The Essence of You

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The Essence of You Page 17

by Owenby, J. A.

  Marilyn’s sad smile said otherwise, but I needed to hold on to what I could, even if it might not be accurate.

  “I miss my drums,” I said, leaning over and staring at Benji. “I need something to pound on. I wonder if Matthew could arrange for me to get in before the bar opens and blow off some steam.”

  Marilyn’s eyes widened. “That sounds wonderful! In fact, let me call and see if they can let us have a private party for a few hours. Let’s invite Avery and Justin. Benji, who else? This would be a fantastic way to have some fun while we wait for the results.” Marilyn hopped out of her chair, grinning. Entertainment should have been her middle name, but I needed my drums, so I would let her plan anything she wanted to.

  “Mom, I can give you a list of names to call, but let’s keep it to twenty or so people. This is my first time in public since the attack, and I think I need to keep it small. Nothing big. Just let Tensley perform and everyone drink. Reality will sink back in soon enough.” Benji eyed me, worry clouding his expression.

  Marilyn clapped her hands together. “Perfect. Benji, while they’re downtown, you and I can plan it. I’ll call Matthew. I think Craig, the owner of Barney’s, is out of town.”

  Layne cleared his throat. “Mrs. Parker, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, and if Ten needs her drums, I’ll do whatever I can to help. But there’s a serial killer that might be stalking her. Why are we planning a night of fun in the middle of so much danger and chaos?” Layne’s arm protectively tightened around me.

  Marilyn’s expression softened while she studied Layne. “Because laughter and love heal everything, and tomorrow is never promised.” Her eyes flitted to Benji. Her face was a combination of grief and joy.

  “Love you, Mom,” Benji said.

  “Love you too, baby.” With that, she hurried from the living room to make her calls.

  * * *

  The late-afternoon November air had a chilling bite. The wind whipped my hair into my face as I hurried into the building along with Franklin and Michael. I’d hoped Layne would be able to attend the DNA test with me, but Franklin preferred we go alone in case we needed to discuss any confidential information. Michael was basically acting as my guardian even though I was twenty-one, so legally, it wasn’t necessary. He was, however, housing Layne and me along with paying the security team, so I had no intention of kicking up a fuss that Layne couldn’t tag along.

  Franklin escorted us through an empty hallway and toward the back of the building, where we stopped in front of suite 122.

  “Are you ready?” Michael asked, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

  “No. But if this gives us some answers and peace of mind, it’s worth it.” I glanced at Franklin, who smiled kindly.

  “We’ll be with you every step of the way, and the collection of the DNA is painless. It’s literally seconds of swabbing the inside of your cheek. It will take longer to process.” Franklin opened the door for me.

  “Thank you,” I said, my Southern drawl slightly noticeable. “My accent shows up when I’m stressed or mad.”

  “It’s understandable,” Michael said. “Try not to worry too much.”

  Pursing my lips, I entered the sterile waiting room. Everything was white—white walls and white tile floor. The only décor that offered any contrast were the six black chairs. Franklin pulled his phone from his pocket and tapped the screen.

  “We’re here.” He hit the End Call button, and before I had a chance to sit down, a middle-aged man in a white lab coat rounded the corner.

  He extended his hand, and Franklin shook it vigorously. “Franklin, it’s always good to see you.”

  “Albert, thank you for slipping us into your busy schedule. This is Tensley.”

  Albert turned toward me and grabbed my hand, shaking it with the same energy. “Franklin explained this is a rush situation, so I’ll put it at the top of my list.” His smile was reassuring.

  Franklin gestured to Mr. Parker. “And this is Michael.”

  Michael extended his hand. “Thank you for helping us on the weekend.”

  After all the introductions, we followed Albert into another room that looked exactly like a doctor’s office. He explained the cheek-swab test, and I took a seat, my attention bouncing between the three men.

  “Open, please.” Albert swirled the tip of the long cotton swab along the inside of my cheek then popped it into a tube and capped it. “All done. The hard part is the wait, but I promise the moment I have the results, I’ll call Franklin.” Albert patted me on the back.

  “Thank you.” My voice cracked with nerves.

  Minutes later, we exited the building and hopped into Michael’s SUV while Franklin waved and slid into the driver’s seat of his Porsche 911.

  The radio came on as Michael started the car, and he quickly flipped it off. “How are you holding up?” He pulled out of the parking lot and merged into the downtown traffic.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m not sure this changes anything, really. Jack Flannery was on my property … period. Unfortunately, that makes me a suspect in his illegal activities.” I glanced out the passenger window, detecting a black Mercedes a few cars behind us. “I almost forgot the bodyguards were with us.”

  Michael glanced in the rearview mirror, nodding his confirmation. “They’re good and discrete.”

  “I guess it makes me feel a little safer that they’re around. Maybe Jack will stay away from us if he spots them.” I inwardly cringed that I’d just used Jack’s first name as though he were an old friend. “I’m ready for tonight,” I said, changing the subject.

  “I think it’s a great idea, not only for you to play, but to get Benji out of the house. Everyone needs to relax and blow off some steam.” Michael flipped on his turn signal then pulled onto Division.

  “Will you and Marilyn stick around at Barney’s tonight?” Neither of them had seen me play before, and it would mean a lot to me if they hung out for a while.

  “We will. Security will be outside of the building, but since it’s Benji’s first night out, we want to be there in case he needs to go home. If we do need to leave, I know Layne will be with you, but if you’re both drinking, then call an Uber.”

  “I don’t know if Layne will be drinking or not, but I am definitely downing some shots.” I leaned back in the leather comfort of the passenger’s seat and released a long sigh. “I miss Avery, so it will be great to see her. I guess her family has friends in town, and she’s bringing their son, Ramsey, with her and Justin tonight. It sounds as though he’s moving to Spokane from Montana or something like that.”

  “Good. Another friend to add to the inner circle.” Michael kept his focus trained on the road while he spoke.

  “We’ll see. We’re pretty tight.” Thoughts of the test broke through my excitement of seeing everyone that night, and I quickly returned to our conversation.

  “It’s better to have a few people you can trust with your life than a lot of people you can’t,” Michael added.

  “You don’t have to tell me that. I learned the hard way in foster homes.”

  “Well, you have the support and a home now.” Michael glanced at me. “No matter what the results are, Tensley, you have a family right here.”

  “Thank you,” I said, swallowing the lump of emotions down that had lodged itself in my throat. “You guys have been the only real family I’ve ever had, and I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.” Tears pricked my eyes, and I blinked rapidly, forcing them back.

  Michael reached over and patted my hand as we pulled into the driveway. “Let’s have a good rest of the day, shall we?” He graced me with an infectious smile and parked the car in the four-car garage.

  * * *

  I needed Layne. The moment we walked into the house, reality hit me, and we didn’t even have the test results yet.

  I bounded up the stairs and down the hall.

  “In here!” Benji yelled from the family room.

  Backing up, I poked
my head around the door. A seventy-two-inch TV hung on the back wall, and the soft brown leather sectional called my name. I’d always loved that room. On holidays, Benji and I would fill up on food and alcohol, then cuddle up on the couch and talk until the early hours of the morning. It was a nice break from the thin walls in our house.

  “Hey, you guys are shooting pool?” The moment I saw the massive smile on Benji’s face, I knew Layne was good for him. Benji had been cooped up in the house, shutting everyone out since he’d started the long road to recovery.

  Layne bent over the table, allowing me a magnificent view of his tight ass and muscular legs. My head tilted, a smile easing over my face as Benji’s eyes caught mine. He winked at me as Layne cracked the balls, sending the orange striped one into the corner pocket.

  Benji shook his head. “He’s kicking my ass.”

  I laughed and strolled over to my boyfriend. “Nice shot. You know pool is just foreplay, right?”

  Layne gave me a lopsided grin while a light pink dusted his cheeks. Benji’s laugh filled the room.

  “Sorry,” I mouthed with my back to Benji.

  Layne slid his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. “How did it go?” he asked before placing a sweet kiss on my mouth.

  “It was boring.” I patted my hand against his chest and backed away. “Don’t let me stop the game.” I plopped down on the couch and propped my feet up on the armrest. “The test was done in under twenty seconds.”

  “Really?” Benji asked, moving his wheelchair into place for the next shot. I hadn’t noticed it before, but apparently Benji had a booster seat. It brought his body up so he could actually reach over the table.

  “Yeah. All we have to do is wait.” I rubbed my forehead with the palm of my hand. “I’m glad your mom thought about Barney’s tonight. I need to play some drums and get ripped. It’s been a while.”

  Regret twisted Benji’s face briefly, then a sad smile eased across his face. “It was the same weekend our lives changed forever. The last time we got ripped was at Barney’s, actually. The next night was the comedy club.”

  Silence filled the room as we all stared at each other. No words were necessary. All three of us had been there that night. There was a distinct possibility that two of us wouldn’t be in this room alive if it hadn’t been for Layne, and we all knew it.

  “Tonight will be about moving forward.” Benji rubbed the unshed tears from his eyes. “You’ll have your results, it’s my first night out, and we’re surrounded by family and friends. That’s my focus.” He inhaled, then that beautiful smile lit him up from the inside out. “We’ve got our entire lives ahead of us, and I’m looking forward to sharing the adventure with both of you.”

  Layne took his turn, tapping a ball lightly and sending it into the far-right pocket.

  Benji shook his head. “Remind me to get him drunk before I play him again.”

  I couldn’t suppress my giggle, then gave Layne a meaningful look. “It was the first night I saw you.”

  “Oh, I remember that very well,” Benji chimed in, his mouth forming a big O. “You had my girl rattled to her very core. I’d never seen her so fucked up. Avery and I were ready to send you packing.” Benji’s chest puffed up with his words, his protectiveness not lessening just because he was in a wheelchair.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you, Ten.” Layne pinned me with those smoky-blue eyes, and I nearly melted in my seat. “And I’m glad I saw you. I actually had no idea you were even out here, but we’ve talked about all of that already.”

  “And here we are.” I hung my head upside down over the side of the couch, my long blond hair grazing the carpeted floor. “Never in a million years did I think we’d all be here together right now, discussing DNA results.”

  The cherrywood grandfather clock struck five, sending me jumping off the couch. “Shit. I forgot about that damned thing.”

  The guys laughed as they put their pool sticks away.

  “Thanks for playing, man.” Benji wheeled over to Layne and shook his hand. All the years of competitive sports they had played must have kept them in the habit of shaking hands.

  “I should take a shower and find some clothes to wear for tonight.”

  “Oh, Mom told me to let you know that your clothes and toiletries were packed and brought over for you.”

  “Really? Who grabbed them from the house?”

  Benji shrugged. “Maybe one of the bodyguards or something. I have no clue who had their hands on your panties.” Benji snickered at his own joke.

  “As long as Layne is the one taking them off, I couldn’t care less.” I winked at Layne then left the room.

  “I think that was an invitation.” Benji’s voice trailed down the hallway, reaching my ears.

  Giggling, I hurried into my temporary bedroom and jumped on the bed. My nerves were wound up tighter than Santa’s belt on Christmas Eve. I chewed on my bottom lip, waiting to see if Layne was going to show up or not. A minute passed, but no boyfriend. I wrinkled my nose in disappointment, hopped up, and closed my door. At least I would have plenty of time to doll up for the night. I’d never cared before, but with Layne in my life, I wanted to look nice. Maybe I would even curl my hair. My mind wandered to his hands running through the soft strands and down my body, and my senses immediately heightened.

  I grabbed my iPhone and made a beeline for the shower. Some music would put me in the mood for the festivities. I scrolled through Spotify and landed on my newest angsty playlist. The tunes were all about the drumbeats. The music floated through the speaker, and I placed the phone on the vanity counter. Steam filled the bathroom as I stepped out of my clothes and into the spray of hot water. I closed my eyes and allowed it to consume me, melting the stress from my shoulders.

  “Can I join you?” The shower door opened, and Layne peered in, waiting for permission.

  “Yes,” I laughed, relieved. The whole wanting sex thing was new to me, and I sometimes struggled with the idea of being so vulnerable. I pulled him in and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said while he nipped at my earlobe and grabbed my ass cheeks.

  “I didn’t mean to embarrass you in front of Benji. I guess I’m used to not having a filter around him, and I didn’t stop to realize it might make you uncomfortable.”

  “You’re fine. I’m just getting to know him, and before you know it, we’ll all be joking openly.” His thumb traced my bottom lip, then he gently turned me around.

  I leaned up against the wall and parted my legs. He cupped my breasts and tweaked my nipples while he rubbed his hard cock against the curve of my butt. “We’ll have to wait until later tonight,” he groaned. “I accidentally left the new box of condoms in my car. I bought some while you were gone today.”

  I turned to face him, pouting. My finger trailed down his chest to his stomach. “Guess we’ll have to find something else to do instead.” I sank to my knees, my tongue licking the stream of water off his abs. I glanced up at him while I took the tip of his thick shaft in my mouth.

  “Ten,” he gasped, his fingers threading through my wet hair.

  I stroked him firmly while I gazed up at him. Water streamed down my face as I slipped him into my mouth, sucking him. His lips parted, and he cautiously moved his hips back and forth with me. I continued to stroke him as I gently sucked on his balls, eliciting a deep growl from him. He closed his fingers around my tit and kneaded my sensitive flesh. I picked up my speed, stroking him faster. My body reacted, and my pussy ached for him to fill me up. A whimper escaped me as he quickened his pace. My tongue swirled around the tip of his cock, and I dug my nails into his legs. I was so fucking turned on. All I had to do to was slip my hand between my thighs and I would come.

  “Babe, if you don’t want to swallow, then …”

  I pulled him out of my mouth and stood. “Thank you. Someday I will, but I need some time. For now, I want to watch you jack off on me.”

  “Jesus. That’s
fucking hot.” He wiped the water from his face, his attention never leaving me.

  I sank onto the bench seat and leaned against the wall. His eyes followed me while I spread my legs and slid my hand down to my throbbing center. “I need you inside me later tonight. Do you understand?” I asked, my tone demanding.

  “Fuck this.” Layne dropped to his knees and buried his face between my legs. He pulled my sensitive bud between his teeth and pumped his fingers in and out of my wet folds.

  My back arched off the wall, and my hips ground against him. “Baby,” I whimpered. “I’m going to come.”

  His tongue ran up my slit, then he stood and grabbed his long, hard cock, which I wanted in me so badly. His body visibly shuddered while he stroked himself, his eyes never leaving me while I touched myself.

  “This what you want?” I asked, my tongue darting out of my mouth.

  Layne’s free hand landed on the shower wall, and every muscle tensed. My entire being burned with desire as I watched him come. He was magnificent, strong, and sexy as hell. I’d never wanted to watch a guy get off before, but this was different. Layne loved me, and every moment of fun we had physically only brought us closer.

  “Did you come?” he panted, dropping his hand from his cock.

  “No. I guess I just wanted to watch you.” A satisfied smile eased across my face. “I’ll wait until tonight.” I stood slowly, my heart fluttering in my chest with anticipation.

  “I’ll make it up to you. I’m sorry I forgot the condoms.” He leaned his forehead against mine.

  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. “This was perfect.”

  His arm wrapped around my back, and he cradled me against him as he deepened our kiss. Suddenly, it wasn’t about the sex or the orgasms anymore—it was all about my heart. This man had walked into my life again after three years and was cracking through the wall I’d built around myself.

  His tongue caressed mine, and I moaned softly into his mouth.

  Finally, I broke our kiss. “I feel safe with you.” My voice was so soft, I wasn’t sure he’d heard me over the spray of the water. “When we’re together, I feel like there’s nothing we can’t do, Layne. I … I’ve never felt like this before.”


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