The Masked Poet

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The Masked Poet Page 16

by Albert Enang Eng Usang

  When she got home from the visit to the Emotional House, she had time to ponder on many things about the visit. One, she got all the more persuaded she was headed for the right direction in loving the Masked Poet. He did nothing but pellet her with blissful poems which kept resonating in her, just as soon as he saw her. Those poems were unscripted improvisations, and all that on a background of not yet declaring his love for her officially as it were. She wondered what torrent it would be when they are officially a couple! Two, she hoped she evoked in him, a liking, if not a loving, for her poetic abilities, which has the potential of spiralling into a looking, and then a loving, for the possessor of such abilities.

  'I really hope he will fantasize the sweetness of two poetic birds, doubling as love birds!' She whispered hilariously.

  Three, she hoped she left behind a future reminiscence of the fact she is not out for his money, but his love; she is an independent lady capable of raising her own up keep finances, and she is also capable of enlarging his business contacts with her connections, courtesy of her monetary appreciation and promise of possible new jobs from her guests on the birthday night. Fourth and lastly, she really really hoped the appearance, and attendant skirmishes of that kill joy Victor, does not ruin everything.

  'I hope he doesn't read any meaning into it.' She prayed.

  Anyway, she will deal with it aptly in the event he brings it up sometime in the future.

  So far, so good; she analyzed. Now, it is time to deepen the pitch of the green lights and the Masked Poet must ride on that express. Thankfully, she has a powerful crayon with which to thicken that pitch - the Masked Poet's number.

  Her friends visited her again few days later. They have heard of the latest episode to the unending saga of infractions between her and Victor.

  'Delight, did you really do it? Did you invite the police to arrest Victor?' As should be expected, it was of course none other than Joanna.

  'Yes girlfriend, I did it.' Delight replied indifferently.

  'Just imagine how brazen she sounds! How could you have done such a heartless thing to Victor?' Beatrice joined the trail of rebuke.

  'Sweetheart, I have no heart again. I'm so so heartless now, at least and especially, for any human called Victor Reeki.' Delight responded, with a swag to it.

  'What?' Joanna and Beatrice shouted in simultaneity.

  'Come, Gem and Amaku, aren't you girls going to say something and speak some sense into this dreamy girl.' Joanna implored the other ladies.

  'But Delight, can you please tell us what really happened?' Gem inquired calmly, towing a serene disposition as opposed to the barking duo.

  'Simple my dear,' she narrated. 'He promised in his usual style to harass me if I visited the Emotional House, and I took the police there because no one has such a right over me to stop my freedom of movement. As he was ready to manifestly act out his violent tendencies at the Emotional House, the police prevented him and nabbed him. That's all.'

  'But he said you filed a complaint against him with the police before that of he being your ex and a stalker?' Joanna interrogated.

  'Hmnn...hmmmnnn........' Said Delight. 'He lived up to that billing at the Emotional House. I was therefore, not wrong at all.'

  'Really?' They all chorused.

  'But you never told us you've dumped Victor.' It was Amaku.

  - My heart constantly spoke it but you never heard, you know, it's not easy to hear the heart speak. Now, with my lips, I tell you; I've ditched Victor.

  'But how can you do that? I mean, what has he done to warrant a ditching from you?' Beatrice asked.

  - First girlfriend, I am not married to him so I am free, and under no obligation to keep the relationship. Second, by the use of foresight, l see an overbearing husband, a wife batterer, a male chauvinist, a career cager, a lover with trust issues, an emotional cum psychological neglect, and an ignoramus to change; in him. So darling, a stitch in time saves nine.

  'But Delight, I maintain you are dreaming.' Joanna reiterated. 'This is Africa, not the West. What you need is a caring and loving man and not fairy tale smooth talkers. Victor gives you all you want, why are you treating him this way?'

  - Correction sweety, he is not loving at all. May be caring, but as for loving, he is virtually incapable of that!

  'Is there a difference between those - loving and caring?' Beatrice cut in, 'I mean no harm, I'm just asking.'

  - Oh yes sweetheart; a caring man could be an imposer who only stuffs your mouth with niceties but doesn't care if it tastes good on your tongue or not. A loving man cares and considers your feelings, he loves, and finds a way to tell you so specially, every now and then. And you see this sunshine, that is what I'm gunning for - a loving man!

  'Please enough of this back and forth about Victor.' Amaku attempted to steer the ship from a surging wave. 'So, you eventually went to the Emotional House?'

  'Yes, you went to see the Masked Poet?' Gem followed up with excited anticipation.

  'Yes deary.' Delight replied, lifting her blouse's shoulder pads in ostentatious gait as a show of pride. 'And it was awesome!'

  'Really? Then tell us all about it pleaseeeee.' Gem glowed eagerly.

  'What? Are you nuts?' Joanna cut in sharply. 'Who wants to listen to such balderdash?'

  'Abeg calm down!' Amaku rebuked her. 'What is it with you and Victor sef? Delight dear, please gist us jare!'

  'Amaku, so you are supporting Delight on this misdemeanor of hers?' Beatrice questioned.

  'I made my position on this matter very clear the last time out.' Amaku retorted. 'And l maintain Victor is an outdated lover who's lost touch with contemporary realities in the love world. He should be chided not pampered, or even supported. I certainly believe my friend deserves better.'

  'What? Amaku you too?' Joanna shouted her down. 'After all the help and financial assistance Victor has rendered you?'

  'Permit me to burst your bubble then, my dear,' Amaku fired back. 'I'm not one to have my rationality beclouded by financial inducements. We are talking about love here, which could lead to marriage, and the red flags has to be noticed and taken seriously.'

  'Come on girls,' Gem placated them. 'We are not here to fight, please let's behave civilly. Despite the pros and cons, our friend has made her decision. We have to respect that right of hers and instead, give her all necessary support. Please Delight, kindly tell us about your visit to the Emotional House, I mean, the Masked Poet.'

  'Thank you deary.' Delight resumed. 'Like I was saying, it was an awesome encounter, full of many interesting moments. Moments that are indelible even in a lifetime. Even as I'm seated here, l still remember all of them, so vividly that.............

  'Chinekem* oo oooo......... Delight, are you now that cheap?' Joanna interrupted her. 'Did you fall over him like a secondary school girl on her crush?'

  - Please girlfriend, I am just being myself. That I was excited does not in any way mean I fell for him. Just like your love for music and the feelings it produces in you when you listen to a good song, I am here and now expressing how mine went on a very special day. Blessed are those who are not offended by my openness.

  - Mtchhwwww...... Special day indeed!

  - Erm.......... Like I said before I was rudely interrupted; by the way, are you girls listening?

  'Go on baby, we are listening.' Gem encouraged her.

  'I am all ears as I just can't wait any longer.' Amaku added.

  'Mtchwww....... I think it will be boring.' Beatrice chipped in.

  'Then why don't you just walk.' Amaku fired again.

  'Is this your house? What business of yours is it if I stay and listen to a

  potentially boring narrative?' Beatrice retorted.

  'Don't get yourself worked up girlfriends,' Delight wadded in. 'I'll give you all the gist. You see, l didn't go there for a poetic massage like you all know, just on an appreciative visit. But my word! I received the poems of my life there for free!'

.. Really?' Gem asked.

  'How?' Amaku joined.

  - It is in a rather funny way you girls won't believe. The moment I was

  *chinekem(Igbo = my God!)

  ushered into his office, he stared at me like an electrocuted speechless monument for a while and...........

  'You mean he was speechless like Michael Jackson was?' Gem cut her short, giggling in excitement.

  - Ha ha ha ha........... Exactly! He stared on still until I took my seat. When he recovered from that electrocution I caused him you know, his first speech was a poem!

  'A poem? Can you recall it?' Amaku urged.

  - Of course dear! How can l forget such a poem, it is going to be indelible in my heart for years at least, if not forever.

  'Delight take it easy now and say the poem.' Gem advised. 'Just stop this suspense na, abeg.'

  - Okay, this is the poem...............

  She recited to them the Masked Poet's impromptu poem to her in his office that day.

  'Woww!!!!..' Amaku exclaimed. That's so alluring!'

  'I guess you blushed?' Gem asked.

  - You bet I did, even as dark as I am.!

  Ha ha ha ha ha.............. Went the like minded trio.

  'So, what happened next?' Gem resumed the conversation.

  'After saying the poem,' Delight obliged, 'You wouldn't believe what happened to him next.'

  - Something happened to him?

  - Yes. He collapsed!

  'What?' Amaku despaired.

  - Yes, he passed out!

  - Why? Was he attacked?

  - Oh yes.

  - By who?

  - me!

  'How did you do that?' Gem asked.

  - I got to know that later when he came to and relayed another poem to the fact I'm drop dead gorgeous.

  - So, he had to drop dead?

  - Hmmnn huh......... Like that you know.........

  'You mean it was a prank?' Amaku asked.

  - You catch fast girlfriend!

  Ha ha ha ha....................ha ha ha ha...........

  'But initially, I didn't know it was a prank so I got worried and called in his secretary for help when............' Delight resumed animatedly.

  Wait a minute girl, please recite that second poem so we can hear.' Gem interrupted with a request.

  - Which?

  - The one about the drop dead gorgeous.

  - Oh that? That was when his secretary came in, and together we tried reviving him until he got up with a start and immediately began......

  She recited the second poem to them.

  'Chei, this Masked Poet guy will killi* sombori* o.' Amaku asserted.

  'Certainly dear.' Delight agreed. 'He was almost killing me but instead, I turned it to ecstasy; I was busy enjoying every moment of it!'

  'So, when he got up?.........' Gem redirected.

  - No, he remained seated on his office floor after coming to. When his secretary asked if he could recollect what caused his loss of consciousness he said yes and began another poem!

  'Oh my God! Was he drunk?' Amaku wondered.

  'Charmed, spellbound; l rather think.' Gem assured.

  - Ha ha ha ha ............. Well, this is the poem........

  She recited the third poem ending with a rhyme, to them.

  'But Delight, how come you didn't faint as well all the while, from the invasion of your psyche by such a flood of poems?' Amaku analyzed.

  - Earnestly sweetheart, I'm still wondering. Truth is, they were so impromptu, natural, and sensational that any girl will faint in the flood thereof, but somehow, I made it.

  'Were there more poems?' Gem lead the way again.

  - No. I think after the third poem, whatever overdose of charm that got him high subsided and from then on we got talking about my birthday, my annoyance with his invisibility, his feats on that night, and my earnest appreciation.

  *killi(recent slang = kill) *sombori(recent slang = somebody)

  'Hmmnnn....... "earnest appreciation," it sounded more like "an heartfelt" appreciation.' Amaku asserted.

  - Ha ha ha ha ha......... Don't they mean the same?

  - They may mean, but don't carry the same weight either.

  - Whatever, I expressed my appreciation and he was grateful.

  'Was he?' Asked Gem.

  - Yes na. Who wouldn't? If it were you, wouldn't you be?

  'If l may ask, how did you appreciate him; in cash or kind?' Amaku was curious

  - I will slap you o. What do you mean by "in kind?" Please I am a clean girl and will remain so until that wedding night.

  - Haaba!*..... Somebody cannot play with you again?(laughing).

  - What kind of a joke is that? I don't like it.

  - Sorry na. You too dey vex!

  - Apology accepted. Anyway, I appreciated him in a special way.

  'Hmmnnn.....huh! How?' Gem asked.

  - The best way possible to pass the gravity of my appreciation across to him.

  - I wonder what that could be?

  - A poem! I wrote him an 'imperfect poem' of thanks.

  'Jeeezzzz......' Gem and Amaku shouted.

  'Did you go that far?' Gem queried.

  'I guess you really wanted him to feel your pulse!' Amaku prompted.

  - Sure! And he felt my pulse!

  'How did you know?' Asked Gem.

  - He told me afterwards against my fears, it was a perfect poem and he was jealous as a consequence.

  'Really? Jealous of what?' It was Amaku.

  - Three persons.

  - And they are?

  - Me, my parents, and my boyfriend, because I have beauty and brains.

  'Does he know Victor?' Gem pushed.

  - Yes he does. He introduced himself to him as such, when he went to

  *haaba(pidgin = chill)

  book for the birthday performance.

  'Thank God he knows!' Joanna came alive again. 'And let him therefore, keep away from you henceforth!'

  - I don't know what you are talking about Jo, I don't have a boyfriend at this point in my life.

  'Delight, let me ask you,' Beatrice also sparked into life once more. 'Do you love the Masked Poet?'

  There was a deafening silence all around the room as all four ladies

  eagerly awaited an answer to a pertinent question from a friend. But they were left on an endless looking suspense because Delight also joined them in silence, refusing to answer the question.

  'Kai kai kai*........' Joanna exclaimed, with her hands on her hand, 'So, you are in love with the Masked Poet as I have suspected all along!'

  'Please, don't jump into conclusions; mind you I never said a word of reply to your question.' Delight cautioned.

  'Why are you not saying something again?' Beatrice persisted. 'Last time, wasn't it with a strong mouth you denied loving him the moment that was suggested? Where has that strong denying ability gone to now?

  - Strong or weak mouth, I am reserving my comment and I have the right to silence, which I believe you are well aware of.

  - Well, I read meanings into that silence of yours and one such meaning is...............affirmation.

  - To what?

  - The fact you are in love with the Masked Poet!

  - So far as I am concerned, that is your opinion, which you have the right to. As for me, my stance remains - l reserve my comment.

  'Gban gbannnnn*..........gban gbannnnn........' Amaku sounded. 'This movie is getting so interesting; I'm loving it!'

  'I think it is season 2 episode 1 and it is titled: "the end of an era." Gem chipped in.

  - The end of Victor's era and the search for a new one.

  - No! Put it appropriately girlfriend: the start of the Masked Poet's era!

  *kai(Hausa = chei) *gban gban(classic action sounds in movies)

  - Did she say so; that the coupling with the Masked Poet has started?

  - Ermmm...... It will now, if it hasn't. It is a matter of when and
not if.

  'You girls can go on fooling yourselves, as for me, I maintain I am reserving my comment.' Delight re-emphasized.

  'Mtcchhhwww......' Joanna hissed. 'By the way, that narrative of your visit to the Masked Poet's office is the most boring story I ever heard in my long life!'

  - Please suit yourself. I thought you both said you won't be listening?

  Anyways, but by the way, Victor is now a free man, unhooked as it were, and very much available.

  - Excuse me, what are you insinuating?

  - You can have him if you want, I wouldn't raise an eyebrow, I wouldn't even be offended either.

  - What! Delight, are you accusing me of doting on your man?

  - Point of correction yet again; he is not my man, at least not any longer.

  - Whatever, but are you accusing me of doting on him?

  - I never said so o, only it is clear you are his unofficial advocate and you are always making glowing comments about him as though he were Mr. Perfect.

  - Meaning?

  - You may not be doting on him but you sure have a soft spot for him.

  That soft spot can blossom into something real if you now let it free.

  - Delight, I have never been so insulted in my life!

  - With due respect please, you keep saying I'm always in the wrong

  regarding Victor. If he is so perfect, why don't you give him a trial and view things from a closer range?

  - To hell with you Delight! I am out of this damn place!.......


  Delight found the Whatsapp medium a powerful crayon with which to deepen her green lights. She invited the Masked Poet for a chat one evening with a short rhyme:


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