Shults, Sergei Sergeevich 266
Shumiatskii, Boris 61, 373, 376, 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 384, 437
Simenova, M. 399–400
Simonov Monastery 414
social class
ascription problems 111
Butovo shooting range 485–91
see also high society
social organizations/clubs 59, 93, 396
social transformations 114–15, 118–19
Socialism and its Culture (Bukharin) 527–8
‘socialism in one country’ 337–9
socialist competition 426
‘socialist realism’ 231, 240, 243, 280
socialist vs capitalist city 37–8
Society of the Friends of the USSR, England 140
Sokolov, Aleksei 321
‘Song of the Motherland’ 463–5
Spanish Civil War 95–8
International Brigades 104–5, 106–7
and Moscow experiences 107–8
and NKVD 105–6, 107–8
Paris International Exhibition 199
POUM 104, 106
prelude to Second World War 99–101, 107
show trials 101–2, 106
Soviet patriotism 101–3
Soviet support, agenda and interventions 98, 103–7
Spiridonovka, October Revolution anniversary celebrations 348
sports parade, Red Square 210–12
icons of the new age 250–4
personal accounts 248–9
Stalin’s Tribe (film) 249, 254–5
Stadnikov, Georgii Leont’evich 264–5
Stalin, Joseph
attempted assassinations 71, 73, 412
at Bolshoi Theatre 511, 512
Central Committee plenum (February–March) 180–1, 183, 185, 188, 193–4, 196–7
cult of 92, 509
dacha 362
and death of Ordzhonikidze 162, 166, 167
Directory of All Moscow 62
ending of mass killings 502
estimated population of USSR 115
and Hitler
collaboration 99
suicide 169
interest in film 373, 379
involvement in census 113
‘left’ and ‘right’ opposition to 76
from Bukharin 527, 529–31
from Ella Henrion 387–8
from Yezhova 175
meeting with Feuchtwanger 82–6
on new age 217
on NKVD 192–3, 502
October Revolution anniversary celebrations 347, 348, 350, 353–4
pictures of 47–8, 213
radio broadcast 224, 225–7, 336–7
Short Course 529
‘Soviet musical culture’ 433
statues 202, 206, 240, 282, 349, 354
suicide of first wife 168
telegram on ‘anti-Soviet elements’ 491–3
Stalin automobile plant 236, 237, 253
director 417–19, 427
disorganization and criticism 424–32
factory workers
adaptation and leisure 423–4
housing and conditions 414–16, 422–3
population growth 416
rivalries 426
rural migration 417, 419–21
training and discipline 425
Palace of Culture 413, 414, 415, 416, 448
production statistics and methods 418–19
production targets and failures 424
renaming 416
technological development 414
Stalinist Constitution 224, 225–7, 336–7, 341–2, 342, 385, 465
Stalin’s Tribe (film) 249, 254–5
census 114, 120, 121–3
suicides 174
The Steps of Nemesis (play) 141–3
Strastnoi Monastery 147, 158–9
Stroilov, Mikhail Stepanovich 265
suburbs 48–50
suicides 167–70, 174, 175–6
Sukhanovka prison 477, 517–18
Tal, Boris 424
theatres/plays 58
Dream 308–9
Gorky Park 404–5, 410
The Last Days 151–2
Pushkin Jubilee 146
Red Army 236, 237
special protection 340–1
The Steps of Nemesis 141–3
tour by Feuchtwanger 90, 92–3
see also Bolshoi Theatre
Tomskii, Mikhail 168–9, 170, 330
advertisements 326–8
Guide to the City of Moscow 326
proletarian 328–30
trade unions 427, 431–2
Central Committee plenum (February–March) 188–90
infrastructure 39, 41–2
railway accidents 132–6
Traubenberg, Ivan Konstantinovich 265
Trifonov, Iurii (Disappearance) 59–60, 213–14, 365–7
Trotsky, Leon 70, 71, 72, 76, 78–9, 525
Soviet aviation 310
Spain and Mexico 107
Trotskyists 83, 84–5, 194, 196
Trotskyite–Zinovievite Terrorist Centre (1936)
context 74–6
defendants and alleged crimes 71–3, 78–9
double-dealers 76–7
ideal enemy 78–80
origin and aim of show trials 77–8
Piatakov’s intended role 143
Prosecutor Vyshinskii 68, 69–72, 73, 74, 75–6, 78–9, 80
public reaction to 68–9
radio broadcast 228
Union Bureau trial (1931) 78
United States (USA)
American way of life 459–60
architecture/architects 233–4, 452, 455, 554–6
democracy 450–1
Embassy 362–5
engineers 455–6, 459
film industry 454, 456–7
influence of 376, 419
music 457
relationship with USSR 458–9
Russian exiles in 457–8
Russian writers’ observations 450–5, 459–60
transpolar flights to 298–301
utopia as present-day reality 461–2
see also Davies, Joseph (US ambassador)
unity of Soviet nation 468–71
The USSR in Construction 175, 177, 327, 329, 369, 374
Ustrialov, Nikolai
arrest and execution 332
biographical details 332–3
on Bolshevism and Stalin’s ‘socialism in one country’ 337–9
diary 332, 342–3
on new Russia 334–7
NKVD surveillance 343
and radio broadcasts 215, 223, 224–7
and world of ‘former people’ 339–42
Utesov, Leonid 434–7
Vargas, Jenö 390
Vernadskii, Vladimir 256–7, 267–73
Vesnin, Aleksandr 241–2, 243
Vodop’ianov, Mikhail 307, 308–9
Volga-Volga (film) 382–4, 439
Voroshilov, Kliment Efremovich 58, 73, 177, 347–8, 350, 353, 361–2, 362, 363
Vyshinskii, Andrei
on NKVD methods 191–2
show trials
first 68, 69–72, 73, 74, 75–6, 78–9, 80
second 126, 136, 137, 138–9
third 523–4
Wangenheim, Gustav von 397–8
water supply 39, 40, 41, 278
Weinert, Erich 395, 396
White Sea Canal 275, 276–8, 287, 291, 293, 330, 385
Wolf, Marcus 399
Worker and Kolkhoz Woman (sculpture) 198, 251, 554
American 453–4
Butovo mass graves 487, 490
estates 48–9
reading of Pushkin 155
support of Spanish Republic 98
see also factories/factory workers; Stalin automobile plant
wreckers see saboteurs/wreckers
Wright, Frank Lloyd 245–7, 551
arrests/executions 16, 93–4, 108
meetings with Lion Feuchtwanger 90, 91, 93–4
Writers’ Union (MASSOLIT) 21–2, 150–1
xenophobia 504
Yezhov, Nikolai alleged
attempted assassination 525
arrest and execution 502, 517–18
Yezhov, Nikolai
Central Committee plenum (February–March) 183, 184, 189–90, 191
on NKVD practices 192, 193
connections with artists and writers 368, 369
election campaign 216
NKVD leadership 513, 515, 518
NKVD search inventory 371
on political immigrants 400
in Sukhanovka prison 477, 517–18
Yezhova, Evgenia 175
Butovo mass graves 488
Feuchtwanger on 92
icons 445
and physical culture movement 251–4
Pioneer band march 408
sports parade, Red Square 248–9, 252–4
Zhdanov, Andrei 73, 186–7, 188, 193
Zinoviev, Grigorii 71, 72, 73, 78–9, 83, 84, 330
Zoshchenko, Mikhail 155
Moscow, 1937 Page 94