Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6)

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Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6) Page 14

by Tony Corden

  Level 8 - Secondary Elementals - Lightning, Time, Psychic, Poison, Shadow, Blood, Silence, and Gravity. For a detailed analysis of this refer to the comprehensive manual. Some forums also have a detailed analysis of the relationships which may prove useful.”

  Level 9 - Primary Magic Users - Sorcerers, Mages, Enchanters, Clerics, Crafters, Warriors, Magical beings (Gods, Dragons, Fae, Demons, etc.), the afflicted (Were, Vampires, Gargoyles, etc.), and Magical Artifacts.

  Leah stopped reading and waved the rest of the pages away. She said, “So, of the seven shrouds I have the strongest is the Divine Magic Light Shroud from Lady Utsal. Next is the Divine Magic Death Shroud. I’m not sure of the next two, the Draconic Magic Shadow Shroud or the Divine Magic Silence Shroud. I’d put the Earth Shroud next as it is a Primary Elemental. Finally, are the Blood Shroud and the Mundane Shadow Shroud.”

  “A quick search of the handbook and forums does not resolve the issue of relative strength between the Draconic Magic Shadow Shroud or the Divine Magic Silence Shroud. Less than 500 players have discovered a shroud and less than fifty have two. Most shrouds are associated with Mundane Magic with only three paladins known to have divine shrouds. Very few battles have been witnessed between people who have shrouds, and none of the players have described their experiences in much detail on the forums.”

  “Is there anything about mixing magic with different origin but the same element? I was wondering about Lord Kötü’s Shadow shroud and the mundane Shadow shroud. What about Merideath? She had a red flame and a blue flame. Does she have two Fire shrouds?”

  “I can find nothing about mixing the same elemental magic from two disparate origins. As for Merideath, the red flame around her staff is supposedly a shroud, but she has refused to confirm the rumour. One writer suggested it was a Shroud of Demonic Fire. That would make it divine magic, or possibly Fae magic. Some have suggested she is in league with the Fae, but she has also refused to comment on that possibility. The blue flame is some form of elemental familiar that is almost certainly of Fae origin. It can act as a summoned creature and fights semi-independently for Merideath.”

  Leah sat for about ten minutes thinking but was undecided. She finally said, “I think I’ll stay on the ground and move along the trail for a while. With the extra one hundred Luck from Lord Kargasa, I may run into some more glitchwolves.”

  “I suggest you also add the additional coins to the different coin quests. It may take some time to determine how to assign the additional points.”

  This had been Leah’s plan all along, and she had all the coins ready to transfer. After adding 221 new copper special minted coins, seventy-five silver, fifty gold, twenty-three platinum, and 11 Diamond coins, she had jumped from Level 328 to Level 411 and gained almost two hundred and fifty Characteristic points to distribute on top of those she had unassigned. In addition, she received Achievements for reaching Level 400 faster than any other player.

  When she’d finished assigning points, and her new armour and gifts were all added Gèng displayed a summary of her statistics.

  ATHERLEAH (Level 411) (1792645/44650000) (+325.5%)

  Characteristics: Points Total Assigned (including gifts and add-ons)

  Strength (S): 1311

  Constitution (C): 1320

  Agility (A): 1078

  Wisdom (W): 1374

  Intelligence (I): 1272

  Luck (L): 711

  Statistics: (Available, Capacity) (including Dragon +100%Ki)

  Health: 100+(S+C)xPL: (1081441, 1081441) HP

  Stamina: 100+(C+A)xPL: (985678, 985678) SP

  Mana: 100+(W+I)xPL: (1087606, 1087606) MP

  Ki: 100+(W+[S+A]/2)xPL: (2111507, 2111507) KP

  With her new armour, its enchantments and the various gifts she had more than doubled her reserves. She knew that this brought her close to the lowest of the other contestants and that most of them were still at least one hundred levels above her. Altogether she’d spent almost half her time getting organised and learning how to use the shrouds. In her mind, Leah set aside the final hour to add one or more of the permanent shrouds to her arsenal. This meant she had just over two hours to see what forces Suzluk had placed in her path.

  Leah used some of the skill points and upgraded her summoning skill to expert level. Testing this she silently called two of Orumeck’s warrior drones. Leah was excited to see that both were at Level 352. With a wave of her hand and a mental command she sent them into the forest ahead of her, one to her right and the other her left.

  Leah decided to let Mĕi follow at her own pace and with a glance at her map she set off through the forest toward the trail leading north. The path she was looking for was less than a league from her position. She travelled quickly in a loping jog with her eyes checking ahead and then to either side as she moved through the forest. Leah not only practised misting as she ran but also went through the various stick fighting and sword forms she’d learned. She’d hoped to have learned some new moves, but things had been too busy. She’d been moving for eight minutes when there was a screech to her right as the warrior drone was attacked. By the time Leah reached it, it was being torn apart by a Level 430 Gravity Glitchwolf. Leah only had a moment to notice the drone had been crushed flat and see the label before she was driven face down into the forest floor by the crushing weight of her own body as her legs buckled beneath her.

  Expecting an attack, Leah misted and tried to roll to one side. It was a struggle as the gravity attack was still in effect even in her mist form. She continued to strain expecting an attack at any moment when the crushing weight suddenly lifted. Not expecting the reprieve she rolled over twice before coming to her feet to see what was happening. The glitchwolf had released her because the second drone and Mĕi had both come to Leah’s aid.

  As Leah watched the glitchwolf dispatched the drone effortlessly and easily evading Mĕi’s attack by glitching just as her paw reached it. With the drone dead the wolf applied its attack to Mĕi. As Mĕi was brought to her knees, Leah leapt at the glitchwolf with fangs extended and claws elongated. It glitched just as she reached it, but as she’d done previously, she misted. Leah slammed into the wolf sinking her fangs deep into the neck and plunging her claws deep into the body.

  The glitchwolf had recovered quickly from its surprise, and Leah was slammed once again into the ground. This time though the wolf was under her and she continued to feed. As it neared death, the glitchwolf doubled its attack on Leah. She suddenly felt herself pulled forcefully to one side as the wolf manipulated gravity to pull Leah from its body. Leah held tight, and although several of her claws were ripped free of the body, she was able to finish feeding. As soon as the wolf died Leah’s sense of up and down returned, as did her normal weight.

  Leah lifted her head to check on Mĕi only to receive a message.

  Atherleah. Your pet Chimera, Mĕi, has died. Pets in Dunyanin are able to resurrect after 48 hours should their owner desire to continue the relationship. When resurrected, the pet will appear as a statue in the player’s bag.

  Do you wish to continue with Mĕi as a pet?

  [Y] [N]

  Grateful that Mĕi would resurrect but discouraged that she’d let her be killed, Leah replied ‘Yes’ before checking her own injuries. She had suffered several broken bones and two crushed vertebrae in the fight but was able to heal herself. Because she had killed the glitchwolf by feeding there was nothing to harvest. Instead, she decided to use the Beast-walker vambraces of Altin Geyik Efsanesi. She found the outlines of a glitchwolf on each vambrace and touched them so they would turn golden. Saying the phrase “Let Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Darkness aid me to live in the skin of this beast” she felt her body mould itself into its new form.

  Atherleah, you have taken the form of Safha Peslik. Safha features in elven mythology as the hunter-killer of the traitorous Fae Queen Malikat Aljiniya. Her husband King Alzae Alhaqinya was both thankful and devastated. He commanded that no glitchwolf might be killed by the Fae in honou
r of the deed and then in his grief, he had all glitchwolves driven from the Fae realm. It is said he still grieves to this day. The vambraces have each added 50 A and 50 I to your statistics. Your clothes and belongings will be restored when you return to your human form.

  Leah had run on four legs and was used to a tail. Even so, it took her ten minutes to get used to the difference between a great wolf and a large cat. Her glitchwolf body continually exuded mana. In the beginning, she had no control over the strange glitches that brought her body out of phase with normal reality and shift her into a dimension similar to that when she misted as a vampire. Slowly she found she could exercise her will as she had with the shroud. Once she had control of the glitches, she began to manipulate the mana that formed on her outer skin and spiny fur. She began by emulating the glitchwolf she’d killed and focussed on changing the gravity under plants and small trees. Before the hour was up, she was able to topple a medium sized tree by shifting gravity on one side. She was pleased to see the image of the gravity glitchwolf remain edged in silver after returning to her half-elf form. She was now able to take this form at will.


  Chapter 20

  December 17, 2073 - Early Morning - Part 11


  During her time as Safha Peslik she had travelled to the edge of the trail which led to the Kukurt Depression. Leah had one hour before she planned to choose a shroud. She transformed back into Safha Peslik using the vambraces, then using her enhanced canine senses she began moving in the same direction as the trail but hidden in the forest on one side. In the glitchwolf form, she could travel much faster and in greater safety through the forest than if she was a half-elf on the trail.

  After following the trail for almost a league, Leah’s sharpened hearing identified voices ahead. Slowing, she moved deeper into the forest, moving downwind of the soft conversation. She wasn’t able to isolate sounds but could tell from the cadence and murmurs that several people were in a heated discussion, albeit in whispers. Using all the skills she knew and adding the natural silence of the glitchwolf, Leah crept closer. Being downwind she soon isolated eight distinct scents ahead of her. Six she identified tentatively as a mixture of elves, humans, or orcs. Another irritated her nose, and although she knew she’d smelled it previously, she couldn’t remember either when, or what it belonged to. The last was faint and was suggestive of sunshine and fresh rain. This scent was separate from the others and off to one side. Leah considered why and decided that something else was stalking the seven she could hear arguing.

  Leah slunk closer until she could peer out into a small clearing that overlooked the trail. Immediately she knew where she had experienced the irritating scent before, it was in Çaresiz. A dark elven mage was holding a thick silver chain which ended in a wide collar that fitted tightly around the neck of a demon like those she’d seen in the demon realm. A quick check confirmed this

  DEMON WARRIOR - ELITE (Rank - Heptarch) (Level 382) 145924 HP (19100 EP)

  Smoke and the sound of sizzling flesh rose from where the collar rested on the demon’s skin. It continually shifted to reposition the collar. Leah could see the burnt flesh heal almost immediately, but it was clear the creature was in some agony. It was clearly a female. She had wings which were folded behind her. The elven mage was speaking quietly, though his voice was uncompromising, “She must have fresh blood, and the creatures we’ve been finding are not enough. Either find a higher sentient to sacrifice, or one of you will have to be it. Lord Suzluk wants the murderer Atherleah to suffer while she dies. Metstilania here is the best tracker and hunter that the Demon Prince Mordesh would part with. He guaranteed our master that she would cause Atherleah to beg for death, all in exchange for a bow she stole from his family.”

  The other five were a mixture of races. Two were from the dark races, one a dark elf from the Solgun clan, her ebony coloured hair grew long on her left side while the right side of there skull was shaved. The hair was woven in an intricate braid incorporating a variety of beads which looked to have been made of carved finger bones. The other was a full orc and stood eight feet tall. He and the demoness were about the same height.

  The other three were of the light races. One was a full desert elf warrior with two swords at his back. The other two were human and looked to be from the Islands. One carried a staff and Leah thought she must be a mage. The final human wore a full set of armour and carried a war axe. The desert elf said, “I will avenge Rab Adli myself and need no demon spawn to do complete the task. Let the creature either be content with animals or return to her master. Atherleah will die at my hand.”

  The human mage said, “My mistress demands this Atherleah be handed over to Clan Y’Haul. Suzluk may bargain with Merideath for her head if he wants. Besides, I doubt Atherleah will get this far. Suzluk has teams placed on every trail leading to the Depression and on every piece of high ground. Let the demon starve if she won’t eat from the animals we provide.”

  The orc didn’t join the conversation, but he had his hands on his sword as if to state he would not be a willing sacrifice.

  Leah was able to identify the level of the orc and the demon but the rest she identified as players. The orc was Level 391, and Leah guessed the players were as strong. She was about to sneak away when the demoness spoke, “You are all simpletons and fools. While you prattle on with words of no consequence, our quarry listens to your plans and then slips from your grasp. Know this, she belongs to my master.”

  As she spoke the last word, Metstilania suddenly sprang toward Leah snapping her wings and breaking the chain. Leah wasn’t surprised, as she had fought demons before and had been expecting an attack the moment the demon opened her mouth. Before the demon could finish her first step, Leah slammed her into the forest floor by increasing gravity and using the full force of her will. Realising belatedly that she didn’t want Merideath learning of her ability to become a glitchwolf, or that she could affect gravity in that form, she changed back into the half-elf as she leapt into the small clearing before any of the others had even moved. Equipping the Amber Dragon, Leah brought it down and removed the crushed demon’s head. She didn’t want it surviving and somehow become loose in the forest or somehow tracking her down.

  The orc was the first to respond as his hand was already on his sword. As Leah stepped toward him she cast Tangle at the two humans and then ducking under the orc’s slashing sword, she swept the sword upward and removing his left leg about knee level. Instead of killing him she turned and equipping her bow, put an arrow through the heart of the desert elf. A whip of blood reached out and wrapped around her arm. Thankful for the armour’s protection she sent a return bolt of Dragonfire toward the mage who had controlled the demon. Glancing toward the two islanders, she saw the warrior had almost cut himself free. The mage though was already free and was bringing her staff up toward Leah. Leah cast Chain Lightning as the staff emitted a jet of water. Leah was blown off her feet by the blast and slammed into the trunk of a tree almost five metres behind her. She was disorientated briefly, more than actually hurt, and looked up just as the water mage exploded in a burst of super-heated steam. The lightning had hit the stream of water and conducted through the staff into the mage. The lighting began to arc away from the mage toward the next soldier but was attracted to the mana within the water-orientated staff and curved back to attack the mage a second time. Each of the successive lightning strikes hit the water mage, causing both her and the staff to be torn apart by the build-up of energy.

  Leah rolled to her left and came to her feet as the warrior brought his axe around in a horizontal sweep toward her. Un-equipping her weapons she misted, letting the axe go through her, then equipping her new haladie for the first time she buried one end in the warrior's armpit. Leaving the haladie in place, she swung behind the warrior to escape a bolt of mana. The mana hit the warrior instead, causing his exposed skin to blister and explode with open weeping sores. Leah summoned a Warrior Drone behind the mage who
only noticed it as the scythe speared into his back. Leah finished off both the warrior and the orc then banished the drone. Leah had expected a more protracted battle but realised that she had moved faster than ever before. The upgrade in levels and the additions to all her characteristics had made an enormous difference.

  She surveyed the dead and then looked across the clearing to where she believed the final scent had come from. She said, “Please show yourself. If you aren’t here at Suzluk’s bidding and if you mean me no harm, then I am not interested in fighting.”

  Leah couldn’t see the bushes move, nor did she hear a sound, but there was a flicker of light, and a tall figure stepped into the clearing. The creature was as tall as the orc had been and although his features were elven, he was wide across the shoulders with a large chest which tapered to what looked like a narrow waist but was probably the width of a man’s shoulders. His skin was predominantly dark blue and sparkled as if it was metallic. It looked smooth at the same time as resembling the bark of an ancient tree. Shining through the cracks was a vibrant yellow as if he was burning from the inside. His hair was the colour of Shiraz. He said nothing but walked slowly toward Leah, examining her as if she was some strange creature he’d never seen before. Leah did nothing as he walked around her once before coming to rest several paces in front of her.

  Leah struggled to identify him by the label above his head as it kept shimmering and fading from view. Gritting her teeth in frustration, she concentrated, and slowly the words steadied and became visible.


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