. The picture of him hauling his broken old ass home to provide for some lazy wolves loafing around hardened his heart.

  "Chu lets keep them, I will train them. Please, I can do it."

  Dyna interrupted his dream with her pleading.

  "You do know these critters will eventually have to eat raw meat? Can you stomach this when they start hunting?"

  He looked squarely into the green eyes. This girl had a habit of fainting on any new surprises. The idea of this weak willed girl covered in blood and hunting could not be imagined.

  "Chu can we keep them?"


  The other girls joined the pleas.

  Dyna was the weakest one among them when it came to the sight of blood. If she and the others wanted to keep the cubs, then fine. He was going to drop some ground rules to follow.

  "Let me finish. If after you guys can do everything I say, then I have no problem."

  "Those cubs are wild beast, not some house-pet. As such, they will be raised as wild beast who will obey us. That means they will need an owner. That person will be responsible for training.

  The trainer is responsible for feeding and cleaning. That means they are also responsible to teach them how to hunt. If we are forced to hide, then they need to be taught how to remain silent. If not we have no choice but to release them up as bait. Who is willing to do this?"

  Chu stressed on the issue of having to leave the cubs in a dangerous situation. He had to let the children know to avoid any risky situations down the road. After some time Dyna spoke out meekly.

  "I...Chu I will do it. I have to get strong too, so I will do it."

  Chu looked at her while sighing. Their living conditions would only make raising a trio of carnivores a hard and difficult road.

  "Ok but remember you need to take responsibility for them. I don't want to be food for these beast when they get older. Who knows if I would get rabies should they bite me."

  Dyna gave her head a nod. Her face was all smiles like a kid getting a surprise present for their birthday.

  "Chu what's Rabies? Is that some skill wolves have that you read about?"

  Ming asked him out of curiosity. Since the episode with Lucy this guy was enthusiastic about acquiring one.

  With everything settled, Chu headed up to relieve Miki. The girl was obviously dying to head down to interact with the new members. He scanned the surroundings searching for any signs of life. Only when dusk descended and the plains shrouded in darkness was he satisfied that the cubs moved alone.

  When he came down the others were on the platform waiting. Sue quickly sent up the food she was keeping warm in the oven. The cubs were now resting in the front of the barn. They were intelligent enough to lay down close to the fading campfire to soak in the warmth.

  "Ming, tomorrow we are heading into the village. I want to do the trip before the scent from this demon disappears. When that happens those wolf packs might return to roam the area."

  Chu was convinced that the demon scent was probably high in this area. Maybe that was the reason those wolf cubs followed such scent and arrived here. The larger adults would not be so naive and certainly steer clear of this location.

  These cubs were a small distraction from one of the most important problems he ever faced.

  The wolf demon.

  In fact he was doubly sure that a wrong step would lead to him losing his life. That was one of the main reasons why he was so torn as to sell or simply bury it.

  Clearing his head of all those troubles and worries over the past day, he could finally focus on this problem. And it was one that was equivalent to them opening Pandora's box.

  The information from the 'monster book' and those little chats with Simon and Griz was enough for him to understand and outline the important facts.

  First fact.

  This was a demon that was highly rated even since hundreds of years ago as being among the top in power. As such it even required the commander of the garrison to urgently dispatch a message requesting help to the city of Frost. Even in ancient times this city that
existed still had to be on high alert when faced with such a demon.

  Now this demon was lying half-frozen in a barn run by kids. Powerful people will soon arrive at this village under the guise of liberation. Chu was certain that nearly all of them would be accompanied by someone aiming for the lifestone. As such, this little corner of the Empire was going to be flipped upside down.

  Second fact.

  If he traded this demon, word is going to get out to everyone from village to city. That money in their little hands is going to be simply taken away. There is no possibility of them escaping that fact. Even if he sold it in secret and Griz manages to take it away, it wouldn't be long before it will be traced back to them. They were too weak.

  The Third Fact.

  They had used the damn lifestone.

  Holy Crap!

  Barring the fact that the carcass was now worth less than half the value, the important thing was that they actually used the lifestone and blood. If word leaked, they might be lucky to escape without being tortured.

  Worse yet if it was found they had succeeded that was another kettle of fish by itself. From the book, the success of an Ancient talisman was near impossible for a reason. It was because it truly allowed far greater effects than a normal Tower talisman.

  Best case scenario would be Lucy taken in to serve one of these factions. As for them, well nobody liked loose ends lying around.

  He was lacking in information. He didn't know if the people coming from Frost city would have means of tracking the creature. Suppose they could track the creature by scent. More than half of that wolf demon's blood was unintentionally scattered across the plain just outside their front door. They might as well hang a sign on the barn.

  He still had questions that the book couldn't provide the answer.

  His best option was to head to the village and get as much information from Griz. Only then could he decide on a plan. If things become serious, he would brave the weather and high tail it to another village. Their finances were good enough to start from scratch from another strange place.

  Snow fell heavily the next day, crushing Chu's plans. He decided to make the best of the time and re-read some information from the book and let Lucy recover her health. It was really the blood loss that had her weak. Give a few days and she would be back to peak condition.


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