The Seductress of Andromeda
Page 2
“Yes, do it!” She hisses. “Fuck me! Let me feel you inside me!” With your free hand, you urgently reach for your cock, grasping it and pressing the tip to her sodden slit. Sienna bites her lower lip as you plunge into her, your shaft slipping easily into her warm, moist depths.
“So much better than masturbating in my bunk after lights out.” You grin.
“And way better than my dildo, even if yours doesn’t vibrate.” She chuckles, her hands gripping your shoulders as you find a rhythm. You slide your hands up her body, caressing her breasts before reaching up and entwining your fingers in her long blonde hair. You gaze deeply into her eyes before again pressing your lips to hers, kissing each other passionately. The majestic view of the cosmos behind her barely registers as you are consumed with desire for this beautiful blonde before you.
“Harder, harder!” She murmurs breathlessly. You eagerly oblige, pounding into her, her body squeaking against the window pane with each thrust. “Yes, yes, yes!” She gasps before pulling your head back to hers, her lips seeking yours once again. She kisses you hungrily before pulling away, her breathing becoming increasingly ragged and uneven.
“You’re getting close aren’t you?” You grin. She nods, the desperate yearning in her eyes fleetingly giving way to a flash of irritation as your redundant question momentarily breaks the spell. You slide your hands down to her waist, gripping her hips and driving your cock even deeper inside her. She stiffens before letting out a shrill cry of ecstasy as her body bucks against you. Her hands grip you tightly as she shudders with each surge of pleasure. Her pussy quivers around your shaft and you grunt as the sensation combined with the excitement of bringing Sienna to her climax swiftly sends you racing towards your own. As her orgasm subsides, she relaxes and gazes into your eyes, perhaps sensing that you too are close.
Come inside her
Come on her breasts
“I want to come on you.” You tell Sienna, pulling away from her and gazing pointedly at her pert breasts.
“I think I’d like that.” She giggles and settles on her knees, pressing her fleshy mounds together and presenting them to you. You groan at the sight, your cock hovering just above her soft breasts. She gazes up at you, her pale blue eyes fixed on yours, her lips pouting expectantly as you take your cock in your hand and begin to stroke it. Her hands gently knead her breasts, trapping her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers and pinching and pulling at the engorged buds. You can feel the pressure building in your balls and Sienna senses it too, a subtle smile playing on her lips.
“I’m close.” You gasp, the thought of erupting all over Sienna’s cleavage bringing you swiftly back to the brink.
“Yes,” She purrs, continuing to squeeze and massage her breasts, “Come all over me! I want to feel the warmth of your seed on my skin.”
“Sienna…” You groan, the tension building to a crescendo. Her blue eyes gleam and her smile broadens as you lurch forward, your balls twitching. You grunt at the blissful sensation of release as the first eruption streaks from your cock. In your excitement, you had forgotten the reduced gravity on the station and it doesn’t arc as quickly down onto her chest as you had anticipated, hitting the underside of her chin and throat. Sienna squeals with surprise, giggling as you aim the remaining spurts lower onto the soft swell of her breasts. Your thick seed splatters across her chest, the pearly fluid glistening in the starlight. As your climax subsides, Sienna lifts her gaze from her defiled breasts to your face, chuckling at your satisfied smile.
“Look at me.” She breathes. “Look at what you’ve done to me!”
“You look quite a sight.” You admit with a chuckle. You help her back to her feet and kiss her tenderly.
“Well, I’d better shower all this off.” She smiles, trailing a fingertip through the creamy fluid.
“I’d better get back to my dorm.” You reply, pulling your jumpsuit back on. “I’ll have to hope the big smile on my face doesn’t give the game away tomorrow.” You turn to leave before pausing at the door, glancing back at Sienna, her naked body still silhouetted against Saturn and the cosmos beyond. She flashes you a smile that suggests this evening’s tryst will not be a one off. You return her smile before leaving her quarters, hurrying through a labyrinth of corridors and slipping back into the darkened dorm. You fall quickly asleep, your last thought of the beautiful blonde on her knees, cradling her come splattered breasts.
Feverishly seeking your own release, you drive into her with wild abandon.
“Yes, yes, come inside me.” Sienna urges you, her pale blue eyes filled with desire. “Fill me with your seed!” You can feel the delicious tension rapidly building in your balls and are torn between your desperate need to climax and trying to prolong the inevitable. You only last a few more moments, your body tensing up before you thrust deeply inside her one last time. You grunt loudly as your hips buck, your balls twitching as they send your seed racing up your length.
“Yes! I can feel it!” Sienna smiles broadly as your cock erupts deep within her pussy. You hold her close, groaning with pleasure at each powerful eruption. Finally spent, you withdraw from her before taking her back into your arms. You kiss tenderly this time, your bodies hot and moist with perspiration. You glance behind her, finding the view of Saturn obscured by a thin film of condensation on the window. Sienna pulls away, glancing over your shoulder and following your gaze.
“Looks like we had quite the workout.” You smile.
“Yes, I think we both need a shower.” She giggles. “Care to join me? You can scrub my back, or anything else for that matter…”
“I’d better get back to the dorm before I’m missed, if I haven’t been already.” You reply ruefully, wishing with all your heart you could stay and spend the night with the beautiful blonde.
“You’re probably right.” She replies sadly, watching as you reach for your uniform and pull it back on. You turn to leave. “Until next time.” She smiles coyly. You return her smile, already looking forward to it before stepping out into the corridor and making your way back to the dorm.
“Bring him in.” A voice growls from behind the door. The stocky guard with his huge hand on your shoulder opens the door and gestures for you to enter. Your blood runs cold. You knew as soon as the guard disturbed your sleep that the game was up. How they found out was anybody’s guess, though you were hardly discreet. An empty bunk at lights out, publicly flirting with Sienna for the past few days, anyone who spotted you both on your way to her quarters. Maybe the old man had his daughter under surveillance. Hell, if it was your beautiful daughter on a station where ninety percent of the population were male, you probably would. Head bowed, you step into the Admiral’s office with the gait of a condemned man walking to his execution. Standing before him, you glance up meeting his accusing gaze. He glowers at you from behind his desk, his jaw clenched and his whole body tense. You swallow involuntarily. The Admiral, while well into middle age, is still quite a formidable man: tall, muscular and with a coldness in his eyes that suggests he has reached his high office through making a lifetime of tough and no doubt ruthless decisions. Not a man to get on the wrong side of.
“You don’t shit where you eat, son.” The admiral finally growls. “And you certainly don’t fuck my daughter!” You mumble an apology, your eyes downcast. His expression softens slightly and for a moment you think you might be able to talk your way out of it. When you try to defend your actions with the words ‘consenting adults’ your fortunes take a sudden downturn. Evidently, in the admiral’s eyes, his innocent little princess can only have been seduced or cajoled by an unspeakable cad such as yourself and the very implication that his daughter would be a complicit and willing participant to such debauchery is unthinkable. He raises a hand and gets to his feet, his broad frame seeming to tower over you.
“Your conduct, Cadet Trent, is unbecoming of the high standards we expect in the Galactic Navy. As such, I have no choi
ce but to dishonourably discharge you, effective immediately. Good day to you MISTER Trent! Guards, get this civilian off my station!” He turns his back to you, his hands clasped behind his back and guards quickly usher you from the office. Your mind reels as you struggle to comprehend that your promising naval career has just come to such a sudden and ignominious end. What the hell are you going to do with your life now?
“This is quite a life you have chosen for yourself.” Martens glares at you as he drops his gun to the floor. He steps out of the shadows of the dark alley in one of Phobos City’s seedier districts. Pale and scrawny with lank brown hair and a thin moustache, he looks even uglier than his mug shot. Still, at least he was memorable enough for you to recognise him from the bounty boards.
“Yeah, yeah, I cry myself to sleep every night.” You sneer, keeping your blaster trained on him as you kick his weapon away. It clatters into some murky shadows beneath some overflowing bins. “Besides, I don’t think a degenerate gambler, thief and outlaw such as yourself is in much of a position to judge, eh? Now shut up and put these on.” You toss a pair of handcuffs over and he reluctantly clamps them over his wrists. You gesture for him to lead the way before grasping his arm and digging the muzzle of your blaster into his ribs.
“Listen.” He tells you, as you emerge into the main street of the bustling colony city. “You’re a business man. I have a lucrative proposition for you.”
“Of course you have.” You sigh wearily, glancing up at the huge red disc of Mars dominating the night sky.
“I have a stash not far from here.” He continues. “Five thousand credits. Take me to it and I’ll give it all to you in exchange for my freedom.”
Ignore his proposition
He’s already your prisoner. Check it out
“Ok, I’m listening.” You growl.
“A cargo container by the space dock.” Martens tells you. “Five minutes’ walk from here.”
“Lead on.” You tell him. “But don’t try anything stupid. The bounty is only worth a thousand credits if I bring you in dead.” He blanches a little but nods.
A few minutes later, you walk among the towering rows of cargo containers. Huge arrays of floodlights hang overhead casting pools of light at regular intervals ahead of you.
“It’s just up ahead!” Martens shouts over the roar of engines as a heavy freighter takes off from the nearby space port, flying low overhead before climbing up into the stratosphere. “This one.” He stops in front of a battered orange container.
“Open it.” You snap. He nods and presses his hand to the bio-scanner panel which glows green. There is a mechanical clank as the lock releases and the door opens. You peer into the gloomy interior. It is empty apart from a small box.
“That’s the five thousand.” Martens grins. “Here, I’ll get it for you.” He eagerly steps forward. You reach out and grab his arm.
“Wait.” You growl. “You wouldn’t be concealing a weapon in there would you?”
“No, no, just the money.” He protests.
Allow him to open the box
Open the box yourself
“Okay, open it.” You tell Martens. “Slowly.” You add, raising your blaster. He nods, his face falling as he drops to his knees. He presses his thumb onto a bio-scanner on one side and the lid flips up. Inside are various trinkets, coins and cash from several different races. Five thousand credits is certainly an optimistic valuation, but a decent haul nonetheless. His shoulders sag a little as he reluctantly passes you the box.
“Take it.” Martens tells you bitterly, turning to leave.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You ask.
“We had a deal.” He replies warily, glancing over his shoulder.
“I don’t seem to remember agreeing to anything.” You shrug, a smile spreading across your face.
“You thieving son of a bitch!” He snarls, before your raised blaster cools his blood.
“It’s not stealing when it wasn’t yours in the first place.” You grin. “Now move.”
“Wait,” Martens whines, desperation creeping into his voice, “It doesn’t have to be like this. I’ve got a tip for you, a sure thing. Treble your money!”
“Not that I don’t trust you, but get to the back of the container.” You tell Martens, gesturing inside with your blaster. “I’ll open the box.”
“Suit yourself.” He shrugs, stepping inside. You drop to your knees and keep an eye on Martens as you reach down to open the lid. As you open it, there is a blinding flash of light and you stumble away, tripping and crashing to the ground. You can’t see anything other than searing white light. You grunt as you feel a fist smash into your head. You throw up your hands to protect your face as further blows rain down on you. As your vision begins to clear, you see Martens standing over you, a victorious grin on his sallow face.
“Not as stupid as you thought eh?” He gloats, kicking you in the ribs. “I’ve had this little flash-bang grenade surprise set up for years just in case a low-life bounty hunter such as yourself ever got the better of me.” You realise he has your blaster in his hand. He grins malevolently as he raises it, aiming at your head.
“Wait!” You cry out, panic in your voice. Martens finger tightens on the trigger and the last thing you see is the flash of the muzzle.
Go back a few moments and rethink your actions
“I’m only interested in the two thousand credit reward for taking you in.” You tell him.
“Bounty hunter scum.” He mutters darkly, his shoulders slumping as he trudges towards the Galactic Police station.
“Thanks.” You grin at the sullen desk sergeant as he tosses your credit crystal to you. His frosty demeanour towards you is nothing new. The Galactic police generally resent bounty hunters, feeling they are nothing but overpaid mercenaries. They’re probably right. While primarily a freelance freighter pilot, you seem to frequent a few rough dives. You’d recognised Martens in a bar near the docks here on Phobos and followed him out. An extra two thousand credits is always welcome. You turn to leave.
“Wait.” The desk sergeant calls out. “For two hundred of those credits, I might have a lead on a bigger fish.” You pause before slowly turning to face him.
“Oh?” You ask. “And what big fish might we be talking about?”
“Top of the list.” He tells you, nodding towards the bounty board. You move closer, examining the mug shot of a pretty but glowering green face. “Eris, a Cephian female. She’s as deadly as she is beautiful. A contract killer and part-time thief known for her ruthless efficiency. Ten thousand credits dead or alive.” You whistle.
“Ok friend, I’ll bite.” You toss the credit crystal back across the desk and he eagerly transfers two hundred credits from it.
“She’s been sighted in the last few days on Andromeda.” He tells you. “Rumour has it she’s working a job for Praxus, the local crime lord.”
“Interesting.” You reply, studying Eris’s profile. She certainly looks a much more dangerous proposition than the usual low-life criminals you bring in, but the reward is certainly quite an incentive.
Go to Andromeda and hunt her down
Too dangerous. Stick to what you know
“Too rich for my blood.” You tell the desk sergeant, rueing the fact you’ve just wasted two hundred credits on the tip.
“Suit yourself.” He shrugs. You wander back out of the Police station and make your way back to Phobos space dock and your freighter, the Eclipse.
An hour later and you are sitting in the cockpit with your feet up on the console and gazing out at the swirling crimson eddies and currents of hyperspace as you leave the Sol system. Your mind keeps drifting back to the ten thousand credits for bringing in Eris as you wonder if you should have taken the risk. Your thoughts are broken by a sudden shrill alarm from the console. You glance down and realise it is an emergency transmission from a research colony on the i
ce planet of Phrygidia.
Investigate the transmission
Ignore the transmission and hunt Eris on Andromeda instead
A day later, your freighter, the Eclipse, drops out of hyperspace and you enter orbit around the planet of Andromeda. You gaze out of the cockpit window at the brown and grey world below and set a course for the capital city, the Eclipse buffeting as you enter the atmosphere. You can see the sprawling city growing larger as you close in, the buildings built in tiered rings up the sides of an active volcano. The Andromedans have discovered a way to control the volcano and to harness its energy which powers their whole city. A docking platform juts out of the lower slopes of the mountainside and you slow as you descend towards it before gently setting down. You emerge from the ship, wrinkling your nose at the strong odour of sulphur in the air. You glance back at the Eclipse. She will never win any beauty contests, the narrow angular cockpit and living quarters contrasting with her broad boxy hull to the rear. Indeed, many have surmised that the ship has been cobbled together from two separate vessels. It may well have been given that you stole her from a junkyard on Io shortly after you were drummed out of the Galactic navy.
As you move through the city, the narrow streets are busy not only with the grey skinned Andromedans, but numerous other alien races. The volcano rumbles angrily, the ground shaking which makes you nervously glance up at the peak towering high above you. The locals don’t even miss a beat as they go about their business.
“Fucking planet.” You mutter under your breath, Andromeda’s capital always making you nervous every time you visit. You remember what the desk sergeant told you. If Eris is working for Praxus and you can find out what she has been employed to do, you should be able to find her.