Finding Patience

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Finding Patience Page 9

by Eden Rose

I shrug. “After I found out I was pregnant with Alexa, I went to your parents’ house and your mom answered the door.”

  “Fuck,” he curses under his breath. I’m so close to him that I can even feel the air he lets out as he says the word. “And what the fuck did she say?”

  My back tenses as dread flows over me. “I tried to find you. I tried to get my letters to you but they all got returned. Your mom said something about a bomb or whatever.”

  His fingers play with my hair. Getting stuck every so often from the amount of hairspray that is in it. “My mom is a fuckin’ cunt whore who only cares about money. She was mad at me because I wouldn’t let her have any.”

  “So, she just decided to scare a seventeen year old girl who just found out that she’s pregnant by telling her her husband is dead? Who the fuck does that?” I ask this rhetorically.

  Truthfully, I know exactly what he means and that bitch is sick. My mind filters through my memories of staring at the wall trying to get the strength to get up. My mind filters back to the birth of our daughter.

  The day that changed both of our lives.

  Brett tightens his arm around my back holding me closer. “Brett, I’m so sorry.”

  None of this is my fault but I still feel guilty. Should I have fought harder to find out the truth about him? What more could I have done?

  “Nothing to be sorry about. I’m fuckin’ sorry that you believed that. I’m sorry that we’ve missed five years together. I’m sorry that I’ve missed the monumental steps of our daughter growing up. I’m just so fuckin’ sorry for all of it.”

  Asking the one question that scares the shit out of me, I know I need to know the answer. “Do you still… uh…”

  Since he’s always been able to read my mind, I shouldn’t have been surprised when he did it this time. “Do I still love you? Is that what you’re asking?”

  I shake my head and bury it in the hardness of his chest. Brett’s heart is beating so fast that I can hear a rhythm.

  “Patience, look at me,” he demands.

  Stubbornly, I shake my head again. I don’t want to see the look in his eyes if he’s going to tell me that everything was fake. “No.”

  His fingers grip my hair, forcing my head to lean back and me to face him. Those eyes of his are different than they were when we were fucking. They are darker, harder, dangerous, murderous. “I’ve never fuckin’ stopped lovin’ you.”

  My tears come pooling down my face until they reach my lips. I can feel the heavy makeup being cried away quickly. “I love you, too. Brett, shit. I felt like I was dying. Straight up dying without you. I can’t do that again.”

  He nods and leans in to kiss the tip of my nose. “I won’t ever hurt you again.”

  His words make my back untense. “You weren’t the one that hurt me. Your mom did. Why would she say that about her own son?”

  “I told you. She’s a fuckin’ whore who wants money and that’s it.”

  “Where do we go from here?”

  I still have tours to go to, shows that need to be put on. An interview tomorrow with a talk show host regarding my next album. Plus, Alexa has her dance recital this weekend.

  Things are definitely not going to be easy and we’re going to have a lot of struggles from here.

  “What happened over there?” I ask him. My morbid curiosity is getting the better of me and I want to know.




  The sun is hot. There’s no fucking shade over here and I’m hot. I’ve sweat so much that my socks are squishing and I feel the heat penetrating my skin.

  And, fuck. Can’t forget about the sand that’s everywhere on my body.

  We’ve been on this mission for the past week in hopes of barricading their tunnels through the ground. Those mother fuckers have been attacking us from underneath for too damn long.

  I miss a shower. That’s all I want at this moment. Oh, and drink water without worrying about it running out soon.

  We’re all fucking cranky and every single one of us misses home for one reason or another. I got mandated to stay for an extra tour due to my M.O.S. I miss Patience.

  During my rare downtime, I think of her and what she’s probably doing right now. I don’t think she would cheat on me or anything, but I can’t help but wonder if it were selfish of me to marry her. Marrying her knowing that I would be gone for a long ass time. Marrying her and not being able to kiss her good night or tell her how much I love her.

  I’m beyond horny. My hands have probably developed callouses from my jerking off so much but it had to be done. The only woman that I want is Patience and she’s an ocean away. So, my hand will fucking do.

  I’ve caught three of my men in my company with hookers and I just shake my head and walk away. It’s nothing new but I don’t want to be with anyone else.


  The raspy voice from our radio squeaks through making me jump a little. I didn’t even realize that I had drifted off there in the hot sun.

  “Bravo here,” I chirp back.

  “Take cover now! Enemy-”

  The message has been muted by the big boom next to our campsite.

  “Get down!” I call to my guys.

  All of them are awake and focused just how they were trained. With their guns trained to the enemy on the outside of our camp, they are ready for whatever.

  I snuff out the fire we have in the middle of the camp to eat something other than M.R.Es. With my back to the outside of the camp, I feel the heat getting closer.

  It feels as if the sun has singed my skin.


  Turning my head to look at Sampson, one of my really good friends here, and he’s looking past me. Following his gaze, I see what he’s staring at and it’s not pretty.

  “Mother fuckers!” I yell. “Run! Run. Get in the fox hole right now! Leave everything!” I yell loudly not giving a shit if the enemy has overheard me. The assholes typically don’t speak English, so I’m more worried about getting everyone to safety.


  A thundering bomb lands in the middle of my camp. Fuck!

  I’m knocked backwards out of the way, but my head hits a rock behind me. Instantly, the blackness and the tone deafening white noise of the collision have me knocked out.

  In my mind’s eye, I see Patience’s beautiful face calling to me. Begging me to come home. Everything begins to clear out of the fog.

  I’m gasping for air as I try to pull myself out of the fog.


  The past five years are gone like they never had happened. I know that we’re playing house in this hotel room and the real world is going to start asking questions, but for now I love it.

  His fingers light a path of passion down my chest, over my stomach and down to my clit that’s still aching. I’ve come so many times that I have lost track, but he brings me back every damn time to do it again.

  My body swivels on his thighs as I ride him harder than ever. “You like that, don’t you? You love it when I’m in charge!” I taunt.

  His eyes get wider and suddenly I’m being tossed in the air. My back hits the bed with a thud making me gasp. “Hey!” I cry.

  “Get on your hands and knees,” he demands with authority.

  Why the fuck does this have to be so hot? Brett was never authoritative with me before and why am I even wetter than before?

  As I move to the position he requested, no demanded, I feel my thighs slip from our arousals. It’s an erotic feeling knowing that inside my body, our arousals are nestled.

  My ass is in the air giving him a full view of my tender, well loved, pussy.


  My left ass cheek stings and heat is spread through that area before I can fathom that he just spanked me. “Did you spank me?” I ask him stupidly. I know he did.

  “I don’t know, did I? Did it feel something like this?” His hand smacks my ass in the same spot two more times.
/>   My hips roll as my ass stings so deliciously. I’ve never thought I would be into this but I’m love it. He’s got me so turned on right now.


  Brett chuckles from behind me. “I know what your body needs, Patience. I know exactly what you need and when you need it. Why?”

  It takes me a second to realize that he’s expecting an answer from me. I flip my hair back to look at his predatory gaze. Oh, yeah, he wants an answer. “Why?” I whisper.

  His hands grip the flesh of my ass tightly and he squeezes. “Because you belong with me. You’re my wife and I take care of what’s mine,” he swears.

  I’m about to ask what brought this on, but my words are lodged in my throat. He’s stuffed his hard dick through the lips of my pussy and bottoms out in me.

  I let out a scream not even giving two shits about being too loud. “Fuck me, fuck me!” I cry out.

  Brett’s got a punishing rhythm going with his hips and I’m sliding across the bed. The blankets give me zero traction from falling. My upper body gives out and I fall to the bed with a thud.

  “I’m gonna come again!” I wail.

  “That’s right. But you’re gonna hold it until I’m ready. We’re gonna come together, baby,” he instructs.

  Whining, I bury my head into the blankets and grab fistfuls of it. “I can’t! I can’t!”


  He growls. “You will! I’m gonna come. Now!” Brett yells into the empty room.

  My body shakes as the crest of my orgasm floods through my body. This wasn’t a normal orgasm. No, those aren’t even in the same ball park. This orgasm took over everything.

  A knock on the door has us shaking out of our post-orgasmic state. “Who could that be?” He asks me like I knew.

  I shrug and untangle myself from his warm body. Shit, I’m going to need shower big time before I leave here. I’ve never had this much sex and I feel sweaty. Plus, my pussy needs a break big time!

  Little did I realize how true of a break I would be getting.

  The door to the nasty hotel room, is kicked open. Brett jumps towards his jeans that are on the ground and grabs his gun. He’s got it aimed at the door waiting to see who’s there.

  I shuffle under the covers to cover my nakedness and to hide. Who am I kidding? Of course, I’m hiding!

  “Who the fuck are you?” Brett demands. His hand doesn’t waiver as it’s aimed at the door and the people that are coming in.

  “Where is she, you fucking piece of shit?”

  Oh, no!


  Who do these mother fuckers think they are barging into our hotel room while I’m fucking my wife? I can tell you one thing, whoever they are, they’re all dead.

  I lost five years with her and I’m not going to lose anymore.

  “Get out of our room,” I state calmly but with enough venom for them to know I’m not fuckin’ around.

  Two larger than life black men stroll through the broken door. One of them looks at the left side while the other looks at the right side. Are they looking for danger or something? What the fuck.

  The one that had the left side of the hotel room, smiles at me with white teeth. “Patience Monroe! Are you in here?”

  The covers are ripped down from her face and she offers me an apologetic smile. “Skin, Andre. I’m fine!”

  Both of them come charging over towards her while examining her. Who do these pricks think they are? Questioning me and what she’s doing here with me? These fucking assholes are about to get shot. I’m not going to let them undermine me like this in front of Patience. “I wouldn’t hurt my wife, fuckers. Now, kindly, get out.”

  I feel the need to let them know who I am and who she is. I don’t want them to forget it. Who the hell do these pricks think they are charging in here like they are going to do something? With my gun still pointed at them, I fight the urge to shoot it.

  In slow motion, both of the assholes pull their guns out and aim it at me. “Who the fuck are you?” One of them asks.

  I smirk. “Her husband, mother fucker.”

  A little hand that could only be the hand of Patience, is placed on my shoulder to stop me from charging at them. “Skin and Andre! How the fuck did you find me?” She demands.

  I must say, I do like the fact that she’s putting these assholes in their place. Hell, it’s hotter than shit to see her do it.

  One of the bald head twins shrugs. “I’m your bodyguard. I need a body to guard to be your bodyguard. You can’t drive off with some fucking loser and expect us to not know where to find you.”

  Patience’s body goes rigid and I look down to see that she has the sheet wrapped around her frame. “You put a tracker on me.”

  It’s my turn to get pissed off. “Do you want another occurrence of what happened the last time, P.?”

  “I’m fine here, get out!” She yells.

  With his comment about me being a loser still flooding my mind, I almost missed what the dumb ass said. “Explain,” I demand and wrap my arm around her shoulder to bring her closer to me.

  Five years without touching her, I have a lot of hugs to make up for.

  My phone vibrates from the side of the bed. As soon as it’s run it’s time, it does it again. I ignore it.

  “Patience,” the other man states with a scowl on his face. “Your husband died five years ago. We discussed this many times before. He’s dead and he’s never coming back. I’m sorry, sweetie, but you need to pack and get out of here before the press come.”


  Never coming back?

  Mother fuckers, I’m right here.

  I don’t often use the advantages of my cut, but at this moment I wish I did have it on.

  “It’s none of your business what she does and who she does it with,” I spit. “I’m not dead. I’m right here, in the flesh. Now get out!”

  The two bodyguards walk over to me. “You’re just one of those bottom feeding piranhas that feed off scandals to get paid. Patience Monroe isn’t going to pay you shit.”

  The other one must have decided that he has something to say now, too. “Get your shit. It’s time to go.” He walks around the bed to gather her shit with a disgusted look on his face.

  “Leave her shit here,” I bark.

  “Patience,” the guy walking around states with an annoyed look on his face. “This kind of behavior is what’s going to end up in the tabloids. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Am I even standing here?


  I’m land locked with my feet planted on the ground. I have no idea what to do or where to go so I just stay put. What happens if I leave Brett? Does all of this become a dream? It can’t be a dream.

  Tears flood my eyes while I try to make a decision. A decision that is going to change the rest of my life.

  “Might I remind you that you work for me.”

  Skin’s face is skewed up and I know he’s about to flip out on me. “This is why I hate working for divas.”

  “The press will going to have a field day with you and your man in leather,” Andre smirks.

  Brett growls from behind me and I know that the next move I make, is going to be one that I will have to live with for the rest of my life.

  Tears pool in my eyes at the thought of never seeing Brett again. I can’t leave him now that I have found him again. The past years have already gone and now this is all we have left.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I state.

  Brett holds me closer to his chest. “Leave.”

  Andre’s eyes widen. “Patience, how do you know that he’s Brett? How do you know that he’s just not some look alike who’s trying to get you to give him money? You don’t know anything about him.”

  “He’s right. We have to go,” Skin orders.

  “She’s not goin’ anywhere without me. You fuckers are leavin’!” My husband’s timbre of a voice vibrates my back and I feel it in my heart each word he says.

  My b
odyguards look like I punched them in the face with their eyes widened and nostrils flaring. “Fine, good luck with this biker trash.”

  Brett’s body coils up and he’s moving me out of the way so quickly that I didn’t even have a chance to register. His fist gears up landing on the face of Andre. “Don’t ever talk to my wife like that again!”

  “Brett, stop! Stop!” I yell. I know that Skin and Andre are in extreme shape and I don’t need them getting into it with Brett. I don’t want Brett to leave me again.

  Skin jumps into motion and is pulling Brett off Andre while punching him in the side. “Don’t fuckin’ move another muscle,” he states.

  I’m powerless as I watch this happen. I have no idea what to do and it’s scaring me.

  “Stop!” I cry out.

  With the door being kicked open, my publicist walks right in with a look of anger. “Patience! I need a raise. Tracking you down so you could get some is not part of my job description!”

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Kate demands while staring at everyone. “Every single one of you needs to realize something. We’re here because of Patience not so you can show your balls to the world. You get me?”

  Skin, Andre and Brett separate and stare at Kate with wonder.

  I launch into action. “Brett, this is my publicist, Kate. Kate, this is my husband, Brett.”

  I get a shiver every time I refer to him as my husband. Almost as if my body is being charged back to life after all those years without him and I need to make up for it.

  Her eyes squint while taking a look at him better. “You said your husband was dead.”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that? I’m not fuckin’ dead!” Brett growls.

  Feeling frustrated, I get in front of Brett. “Up until a few hours ago, you were to me. Stop being a little bitch and take it for it is. You want to continue with this? You have to realize that these three people are in my life.”

  He places his hands around my waist to drag me closer to him. “I’m so proud of everything you’ve done. We need our time, though. We have a lot to take care of.”

  “I have tours that need to be done. Concerts, talk shows. I don’t get to fall off the face of the earth.”


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