Fighting For Her (Wilde Ways Book 5)

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Fighting For Her (Wilde Ways Book 5) Page 3

by Cynthia Eden

  And beside him, Kat’s breathing was soft and gentle.

  Time passed. More miles. More turns and twists. They weren’t heading straight to their destination. The goal was to throw off anyone who might be after her, so a few tricks were needed.

  “That’s really her, huh?” Carter asked, voice gruff and quiet.

  “Yeah, it’s her.” Rick’s gaze had returned to Kat.

  “She’s even prettier than in the photos.”

  Rick stiffened. “Didn’t realize you were a fan.”

  “I-I’m not, I mean…after her dad was killed, her pictures were everywhere. Everyone remembers what she looked like when she came out of that restaurant, her father’s blood on her dress.”

  Yes, that image had been everywhere.

  “Do you think it’s true that the guy killed her dad because the shooter was in love with Kat—”

  “She’s not sleeping, so how about we cut the chit-chat, okay, Carter?” He’d caught the faint hitch in her breath at the mention of her father. Probably not a memory she enjoyed reliving. Yes, she’d been at the restaurant when her father had been gunned down. And no, he had no clue if the shooter had been in love with her or not.

  Her head turned toward Rick. He met her stare.

  Carter cleared his throat. “Uh, here’s our stop.”

  About freaking time.

  Carter steered the SUV into a parking garage. Braked. “Do you need any—”

  “Just get the hell out of here. I’ve got her.” A rough edge entered his voice as he pulled Kat from the car. A moment later, she shivered as she stood next to him, and they watched the SUV’s tail-lights disappear as it left the garage.

  “He’s a chatty one,” Kat announced.

  Rick grunted.

  “And you’re not.”

  He pulled a set of keys from his pocket. Hit the button to unlock their ride—

  The lights flashed on a nearby sports car. Sleek and fast, but big enough to accommodate his long frame. He headed toward it—she did a quick run to keep up with him—and Rick opened the driver side door. “You need to crawl into the passenger seat.”

  She scrunched up that gorgeous face of hers. “Why not just take the cuffs off?”

  “Because we’re not in a safe location yet. If eyes were on Wilde Securities, then word is spreading to look for the black SUVs. Carter will keep driving around the city, he’ll leave a bullshit trail, while you and I vanish in a new ride.”

  “This ride isn’t exactly low key.”

  “I wanted fast, so I got it.”

  “Adrenaline junkie,” she accused. But she bent and climbed into the car. As she shimmed her way over the console, he got one fine and up-close view of her ass.

  He tried not to drool. Holy—

  “Hope you’re enjoying the view.”

  He was. Only he felt guilty as shit so Rick whipped his gaze away. But then the cuff yanked against his wrist and his stare shot right back to her. She’d settled into the passenger seat. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders as the vehicle’s interior light fell on her.

  She cocked her head. “I expect to be given a similar view later.”

  Oh, did she? “Princess, you can check out my ass any time you like.” He slid behind the wheel. Adjusted the seat to give him as much leg room as possible, and then had the engine purring to life. A sexy, beautiful purr.

  He whipped them out of there. Flew through the city. No one was following them. No one could.

  “He didn’t love me.”

  Rick braked at a red light.

  “The shooter—I didn’t even know him. He was some hired hit guy. He came in, took aim at my dad, and blasted. The blood hit me, and I screamed, and he just walked away.”

  Fuck. “I’m sorry.” The light changed, and he flew forward.

  “Why?” Her voice was brittle. “My father was a monster. Everyone says so. I’m pretty sure some folks were even celebrating in the street when they found out he was dead.”

  Okay, that was true but… “I’m sorry because he wasn’t a monster to you.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that.”

  Her words were so soft he wasn’t certain he even heard them. But his gaze flew to her.

  She was staring out of the window. “Seven days, huh?”

  He got his eyes back on the road.

  “Staying with me—day and night like that—it’s going to be hell for you.”

  “Thanks for the warning.”

  “My pleasure.”

  He wouldn’t smile. “You won’t get away from me, you know.”

  “I don’t know any such thing.” A pause. “And what makes you think I was even thinking about running?”

  Rick thought it because he wasn’t an idiot. “You shouldn’t run. Not unless you want to die.” They needed to get this shit straight right now. “I’m the only thing standing between you and a bullet. You want to keep living? Then you’ll play by my rules.”

  “I’m not really big on rules.”

  Like he hadn’t already noticed. “Too bad. I freaking love them.”

  “Surprise, surprise…”

  “My rules are pretty simple.”

  “I can’t wait to hear them.”

  He drove through the city. After a while, it was time to turn from the bright lights. To slip away. The road stretched before him as the skyscrapers and their lights faded into the distance. “Rule one, do what I tell you.”

  “You mean follow all of your orders?”

  That was exactly what he meant. “Follow my orders and you’ll keep living.” Simple fact.

  “I suspect you just like giving orders.”

  “I do. But in this case, with you, I’m trying to make sure you continue breathing.”

  “Then by all means, do share rule number two.”

  She was mocking him. His hands tightened around the steering wheel. “Rule two, no outside communication. You won’t be calling anyone, you won’t be visiting anyone, and you sure as shit won’t be taking secret messages to anyone.”

  A quick inhale. “I have no idea what you mean.”

  “Princess, do I look like some dumbass FBI agent?”

  “Is this a trick question?”

  “We sent Wilde agents to the bakery. Your so-called brownie run was bullshit. We know you borrowed a phone from some jerk you flirted with while you were there. We know you made a phone call. It’s only a matter of time until we figure out who you called.”

  “Well, aren’t you part of the most thorough security agency around?”

  “We do try to be thorough,” he allowed.

  “Your rules are tiring me out.”

  “Too bad, because we’re only getting started…” He hit the remote that had been hidden in the console, and a big gate opened. They were away from the city. Away from neighbors. On a long stretch of road. He’d be able to see anyone coming. No surprises. “Rule three, you don’t bullshit me.” He advanced along the winding drive that would take them to the main house.

  Not a mansion. Not some sprawling estate. A simple farmhouse that had been converted into one of Wilde’s safe houses. Small on the outside, but filled with state-of-the-art tech on the inside.

  He parked the car in the nearby garage. Had her do her sexy shimmy to get over the seat and console and out of the driver’s side. When she stood, her body brushed against his. And, yeah, she still smelled too good. She hesitated against him, and her free hand rose to press against his chest. For a moment, he enjoyed the rush of having her so close. She was beautiful, after all. A walking fantasy. But…

  “Rule four…”

  “Seriously? We need to talk about your rule obsession.”

  “You’re not going to use sex to get past my guard.”

  She blinked up at him. The moonlight shone down on her.

  “Not going to happen, princess. You can brush your body against mine, you can lick that lower lip, you can try to work me to your heart’s content, but I am going to do my job no matter wha

  She slipped even closer to him. Her hand moved to curl behind his neck. Her breasts pressed to his chest. She lifted onto her tip-toes. Her tongue slid out and traced along her lower lip—

  And his dick shoved hard against the front of his jeans.

  “Oh, Rick…” She breathed his name like it was the best sin on earth. “If I were going to work you…”

  His head leaned toward her.

  Her lips were almost touching his. He could nearly taste her.

  “If I were going to work you…” She leaned up and bit his lower lip. A light, sensual tug that sent desire surging through every cell of his body. “Trust me, your job would be the last thing on your mind.” Then she shoved against him. Hard. “But I’m not interested, and you’re insulting me and pissing me off.”

  He blinked at her.

  “So how about we get inside, you get the cuffs off me, and I try really hard not to kill you tonight. Sound like a plan to you?”

  Chapter Three

  The door shut behind Rick. He clicked all the locks in place. He set the alarm. He took his sweet, God-awful time about it all…

  Kat narrowed her eyes on him. The jerk thought she’d seduce him into getting her freedom? Hello, high opinion. Why did it surprise her? She’d seen the online articles that people posted about her. She knew what was said. Sure, it was crap. Lies. But…

  But it hurts. And Rick, damn him, had hurt her.

  “All right, princess, time for your freedom.”

  She held out her hand. “I’m not a princess.”

  He pulled a key out of his pocket. It had been there the whole time? Hell, she could’ve slid the thing out while he was distracted. Way for her to be off her game. It was just because she was tired, that was all. Running on pure fumes. She’d grab a few hours’ worth of sleep, then she’d hit the ground running—literally—the next day. She would not be staying Rick’s prisoner.

  His fingers brushed over her wrist. He slid the key into the tiny lock. Snick. The cuff popped open, and her breath rushed out in relief.

  Before she could snatch her hand back, his fingers were curving around her wrist. His heavy brows pulled together. “Shit, I think you are going to have a mark.” His thumb swiped over her wrist.

  “Probably. I bruise easily.”

  His gaze met hers. “I’ll remember that.”

  What? Why? She shook her head. “You are an insane man.”

  “And you’re a gorgeous, tricky, possibly homicidal woman.”

  She wouldn’t argue those points. “It’s good we understand each other.”

  He rubbed her wrist again. “I’m sorry about your bruise. I’ll be more careful with you in the future.”

  Aw, that was almost sweet. Kat batted her lashes at him. “I’m sorry that you’re an ass, and I won’t be more careful with you in the future.”

  He nodded and seemed to take the hit. “I shouldn’t have said that part about you working me.”

  She stepped closer to him. “If I wanted to work you, you’d be on the floor, groveling.”

  “Think you’re that irresistible, huh?”

  “I think I can tell when a man wants me.” Now she let her gaze drift down his body. Wow. “I, uh, would say the signs are there.”

  “My control doesn’t break. I can want you and still keep my distance.”

  “Can you? Then why are you still massaging my wrist? Doesn’t feel like distance.”

  He let her go.

  The cuff dangled from his wrist.

  “Your room is the second one down the hallway.” He pointed. The cuff bounced. “You’ll find clothes, toiletries, make-up…everything you need should be waiting on you.”

  “Aren’t you the thorough one.” Not a question. She turned away.

  “You have no idea.” Low, rough, sexy.

  Her shoulders squared. It was past time to leave Rick’s not-so-charming company. She put one foot in front of the other. Moved with the grace her mother had drummed into her years and years ago. They expect you to be trash. Show them you’re not. Show them that you can be anything.

  “It’s only seven days.” His voice drifted behind her. “Seven days and then you never have to see me again. Just remember, you have to follow my rules.”

  She’d spent a lifetime following rules. Now death was stalking her. There wasn’t any time left for her. I’m going to die, and I never lived.

  She was desperate, she was scared, and she was sure as hell going to break his rules.

  If she stayed with him, if she just waited in that farmhouse, Kat knew exactly what would happen.

  They’d both die.


  He watched her walk away. Heard the soft creak of the floor beneath her feet and then the click of her bedroom door shutting. Rick pulled out his phone and called his boss—and good friend—Eric. Eric answered on the second ring.

  “You’re secure?” Eric’s first question.

  “The pampered princess is safe for the night. Are the other agents in place?” The eyes that would watch from a distance to make sure all threats were covered.

  “They’re guarding you right now.”

  Rick grunted. “Thanks.”

  “You’re stocked with enough food and supplies to get you through the next week. Before you know it, she’ll be out of your life.”

  Seven days. Hardly any time at all. “I think I’m gonna need a vacation after this one.”

  Eric laughed. “Trouble already?”

  Trouble? He thought of her plump lips, the way she could make her voice go husky and trembly in a blink…and that truly world class ass of hers. “Kat is used to getting everything that she wants. She’s going to find that I’m not the kind of guy she can just wrap around her finger because she smiles at me. It’s wake up time for her.”

  Eric wasn’t laughing any longer. “The danger around her is damn intense. If she’s treating things like a game, she’s going to wind up hurt.”

  “Not on my watch.” The woman had been given two fucking teddy bears—the FBI agents—as protection. They’d let her get away with anything and everything. Freaking brownie run? But now she had a grizzly for protection.

  No one would hurt her.


  Rick didn’t particularly like Eric’s rumble. “What?”

  “There’s a whole lot about Kathleen O’Shaughnessy that’s a mystery. The woman was kept out of the public eye for her entire life. Hell, a lot of folks didn’t even know she existed, not until she ran out of that restaurant with her father’s blood on her. She might look innocent—”

  She didn’t. Innocent was not a word that came to mind when Rick thought of her body, her lips, her eyes.

  Sexy. Tempting.

  Innocent? Not any day of the week.

  “But I don’t think she is,” Eric added, voice gruff. “It’s possible that her father was grooming her to take over the business. She could be every bit as dangerous as he was. For all we know, she’s tricking the FBI. She could have been in on her father’s murder, and when she vanished yesterday for that so-called bakery trip, she could’ve been checking in with her team.”

  And about that bakery run…“You trace the call she made yet?”

  “We’re having…a challenge.”

  “Bullshit.” An immediate response. There was nothing that the Wilde tech team couldn’t do.

  “She called a burner. We were able to find the phone—its owner had ditched it. We’re trying to figure out who purchased the phone and when, but turns out, the serial number on the thing matches a batch of burners that were reported stolen over a year ago. Considering her father’s connections and the fact that she just called a phone, that, um, for all intents and purposes we’ll just say ‘fell off a delivery truck’ somewhere…it’s gonna take some time to figure out who she called.”

  “Shit.” Rick hadn’t wanted her to be evil. Why were the gorgeous, sexy ones always dangerous?

  “Stay on guard with her. Don’t belie
ve anything she says.”

  Like he needed to be warned.

  “Rick?” Eric seemed to be hesitating.


  “So, yes, this is going to sound, ah…”

  He was stumbling. Very unlike Eric. “Just spit it out, man.”

  “I saw the way she looked at you, okay?”

  Rick was lost. “And how was that?”

  “Like a cat who’d just found a freaking delicious bowl of cream. The woman’s eyes lit up, and she practically ran across the room to you.”

  No, she hadn’t. Had she?

  “Keep your guard up with her. She’s…” Again, Eric hesitated.

  Rick’s jaw clenched. “You think she’s gonna try and seduce me?”


  “I’m not a total dumbass. Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” He ran a hand over his jaw. “It’s not amateur hour, here, buddy. I can keep my dick in my pants and my hands off her. I’m not about to fall prey to some—” He turned around and his words froze in his throat.

  Because Kat was standing right there. Holy hell. She’d been behind him for how long? And why had the woman not made so much as a sound as she approached?

  “Rick?” Tension sharpened Eric’s voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Got to go, man. I’ll check in with you tomorrow.” He ended the call. Slapped the phone down on a nearby table. The cuff on his wrist bumped into the wood. Growling, he grabbed the key out of his pocket and practically ripped off the cuff before he shoved the handcuffs down near the phone. And all the while, Kat watched him with those deep, green eyes. “Is eavesdropping a hobby for you?” His gaze swept over her.

  Her bare toes—the nails sporting a light blue polish—curled against the wood. “I didn’t want to interrupt you while you were talking. That would have been poor manners. I was waiting patiently. Politely, if you will.”

  He lifted a brow. Crossed his arms over his chest.

  “But I did learn some interesting things.” Now her gaze dipped over his body. Lingered on his—

  Hell, on his dick. The thing had shot up at the first sight of her.

  “It’s good to know that you can keep your dick in your pants,” she told him, all prim and proper and earnest-like. “And that you can keep your hands off me.”


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