Victory in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 6)

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Victory in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 6) Page 8

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Well, that’s a good argument, Ambassador. I might give it some thought. But I’m still leaning towards squashing them.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Roth. All of you, give it some thought. Cruiser One is due to arrive in five days. Let’s reassemble in four days and come to a conclusion.”

  “In four days, Ambassador.”

  “Thank you, Governor.”

  “Feldmarshal, would you have your pilots and squads assemble at Griffin

  Tomorrow morning? I need to make a pitch.”

  “Oh-nine hundred, Krag?”

  Krag looked at Keiko who nodded ‘yes’ in return. ”That will work.”

  Cencore, Mortek Shipyards

  This time, First Administrator didn’t sit relaxed and satisfied at his accomplishments. He sat nervously and worried. He had heard about the capabilities of those small soft-skin ships. He had heard about how they had routed the fleet in what was called Arium. First Administrator sat and hoped that these little ships would not attack him and his shipyards.

  First Communicator burst in, ruining his ruminations.

  “I am sorry to interrupt, My Leader. But, we have a communique from Ravage Maker.”

  “Well, what is it?”

  First Communicator worked his personal data unit. The message flashed over to First Administrator’s console. The Mortek Leader pressed a button.

  “First Commander, you are needed immediately.”

  The wait was short. First Commander clattered in on his four magnetized feet and hurriedly approached the desk.

  “Yes, My Leader?”

  “Ravage Maker has sent a message. We are to do everything we can to protect this fleet until crews have arrived.”

  “What more is there to do?”

  “According to War, we are to reposition all our ships into a defensive sphere, with the cruisers at the center. Destroyers are to be the second layer and the frigates are to be the outer layer.”

  “How will that strengthen our defenses?”

  “We are then to automate all of the weaponry on all of the ships. We will link them all to the sensor arrays. When an anomaly appears, all weapons will fire and keep firing until the anomaly retreats.”

  “That will require a great deal of power resources.”

  “Yes. I will begin an emergency construction of fusion generators. We will double, triple the power capabilities on all our ships, beginning with the cruisers. Reposition the fleet to the formation, now.”

  “It will be done, My Leader.”

  “I have also been instructed to send all battle-capable ships to the soft skin hub, what they call ‘Bridgelen’. Send the flotilla currently on patrol immediately.”

  “Yes, My Leader.”

  “Are all our troops and equipment delivered to this Olympia?”

  “Yes, My Leader.”

  “Send World Vanquisher with the flotilla.”

  After First Communicator and First Commander left, First Administrator returned to his worrying, adding this new trove of orders to his thoughts.

  Fairstar, Ballison

  The Ballisonian star warmed the grounds surrounding the Government Pyramid. The bright, midday light turned the giant, four-sided structure into a shimmering tetrahedron of bright, silvery light. To a Human, this light would be blinding. To an Elonian, the brightness was nothing more than a reminder of the Elonian sun shining off the ice-covered mountains of Elonia.

  “I miss your avatar, Igaklay.” Analyn’s ears and tail drooped in a physical show of melancholy.

  “Why is that, Mistress Analyn?”

  “I know that, interacting with your avatar is actually interacting with you. But, having a physical form, something that is a presence in my space is much more personal, more friendly.”

  “Does that mean that, when my avatar is not here, we are not friends?”

  “Of course not! We will always be friends. It is just that I miss you and Griffin.”

  “When Captain Marston and Ambassador Suzume finish their tasks, they will return.”

  “I know, Vidhee.”

  “Besides, you wouldn’t have time for them, anyway. Working with your parents, helping to get the Kaporine Clan settled in, is a fulltime effort.”

  “Speaking of which, I need to get up to the base village to continue working with Father, the Elders and Master Builder Embrani on the expansion of the crest settlement.”

  “If you search the western sky, you will see Fairstar arriving, Mistress Analyn.”

  “Thank you, Igaklay. Where are they landing?”

  “At the manufacturing plant.”

  “Could you bring me my transport? I would like to be there when she arrives.”

  A section of the wall to the pyramid irised and a modified, four-person transport floated out, lifted from Ballison’s gravity by its mass-negation generator. Controlled by Igaklay, it smoothly drifted around and positioned in front of Mistress Analyn, Vidhee and Sir Mahajani.

  v v v

  Just as Analyn’s floater pulled to a stop outside of the huge, Ballisonian factory, Fairstar came within visual range. Its sonic boom washed over the biological and synthetic Elonians, causing Analyn to flatten her ears, this time in protection. The three watched as the small freighter settled into its landing pad and dropped its cargo bay ramp. They continued to watch as Captain Adams and his wife, Marie, strolled down, hand-in-hand.

  “Welcome, Captain Adams, Dame Adams.”

  “Thank you, Princess Analyn.”

  “It is just ‘Mistress’ now, Captain.”

  “Are my munitions ready?”

  “Yes, they are, Captain Adams,” everyone heard from the factory speaker system.”

  “Hello, Preceptor Igaklay.”

  “Hello, Dame Adams.”

  “How long will it take to load the cargo?”

  “It will be done by sunset, Captain.”

  “Good. How are Pa and Momma?”

  “Very good. And settled in. I finished their home yesterday.”

  “Would you like to visit your parents while we wait for your ships to be loaded?”

  “That would be wonderful, Mistress.”

  “Then by all means, Dame Adams, let us surprise them.”

  Analyn led the two owners of Fairstar to her transport, helped them in and took her spot behind the unused control panel. Vidhee joined Analyn in the two front seats while Mahajani took up his position on the rear platform specifically added for his guard position. Igaklay remotely took over control and guided the ground flyer through the surrounding forest, across open meadows and finally to the large lake nestled in a valley. Stopping and landing on a small landing pad, Igaklay popped open the four doors.

  Mahajani released his hold and stepped off the skimmer’s rear platform, all the while scanning and sniffing the forest around his charge. Marie jumped out first, heading towards the front doors of the single-story home overlooking the lake. Addy followed second, with Analyn and Vidhee following behind.

  Pa Lucas and Momma Pam rushed out the double doors, hurrying to hug their daughter and greet their son-in-law. The four connected on the porch. Hugs and handshakes occurred. The four Humans turned to welcome the three Elonians, treating them as aunts and uncles would treat their nieces and nephews.

  “Come, come, Anyl. We have your favorite tea. Mint. Mahi, for you, we have decaffeinated coffee. I know the regular kind makes you kind of crazy. Vidhee, what would you like?”

  ”Mint tea will be just fine, Momma Pam.” Although she didn’t require food and drink, through her interactions with Buster and the rest of Den Griffin, Vidhee, the synthetic Elonian, had become more comfortable assuming the actions of the human biologicals.

  Momma Pam herded her guests into the sitting room. Pa Lucas bustled around, getting everyone’s drink. Bringing a plate of cookies, Momma Pam set them in front of her children and ordered, “Eat. They’re fresh out of the oven.”

  “You still cook?”

  “Of course, Addy. There’s nothing
like a good, home cooked meal. It’s not just food. It’s the pride you put into it.”

  “Maybe you should teach Marie.”

  “Don’t you even start, Addy. Or you’ll be sleeping on the couch.”

  That started the evening of family and friends re-bonding and trading stories of their time apart.

  Chapter 08


  Approximately thirty pilots, split between elderly and middle-aged, gathered on the war-torn training grounds. Milling around, drinking morning wake-up beverages or munching on breakfast rolls, the ex-Federacy men and women variously conversed, wandered or waited. Shar and her waitresses bustled around, ensuring that everyone had their morning libations, collected credits and smiled brightly at the larger tippers.

  Promptly at nine, Krag and Keiko exited Griffin and took up their positions at the front of the crowd. Commander Kelly approached and held out his hand.


  Taking the proffered hand, Krag responded, “Commander. How many aircraft do you have left?”

  “Forty-nine. They’re grounded out in the plains.”

  “With the maintenance crews?”

  “Yes, we are a fully functioning air base.”

  “I may need half of your ground crew.”

  “That will make us pretty lean, Hawk.”

  “We’re collecting hulls that are going to need a lot of work. I’ve seen Odin’s support crew. We need them back in space.”

  “If you’ve got hulls, then I agree, Commander. I’ll contact them immediately and begin separating them into two teams.”

  “That will be very helpful.”

  The three turned back to the group of retirees.

  Just as Krag prepared to speak, someone shouted, “What magic are you going to pull off this time, Captain?”

  That brought a laugh and loosened the mood.

  “Whoever said that, you’re not supposed to get the party started this early.”

  More laughter.

  “Well, since you kicked those bugs off Tolimar, we’ve been partying ever since.”

  “And burying our fallen.”

  That last statement from Commander Kelly quieted everyone down.

  “So, why did you get us has-beens and never-was’ together?”

  “And you are?”

  “Senior Pilot Overman, Commander.”

  “What did you fly?”

  “Transports, Sir.”

  “Anything large?”

  “As large as we have in the Federacy, Sir.”

  “You are just the man I want to see. You have been volunteered.”


  “You, and the rest.” Krag waved his arm across the crowd of men and women.” I need you all to get back to doing what you do best. Flying ships.”

  “How, Sir?”

  “Who asked that?”

  A thirty-something woman in work clothes raised her hand.

  “Combat Pilot Rizzman, Commander.”

  “It’s like this. Fleet Admiral Weiskoff formed a convey to save as much of Cencore as he could. That convoy made its way to Atlantius. There, he was forced to abandon fifty-one hulls. You are needed to fly those ships.”

  “If Deuce abandoned those hulls, they must be in pretty bad shape, Captain.”

  “They are.”

  “You are saying that you want us to fly these wrecks?”

  “Let me answer that question by introducing you to someone.”

  Krag mindspoke to Buster who communicated with Igaklay. The Ballisonian avatar immediately walked down Griffin’s cargo ramp and took his spot between Krag and Keiko.

  “You were lurking, Igaklay.”

  “Yes, Oh Captain. I knew that you would need me.”

  “I always do, Preceptor.”

  Krag turned back to the group.

  “Ladies, Gentlemen, you have probably heard of Preceptor Igaklay. Well, here he is.”

  Knowing that his diminutive alien had played a large role in driving the Mortek from Tolimar, Igaklay’s avatar received a loud round of applause.

  “Preceptor Igaklay of Ballison and Master Engineer Varrini of Elonia are responsible for the upgrades and additions to Griffin which allowed us to defeat the Mortek in Tolimar.”

  Krag paused for the boisterous applause to quiet down.

  “They are also responsible for your gravity harnesses and your killer bees.”

  Again, Krag waited for silence to return.

  “Together, Preceptor Igaklay and Master Varrini will repair and upgrade every hull we can get to Ballison. And we need pilots to fly them.”

  “I’m in, Commander.”

  “Thank you, Senior Pilot Overman. I have just the ship for you. Jewel of the Stars.”

  “A freighter?”

  “Bigger. A cruise liner.”

  “You want me to pilot a love boat.”

  “Nope. Captain a troop carrier and medical ship.”

  “Well, I always captained the freighters I flew. I’ll give it a shot. Sounds like fun.”

  “I’m in, too, Commander.”

  “Thank you, Pilot Rizzman.”

  “Some of us are too damn old, Commander.”

  Krag located the mid-sixties woman who spoke.


  “Service Pilot Bailey, Commander.”

  “You flew transports?”

  “Supply and Munitions runs.”

  “Space and air, then.”

  “That’s right, Commander. I was the one that replenished the ground troops.”

  “We could use someone like you, Pilot Bailey. As I said, this is strictly a volunteer mission. If you don’t feel that you are up to it, then I understand.”

  ‘Just ‘Mrs.’, Commander.”

  “Well, Mrs. Bailey, all the rest of you, as I said, this is a volunteer mission. The stick is that we are going to war. The Mortek are building another fleet in Cencore. We need to clean them out before that next fleet becomes mobile.”

  “That’s a pretty big stick, Commander.”

  “It gets worse. After we clean them out of Cencore, we need to clean them out of Bridgelen. Then Dorogon, then Sasania.”

  “That’s a damn big stick, Commander.”

  “True. Here’s the carrot. Those of you who make it through, you keep your ship. Yours to fly and maintained by Ballison.”

  “We own the ship?” Pilot Rizzman asked.

  “Commander, may I?”

  “Of Course, Ambassador.”

  “That is a sticky question. The jump drives, dark matter collectors and interstellar communicators are Ballisonian technology. Preceptor Igaklay owns the rights and the property. The gravity generators and chairs are owned by the Elonians. More specifically, Clan Kaporine. Clan Kaporine also owns the patients on the gravity rockets and the gravity weaponry.”

  “The we don’t own the ship.”

  “We’re working something out. Maybe, something like a life-time lease. Or, each ship is a separate corporation with Clan Kaporine and Preceptor Igaklay on the board.”

  “Why can’t we just buy the tech?”

  “Easily stated, human technology is incapable of manufacturing or maintaining it. Preceptor Igaklay will always be a powerful member of this relationship.”

  “That’s why we can’t own the ships. We can’t maintain them.”

  “That is correct.”

  “Even the cruise ship? With those jump engines that you’ve got in Griffin?”

  “Yes, Captain Overman. And gravity chairs. No more stinky pods. No more grav-mag. No more liners.”

  “Real gravity?”

  “Complements of the Elonians and Master Varrini.”

  “Hot Damn! I’ll have the best cruise liner in all the systems. I’ll have more credits than I know what to do with.”

  “You and your crew, Mr. Overman. Since you can’t run that ship by yourself, you are going to need a crew. How are you going to get them to join the fight? That’s why we are back to the corporatio
n concept. Everyone onboard has a vested interest.”

  “I didn’t think of that, Ambassador.”

  “Well, start thinking. Preceptor Igaklay, according to the specifications, how many people were needed to operate Jewel of the Stars?”

  “Seven hundred and fifty-nine, Ambassador Suzume.”

  “Of those, how many were hired for passenger support?”

  “Five hundred and fifty-seven.”

  “Then it took two hundred and two people to keep the ship running.”

  “That is correct, Ambassador.”

  “Mr. Overman, there you are. A corporation with two hundred people on the board, all holding stock.”

  “I don’t know how to do that, Ambassador. This just got a whole lot harder.”

  “Actually, it didn’t, Mr. Overman. All you need to do is listen.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Good. We have a very knowledgeable being with extensive legal and contractual expertise. I will get you two connected to plan for the future.”

  “Thank you, Ambassador.”

  “Have you got something small, Captain?”

  “Heimdallr just found a family recreational vehicle, Mrs. Bailey.”

  “You said you’d need shuttling. It’s been twenty years, but I’ll give it a go.”

  “Good for you. For the rest of you, as I said, this is a volunteer mission. If you wish to join, please give your name, rank and I.D. to Preceptor Igaklay. He will pass out communicators to you so that we can communicate from anywhere in the galaxy.”

  “More magic, Captain?”

  “Ballisonian magic, thanks to Preceptor Igaklay. Fairstar will be arriving tomorrow. She will transport you to Atlantius. Along with some of Odin’s ground crew. As we find hulls, you will sail to Ballison for your refit and upgrades. Same for your ships.”

  Again, everyone laughed.

  All thirty-three men and women stepped forward to protect Humanity and earn their ships.

  Aboard Heimdallr

  “Found another, Captain.”

  “Let’s tag it and take a break.”


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