Break Away: A Midwest Small Town Romance

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Break Away: A Midwest Small Town Romance Page 11

by Vanessa Sheets

  He gets up and walks around the table. As he extends his arm out to me and I look up at him, I feel a magnetic pull as I gently place my hand in his. It feels as if the entire restaurant disappears around us as I stare into his eyes. He gently brushes a stray hair from my face and softly strokes my chin with his thumb.

  “I promise you Brown Eyes, you won’t regret it. I can’t wait to get you upstairs so that I can show you what it feels like to be taken care of by a real man.” He places his hand on the small of my back and guides me through the restaurant.

  He pushes the button on the elevator and as the doors open my pulse starts to race. We step in and I stand there watching him gracefully insert a key into where the buttons are. He pushes the number twenty-six and the doors slowly shut. The elevator jerks up and he walks to me, placing his hands on either side of my face. I close my eyes as he tips my head back and presses his lips to mine, kissing me long and hard. My sex starts to throb, and my hands reach up to his thick, soft hair. As my fingers become entangled in it, I feel him harden between his legs and a moan escapes my mouth, just inches from his ear. I push against his bulge and he quickly pulls away as his hands tighten their grip around the back of my neck.

  “Now, be patient.” The elevator stops abruptly, and the doors slide open. He grabs my hands and kisses my knuckles, slow and long as he stares into my eyes. “Are you ready?”

  I nod slowly and he walks backwards, pulling me out of the elevator along with him. Our eyes don't lose their connection as he smiles, teasing me with those dimples. My weakness.

  “Yes, Noah, I’m ready.”

  As I step off of the elevator, I feel the air that has been filling my lungs escape. It's as if I have been drowning for years and my face is finally breaking free from the vast body of water that engulfs me. Out of nowhere, there is this feeling of welcoming the idea of being taken care of. I try to push back, to keep my guard up, but I can’t help but feel the need to be taken care of. I want so badly to forget about all of the responsibilities that have been thrown at me my entire life. But they consume me. Going into this, I have to remember that no matter what this man promises, I am the only one that can shuffle through the cards that I have been dealt.

  Had I known that once you give up even the tiniest bit of control, it is almost impossible to take it back, I wouldn't have said yes to begin with.

  While standing next to him in the hall, I suddenly have a million butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. I watch as he gracefully swipes his key card over the handle of the door and begin to fiddle with my purse strap to help calm my nerves. I know that I want what is going to happen behind that door, but I can’t calm the nerves that are buzzing. I know that I soon will be lying na+ked on his bed and I am lacking confidence when it comes to my body. It is actually nonexistent. The two times that I put myself out there were with boys. Not a man with confidence oozing from every pore of his body. Knowing that within a few minutes, he will see me in my most vulnerable state sends my nerves into overdrive.

  He slowly pushes the door open and slips his hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze as he leads me into his hotel room.

  The red. All the pops of red are the first to catch my eye. On the floor, the tables, in front of the windows. They are everywhere. Red roses, clumped together by the dozens. There has to be hundreds of them. I stand there in the entryway, with my mouth open and eyes big.

  “So, what do you think, Brown Eyes?”

  “This is gorgeous, Noah. Absolutely gorgeous. You did all this for me?” I slowly step into the room and let myself take it all in. The room is massive. I can easily fit two of my trailers inside just the living room and kitchen. Candles of all different sizes are lit. Everywhere.

  “Nothing but the best for you. This is just a small taste of what it’s going to be like. Money is no object to me, Sofia. When it has to do with you and Enz, I will always pull out all of the stops.”

  He walks over to the glass end table that sits next to a beautiful black leather couch, reaches for a rose and plucks it out of a huge glass vase. He drinks me in with eyes full of lust from across the room and lifts the rose to his nose, inhaling its fragrance. Gracefully, he walks to me as he twirls the rose between his fingers. He is now inches from me, making my body ache for his touch. His blue eyes hold my gaze in a trance as he lifts the rose to my cheek and slides it down to my bare neck. Chills start where the soft petals graze my skin and continue their way down my arms, making me shiver.

  “Are you cold? I can turn the air down?” He pulls me into his arms, and I nuzzle into his warm embrace.

  “No, not at all Noah. I just…it’s just…this, all of this is so much. Too much.” He strokes my hair and laughs.

  “Oh, baby girl, too much is exactly what you need. We'll take it slow. All of this. I want to know every part of you, to feel you in my arms, to take care of you. I know that you have never had that in your life, and I want to be the one to give that to you.”

  He runs his fingers through my hair and slowly makes his way down to the small of my back. Being in his arms makes my sex hot and needy. I wrap my arms around his back and pull his body to mine, revealing that he too is feeling the same force that haunts my dreams at night. He is rock hard, and it takes all I have to not reach down and touch it.

  “Oh, Noah. What are you doing to me? I didn’t ask for all of this. Any of it. You, this room. God, this is completely insane. I don’t need any distractions. I have a plan and you were not part of it.” I grab at his hair and pull his neck to my lips, breathing in his scent as I graze his skin with soft kisses.

  “Fuck Sofia, I didn’t plan for any of this either. But I can’t shake you. You are the first thing that I think of when I wake and the last image that I see before I fall asleep. You have lived in my dreams since that day in your living room. I have tried to fight it, I have. But I can’t. This, the roses, the candles. None of this is me. I feel like I am going insane. I just...I have, I need to have you. All of you.” He grabs onto my ass and begins kneading it, sending every sense of my body into overdrive.

  “Noah, I can’t promise that this is going to go anywhere. I know earlier, I said that I would, but I have to be there for Enzo. And this, all of this is just not something that I can do right now. I just want to have fun and not make any promises to each other. Ok?” I pull his lips to mine and

  begin kissing him slow and long, teasing him with my tongue. I push my calf up against his hard cock and begin rubbing against it. He groans and squeezes my ass even harder.

  “Oh, baby, I am going to make promises. That is just something you are going to have to get used to. And the first promise is that I am going to have you, own you, and keep you coming back for more.”

  Oh. My. God. Just the sound of his voice and his, I can’t take it.

  “You gonna put your money where your mouth is, Noah Stine, or we just gonna stand here all night talking?” His crooked, mischievous smile is sexy as hell and I want to tuck in my pocket and keep it for only me. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he turns and heads toward the bedroom. He walks toward the bed, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me in for a long and deep kiss. His tongue pushes into my mouth and I let out a moan. The feelings that are happening to my body are driving me mad crazy. He throws me onto the bed and I let out a giggle. Crawling onto the bed he places himself over me, his face inches from mine. His knee pressing ever so subtly on my sex, feeding my need. I can’t stop myself from pushing up against it.

  “What about protection, do I need a condom?” I shake my head and push back the memory of my thirteenth birthday, when my mother dragged me to the doctor’s office, scared and afraid.

  “No, I have an IUD. I’m all good.”

  I stare back at him and begin batting my long lashes at him, like I have practiced so many times in my mirror at home. I begin to seductively eye fuck and tease him. His eyes become needy as he takes a deep breath and lowers his lips to my bare shoulder.
He slowly slips both straps of my dress down my arms, exposing my white lace bra. He lets out a moan as his eyes pause on my exposed cleavage. I breathe in and out deeply, purposely making my breasts rise and fall to tease him even more.

  “You won’t be needing this.” He pulls my dress down my belly, over my hips, and down my legs before tossing it onto the floor. As he slips my shoes off slowly, dropping each one to the ground with a thud, I suddenly feel so exposed in just my bra and panties. I quickly pull my arms up to my chest. He stands at the end of the bed taking every inch of me in. With narrow and intense eyes, his stare is hard and deep, as if he can see into the deepest parts of my soul. He

  starts to unbutton his shirt, slowly exposing his sculpted upper chest, each button revealing even more of what I have been dreaming about.

  Then, I see it. A tattoo on his upper right peck. The name Cami is scrolled in black calligraphy. I struggle with needing to know who she is and why her name is permanently engraved on his skin.

  When I see his faint treasure trail, I can’t stop a low, soft moan from escaping my mouth. I bite down on my lower lip in anticipation of what is about to happen. He rolls his broad shoulders back and his shirt slides gracefully down to the floor. He unbuckles his belt like a scene from Magic Mike, ripping it out and throwing it on the bed next to me. With a snap and a zip he pushes his pants down past his hips and slowly shimmies them down his legs. As he steps out of them, I take in this absolutely gorgeous man that stands before me. The candlelight flickers on his perfectly chiseled body, making what is happening feel even more like a dream. His white boxer briefs look like they have been painted on, hugging his firm and muscular thighs. What they are concealing makes me inhale sharply.

  Oh, fuck. This is going to hurt.

  As if he can read my mind, he smiles softly and places both hands on my ankles. With one swift yank, he pulls me to the edge of the bed, and I let out a squeak.

  “I’ll be gentle, I promise. If it hurts at all, just let me know and I will stop. Understand?” I take a deep breath and shake my head slowly. He pulls my arms off my chest, grabs hold of my wrists and pins them down to the bed above my head with one hand. “I want to see you. All of you.” He starts cascading kisses all over my neck as he grabs his belt that is lying beside me. He pushes up onto his knees and begins wrapping the belt around my wrists, pulling it taut and buckling it so that I can't slip out. I tilt my head back to see my hands in a tangle above my head and I arch off the bed as I feel his tongue circling the dip on my collarbone. I want to touch him, to feel him, but when I yank at the belt, I find it to be an impossible feat.

  His tongue trails down to my cleavage and he buries his face between my breasts, breathing in deep and moaning. I jerk as his teeth gently dig into the flesh on my right breast. His hands slip behind my back and effortlessly unclasp my bra, slipping it off of my body and exposing my breasts for his liking. He continues to run his tongue over them and then focuses on my nipples. They are already hard, and he begins nibbling on them with just the right pressure. I pull at the belt again, trying to break free as I let out a deep growl. I feel like I am going to lose my ever-loving mind with every nibble and suck. It is as if this was not the first time he has done this to me. He knows exactly what I need done, to get me squirming and whimpering underneath him. I feel my insides start to get hot as he pulls away, smiling up at me, showing off those decadent dimples. He puts his lips to my stomach and starts licking his way down...down...down.

  Oh fuck, he’s going to…

  “I need to taste you, Brown Eyes. Every...single...piece of you.”

  “Noah, I have never—”


  I feel my panties being pulled down and off my body. Once they are nothing more than a memory, he places his lips on my clit and begins kissing it ever so gently. He takes his tongue and presses against it, up and down...up and down. I pull harder at the belt, wanting to break free so that I can grab onto something. Anything. My ass lifts off of the bed and he grabs onto it with both of his hands, pulling me closer to his mouth as he devours my sex.

  Fuck me...oh my fucking…

  “Noah...oh, God…” He moans into my sex, making it vibrate. Over and over and over again. I am there and there is no coming back. With every pulsing throb, sounds escape me that I have never heard before. He makes his way up my body with soft, sensual kisses until he is nibbling on my ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck dance.

  “Are you ready, baby?” I push against him and frantically nod my head. What I am feeling is unreal. Nothing like it was before, with the others. I don’t know how much more I can take and want him to free my hands.

  “Yes...yes Noah, but please unbuckle me. Please, take the belt off.”

  “Too much for you? God, do I love to hear you beg.” He reaches up and slowly loosens the belt. I rip them free and grab the back of his hair, tugging at it as I press my clit up against his hard cock. He begins grinding in the most perfect rhythm and within seconds I am coming again, but this time covering him in wetness as I arch my head back and scream out.

  “I can’t fucking take it...I need to feel you in me.” I run my hands down his back and squeeze his ass, an ass that you could bounce a quarter off of.

  “Yes, Noah, please, I want to feel you inside of me—” He presses his lips to mine, parting them with his tongue, making my insides burn with desire. Still lying on top of me, he lifts his body and reaches down to slide his briefs off. I groan as he springs free and presses down on my stomach. He reaches down and grabs onto it, slowly guiding it between my wet thighs. He teases me by slipping just the tip in.

  “More, all of you…” He slides more into me, stretching my insides, making me stiffen a little because of how big he is. He stops and looks down at me, brushing my hair to the side so that he can see my eyes. I stare at him and smile, trusting that he will stand by his promise of being gentle, yet yearning for him to be rough.

  “Sofia, you're gonna wreck me, from the inside out.” I grab his face and crash my lips to his. We moan into each other's mouths as we crazily twist our tongues together. Reaching and touching, the chemistry is undeniable and out of control. I thrust my sex towards him, making him slide deeper.

  “Noah, I can’t take it anymore. Fuck me.” I dig my nails into his back, and he pushes all of his thickness into me. I begin kicking the sheet off the bed as my body welcomes every single piece of him. And wants more.

  “Yes, fuck...make me—”

  He grabs my ass and starts squeezing and kneading it as he pushes his penis deeper. My mind becomes foggy, and my toes point as my sex takes all of him in. Moaning together, we grind on

  each other, over and over. I grab at the sheet and twist it with my hands so that I have something to brace myself with.

  “Noah, don’t stop—”

  “Baby girl, are you almost there? Are you sure you don’t want me to stop?”

  “Fuck you...noooo, don’t stop.”

  “Are you talking back to me? I don’t like that. You're lucky my only concern right now is that I have you shuddering under me.” He begins thrusting in and out making, growling and owning every piece of me. Just like he said he would.

  I start to feel tingles run through my entire body, my legs go numb, and my eyes begin to water. I violently pull at the sheet that I have wrapped around my hands and squirm under him, trying to get away. I don't want to get away, I just don't know what is happening to my body and I feel like I am never going to get to that point of knowing.

  He reaches up and grabs onto the headboard and I look up at him with pleading eyes as I squirm and cry out.

  “Come on, baby girl, just relax and let it happen. Shh, relax, let yourself feel it. Don’t try and fight it…just feel it. Feel me inside you. That’s right. You're almost there, I can feel you, you're so close.”

  The way that he speaks to me is so gentle and calm. I stop fighting it and start taking deep breaths, in and out. With every thrust, deep and lo
ng, I begin to throb inside. Jesus. I thought that I knew my body, what made me get off, but I have never been more wrong.

  I tip my head back and close my eyes. Darkness is all I see as the deep thrusts make the throbbing even more intense. I clench down around his cock and feel my insides pulsating. Wetness begins shooting out, covering us both and I scream out as pure pleasure and ecstasy makes my body shudder underneath him.

  He stops moving and presses his body to mine. I feel his heart thumping wildly in his chest. I can feel his heavy breathing on my neck as his still hard cock is inside my wet and swollen sex.

  “Do you believe me now, Brown Eyes?” His voice is soft in my ear.

  “Yes, I do.” And I do. He is absolutely not part of my plan, but somehow, he is slowly creeping his way into it.

  “Once I do this, Sofia, I own you. Do you understand?” His voice is gravelly and stern.

  “Yes, I understand.” I pull his lips to mine and start kissing him as I begin moving my hips up and off of the bed. Slowly in and and out, bringing my sex back to life, waking up a trillion little nerves down there.

  He begins moving to his own rhythm, the one that will get him to his point of no return. I grab onto his ass and pull him towards me, forcing his hardness to go deeper.

  “It’s your turn, Noah.” He lets out a deep moan and slides everything but the tip out, then slams it in, hard. I grab onto his shoulders and scream out as he does it again, but faster and harder, over and over.

  “Harder, please harder, I’m going to cum again.” This was supposed to be about him, but now my body is being greedy.

  “Sofia, you feel so fucking amazing wrapped around my cock. I am going to fucking lose my mind. Fuck—” I am selfish and start moving up and down, faster and faster. I cry out as my nails dig into his back.

  “Noah, fuck...Noah Oh God—” I cover him in wetness as he reaches his breaking point, and his body begins to shudder. He collapses on top of me, out of breath and heart pounding against me.


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