Destiny's Sweet Cage

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Destiny's Sweet Cage Page 2

by K Harris

  Current day…

  The road trip to Lincoln was long and grueling. Where the ride was smooth, my mind was rocky. There was no way that I would have been able to make the drive alone. Well, not a smooth one anyway. Slightly, I felt bad that Dame couldn’t ride his bike like the rest of the club that came along to show love. Since Denton was so far away, none of the new overprotective men in my life wanted me to drive such a long-distance solo.

  Now here I am, pulling up to the bar that employed me when I was fired from the diner. Syd’s car sat on the side and a few other cars scattered the lot. Luckily, it hadn’t gotten busy just yet because she will no doubt cuss me out for my elusiveness. Missing in action is only tipping the iceberg, keeping the conversations short and lacking some important details is going to set her off.

  “Bitch, I should write your ass off.” Syd cursed as soon as I stepped foot into the bar.

  “I know Syd, I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not, if you were sorry you would have called more. Those little funky ass text messages mean jack shit.” She folded her arms across her chest.

  “Friend, it has only been a couple of weeks since we last spoke on the phone. Why are you acting out? Do you need some vitamin D or something?”

  “Uhm, why yes I do. Do you happen to know where I can find some?” She remarked and looked at the new faces that arrived with me. “From the muscled meat wagon that arrived when you did, I would certainly say you have.”

  “Still the same ole Syd, meat wagon?”

  “All this sausage you are carting around, you don’t feel the same way?” She looked at me as if I had grown two heads.

  “All of this meat, as you put it, is considered as family.”

  “Speak for yourself Dee,” a sexy timber rumbled jokingly.

  “Ethan, find you some business.” I brushed the tall creamy, seriously tatted member of Torrent’s crew away. Ethan was the biggest flirt a girl could ask for to boost her severely damaged self-esteem. He was also the only white boy in the group.

  “Shit, open your legs and I will gladly set up shop.”

  “Well damn, my kinda guy.” Syd barked in laughter. “Cage who?”

  “Don’t even,” I gave Syd the side-eye before fully facing off with Ethan. “Little boy, do you need a time out?”

  “Depends, can I back you into the corner? I’ll let you punish me any way you see fit. Waterboarding would be most efficient to make me behave.”

  “Waterboarding?” Syd questioned.

  “Sloppy kisses below the belt will certainly cause that geyser to break free. Drown me, baby,” he smirked at my blush.

  “YAAASSSS BITCH! Hell, I might pay to see that show.”

  “SYD?! Do not egg him on, it will never stop.”

  “That’s what she said,” he said to Syd and they both fell out laughing.

  “I like him!” She said and gave him a high five.

  “Nice to meet you, Syd. Dee speaks of you often.”

  “I wish I could say the same, Ethan is it?”

  “I’m hurt. Dee, you trying to keep me a secret. Are you ashamed of me?”

  “Ethan, get the hell away from me before I kick you in your balls.”

  “Damn, threatening our unborn kids. I’m only walking away because I need a drink.”

  “Whatever,” I rolled my eyes and sat at the bar.

  “Since you have failed to mention him or any of these other men around when we manage to talk, what’s going on? Why are you here with the Sons of Vengeance? What has happened in the four months since I last saw your face?”

  “Yo sis, I’m gonna head to the hotel. You good?” Damon interrupted before I could respond. “My bad for interrupting,” he gestured towards Syd.

  “Sis?” She was whipping her head back and forth better than Willow Smith in that video.

  “It’s a long story, we have lots to discuss. Syd meet my baby brother Damon, Dame this is my best friend Syd.”

  “Nice to meet you with your fine ass,” he remarked.

  “Boy stop, you are far too young to partake in these goods. Look me up in a few years.”

  “You know what they say, the young ones are packing stamina.”

  “Stamina or inexperience?”

  “I’m down to be your guinea pig for you to test that theory.”

  “Uh hell no you are not, get your ass on somewhere.” I broke up their little tit for tat. “Be safe lil boy. Shoot me a text when you get settled at the hotel.”

  “Always trying to be somebody mama,” he grumbled and kissed me on the cheek.

  “Whatever is going on being a long story sounds like an understatement,” Syd frowned.

  “Have a seat and I will get down to it.”

  For the next half hour, I broke down to Syd about Torrent hunting me down to reveal that we were related and me returning to their town to prove it. From there I realized the sharp tongue biker was my baby brother, Damon. When I arrived in their territory, I then met my baby sister Denaysia. Upon arrival, the ramifications of what I was kept from hit me head-on. Because William was truly spiteful and downright hateful, I missed out on being a part of a real family unit.

  Not only did I gain a father, two brothers, and a sister – I gained two grandmothers, a grandfather, a host of aunts, uncles, and even cousins. They all wanted to be a part of my life in some way or the other. The genuine happiness to finally meet me and get to know me was overwhelming at first but I soon absorbed it all with thankfulness. This is the type of environment I always wanted and needed so desperately. With their love and attention, my heart began to mend.

  “So, let me get this straight,” Syd started and pondered over what all I just revealed. “You left here on a quest to find yourself and found an entire family.”

  “I guess you could say they found me but yeah.”

  “That is some Lifetime, Tyler Perry movie shit.” She said and it caused me to laugh because it truly did.

  “When Torrent confronted me in that Wal Mart parking lot, I was thinking that he had to be pranking me. But when I thought back, every lie had been told over the years came to mind. Nothing was farfetched anymore. Anything could happen and anybody could be related.”

  “So, baby boy that just left is your baby brother? Damn, that means he is off-limits,” she sighed.

  “Get serious Syd,” I laughed.

  “Fine, this explains why you just threw me away. You have a new supportive family now.”

  “Don’t even go there, you are my family too. Girl, I love you like a sister.”

  “Shows how much you love me; I’m just now hearing all of this.”

  “I wanted to tell you face to face and I knew I was going to come back for Maze’s memorial.”

  “I’m kinda kidding but I am glad to see you smile for a change. Before you left, the light in you had dimmed significantly.”

  “There was so much going on that I couldn’t see past the pain.”

  “You seem to be a lot better even considering the anniversary of Maze’s death.”

  “I am doing a lot better, not completely recovered. Hell, I may never fully be one hundred percent better. Mainly because I don’t think I ever have been.”

  “I can see that.”

  “Hey, I’m trying here.”

  “I can see that as well.”

  “You forgive me for being such a terrible sister-friend.”

  “I guess if you can forgive me for being a useless one.”

  “What are you talking about Syd? You have had my back since we connected months ago.”

  “Yeah, but when I saw you getting in deep with Cage, I didn’t caution you on being let down.”

  “Look, I knew what I was possibly getting into by dealing with Cage. He never promised me a damn thing. That didn’t stop my stupid vulnerable heart from latching on to him all the same, but the blame belongs to no one. Hell, I don’t even blame him, to be honest. What man turns down pussy being thrust at him? I don’t know any.”
/>   “Wolf,” she readily said. “But you do have a point.”

  “You still been throwing the cooch at poor Wolf?”

  “Not really, I flirt a little when he is around, but he doesn’t come around too much anymore. You know he was made into a full member right before you left, since then he has been extremely busy.” She shrugged her shoulders as if she were indifferent, but I knew otherwise. “Well, aren’t we too sad ass women, pining over some dick that doesn’t return the sentiment.”

  “I’m not going there with you. The way you were propositioning Wolf, he probably thought that you were just playing around.”

  “Maybe but it’s whatever.”

  “No, it’s really not, you may be missing out on the love of your life.”

  “If it is meant to be then it will be, right?”

  “True that the same goes for me. I will get over Cage when the time is right.”

  “Maybe,” she remarked with a smirk.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that I don’t think that the story of Cage and Destiny is over. It may have made a speedy run through and a fucked-up exit but there is more to that story.”

  “Oh God, I hope not. I don’t think I could take anymore.”

  “I never said that it would be a bad story. It may be bumpy and difficult to maneuver but not all bad.”

  “Whatever you say Sydney,” was all that I could say because of the new arrivals. My heart stopped dead mid beat for the fear of who all would be walking into the bar next. Will this be the moment that I am forced to lay eyes on the one person I dreaded seeing the most? Was I ready to see him? I could practically hear Kevin Hart in my ear screaming, ‘she wasn’t ready!’

  Chapter 2


  “Is that who I think it is?” Big Black practically scowled. “Nah can’t be because I know she didn’t just jump into town without at least saying hello.” He continued to have a one-sided conversation with himself.

  “I just got here not too long ago.” I pouted because, from the look on his face, he was really hurt. My chest hurt from the quick snapback that my breathing did when I realized HE wasn’t with the new arrivals.

  “Destiny, if you don’t get off your ass and give me a hug girl, you better.” He barked.

  “Hey Black,” I sincerely stated and accepted the big hug that he gave me. His hug felt like home. If I were being real, just being back in Lincoln felt a little too familiar period. The sense of longing grew stronger the closer we got to the town itself.

  “Little girl, I have been worried about you since you up and left. If it weren’t for Syd here keeping us updated on you being alive, I would have surely come hunting for you.”

  “I’m good, really. How have you been?”

  “Same ole same, you know the business. When are you coming home?”

  “Actually, I have made a home in South Carolina for the most part.”

  “South Carolina, what the fuck is down there?”

  “I found my real father and along with him came an entire family,” I said. “Well actually, they found me in North Carolina. But it had to be divine intervention for me to have gone in that direction, to begin with, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Well I’ll be damned, that would be an intervention. Who is this so-called family that we must compete with? Do we need to do a background check on them?”

  “A background check is not needed since you already know them.” I laughed at the puzzlement on his face. “The Torrent’s are my family, Black. DT is my biological father, which makes the president known as Torrent, my brother.”

  “Well I’ll be damned, me and DT go way back. I never would have put those pieces together. Putting that puzzle into perspective, how do you feel now?”

  “It’s been an adjustment. A family that actually gives a shit about me after dealing with a sack of assholes, it’s refreshing, to say the least.”

  “Hold up a minute, we care about you too Dez. Last I checked, we are family too just not by blood.”

  “Tell her Black, she sure is quick to throw us away isn’t she?” Syd added her own dig.

  “You both know what I mean. I realize that I have people that really care about me here but… Wait forget I said anything, that doesn’t matter.”

  “It does matter, and I feel where you are coming from. Just don’t forget about us in the equation when calculating all the people who care about you.”

  “I will never forget or overlook that fact again, I promise.”

  “Good, you are here to celebrate with us for ‘Maze Day,’ right?”

  “Yes, that is why I came back.”

  “But you aren’t staying?”

  “No, I have school.”

  “Good for you, Dez.”

  “Thanks, Black.”

  “I will let you ladies get back to your bonding, I got some ass to kick in pool.” He joked and started to walk away. “Oh, and Dez, somebody else cares about you too. It just takes us hardheaded bikers a minute to catch up, trying to remain hard and all.”

  “Don’t hurt nobody Black,” I chose to ignore his last statement. Cage may care about me being that I was once the ‘Knights’ responsibility but the way I want him to care is not going to happen. He tipped his head in acknowledgment of my sidestep on that topic and I was ever so grateful. If it weren’t for the memorial for Maze, I wouldn’t have even returned so soon if at all.

  “So, do you plan to change your last name to Torrent? Do you get a spot in the MC?”

  “I really hadn’t considered changing my name. As far as the MC is concerned, I highly doubt that just because I am the long-lost daughter of DT, I get a position. That wouldn’t be such a bad idea but nah.”

  “We could always start our own little MC; you know for the ladies that ride.”

  “Shit, I barely know how to ride. Ethan and Dame have been given me lessons as of late.”

  “I know how to ride but I don’t trust myself to teach anyone how to ride. There are quite a few ladies around here that knows how to ride though, we could do this. The last time I went to bike week, there were several all-girl biker clubs.”

  “I don’t know the first thing about being a part of an MC let alone starting one.”

  “Hell, we are surrounded by bikers, I’m sure we can get those questions answered easy enough.”

  “But where would we reside? Wouldn’t we have to set up in a designated territory?”

  “Shit, that would pose a problem with you being a million miles away. It was just a thought.”

  “Let’s table it for now. What else has been going on?”

  “Well, business is business as usual. As long as I have beer and liquor, the people will come.”


  “You already know my vision. Renovating this place to become a nice sports bar would be the bomb. There is so much potential in this space. It would attract more than just the regulars.”

  “When I hit the lottery, I gotcha.”

  “First you have to play.” We laughed at that because I was the cheapest gambler there was, meaning I had a legitimate argument why I shouldn’t spend a dollar.

  “Those dollars add up and the odds don’t sound appealing.”

  “You are so damn cheap. Anyway, my savings is steadily building. Before long I can approach Cage about purchasing the bar outright from the club. The person they acquired it from bowed out long ago, I’m just the day to day manager. Though the pay is nice and I’m sure I could talk him into doing the necessary upgrades, I want it outright. You know to have something in my name.”

  “I hear you, that would be wonderful. Your ideas sound amazing.”

  “Since they pay me well and my spending is under control, maybe another year or so, I can move forward. It pays to know the owner personally.” Syd said with a small laugh. “This doesn’t make you feel awkward does it. If so, I won’t mention his name or the club again.”

  “Nah, I can’t live my life like that. How is…th
e club? I see Black and he looks good but that doesn’t say much else.”

  “Everyone has been busy with the new business venture, but they are good. Business on a positive note, can’t knock that one bit.”

  “A new business venture, since you said positive, I can only assume it isn’t illegal.”

  “No, nothing illegal, thank God. Consider them as a rescue team or bounty hunters searching for missing people. They are partnering with Torrent’s crew, I thought you would have known about that.”

  “Nah, I don’t involve myself with their club’s business. I knew they were working on some heavy things, but I didn’t know to what extent and I certainly didn’t know who they were partnering with.”

  “Does Torrent know about you and Cage?”

  “I think he has suspected enough but I haven’t confirmed anything, and he hasn’t asked. It’s like one of the “no speak about” topics if not asked.”

  “I can respect that. Well, they are legitimate on that front and it seems to be a good move on their part.”

  “Oh wow, that is interesting.” I could resist no longer, I needed to know that he was all right. After everything that has happened and the words that were spoken, I still cared about his well-being. “And how is…he?” Syd regarded me for a few moments before speaking as if she were looking for any signs of panic.

  “Cage is distant, to be honest. I rarely see him for he has taken it upon himself to do the hard jobs or as Wood calls them, missions.”

  “What? Wait, are they dangerous missions?”

  “Are you sure this is something you want to talk about?”

  “Please Syd, just tell me.”

  “Uhm, well some of them are a little sketchy from what I have gathered, you know with the sworn secrecy thing. But he always comes back in one piece. For the most part anyway,” she added as an afterthought.

  “What does that mean? He hasn’t been hurt again has he?”

  “No, calm down. For someone who threw the whole town away, you sure are worried about Mr. Prez.”

  “Just because he didn’t want me past what is between my legs doesn’t mean that I didn’t care a lot about him. Everything that happened between us was on me, I often threw myself at him and he did what most men would do. I won’t knock him for realizing that our interaction had run its course.”


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