The Making of a Saint

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The Making of a Saint Page 3

by W. Somerset Maugham


  When we arrived at the Palazzo Orsi, many of the guests had alreadycome. Matteo was immediately surrounded by his friends; and a score ofladies beckoned to him from different parts of the room, so that he wastorn away from me, leaving me rather disconsolate alone in the crowd.Presently I was attracted to a group of men talking to a woman whom Icould not see; Matteo had joined them, and they were laughing atsomething he had said. I had turned away to look at other people when Iheard Matteo calling me.

  'Filippo,' he said, coming towards me, 'come and be introduced to DonnaGiulia; she has asked me to present you.'

  He took me by the arm, and I saw that the lady and her admirers werelooking at me.

  'She's no better than she should be,' he whispered in my ear; 'but she'sthe loveliest woman in Forli!'

  'Allow me to add another to your circle of adorers, Donna Giulia,' saidMatteo, as we both bowed--'Messer Filippo Brandolini, like myself, asoldier of distinction.'

  I saw a graceful little woman, dressed in some Oriental brocade; asmall face, with quite tiny features, large brown eyes, which struck meat the first glance as very soft and caressing, a mass of dark,reddish-brown hair, and a fascinating smile.

  'We were asking Matteo where his wounds were,' she said, smiling on mevery graciously. 'He tells us they are all in the region of his heart.'

  'In that case,' I answered, 'he has come to a more deadly battlefieldthan any we saw during the war.'

  'What war?' asked a gentleman who was standing by. 'Nowadays we are inthe happy state of having ten different wars in as many parts of thecountry.'

  'I was serving under the Duke of Calabria, 'I replied.

  'In that case, your battles were bloodless.'

  'We came, we saw, and the enemy decamped,' said Matteo.

  'And now, taking advantage of the peace, you have come to trouble thehearts of Forli,' said Donna Giulia.

  'Who knows how useful your swords may not be here!' remarked a youngman.

  'Be quiet, Nicolo!' said another, and there was an awkward silence,during which Matteo and I looked at one another in surprise; and theneveryone burst out talking, so that you could not hear what was said.

  Matteo and I bowed ourselves away from Donna Giulia, and he took me toChecco, standing in a group of men.

  'You have recovered from your fatigue?' he asked kindly.

  'You have been travelling, Matteo?' said one of the company.

  'Yes, we rode sixty miles yesterday,' he replied.

  'Sixty miles on one horse; you must have good steeds and goodimaginations,' said a big, heavy-looking man--an ugly, sallow-facedperson, whom I hated at first sight.

  'It was only once in a way, and we wanted to get home.'

  'You could not have come faster if you had been running away from abattlefield,' said the man.

  I thought him needlessly disagreeable, but I did not speak. Matteo hadnot cultivated the golden quality.

  'You talk as one who has had experience,' he remarked, smiling in hismost amiable manner.

  I saw Checco frown at Matteo, while the bystanders looked oninterestedly.

  'I only said that,' added the man, shrugging his shoulders, 'because theDuke of Calabria is rather celebrated for his retreative tactics.'

  I entertained a very great respect for the Duke, who had always been akind and generous master to me.

  'Perhaps you do not know very much about tactics,' I remarked asoffensively as I could.

  He turned and looked at me, as if to say, 'Who the devil are you!' Helooked me up and down contemptuously, and I began to feel that I wasalmost losing my temper.

  'My good young man,' he said, 'I imagine that I was engaged in war whenyour battles were with your nursemaid.'

  'You have the advantage of me in courtesy as well as in years, sir,' Ireplied. 'But I might suggest that a man may fight all his life, andhave no more idea of war at the end than at the beginning.'

  'It depends on the intelligence,' remarked Matteo.

  'Exactly what I was thinking,' said I.

  'What the devil do you mean?' said the man, angrily.

  'I don't suppose he means anything at all, Ercole,' put in Checco, witha forced laugh.

  'He can answer for himself, I suppose,' said the man. A flush came overChecco's face, but he did not answer.

  'My good sir,' I said, 'you have to consider whether I choose toanswer.'


  I put my hand to my sword, but Checco caught hold of my arm. I recoveredmyself at once.

  'I beg your pardon, Messer Checco,' I said; then, turning to the man,'You are safe in insulting me here. You show your breeding! Really,Matteo, you did not tell me that you had such a charmingfellow-countryman.'

  'You are too hard on us, Filippo,' answered my friend, 'for such amonstrosity as that Forli is not responsible.'

  'I am no Forlivese, thank God! Neither the Count nor I.' He looked roundscornfully. 'We offer up thanks to the Almighty every time the factoccurs to us. I am a citizen of Castello.'

  Matteo was going to burst out, but I anticipated him. 'I, too, am acitizen of Castello; and allow me to inform you that I consider you avery insolent fellow, and I apologise to these gentlemen that acountryman of mine should forget the courtesy due to the city which issheltering him.'

  'You a Castelese! And, pray, who are you?'

  'My name is Filippo Brandolini.'

  'I know your house. Mine is Ercole Piacentini.'

  'I cannot return the compliment; I have never heard of yours.'

  The surrounders laughed.

  'My family is as good as yours, sir,' he said.

  'Really, I have no acquaintance with the middle-classes of Castello; butI have no doubt it is respectable.'

  I noticed that the listeners seemed very contented, and I judged thatMesser Ercole Piacentini was not greatly loved in Forli; but Checco waslooking on anxiously.

  'You insolent young boy!' said the man, furiously. 'How dare you talk tome like that. I will kick you!'

  I put my hand to my sword to draw it, for I was furious too; I pulled atthe hilt, but I felt a hand catch hold of mine and prevent me. Istruggled; then I heard Checco in my ear.

  'Don't be a fool,' he said. 'Be quiet!'

  'Let me be!' I cried.

  'Don't be a fool! You'll ruin us.' He held my sword, so that I could notdraw it.

  Ercole saw what was going on; his lips broke into a sarcastic smile.

  'You are being taught the useful lesson of discretion, young man. Youare not the only one who has learnt it.' He looked round at thebystanders....

  At that moment a servant came to Checco and announced,--

  'The Count!'

  The group broke up, and Checco advanced to the further end of the hall,with Ercole Piacentini and several other gentlemen. Matteo and Ilingered where we were. There was a rustle, and the Count and Countessappeared attended by their suite.

  First of all my eyes were attracted to Caterina; she was wonderfullybeautiful. A tall, well-made woman, holding herself proudly, her headpoised on the neck like a statue.

  'One would think she was a king's daughter!' said Matteo, looking at herwith astonishment.

  'It is almost Francesco's face,' I said.

  We both had an immense admiration for Francesco Sforza, the King ofCondottieri, who had raised himself from a soldier of fortune to theproudest duchy in the world. And Caterina, his natural daughter, had thesame clear, strong features, the strong piercing eyes, but instead ofthe Sforza's pock-marked skin, she had a complexion of rare delicacy andsoftness; and afterwards she proved that she had inherited her father'scourage as well as his appearance.... She was dressed in a gorgeous robeof silver cloth, glittering and shimmering as she walked, and her hairwas done in her favourite manner, intertwined with gold and silverthreads; but the wonderful chestnut outshone the brilliant metals,seeming to lend them beauty rather than to borrow it. I heard her speak,and her voice was low and full like a man's.

  Matteo and I stood
looking at her for a minute; then we both broke out'_Per Bacco_, she is beautiful!'

  I began thinking of the fairy stories I had heard of Caterina at Rome,where she had enchanted everyone by her loveliness; and Sixtus hadsquandered the riches of the Church to satisfy her whims and fancies:banquets, balls, pageants and gorgeous ceremonies; the ancient city hadrun red with wine and mad with delight of her beauty.

  Suddenly Matteo said to me, 'Look at Girolamo!'

  I lifted my eyes, and saw him standing quite close to me--a tall man,muscular and strong, with big heavy face, and prominent jaw bones, thenose long and hooked, small keen eyes, very mobile. His skin wasunpleasant, red and coarse; like his wife, he was dressed with greatmagnificence.

  'One sees the sailor grandfather in him,' I said, remembering thatSixtus's father, the founder of the family, was a common sailor atRovese.

  He was talking to Checco, who was apparently speaking to him of us, forhe turned and stepped forward to Matteo.

  'The prodigal has returned,' he said. 'We will not fail to kill thefatted calf. But this time you must stay with us, Matteo; we can giveyou service as well as the Duke of Calabria.'

  Matteo smiled grimly; and the Count turned to me.

  'Checco has told me of you also, sir; but I fear there is no chance ofkeeping you, you are but a bird of passage--still, I hope you will letus make you welcome at the Palace.'

  All the time he was speaking his eyes kept moving rapidly up and down,all round me, and I felt he was taking in my whole person.... Afterthese few words he smiled, a harsh, mechanical smile, meant to begracious, and with a courteous bow moved on. I turned to Matteo and sawhim looking after the Count very sourly.

  'What is it,' I asked.

  'He is devilish condescending,' he answered. 'When last I was here itwas hail fellow, well met, but, good God! he's put on airs since then!'

  'Your cousin said something to the same effect,' I remarked.

  'Yes, I understand what he meant now.'

  We strolled round the room, looking at the people and talking.

  'Look,' I said, 'there's a handsome woman!' pointing to a voluptuousbeauty, a massive creature, full-brested and high-coloured.

  'Your eye is drawn to a handsome woman like steel to a magnet, Filippo,'answered Matteo, laughing.

  'Introduce me,' I said, 'if she is not ferocious.'

  'By no means; and she has probably already fixed her eyes upon you. Butshe is wife to Ercole Piacentini.'

  'I don't care. I mean to kill the man afterwards; but that is no reasonwhy I should not make myself pleasant to his spouse.'

  'You will do her a service in both ways,' he replied; and, going up toher, 'Claudia,' he said, 'your fatal eyes have transfixed anotherheart.'

  Her sensual lips broke into a smile.

  'Have they that power?' She fixed them on me, and made room on the couchon which she was sitting. Neither Matteo nor I were slow to take thehint, for I took my place and he his leave. 'I wonder you have notalready fallen victim to Madonna Giulia,' said Claudia, lookinglanguorously at me, and glancing over to the other lady.

  'One does not worship the moon when the sun is shining,' I repliedpolitely.

  'Giulia is more like the sun, for she gathers all men in her embrace. Iam more modest.'

  I understood that the rival beauties were not good friends.

  'You boast that you are cruel,' I replied. She did not answer, butsighed deeply, smiling, and fixed on me her great, liquid eyes.

  'Oh, there is my husband.' I looked up and saw the great Ercole glaringviciously at me. I laughed within myself.

  'He must be very jealous of so beautiful a wife?' I asked.

  'He torments me to death.'

  Under these circumstances I thought I would pursue my advantage; Ipressed closer to her.

  'I can understand it: the first moment I saw you, I felt my head whirl.'

  She gave me a very long glance from beneath her eyelashes. I seized herhand.

  'Those eyes!' I said, looking into them fervently.

  'Ah!' she sighed again.

  'Madam,' said a pageboy, coming up to her, 'Messer Piacentini begs thatyou will come to him.'

  She gave a little cry of annoyance.

  'My husband!' Then, rising from her seat, she turned to me, holding outher hand; I immediately offered my arm, and we solemnly crossed theroom to Ercole Piacentini. Here she bowed very graciously to me, and Ismiled on the happy husband with the utmost sweetness, while he lookedvery grim and took not the faintest notice of me; then I marched off,feeling particularly pleased with myself.

  The Count and Countess were on the point of taking their departure: theywere followed by Ercole and his wife; the remaining guests soon went,and in a little while there were left only Matteo and myself, two othermen and Checco.


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