Victory in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 6)

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Victory in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 6) Page 11

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Can’t argue there, Mack. Igaklay, do you have one of these pouch suits for Mack?”

  “Yes! I have suits for all of Den Griffin!”

  “Elonians, too?”

  “Of course! I protect the entire Clan!”

  “Calm down, Iggy. You’re doing great. I’ll play with mine when we get back to Griffin.”

  “Um, how do I get it off, Igaklay?”

  “Take off the jump pack. Then, push the first button.”

  Sue unbuckled the harness. Mack rushed to help her shed it and placed it on the floor. Then she pushed the right-most button. The nanites flowed back into their pouch. Sue ended up standing in her shiny mag-grav liner. Seeing this, she pressed the second button and the nanites flowed back out to form the Griffin jumpsuit.”

  “This is very comfy. How long can I wear this? Does it need recharging or anything?”

  “No, Mz. Sue. Since the pouch and nanites are powered by dark matter, there is a constant recharge. In the suit form, the energy consumption is less than the recharge rate.”

  “The suit or nanites, do they need cleaning?”

  “If you don’t clean yourself regularly, they might become odorous. Other than that, no. you don’t need to clean the suit.”

  “I like this, Igaklay. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, Mz. Sue.”

  “Igaklay, where do we stand with the jump drive?”

  “It is almost ready to go, Commander.”

  “Same as before? Captain Overman sets a heading, gives the engines a goose and press the button on the control tablet?”

  “Exactly! Both sets of coordinates are pre-programmed. One jump, this time a two-day layover and the second jump. Since we don’t have Jewel of the Stars coated with the collector coating, it takes longer to recharge. Then, you will be at Ballison. I can’t wait!”

  “You heard the Preceptor, Captain. Get your team squared away. Everyone lying down. You don’t need pods or grav bags. But they might be more comfortable.”

  “Copy that, Commander.”

  “Oh, have everyone bunk down in the main meeting hall. We’ll follow in Griffin. Guardsman Suraya and Corporal Faheem will check everyone out after the first jump.”

  “Will do.”

  Tribune Ambakai, please contact your team and Sergeant Boulos. I want us back on Griffin in thirty.”

  “At your command, My Commander.” Tribune went into his now-familiar freeze/unfreeze.

  “Everyone is moving to the exit port. They will be exfiltrating immediately.”

  “Thank you, Tribune. Buster, anything to add? You’ve been standing very quiet.”

  “No, Captain. Everything seems to be running smoothly.”

  “Well, my friend, let’s go home.”

  Cencore-Mortek Shipyards

  First Administrator returned to his feeling of power and control. With his four legs straddling his stool and a just-delivered meal sitting before him, the Mortek manager was back to enjoying his position and the results of his commands.

  First Commander had succeeded in forming the growing Sixth Fleet into its defensive sphere. All the computers on all the ships had been linked to the controlling cruiser. Thousands of surveillance drones had been dispersed around the star system, ready to report any anomalies.

  With a final review of his domain’s status, First Administrator began dissolving the soft skin meat and eating his meal.

  First Commander appeared at the hatch.

  “My Leader. We are ready for our first preparedness test.”

  “Come and sit. Share my meal while we enjoy our success.”

  “As you wish, My Leader.”

  First Commander clomped over to the indicated stool, sat and reached for one of the many bones resting on the plate.

  “Continue, First Commander.”

  “We have a soft skin shuttle which we discovered in one of the shipyards. For the last day, one of our workers has been flying it to the outer reaches of this Cencore system. Now that it has reached beyond our outer sensors, we will begin our test.”

  With a nod of approval from First Administrator, First Commander worked his control tablet and the large viewing screen came to life. Both Mortek leaders watched as a sensor came online and focused on the now-dormant human shuttle.

  The two watched as the shuttle powered up. Immediately, as shown on another window, the defensive sphere of ships became a highly dense web of energy rays and particle beams. Watching, First Administrator and First commander saw the powerful defense hold for an eight count, flick for less than a clack and return to their high levels of energy.

  “How long can we sustain this grid, First Commander?”

  “For hundreds of clicks, My Leader. The first to drain their energy stores will be the frigates. By then, we should be able to repel whatever attack these soft skin ships could organize.”

  “Well done, First Commander.”

  Just then, First Communicator arrived at the hatch and respectfully waited.


  “My Leader, a transport has arrived from Nest One.”


  “It is delivering all of the bridge crews for the Sixth Fleet, My Leader.”

  “Any news on full crews?”

  “A communique states that the first full contingent of worker and labor crew members will be arriving in approximately twelve Nest One rotations.”

  “More good news. By fifteen rotations, we will have almost all of Sixth Fleet operational.”

  “A true measurement of your leadership and foresight, First Administrator. With your leave, I should prepare the arrival of the bridge crews.”

  “You may go.”

  After First Commander and First Communicator left, First Administrator returned to his meal and an even greater contentment at his power and success.

  Aboard Gazelle - Arium

  Gazelle. Originally the escape ship of Lawrence Gregor, had become the small flagship of the last fighting fleet in all of humanity’s domain. Where before, it was designed to hold a dozen people for long periods of time in space, now, it held just three.

  Gunny Jesse Brown lay on the workout bench, pressing more weight than the other two combined could have. With one final, drawn-out grunt, she succeeded in one more lift before dropping the barbell back into its slot. Sitting up and pulling in a huge breath, she grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from her arms and face.

  “I never got a workout like this in the Federacy, Captain. This Elonian gravity is something else.”

  Pausing her work on the heavy bag, Captain Jean Forsythe, Hornet, grabbed a bottle of water and took a long swig.

  “Yeah. I’m with you there. It’s like we’re back on planet.”

  Amanda Adams, Gazelle’s pilot and youngest of the three, continued to run up the incline of the treadmill.

  Gazelle’s com speaker pinged. Jean grabbed her towel and hurried to the bridge. Still sweating, dressed in her workout shorts and halter, she tapped an icon.

  “Gazelle, Actual.”

  “Hey, Hornet.”

  “Hey, Jack. What’s Corrinar look like?”

  “Same as before. Looks like those Mortek are just waiting for something. No change.”

  “They’re probably waiting for that fleet over in Cencore. Or the partial one in Bridgelen.”

  “Maybe we should jump them while we have the chance.”

  “That’s Hawk’s call. I’ll ask him. Go ahead and stand down. With nothing going on, take a break.”

  “Will do. Would it be okay if we took a day over on Tolimar? Teresa wants to do some shopping. And Mason is getting stir crazy. Since he got his nanites, he’s been itching to go planet-side.”

  “Take two. Everything seems quiet, for now.”

  “Thanks, Hornet. Later.”

  “Mandy, Jesse, get cleaned up. I want to take a peek at Cencore. See what’s going on there.”

  “Copy that, Captain,” Jean heard back over the intercom.

  By no
w, Jean’s sweat had dried to a layer of salt. Rising from her gravity chair, she headed towards Gazelle’s executive cabin and prepared for the day. As she finished and left the cabin, she met up with Mandy. The two of them headed towards the bridge.

  Finding Jesse at her sensor/weapons station, Jean took her command chair and looked over at Mandy, as the young pilot took her own seat of responsibility. Setting the coordinates for the jump to Cencore. Jean passed her results to Mandy’s console.

  “Let’s take a look, Mandy. Jesse, bring up the shield.”

  “Shield’s up, Captain.”

  “In three, two, one.”

  Jean held her hand over the panic button, the button which would immediately jump Gazelle back to its point of origin.

  The current constellation flicked out and a new one flicked in.”

  “The bugs have been busy, Captain. I’m seeing thousands of drones scattered throughout Cencore. One’s close to us.”


  “None. It must be a sensor drone.”

  “What’s going on around Olympia?”

  “We’ll know in another three minutes, Captain.”

  The three waited, with Jean’s hand never leaving its hover spot over the panic button.

  “All of the ships have formed a defensive sphere, Captain. There’s a heavy, heavy weave of energy beams. Not like before.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They aren’t pulsing. They’re alternating fire. They’re staying up. Wait. They’re cycling. Some are dropping. Not many. But some. Others are coming back up.”

  “Put it on the big screen.”

  Everyone watched the solid network of firepower.

  “We’re not getting into that. No way.”

  “I see another problem, Cap.”

  “What, Mandy?”

  “Some of the ships are powering up. Looks like they’re ready to move.”

  “The Mortek are getting their crews. Not good. Jesse, record for another two minutes. Mandy, when Jesse gives you the word, get us home.”

  “Roger that, Captain.”

  Mandy repeated the phrase.

  Chapter 11

  Aboard Griffin – Deep Dark

  The Deep Dark. Mid-point between the Federacy and Ballison. No bright star brightened the blackness. In the black, a dark, light-absorbing object drifted, waiting for its companion. Griffin floated, waiting for the arrival of Jewel of the Stars.

  For the first time in days, all of Den Griffin congregated in her galley. Multiple tables had been pushed together to form a large square. The seven Elonian guardsmen and Krag’s Vassal, Gopai, intermingled with the four Recon Marines. Tribune Ambakai sat at one end, facing First Sergeant Boulos. Their men and warriors joked and ate, completely accepting that Humans and Elonians were nothing more than brothers-in-arms. Ambakai and Boulos smiled tooth-covering smiles, pleased with the bonded group of warriors.

  Krag and Keiko held court at their own table, joined by Mack and Sue. The two synthetics, Buster and Igaklay, also joined the four, identifying more as members of Griffin than artificial intelligences.

  “Nice looking jumpsuit, Sue.”

  “Yes, it is, Keiko. And really comfortable. Igaklay, is there some way to make different designs? Like dresses or two-piece clothing? Or, am I stuck with the Griffin jumpsuit pattern?”

  “I am sorry, Mz. Sue. But that suit is more functional than cosmetic. If you like, I can create a wardrobe of clothing with different designs.”

  “No. I’m good. I was just wondering.”

  Keiko rose and held up her glass. Seeing this, the entire room followed her lead.

  “Gentle beings. Welcome back. I missed you all.”

  She took a sip. Everyone followed.

  Everyone sat, except for Krag.

  “I want to add, we, Humans, Elonians and our resident Ballisonian, have come a long way. We started as separate species and have become a joined community. To our growing alliance and bright future.

  Human here-here’s mingled with the Elonian huff-huffs as everyone took another drink.

  “Captain, Jewel of the Stars has just arrived.”

  “Thank you, Buster. Everyone, be seated. Enjoy your meals. Except for Guardsman Suraya and Corporal Faheem. Let’s go check on our new arrivals.”

  “I’m coming, too, Krag.”

  “No, Keiko. You’re needed on the bridge.”

  “I’m going, Cap. I want to do a quick check of the big girl’s systems. And, I want to try out my new space suit.”

  “You can come, Mack. Buster, you get to keep an eye on him. You see anything funny, you get him back to Griffin, ASAP.”

  “Aye, aye, Oh Capitan.”

  “There won’t be anything wrong! You’ll see!”

  “Ya, Iggy. We know. But you know the Captain. Him and Keiko, they’re the worriers of the bunch.”

  “Well, they don’t have to worry, Mack.”

  “True, Iggy. But they do.”

  “What about me?”

  “You get to stay, Sue. You’re needed on the bridge.”

  “Mack’s right. You’re no fun.”

  “Keiko, you have the bridge. Sue, sensors. Igaklay, you’re on protection duty. Gopai, back on guns. Tribune Ambakai, Sergeant Boulos, you’re on watch.”

  Three of the five original members of Griffin’s crew, accompanies by the Elonian and Human medical beings, made their way to the cargo bay. Once there, they donned their H.E. suits, all except for Mack. Excitedly, he stripped down to his grav-mag liner, buckled on his pouch belt and pushed the left-most button.

  The nanites flowed out of the pouch resting in the small of his back. They covered him completely from the top of his head to the tips of his fingers and the soles of his feet. Once in place, they all interlinked. The clear pane materialized over his eyes.

  Holding his breath, grabbing the jump pack, he stuck his arms through the harness, pulled the groin strap up through his legs and clipped the buckles on his chest. In moments, fresh air flowed through the nanite-created spacesuit. After letting his air out, Mack took some deep breaths.

  “This is the cat’s pyjamas, Iggy. There’s no breathing effort. You are sure that this is space-worthy? It doesn’t feel like it.”

  “Yes, Mack.” Everyone heard Igaklay’s reply over the speakers. “Ballisonians have been using this design for centuries. You are perfectly safe.”

  “What happens if I get struck with a rock or something?”

  “Depends on what you get struck with, Mack. You might get wounded, but the nanites will seal whatever hole is created.”

  “So, you can’t lose suit integrity.”

  “No, Mack. I will always keep you safe.”

  “Okay! Let’s give it a whirl! I’m good to go, Cap.”

  “Buster, put a tether on Mack.”

  “Aw, Cap. You don’t need to do that.”


  “Ya. Okay. Buster, go for it.”

  “I go first. Buster, Mack, you follow. Corporal Faheem, I want you ready in case anything goes wrong.”

  Krag entered the airlock, closed the inner door and pressed the depressurization button. Once all air had been extracted, he opened the outer hatch and floated out, staying close to Griffin’s hull.

  The outer hatch closed. Krag watched as the inner hatch opened, Buster and Mack entered and closed up the airlock. Again, the outer hatch opened.

  “Mack, can you read me?”

  “Like a book, Cap.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “No problems, Cap. It’s like I’m standing in the bay with full gravity and atmosphere. This is absolutely amazing.”

  “See? I told you that you would be safe!”

  “Ya, Iggy. You did. This is great. I’m going to give the jump pack a goose, Cap.”

  “Buster, stay close.”

  “I have to, Oh, Captain. I have Wrenchy tethered.”

  “Ha, ha.”

  Mack worked the hand control and slowly
jetted through the hatchway. Once out, again, he somersaulted, ending with his feet pointed at Jewel.


  “Just checking out the suit, Cap. It’s all good.”

  Krag watched as Buster and Mack reached the cruise liner then entered its space lock.

  “Guardsman, corporal, you’re next.”

  The two medical specialists entered and exited the space lock, floated over to Jewel then followed Mack and Buster into the ship. Seeing this, Krag followed. Upon reaching the reception area, the five moved to the elevator and lifted to the reception deck, where Jewel’s crew had congregated.

  “Guardsman Suraya, Corporal Faheem, what have we got?”

  “As you can see, everyone, except for Captain Overman, are resting peacefully in their gravity bags.”

  “Corporal Faheem is correct, Commander. I have performed an initial scan and no critical data charts have appeared.”

  “Then everyone is okay?”

  “Our next step is to check each of the one hundred crewmen individually. We can give you a final report after that.”

  “I’ll leave you to it. Buster, how’s the environment?”

  “Atmosphere, temperature and pressure are all optimal, Commander.”

  “We can remove our helmets?”

  “With absolutely no effects.”

  Everyone, except for Mack, removed their helmets and gloves. Mack pushed a button on his belt and his helmet nanites withdrew back into the pouch. His glove and foot nanites followed.

  “I’m liking this, Cap. It is going to take a lot to get me out of Iggy’s jumpsuit.”

  “See! I told you that you would like it!” Everyone heard Igaklay’s exuberance over their wrist quant-coms.

  “That you did, Iggy. That you did. And I do.”

  “Mack, Buster, let’s check out the bridge and run some diagnostics.”

  The three left the two medical specialists to their task and headed to the bridge. Upon entering, they saw Jewel of the Stars’ Captain stretched out and sleeping in the captain’s pod. With the lid open, they all heard him snoring.

  “Overman looks comfy, Cap. Should we wake him up?”

  “No. let him wake up naturally. Buster, could you plug in and give me a reading?”


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