The Red Lands 1

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The Red Lands 1 Page 31

by ForestRage

  A thorough search of their rickety lodging, produced a large tome, well hidden in a corner. Any experienced adventurer, would recognise that tome filled with information. Inside the cover, a charcoal mark highlighted a rough letter M etched on a page.

  It didn't take long for that news to leak out from the Military.

  'Mong bandits.'

  A name not familiar to those in the Military, but drove fear into the hearts of the villagers bordering the forest.

  That scourge numbered over a hundred, and plagued the villages for money, food and supplies. Worse yet, they recruited the able-bodied men, and abducted the young girls.

  “Did you here? They said the Mong bandits are involved. Nothing less from a scourge that are brave to attack merchants and peddlers.”

  “Yea, I just heard they killed the demon. Only the Trading Post and other large merchant convoys travelled safely. But now they will not fear anyone. I might leave the village in spring, since now they will become bolder.”

  “Those bandits sure are capable, they know the lands around here like the back of their hands. I am sure they cornered and trapped the beast to kill it.”

  The rumors had already branded the bandit group guilty. Under torture old man Bai cracked, and revealed whatever they wanted to hear. The Mong bandits killed the wolf demon, the head was proof of the deed.

  The bandits had a couple of hideouts, within the small woodlands that dotted the plains. From there, they launched their raids on travellers and the villages. With numerous camps to migrate, the garrison patrols never found them.

  Old man Bai sang like a canary. He sang the tunes they wanted to hear.

  With the wolf demon dead, the majority of adventurers decided to leave. Some needed to report to their employers, while others wanted to spend the rest of the winter in the cities. Only a few stayed to ride out the winter.

  “Nah, we are not leaving yet. Since I’m here, my party want to look for the body. Even though the lifestone is surely gone, that body is worth its weight in gold.”

  “Haha, I agree, why are you guys in a rush to slog through that cold. I’m sure the bandits dropped that body somewhere. If you find it, you can buy a house in the city.”

  While the adventurers and hired mercenaries debated on whether to stay or leave, the Military had a headache of its own.

  The missing blood and lifestone posed a problem. For the Military it was akin to an unknown threat.

  'Were the bandits successful? And if so where were they now?'

  Before anyone left the village, the Military who had quickly recalled all their search parties did one last check.

  All able-bodied persons, men or women underwent searching. Their luggage checked and their bodies, subjected to a full investigation for any tattoos.

  Mercenaries who already had their awakening, were acknowledged and left alone. It was common knowledge that a person could only experience one awakening. To those awakened, even the Military was courteous. Those people were after all the best help in the North.

  Anyone wanting to leave the village, had to undergo a search at the south gate. The Trading Post had kindly donated their building for use by the Military. It was for a fee of course, in the eyes of a merchant nothing in this world was for free.

  During the first day of checks, curious onlookers from the village were present. In the midst of these stood two boys.

  "Wow Chu look at that! Those soldiers are really taking advantage of that young woman. I could only imagine what goes on inside the sheds."

  Ming sighed, and looked on in admiration.

  "That is a man you idiot. He just has long hair tied in a ponytail. Not all men look like some beefed up muscle man, you know."

  Chu and Ming had escaped the encirclement that day. Since then, they laid low and watched the developments that occurred. For these instigators whatever happened after was not their concern.

  The bait and trap had been successfully laid and sprung.

  They were among the first ones who had approached the friskers, with the story of how they were heading out for firewood. Their interaction with these guards turned out to be very, very brief.

  "What are you two here for?"

  "We are from the village, the talk is that we need to be searched."

  "Are you going outside?"


  "Did the soldiers check your homes?"


  "Get the hell out from here, and stop wasting our time you little punks!"

  Both of them were unceremoniously kicked out onto the snow back nearby. Now, they were simply standing among the spectators.

  "I still think that soldier was very rude to us Chu. One day I am going to make you get even with him for me."

  "Why do I have to do that for you. Shouldn't you do it yourself?"

  "Nah, too much work. After this, I just want to relax and eat some of Sue's cooking."

  The Military had searched the village and already screened the villagers. After a week the lifestone and blood would be rendered useless. As for the checks, it was mostly done on those men who were fit and seemed strong.

  Some of the more passable women were also subjected to checks, but for a different reason. As for the children they were overlooked. Nobody in their right mind would waste a lifestone of such importance on some slum kid.

  Chu's parents house passed the search with ease. Once the Military saw the banner of the Trading Post and the guard sitting out front, everything went smoothly. They searched the house, complimented the nice dogs, and let the woman and the kids return to the house.

  'Really? Like some old lady struggling to support so many useless girl children would kill a demon and have money to buy talismans.'

  'Is the Trading Post raising these girls to be of sale in some town or city? Nothing less from such a large company, that has its hands in everything. I wonder if they could strike me a deal?'

  With thoughts like these, clearly reflecting on the faces of the soldiers, the searchers moved on quickly.

  After a week of checks everything returned to normal. The fête was still on at the south gate but much smaller than before. Most outsiders had left, along with the majority of the Military. They were on their way to flush out the lairs of the Mong bandits.

  “The Trading Post has issued a reward for the corpse of the wolf demon, Prime and his party have began digging around the grasslands around the slums.”

  “I heard that the're paying heavy gold for the body. My companions and I, have been shovelling snow for days.”

  This declaration served as an enticement, to keep some of the adventurers and mercenaries not commissioned by any nobles, back in the village. It also served to keep the money flowing into the Merchant company's coffers, albeit at a slower pace.

  Gofart the Dullard, and Weak bladder Tochus joined the rest of the Military, as they moved on. Hopefully they may be able to salvage some reputation against the bandits.

  Two weeks after the incident in the slums, the once hectic lifestyle gradually toned down. Spring lay just around the corner. This year, the villagers would be spared the usual tribute to the unfortunate Mong bandits.

  With most residents earning an additional income, a better life awaited them.

  The shouts and tussling at the counter of the Trading Post had dissipated. Griz now spent the majority of his time relaxing in a chair, as he counted his profits. With the unexpected windfall, he planned for the future.

  During a peaceful sitting one cold day, the clatter of footsteps woke him from his reverie. He scowled while wiping a palm across his face. The daydream had entered into the sweetest part--him counting endless gold coins, as he stacked them on the table.

  “Who is this inconsiderate bastard?”

  Griz muttered.

  He focused his eyes across the counter, to find a beaming face greeting him.

  "Hey Griz, I have a deal for you."

  Chapter 48

  Willing to stand a loss

iz stared at the kid waltzing into the store.

  A full season had not passed, if not counting the last few days of autumn, when they began to interact with each other. Since then it had been an animated and lively winter. Dealing with this kid sure brought a flurry of activity in this mundane place.

  The man could not imagine when he had ever experienced such an exciting time during winter in his entire life. Even in the North, winter is usually the lull and inactive period of demon beast activity.

  Griz watched him as he nodded and sat down in the customary stool at the corner and drummed his fingers. He got up from the stool and went across to join him.

  The merchant usually sat at the desk in the back but force of habit had him at the counter during quiet times. In any case his assistants would usually rush to greet any customers so as to prevent him from being disturbed.

  Simon had already left his chair on the side, and stood conversing animatedly with the boy's shadow. Undoubtedly, they engaged in gossiping about the latest news in the village. Griz sat down at the other end of the counter.

  "Kid, this is my last winter in the village. Come spring I am heading to Karst. Overseer Pi received news from headquarters, that I will replace the retiring Master in the town."

  The burly man puffed his chest out in pride. He continued in a loud voice.

  "My wife and kids will be meeting me in Karst. I will be setting up my foundation, my own foundation in Karst. Why don't you come with me, I can get you and the others a good job. I guarantee at least you won't have to do anything dangerous like before."

  Griz eyed the boy sitting on the counter. The loud conversation between Ming and Simon, as well as the small discussions between the assistants ceased. The sound of a pin could be heard dropping on the floor at this time.

  It was that quiet.

  The Master of the Trading Post was now moving up in the world. He would be in the position to dictate the one who would succeed him, and in a position to control future appointments in the surrounding villages.

  Even before he chose his successor, he was inviting this boy to accompany him?

  This was a dream for nearly every soul in the village. The opportunity to break free of this shackle and venture into the true outskirts of civilization. From a town it was very simple to visit, and experience the lifestyle of those in the cities.

  The assistants started to drool silently at the other end.

  'What rotten LUCK!'

  Eyes began glancing and measuring up, the boy on the counter.

  Ming shattered the silence.

  "Master Griz, you mean you have a wife? and kids? Damn Simon, you were trying to force me into a bet I was sure to lose! Do you know how many weeks I had to nag Chu, before he bought me this bead?!"

  'Cough, cough'

  Chu cleared his throat and gave Ming a murderous glare.

  Just remembering the torture of Ming begging and harassing him, for a piece of carved and polished wood nearly made him burst into a fit of anger. In his eyes, that thing was useless. He calmed himself down by taking some deep breaths.

  "Congratulation Master Griz on that hard-earned appointment. I honestly believe you will do great in that town."

  Normally between the two, such a simple statement would be treated as a sarcastic remark. But today both the speaker and the listener, could feel the genuine honestly within those simple words.


  "Well what?"

  "Well, are you not going to take me up on my offer and tag along with me?"

  Chu drummed his fingers, and looked up at the hulking man.

  "Master Griz. I believe we both know the answer to that question. We both know, it would be very hard for us to keep our present arrangement in such a situation."

  Griz sighed as he looked at the boy. He knew deep down this was not someone looking to ride the coattails of a person. This brat would be never truly satisfied working under someone.

  "Very well you stinking brat. I presented an offer that others would kill to have, yet you refused my kind actions. I will keep my ears out to hear how you fare. Don't come running to me when I am all settled down or I will kick you out in the streets."

  Chu simply laughed when he heard Griz roaring statement. He was well aware of the hidden meanings conveyed. The new Master in Karst town would always keep a favor open for him in times of need.

  This provided a great opportunity for advancement. It created the first step in experiencing the culture and economic state of the Empire. Unfortunately, it was not the right time for Chu to venture out.

  This world could only be freely explored, by the strong and the rich. Only a person with power could move around unimpeded.

  The past month testified as to how only those with the bigger fist, and stronger backing could move about unhindered. A lone wolf might struggle to survive in some places, but a wolf pack will move brazenly and unhindered.

  This understanding, fueled his vist. For his one last trade with Griz, he was willing to stand a loss, so as to construct a solid foundation.

  He wanted to raise his very own wolf pack.

  "Hey Griz, I want to gamble with you on one last deal, before you leave. I need a map, a pair of pulleys, rope and a well bucket. I also need four quality iron swords and a hundred crossbow bolts.”

  Chu held his fingers as he listed the items. Cocking his head to one side he continued

  “If I fail in my quest consider these items lost. If I achieve success, I have a list of other demands. Oh, and I need two pickaxes and a pair of shovels."

  Griz glanced at Simon, and stared down at the kid.

  "What the hell are you planning to do? Are you going hunting, or digging a well?"

  Chu shot Griz a grin.

  "Lets just say if I find what I'm looking for, Karst will just be the beginning of your journey."

  Griz digested the quiet reply meant for him alone to hear.

  “Damn! This brat was going to look for that wolf demon carcass.”

  'Wait! Did he just scam me for supplies again?'


  Three days later.

  The heavy snowfall had started to die out during the last couple weeks. According to the seasoned folks, like Chu's father for instance, they expected one large snowstorm to end the winter season with a bang.

  Spring usually rolled in, about a week after that event. The lands will slowly transition from white, to brown and finally to lush green.

  These days had clear sunny skies above, freezing cold winds gently blowing, and thick snow on the ground that refused to melt. To the inexperienced Chu, the weather did not forecast any such storm.

  Early in the morning a Woodsman with a bad leg, and three boys left the village. They pulled a small sled that carried a worn axe and some other tools. The soldiers at the south gate simply ushered them out. The guards from the garrison vouched for their status as villagers.

  They had been accustomed with this group heading out everyday and returning with a small load of firewood.

  Only the smoldering remnants of the bonfire was testament to the night life outside the gate. Although less than half of the outsiders remained, they were enough to nearly double the population of this small village.

  During the day, the south gate area remained deserted, with only a few stragglers loafing around or some hired village who tended to the bonfires. Most of the adventurers had gone into the forest to capture wild animals, or hunting for the golden corpse.

  “I don’t think we have to worry much about encountering wild animals.”

  Ming puffed as he pulled a sled.

  “Rumor has it that someone found a claw belonging to the wolf demon, while digging near the north of the slums. Nearly everyone from the village is out there shovelling snow.”

  Clod said. They chatted as they slogged across the snow on the open plains.

  Chu felt his heart warm on sighting the familiar brown barn, as it towered over the white ocean. After what seemed like ages, he had re
turned home.

  Ming and the others had unhinged the large door, leaving it open to the weather. A place that offered shelter and three walls was still hard to find.

  Some of the wood was broken and chopped for a fire. In the center of the barn, the charred remains testified to the presence of past visitors. Idle hands had prowled around the kitchen, but the mouldy weeds around the hidden trapdoor remained untouched.

  “The bricks from the dismantled oven, have the same pattern as I let them. Nobody came to this corner.”

  Clod stated.

  “From the looks of things, it seemed they used it as a resting point during their searches. Luckily the Hound never ventured south, otherwise they might be burrowing all over our front lawn.”

  Chu said. With the search concentrated around the village, he hoped to make use of this lull. One never knew when the hunters would expand their range.

  "Ming help Clod setup the pulleys like I showed you. We can use it to help drag the body from the passageway. I want to hang it over the open cellar. If anyone strange appears, we can drop it into the cellar and shut the trapdoor.”

  Chu ordered. Soon Simon would arrive from the Trading Post, to retrieve this newly discovered body from them. He had spent the last few days mentioning to Griz, that his old man had found a trail.

  "Father help me keep watch. We still have a few hours before those guys arrive. Now is not the time to take any chances. Remember, we are just a group of villagers trying to harvest some firewood."

  Chu said. He had prepped this plan under the guise that their luck in the search, could compare to the others. Everyone expected the body to be found, so why not by him?

  “Today lady luck is going to smile on us.”

  He muttered.

  This plan had a certain amount of risk, considering the rewards it provided.

  First they had to raise this corpse up from the cellar, before the buyers arrive and prep it to look like it weathered the snow. Chu refused to attract unnecessary suspicion.

  Secondly, they had to accomplish it in secret before any roaming parties stumbled upon them in the act. Weaklings exposed with this treasure faced certain death.


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