Destiny's Sweet Cage

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Destiny's Sweet Cage Page 6

by K Harris

  “She good?”

  “Good as good can get,” I sullenly replied.

  “What about you?”

  “This is harder than I thought it would be.”

  “Right,” he nodded.

  “What happened to her?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “You’re right. Please tell me you made those sick bastards suffer,” I snarled.

  “Most definitely.”

  “Good! What is wrong with people? Why would they do such horrid things to a child? To anyone for that matter.”

  “Some folks are filled to the brim with evil, we just made sure they met their maker sooner rather than later.”


  “How are you holding up? You know considering,” he hinted at my past with the issue.

  “I did my best in keeping it together while caring for her but with each cringe, outcry, or hiss – I wanted to breakdown. Though the situations were completely different, I can only imagine, it still feels relatable. Does that make sense without sounding selfish bringing my own issues into play?”

  “That’s not selfish at all and that was the main reason I asked. Both of you were raped by some pussy ass bitches that got what they deserved in the end. To be honest, if time permitted, I should have done more.” Cage sincerely stated. “No one could blame you for showing emotion. We have thrust you down memory lane.”

  “It has been a year and a lot has happened in that time. Still that reminder stings, you know.”

  “I get it.”

  “I’m sorry for keeping you up, you must be exhausted.”

  “A little but it’s a part of the job description.”

  “Sleepless nights, bullshit. How can you help someone else if your body shuts down? Sleep deprivation is not healthy for anyone, even the big bad Cage.”

  “Big bad Cage, huh?”

  “Yes, even he needs proper rest.”

  “Rest consists of more than just sleep. A hot shower and a bite to eat helped a great deal.”

  “I knew I smelled food.”

  “Yeah, Dame grabbed us some Waffle House. You didn’t eat?”

  “No, I didn’t even look around, just walked in and sat down. No matter, I don’t really have an appetite.”

  “Silence.” He didn’t respond, he just stared at me.

  “What? Something wrong?” I subconsciously brushed a hand over my ponytail and down my face. Maybe I looked as bad as I felt.

  “Nothing,” he shook his head.

  “There must be something, what is it?”

  “You should probably get some rest. We have a long trek ahead of us tomorrow.”

  “I don’t know if that is going to happen.”

  “Shit!” We both jumped into action hearing the terrifying screams from the next room. Thankfully we had the last two rooms on the row and there were no neighbors on the other side of her room. The petrified sound would have made them call the police for sure. Once she realized that it was us in the room with her and not her tormentors, she broke down into soul-shattering sobs. It took every bit of will power to hold back my own sobs. Stopping the steady trail of tears was another thing as I rocked her back and forth. Soon enough she was back to sleep and I was left with the aftereffects of that one. Quickly I recalled the night terrors that I faced right after that incident with Dagger.

  “Come here Dez,” Cage soothingly stated when I crossed the threshold into the room we shared. I didn’t hesitate to take up residence in the comfort of his arms. He offered and there was no way that I was going to turn down the olive branch. As quietly as I could manage, I wept for the bruised and battered girl in the next room. She didn’t deserve this shit or the lasting scars that were sure to come along for the ride.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologized for losing it.

  “You have no reason to be sorry. Get it out, I’m not going anywhere.” If only he knew what those words did to my fragile state, but I had to remind myself that he was only here for now. When this was over, he would go back to being the Cage that originally cast me away.

  “I think you have dealt with my weakness enough for a lifetime.” I failed at lightening the mood. Neither of us laughed.

  When I tried to pull away, he only held me tighter. How could one embrace resemble everything that I have been missing in life? How can one person make you feel at home? How can you love someone that you barely know? All of these thoughts circled my mind until nothing else mattered, no one else counted other than us at that moment. While he held me and rubbed my back, the drift off to no man’s land never felt so good. It never felt so right. This was a dangerous place to be, but bravery was overrated in the arms of the man that you love, at least that’s how I felt. Tomorrow may be another story.

  Chapter 7


  Waking up nestled snuggly against Cage’s warm body felt amazing but it was short-lived. Not only did we have business to handle, but the scene also wasn’t real. It was his way of comforting a friend or associate through a tough time. No feelings had to be involved to offer support through such a horrific walk down memory lane. It would be wise of me to remember that a “Cage and I” type of union was not going to happen. No matter how possible some of our people made it seem, he couldn’t care for me the way they imagined. If so, he never would have thrown me away.

  Still, with that thought in mind, I wanted to bask in the moment. Just being here with him, this cuddling embrace felt amazing. From him holding me and letting me cry into his solid chest, to lifting me in his arms and laying with me – it felt like a dream. The reason for our closeness was not ideal but beggars can’t be choosey. The signature scent that was simply him infiltrated my nose tickling my other senses. A soft sigh unconsciously flowed from me and I prayed that he was asleep.

  “Feeling better,” he lowly spoke. So much for him being asleep. From the rasp of his voice, he hadn’t too long ago woken up though. Suddenly feeling loss for words, I only nodded my head as an answer. “A nod isn’t an answer, Dez.” Cage rasped. With a firm touch, he gripped my chin and turned my head upward. The intense look in his eyes probed my uncertain ones as if he were looking for something, anything to tell him how I was feeling.

  For what felt like an eternity, we embarked in one helleva staring match. Neither of us outwardly said a word but I knew the eyes to my soul would tell an interesting tale if we didn’t part ways. As for his eyes, I was at a loss because I couldn’t decipher what they were saying. This gentle giant was a complex murder mystery that killed my resolve each and every time. Deep down, I feared that if he called, I would no doubt answer with glee. Damn addiction, why did I have to become addicted to Cage?

  His thumb caressed my bottom lip that suddenly felt dry. Subconsciously, my tongue darted out to lick them as my eyes drifted closed. The tip of my tongue nipped his thumb and he became still. Feeling bold and suddenly brave, I opened my mouth closing it around his thumb. The grunt that came from him egged me on to take it a step further and suck his thumb as if it were something else. Needing to see the effect that I had on him, my eyes fluttered open, but I was not prepared for the intense look on his face. If he were a kisser, this would be the moment where I would get my hopes up.

  At that moment, I remembered that this was Cage. This was not a romantic thriller where the hard-nosed biker became a suave Casanova. The instance where he realized that he needed the woman in his arms more than he needed air to breathe. Fairy tales did not exist for everyone and this certainly was no romance novel or movie. The reality was too cruel for this to become more than what it was, convenience. There was a pain in my chest with each fleeting thought of any actual emotion other than staleness from Cage.

  “Silence.” Clearing my throat and the fog from my mind, I pulled out of our intimate embrace. Space was needed in order to snap out of that dumb ass interaction that would leave only one of us confused. If I kept pining over him, how the hell did I expect to move back to Lincoln and pretend to be unaffecte
d by his nearness?

  “What time are we pulling out?” I asked once I was standing.

  “I guess we should prepare to leave now that we have gotten some rest.” He stated rather blandly. Just as I thought, he was back to being himself.

  “Let me freshen up and I will get her situated.” He only nodded his reply and I was off to do my business. ‘What a way to start the day,’ I thought to myself. This was going to be an awkward road trip if I didn’t get a grip on this shit.


  Jalissa’s mobility was significantly better than the night before. Some food, water, and a bath obviously did her body some good. She was still wobbly but that was to be expected. Cage didn’t want to take any chances causing any further damage getting her to the van, so he carried her again. He discreetly stated his concerns over any internal damage that could have happened during her abduction with me. Though it was risky transporting her across so many state lines in her condition, getting her to her family was the most important part of the mission. From there they would need to seek medical care.

  When he really broke down the reasons for not seeking medical attention as soon as they found her, I understood where he was coming from. If a group of bikers walked into an emergency room with a battered young girl, there would be a shit-ton of questions. Added to the fact that she would likely balk at the idea of anyone touching her to see what the damage was would cause an even bigger scene. A member of Torrent’s club that had some medical training while in the military took a small peek and determined that nothing life-threatening appeared on the surface. But it would be in her best interest that a thorough evaluation is conducted.

  After grabbing a quick bite to eat from Sonic we were on the road with Cage behind the wheel. Though I offered to drive, he insisted that I was just there to put the girl at ease. The silence was killing me even though the radio was on. For two hours, we have ridden in silence and there were at least three more to go before we reached our destination. There was a vast difference in our demeanors from when we went to sleep and woke up to now.

  “You know, since we have known each other, I realized that I know nothing about you.” I suddenly stated.


  “I mean I know who you are today, somewhat. But I don’t know you.”

  “Silence.” The sarcastic chuckle that left him made me giggle as well. That did sound stupid when you think about it.

  “I know, considering what we…I mean considering how long we have been acquainted.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “What is your whole name?”

  “Marcus Lee Cage,” he finally answered after a pregnant pause.

  “No shit, I really didn’t expect you to answer that one. Men are so sensitive about their government names.” The giddiness just flowed out of me from finding out something new about him. “What made you start fighting?” I asked after a few moments of thought.

  “Fighting?” He asked with a raised brow.

  “Yeah, professionally.”

  “How the hell did you know that I used to fight?” He grimaced.

  “Syd told me.”

  “Of course, she did,” he sighed. “I don’t really know honestly. I was always good with my hands, you know. There was never a fight that was started that I couldn’t finish. When I was approached by a promoter, I didn’t question it.”

  “What did your parents have to say about it?”

  “My father was tired of me always getting into shit when I was younger, so he approved. Plus, it was good money. He was actually the one who taught me how to dominate my opponent.” Cage fondly stated. “I think he was just proud that I used what he gave me for my benefit and not just for bullshit.”

  “What about your mom?”

  “She hated it.” He chuckled. “But she supported me, so she grew to tolerate it.”

  “Why did you stop?”

  “There was no reason to keep going. Just like all good things, they come to an end because of other's neglect. Soon the sport became tainted and all about the money.”

  “How so?”

  “Some promoters decided that it was best to start fighting dirty, rigging fights. Mind you it was already dirty because it was underground, imagine what lengths they went to in order to win.”

  “Have you ever lost a fight?”

  “I came close once. The dude was hyped up on some next level shit.” It was clear that just the memory made his blood boil. “That son of a bitch was giving me the full business and then I got a good look in his eyes, they were vacant. No one was home, he was all beast. It became evident that he was out for blood.”

  “Wow. How did you come out of that?”

  “His only objective was to murder me, so what do you think I did?” The deadly way in which he asked told it all.

  “Kill or be killed,” I answered.

  “Silence.” The grip on the wheel tightened and I knew it was time to change the subject. “Something like that.”

  “I hate to jump subjects like this but there is something that I need to discuss with you.”

  “What is it?” He quickly glanced in my direction letting me know that I had his attention.

  “I don’t know if you have heard but something happened with the judgment against me claiming my so-called inheritance. Maybe a judge dismissed the case to give the diner to the assholes or something. Either way, it’s mine. All the burnt square footage belongs to me.”

  “I did hear something.”

  “In order to do anything profitable with the place, I have to renovate it.”

  “I can see where that would be a problem. Are you up for the challenge?”

  “Do I really have a choice?”

  “You have plenty, which one you choose will tell all.”

  “I have decided to claim it and renovate it. The city ordinance wasn’t accepting anything else actually. They were prepared to start fining me for abandoning the property.” I confessed and nodded in understanding. “Along with fixing that property, I toyed with the idea of purchasing the land next to it.”


  “Yes, I always wanted to be a baker. I would often envision my…William, giving me the diner and I planned to sell my baked goods along with the everyday menu. Right now, I have the opportunity and the means to make those dreams come true.”

  “Why not sell and open your dream bakery near your newfound family?” He asked and I would be lying if I said that didn’t hurt to hear.

  “I take it by your tone that you don’t agree with my conclusion.”

  “It’s not for me to agree or disagree, this has nothing to do with me.”

  “Actually, it has everything to do with you. You do run Lincoln, right? Nothing comes and goes without your say so, right?”

  “I’m not a tyrant or a dictator, Dez.”


  “We, as the club, run quite a few businesses in town but we are not the town. Have we gained a few more businesses than some others here or there? Yes. More than what we started off with? Of course,” he shrugged. “Furthermore, remind me to speak with Syd about her loose lips.”

  “Don’t blame Syd. Besides, shouldn’t that be something that people should know?”

  “Who says that people don’t know? Maybe you are the only one who didn’t know, have you thought about that? For the ones who were oblivious, why did you or they need to know?”

  “Silence.” He had me there, so I didn’t bother to continue to debate.

  “Look, I’m not trying to be a complete ass to you. I’m just stating the facts.” Cage said less tense. “We acquired the businesses around town because people needed money but didn’t have the collateral or credit to get a loan from the bank. Most of them were behind on taxes and bank liens.”

  “So, you all loaned them money to pay their bills and took over their businesses.”

  “There you go with the assumptions again.”


initial goal was never to take over businesses of the town but what would you have us do? Let folks borrow money with sketchy intentions of paying it back. Just as if the bank would have defaulted on the loans, they take over the property and then they auction them off to the highest bidder. In that case, the owner loses. Either we agree to a reasonable percentage to equate the time it will take to pay it back if we were a bank, or they take the full lump sum that their business is worth.” Cage stated with ease. “Even if they don’t take the deal if the business came up for auction and we deemed it profitable, we will buy it straight from the bank. That route, although crucial is beneficial for us and a shitty position for the previous owner. While they were hellbent on keeping us out, they missed an opportunity to retain part ownership of their business.”

  “Where people go wrong, they assume if someone is offering to help, they should do it with no strings attached. That isn’t the way of the world. If they had the money to pay back a loan, then they never would have defaulted in the first place. What sense would it make to build a bank of sorts to just give the money away with nothing in return but a promise to pay?”

  “I guess I see where you are coming from.”

  “To be honest, I always knew your dad didn’t like us but I suspected it was because he didn’t like our terms.”

  “Your terms for what?” I ignored the part where he referenced William as my dad. It was going to take some time to get used to some changes.

  “You do know that the diner was damn near shut down about two years ago right?”

  “No,” I quietly answered.

  “Maybe we should just drop it. You have the diner now and that’s all that matters.”

  “Not really, no.”

  “Then what?”

  “With how things left off when we last spoke, it was common sense that I needed to address you before making any solid plans to move back.”


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