Hybrid (The Evolution Trilogy)

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Hybrid (The Evolution Trilogy) Page 9

by Vanessa Wester

  A knock on the door, a few minutes later, startled her. She took a tissue out of her pocket, wiped her eyes and blew her nose, then took a few breaths and headed for the door. Even though she wanted to ignore everyone, hibernation had gone on for long enough.

  When she opened the door she did a double take. It was Steven. His eyes smouldered. Her stomach did a flip. All she wanted to do was to launch herself into his arms and forget.

  ‘Caitlin, welcome back. I hope I’m not disturbing you. I just came to see if you needed help settling in?’ he said, in his polite and refined way.

  Caitlin reflected on the fact he always sounded so proper. To make matters worse, it looked like not a hair on his head was out of place. He was the image of perfection. Everything she was not. ‘Steven, why are you here?’

  ‘Well, strictly speaking, I was here first. You moved in.’

  ‘Oh, I didn’t realise. Are you staying here too?’ She tried to sound normal, even though she was sure her voice was high-pitched and squeaky.

  ‘My room is in the hall below this one,’ he explained, ‘I’m not stalking you, I promise. I just happened to look out the window when you walked past half an hour ago.’ He twiddled with the cord on his hooded top. He held eye contact as he continued, ‘I thought you might want some company.’

  Even though she had thought about him a lot whilst she was away and she had stared at his text for a lot longer than she should have done before deleting it, she never dreamed he would remember her. She simply assumed he would have moved on to someone else. Jolted back to reality, she found herself saying, ‘Do you want to come in?’

  ‘That would be nice, but,’ he paused, as though surveying the mess inside the room. ‘Maybe you want to come out to the bar for a drink or something. It’s Sunday night after all, and I think they’ve got karaoke. It might cheer you up.’

  ‘Karaoke?’ Now she was worried.

  ‘It’s always entertaining,’ he smiled.

  His smile sent her stomach off on more acrobatics.

  Caitlin was having a silent discussion with herself. Half of her was screaming at the fact he was asking her out. The other side was saying he’s just being friendly. Either way, she wanted to go with him. Her mood lifted and she replied, ‘That’d be great.’ Self-consciously, she added, ‘I don’t know if I’d be good company at the moment.’

  ‘I promise not to talk about it. I’m not the gossiping type,’ he said, leaning in conspiratorially.

  She felt herself blush as she attempted to suppress a smile.


  The hall bar was packed. A girl was killing a Madonna song slowly and painfully with a high pitched shriek. Steven turned to Caitlin and raised his eyebrows. ‘Maybe this was not such a good idea after all.’

  ‘It’s just what I need at the moment,’ she replied, and gave her best attempt at a reassuring smile.

  ‘What would you like to drink?’

  ‘I’ll have a J2O, if that’s alright, apple and mango if they’ve got it. Do you want some money?’ she asked, her hand already reaching for her bag.

  ‘You can get the next one.’

  She watched him head off to the bar and stared at the stage. From the side, she heard her name being called out so she turned in the direction. Sally rushed towards her and gave her a huge hug. In an intoxicated slur, she said, ‘I’ve missed you. You alright?’

  Obviously, she’d had a few drinks. Nonetheless, the gesture was appreciated. Caitlin avoided the question, and asked one of her own, ‘Where’s Adam?’

  ‘In the loo, I think,’ Sally giggled. ‘It’s so good to see you again. We have to catch up. Are you alone?’

  As Caitlin was about to answer, Steven handed over her drink.

  Sally looked from Caitlin to Steven and winked, then laughed, ‘I guess I’ll see you later. You’re busy.’

  ‘You don’t have to go,’ Caitlin started to say, as Sally skipped off chuckling.

  ‘Is she tipsy?’ Steven shook his head, unsurprised.

  ‘You think?’ Caitlin raised her eyebrows. To her relief, the song ended and a new track began. It was no better than the last as a rowdy group got to the stage and started singing along to Queen.

  Steven’s next question took her by surprise, ‘Are you planning to sing?’

  ‘Are you?’ The suggestion was nothing short of life-threatening.

  ‘Fair enough,’ he guffawed, ‘you never know, you might like singing.’

  Hesitant, she admitted, ‘I love singing, actually, but I’m not sure this is the right time or place to show everyone what I’ve got.’

  ‘Really?’ he grinned. He lowered his voice and whispered in her ear, ‘Do you think this is below you? You can be honest, I won’t tell anyone.’

  The smell of his aftershave overpowered her. She leant in and took a deep breath. It was an earthy smell, enveloped with cinnamon and exotic spices. Even though overcome, she forced a reply, ‘No, I think I’m just too shy.’

  ‘Hmmm,’ he mused, as he moved back. ‘I never took you for the shy type.’

  ‘There’s a lot about me you don’t know.’

  ‘So, will you let me find out?’ he asked, his expression serious.

  ‘Maybe.’ She lowered her eyes to her drink and took a sip.

  After a short intense moment, she looked up and saw he was still staring at her. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

  ‘It’s really nice to see you again,’ he added, with a grin that sent her emotions off on a rollercoaster ride.

  She broke eye contact and turned to face the stage to see Sally attempting to sing an Enrique Iglesias song. Her endeavour to master some erotic dance moves was not going so well. Instead, she looked like a puppet being thrust around by a child.

  ‘Oh no, look at Sally!’ Caitlin exclaimed, ‘I hope Adam’s going to help her home. She looks out of it.’

  Steven laughed aloud, stopped staring at her, and turned his attention to the extravagant display of exhibitionism. ‘She certainly doesn’t have a problem putting herself out there. I’m not surprised she wants to be a lawyer.’

  ‘Yes, I’d be scared to come across her in court,’ she giggled. ‘It’s my turn. Do you want another drink?’

  ‘Yeah, that’d be great.’

  ‘What would you like?’

  ‘Just a beer, any will do.’

  ‘Okay then.’ She grabbed her handbag and made her way towards the crowded bar.

  Students ordered or chatted casually amongst themselves. Huge proportions of the girls were dressed up for a night out and had gone to a certain degree of effort. The majority of guys were in casual jeans and t-shirts. Caitlin was not spruced up at all. She felt like a Plain Jane next to the other girls.

  Even so, she was sure Steven’s eyes were burning a hole in her back. She glanced back and saw him staring at her, before he gave a lazy smile. She smiled quickly and continued. She had to admit she was unnerved. No one she had considered dateable had ever looked at her in that way before.

  She had no idea what he actually thought of her, but she had to admit that she liked talking to him. At the back of her mind, she was convinced he only saw her as a friend. It was stupid to think whether he liked her or not. She didn’t even want a boyfriend – did she? Even so, if he did see her in that way, could she refuse him? She knew the answer straightaway. Probably not.

  ‘Can I have a pint of bitter and a J2O please?’ Caitlin raised her voice for the bartender. She hoped Steven liked bitter – it was what her dad always had.

  ‘What type of J2O would you like?’ he shouted, now leaning across the counter.

  ‘Apple and mango,’ she shouted back.

  As he went to get it, Adam appeared next to her. He grinned and pressed his shoulder against hers, ‘Is Steven into J2O’s, then?’

  ‘No, that’s for me.’

  ‘No alcohol,’ he sighed. ‘You know it helps loosen you up a bit, so you can have more fun.’

  The way he said that made her shu
dder. She stared ahead, as she urged the pump to pour the beer faster. ‘I don’t need loosening up,’ she snapped. It was at least an attempt to get him to leave her alone.

  ‘Don’t you? But you look so uptight,’ he leered, and then ran a finger along her shoulder.

  ‘Don’t touch me,’ she warned, ‘I’m here with Steven.’

  ‘But, you’re not together, are you? I know a way to make you relax.’ Adam gave her a lecherous glare.

  ‘You are so full of yourself,’ she grimaced in disgust. ‘Does Sally know that you hit on other girls?’

  Blankly, he shrugged his shoulders, ‘Why does what Sally think matter?’

  ‘I give up, I hope she ditches you soon,’ she turned to leave.

  As she got the drinks, he placed his hand on her arm and stopped her. ‘Will you go out with me then?’

  ‘No, piss off,’ she spat, outraged. Was there no limit to his arrogance?

  ‘I like a girl with vigour and I’ve never dated a redhead.’ He folded his arms in triumph.

  ‘Ugh.’ Mystified by his unbelievable manner, she stomped back to where Steven was standing.

  ‘Are you alright?’ Steven gave a wary glance in Adam’s direction.

  ‘Fine,’ she stated.

  ‘What’s he done? I know he can cross the line sometimes.’

  ‘Nothing much, but I have no idea what Sally sees in him. It’s not even worth talking about, just forget it.’

  ‘If you’re sure,’ he sounded unconvinced.

  She refused to say more and frowned as she saw Sally finish her song and race towards Adam. As if giving a theatrical display of affection, he lifted her up to kiss her passionately before smirking in Caitlin’s direction. If Sally had heard him a few minutes earlier, she might not have proved to be so receptive to his affections.

  ‘I think I’d like to head back now. You stay; I don’t want you to miss out.’

  ‘I’ll walk you back. I insist.’

  She blinked, confused at his chivalry and politeness after Adam’s onslaught, and said, ‘If you’re sure.’ She could not understand how someone as nice as Steven could be friends with an idiot like Adam.

  Chapter 13

  Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

  The cool night air made her shiver. The temperature had dropped significantly.

  ‘Are you cold?’

  It was sweet that he sounded concerned. The goose pimples on her bare arm gave her away. ‘It’s chilly tonight.’

  ‘Here, have my jacket.’ He removed it and held it ready for her to slip into, before she had a chance to refuse.

  Caitlin shrugged, embarrassed by the fact he was being so nice. ‘It’s okay. It’s only a few minutes away.’

  He held it ready, ‘I insist.’

  So as not to appear ungrateful she slipped her arms through the sleeves and resisted the urge to dig her nose into it. The jacket had a tinge of musty cinnamon and spice, his smell. Their arms brushed as they walked side by side. Once in the building, they got to the juncture where they would go their separate ways.

  ‘You can have your jacket back now,’ she said, as she eased out of it. ‘It was very nice of you.’

  ‘My pleasure,’ he said, as he put it back on. ‘Maybe, we could go out again sometime.’

  Something about his manner gave her the impression he was nervous. She had no idea why he would be.

  He mumbled a reply, eyes to the floor, ‘If you don’t want to go out with me, then that’s okay, you don’t have to.’

  Her reply was abrupt. ‘I’d like to go out with you again.’ He looked up and she stared into his eyes of lovely amber.

  ‘You would?’ He staggered back in disbelief.

  ‘Shocking as it seems, yes, I would like to go out with you,’ she repeated.

  With a slight bow, he added, ‘I am honoured to be worthy of you.’

  She bit her lower lip, and then replied, ‘Don’t make it sound so formal.’

  ‘It is serious. I really want to go out with you again.’

  Unable to find words to counter with, she changed tack. ‘Thanks for coming to get me. It was nice and you’ve cheered me up.’

  ‘Nice. Well, I can work on nice.’ He ran his hands through his hair. She sensed he did this when he was nervous.

  ‘Okay,’ she laughed. ‘It was more than nice.’

  ‘Now that sounds a lot better.’

  She could not believe he was taking a step towards her. Their faces were inches apart. She remained frozen on the spot, as the gap between them narrowed. She could practically hear him breathe. Her eyes started to close as she eased towards him and they kissed. It was gentle, careful – just lips.

  He pulled back and apologised, ‘Sorry, I…’

  Caitlin took the plunge, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him with more force. Not just lips anymore. When they finally took a breath, he held her against him and leant his head on hers. She could hear his heart. It was beating rapidly, out of control. And she could feel him. He was attracted to her. It was unbelievable.

  His next words astounded her further. ‘I have wanted to do that since I met you.’

  Caitlin pulled away and blurted out, ‘So, what on earth stopped you?’

  ‘I didn’t think you were interested. I still don’t know if you are to be honest,’ he joked.

  ‘You make it sound like I’m an enigma.’ She was puzzled. ‘Truthfully, am I that hard to read? Isn’t it obvious…?’

  ‘No, it isn’t. You’re extremely hard to read. Every single time I attempted to flirt with you, I seemed to fall flat on my face. Well, until now that is. I’m pretty sure you returned that kiss.’ Steven held her hand.

  She teased him playfully, ‘Well, how was I supposed to know why you wanted to hang out with me? I just thought you were being friendly.’

  ‘Do you have many other friendly guys that want to just hang around with you?’

  ‘No, I guess not,’ she laughed.

  ‘It’s great to hear you laugh. I promised not to say anything, but I’ve been worried about you. I thought you’d never come back.’

  ‘I’m glad you came to see me.’

  Steven nodded and moved his face closer to hers. ‘I’ve wanted to get to know you from the first moment I set eyes on you. It was my cunning plan to accidentally bump into you.’

  ‘You did it on purpose?’ She pulled back, in feigned outrage.

  ‘Just kidding. Fate brought us together,’ he added, and tapped his nose.

  She relaxed her shoulders, and added, ‘If we’re being honest, I knew I liked you from the moment I saw you too.’

  ‘Well that’s promising then, isn’t it?’


  Their hands entwined and she made herself comfortable, as her head leant against his chest. His heartbeat resonated in her ear.

  A minute later she pulled back, ‘I should go.’

  ‘Do you have to?’

  ‘Yes, I do. But, I’m not going far.’

  ‘Well, that’s alright then. Now, I’d just like to check if you really did want to kiss me just then.

  His kiss was tender, but short – a parting kiss that brushed his lips lightly against hers.

  She resisted the urge to grab him and kiss him harder. Instead, she waved goodbye and made her way into her room in a dream-like state.


  Caitlin woke up the next morning with a huge grin spread across her face. A vivid dream, which featured Steven, had woken her. She put her finger to her lips and leant into her hand, a satisfied smile pasted on her face. There was no way the previous day had been a dream. In her en suite bathroom, she turned on the shower and brushed her teeth. Once under the hot water, she calmed down and enjoyed the warmth.

  Wrapped in a towel, she perused her wardrobe. As she was about to grab her favourite pair of black jeans her phone bleeped; a text message. She rushed across and grabbed the phone to read it.

  As she suspected, it was from Steven. It read, ‘Good Morn
ing, fancy having breakfast together? I’ll be there in twenty minutes. If you’re not awake yet, sorry if I woke you up! S xx.’

  Eagerly she wrote back, ‘I’ve been awake for ages and have even showered. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria. C xxx.’

  Almost instantly, he replied, ‘Good to know, S xxxxxx.’

  She laughed aloud, and texted back, ‘Too many kisses… xxx is enough.’

  He replied with, ‘I can send as many as I like, S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.’

  She raised her eyes to the sky, as she created another text, ‘That’s far too many, now let me get dressed. C xxx.’

  She could not resist a quick peek at his reply, ‘Anything you say, S xxx.’

  The text had left her with a huge dilemma. What on earth was she going to wear? The next ten minutes proved turbulent. Clothes were put on, disregarded, put back on and disregarded again.

  Finally, the right outfit was assembled.

  Caitlin selected her black fitted jeans, black t–shirt and purple zip up, hooded top. She looked in the small mirror above the sink and gave an audible sigh. She grimaced at her hair. Even though her effort in selecting an outfit would be wasted by the fact she’d have to wear a coat, there was nothing she could do to hide her hair. In the minutes that followed she tied it up, then pulled out the hair band and made it loose again, until she settled on a French plait.

  The finishing touch involved the application of some subtle makeup; she had never been one to overdo it, but she hoped he’d appreciate it. After thirty minutes, she was ready to go. On the short walk to the cafeteria, her stomach tensed. The anticipation of seeing him again proved too much. She nearly turned back and bailed out. She didn’t.

  The cafeteria bustled with bleary-eyed students suffering from the effects of an overindulgent weekend. Monday morning thrust them back to the reality of having to attend lectures and take part in academic work. Some students failed to realise they actually attended university to further their education, not their social life. Caitlin looked around discreetly and spotted Steven sitting at a long table with a few friends. A vacant spot next to him made her smile. He had reserved a seat.

  As soon as he saw her, he got up and made his way over. ‘Finally, I thought you’d drowned in the shower. Then I remembered what a good swimmer you are.’


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