Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6)

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Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6) Page 31

by Tony Corden

  Although there were no shadows to walk through, Leah had used her Shadow Shroud and formed a ring of Shadow around the Elf. She stepped from one place to another, staying just ahead of Yuè Fēi’s attacks. Even with this advantage, Leah only managed to land the occasional blow. So far, each stroke that did get through had been turned aside by Yuè Fēi’s armour, even though the Amber Dragon had left faint marks.

  Yuè Fēi soon worked out from Leah’s stance where she was likely to appear. After two near misses, Leah teleported ten metres from Yuè Fēi to catch her breath but as she arrived, so did an arrow from his bow. Leah deflected the arrow, and its accompanying spell, with her shroud, then she had to Mist to evade Yuè Fēi’s thrown knife. Leah gathered her will and cast True Images. Two similarly attired Leahs appeared, one on either side of her. As one they moved toward Yuè Fēi, separating as they approached. Yuè Fēi stepped back, his golden armour shimmered for a moment then with a flash of gold a second Yuè Fēi appeared. The original shimmered again, and a third Yuè Fēi appeared. Speaking together the three said, “I’ve been hiding this for a while. It’s certainly a curious feeling.

  Leah wasn’t really surprised. The spell was available after Level 500. The only surprise was that Yuè Fēi was also a Paladin, assuming that it was a similar spell to the one she had. They paired off, Leah taking care to match up against the real Yuè Fēi. It isn’t that she doubted the others, it was just that if she died, she didn’t want to be killed by a clone. As Leah stepped forward, so did Leah Two and Leah Three. Neither of the others seemed hampered by pain like she was. A quick query to Gèng received the explanation that they were a synthesis of all her play since she began. She would experience their pain but not receive the actual muscle stimulation. She was pleased that at least two-thirds of her was able to fight without a disability.

  While a part of Leah kept track of the other two, she was soon totally focussed on staying alive. Yuè Fēi was pressing her hard and she needed every part of her concentration. She needed to utilise every evasive technique she had to keep Yuè Fēi’s sword from killing her. He’d already landed numerous glancing blows, but so far the Dragon Armour had dealt with those. Twice the blow had been more than glancing, and although the armour withstood most of the force, it passed some of it on. In one case, Leah received a three-inch cut along her thigh. Although the armour both repaired itself and sent life mana into the cut to heal her wound, Leah knew more serious injuries were inevitable.

  A spark of concern caught her attention as Leah Two narrowly escaped losing an arm. She had lost her Amber Dragon and had left herself open to Yuè Fēi Two’s return stroke. Leah measured distances and cast Disc of Death and almost lost her own sword as Yuè Fēi caught her momentary lack of concentration. Leah had managed to erect a barrier between Yuè Fēi Two and Leah Two, but now she was inside a steel cage with two of him.

  Yuè Fēi two turned toward Leah but was hit in the back by an arrow from Leah Two. Leah Two kept up the pressure and managed to stop Yuè Fēi Two from helping the original against Leah. Not that the original Yuè Fēi needed help.

  Leah was under pressure for the next minute, her every stroke and parry was reactive. She received a cut on her left forearm and one on her right thigh. She tried to take the initiative but lost her own Amber Dragon when Yuè Fēi managed to land a blow above the guard, cutting off four fingers at the second knuckle. Taking advantage of Leah’s plight, he lunged forward only to be stopped by a shield formed by Leah’s Light Shroud. Yuè Fēi was using dual swords, and his every cut, thrust and lunge was met by either a Shadow Shield constructed from Leah's Shadow Shroud or a Light Shield constructed from Leah's Light Shroud.

  Leah was desperately trying to evade Yuè Fēi's attack and was using the shrouds to shield her when she saw an opportunity to lunge and wound Yuè Fēi, but she couldn’t without a sword. Instinctively she willed the Light Shield into a sharp point and lunged in her mind. Yuè Fēi’s sword almost blocked the move, but for the first time, he was bleeding. Leah began to wield the Light and Shadow shrouds in her mind just as she would have her dual swords. She found it easier when she also moved her body in sync with the swords but it wasn’t absolutely necessary, and sometimes she was even able to thrust while stepping away from one of Yuè Fēi’s lunges.

  Finally, Yuè Fēi was on the back foot. Without having to worry about her shoulder and using her mind to move the two swords, Leah slowly upped the tempo. Yuè Fēi was still the superior swordsman, but he began to miss the occasional block as Leah’s swords moved impossibly fast. Soon he had blood dripping down one leg, a shallow cut across his abdomen and gash on his right shoulder.

  Then, Leah felt Leah Two die as Yuè Fēi Two pierced her heart with a low lunge which speared up and under the ribs. She and Leah Three moved closer together without thought and then together teleported so they were back to back with a metre and a half between them. Yuè Fēi. Yuè Fēi Two and Yuè Fēi Three moved to encircle them. The duel lasted another three minutes, but three on two was too much when they were so evenly matched. Leah outlasted Leah Three by only a few seconds.

  All three Yuè Fēi looked at the dissolving bodies and then bowed before they too disappeared. Leah arrived back in her room, exhausted but pleased with the fight. She’d discovered new aspects of the shrouds and was thrilled at having landed some blows on Yuè Fēi. Looking down, Leah saw her fingers had been healed. This had been her last fight and now she could relax.


  Chapter 42

  December 17, 2073 - MERKIZE CONTEST - Part 11


  Leah changed into the dress she’d worn and had just altered her wings to match when Gèng said, “Sharon is waiting outside. Reporters are hunting her down to arrange an interview, and she needs somewhere to hide. Can she come in?”

  Leah readily agreed. Almost immediately, Sharon opened the door and rushed inside. She almost tripped on the pile of splinters which was still in the middle of the floor and then threw herself at Leah and wrapping her in a huge hug. Leah struggled not to scream as Sharon tightened around the shoulder, but her big intake of breath warned Sharon, who let her go almost causing Leah to topple. She would have except her wing tips touched the floor and helped push her back into position. Leah was almost amused at their semiautonomous action, but she was still breathing deeply to stop from crying. Sharon collapsed inwardly as her excitement morphed into regret. Leah waited for Sharon’s eyes to meet hers and then reached across to wipe a tear that had formed. She said, “Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad you were so pleased to see me.”

  Sharon smiled and said, “Sorry. I was excited, I am excited. It’s amazing. You were amazing. You smashed that knight and you almost beat Yuè Fēi. People are lining up to talk to you, and I am very selfishly basking in your glory. It is amazing.”

  Leah laughed as Sharon’s enthusiasm blew away the last of the tears. Sharon said, “What’s with the broken table?”

  “Angst. If you want the full story ask Stephen. Tell him I said it’s OK. You should probably know anyway just in case someone ever pieces things together. I was just getting ready for an interview with Deathmaster. Is that still on?”

  “Yes. Although there are another hundred or so people lined after that to talk to you. How many will you see?”

  “How about two? Any two, you choose. If Chéng Shí wants another interview, then that would be good. She seems fair-minded. Would people understand if I left and went home?”

  “No. Never. Not at all. You need to stay. At the moment you are the flavour of the month, but you know as well as I do how quickly that can change. Also, several people want to talk about sponsorships and merchandising.”

  “I’m really not interested in selling stuff.”

  “But you are so good at it, you’re a natural.”

  “I’ve no idea at all what you mean.”

  “White Rabbit Dark Ale has sold over two billion bottles of virtual beer since you ordered it and the actual
real-world product is listed as out of stock by all vendors who usually stock it.”

  Leah looked shocked for a moment, then shook her head and said, “No, no sponsorships, not at the moment, probably never. I can’t think of too many things I’d be prepared to stake my reputation on.”

  “Then what about the merchandising? You do that in Dunyanin. All the coins have your face on them. There are several companies interested in selling ‘Atherleah’ dolls and action figures. One of the virtual gyms wants to buy the rights to your image to market you as a running buddy, or a training buddy.”

  “Seriously? No, don’t answer that. My first reaction is no, but what I really need is some time to think about it. I remember looking at pictures of kids playing with certain toys and trying to make something like that for myself. I stuffed old rags in socks and drew faces on them so they looked like what other kids had. Mum got so angry because I used my good socks and the rags were only rags because I’d cut up a shirt I didn’t like. I just don’t know. What do you think?”

  “From a PR perspective, I’d say you are in the box seat at the moment. You can be choosy and set conditions. It won’t always be like that.”

  “Sure, but I don’t want to be popular, I never have. I really just want to be left alone.”

  “But you don’t mind being popular, do you? You don’t hate it?”

  “I don’t know. I do know I hate being portrayed as something I’m not.”

  “Leah, that doesn’t ring true. You aren’t really Atherleah the half-elf warrior mage, but you’re happy for her picture to be minted on coins. I’d wager that your comments about Dunyanin have sold more first-time monthly subscriptions today than at any time in their history. You said Dunyanin is great and they believed you. Whether you like it or not, ‘you’ are selling subscriptions.”

  “But I am. I am Atherleah the half-elf warrior mage. What I’m not is an expert on beer. All I know is that dad likes it and so I like it. I can say I like it, but that doesn’t mean other people have to or even will. It might be a crappy beer for all I know.”

  “Leah, listen to yourself. You like it because your dad does. I’m sure he isn’t an expert either. You admire him, so you tried it, and I doubt you liked it the first time, but you wanted to be like your dad. Frankly, all beer tastes revolting to me, but I not only bought one in the bar, but I ordered a six-pack of real beer to be delivered to my apartment before they ran out. I know you aren’t an expert, but I admire you. Deep down, I know drinking the same beer as you do won’t make me be like you, but you’re my hero, so I’ll give it a go.”

  Leah didn’t know what to say, and there was an awkward silence until she said, “Thank you. I don’t know what to say, except, thank you.”

  Sharon smiled then said, “Surprisingly, I agree with you about the sponsorship deals, but not about the merchandise. People need heroes, and you are one. If they can’t get an Atherleah figure, then thousands of girls and boys will find socks and stuff them with rags to make one. Also, think on this, most kids will get a doll or action figure for Christmas, which by the way is just over a week away. Would you rather they had an Atherleah figure or a Merideath one?”

  Leah was quiet for a minute, then speaking aloud so Sharon could hear she said, “Well, that’s a concept I can understand. Gèng, what do you think?”

  “I think Sharon makes some good points and I agree with her. Although if you go ahead, then I want in on the action. In the contracts, I’d like a clause that Paige Boutiques have royalty-free permission to make clothes for Atherleah dolls and action figures, and if the item has an AI included then I get some of the royalty.”

  Sharon had obviously heard the reply from the stunned look on her face.

  Leah grinned and said, “OK Sharon, do I need to be involved, or can someone like yourself do it on my behalf?”

  “Not me, I have no idea what things are worth. I’d get Peter or someone he suggests to talk on your behalf. I do think you should see the item or mock-up before it is manufactured. I’d suggest you, or someone you trust should make sure it is a limited agreement; otherwise, your face could end up on sex dolls. Have Stephen or someone who knows the business be involved in the discussions and in developing the contract. I have no idea about Gèng’s clauses.”

  Gèng said, “That’s OK, I have my own lawyers who can join Leah’s team.”

  Sharon didn’t quite know how to respond, and there was silence until Leah said, “OK Sharon, I’ll meet with the action figure people, and I’ll listen to them with an open mind. Now I’d best hurry if I’m going to do the interview with Deathmaster and Yuè Fēi. I’m already five minutes late.”

  Gèng said, “When Sharon entered, I apologised for the delay and said you needed a few minutes to discuss a few matters and then you would make it a priority. Yuè Fēi agreed to the delayed start. I’ll let them both know you are coming.”

  As Sharon and Leah left the room, Sharon said, “I need to sit down and have a long talk with Reed about what it wants from our relationship. I think I’ve been living in a bubble.”

  Leah didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing.

  As Leah entered Deathmaster’s bar-themed studio, Sharon left to arrange meetings with various merchants. Yuè Fēi still hadn’t arrived, so Leah walked over and sat down in front of Deathmaster. He asked, “No drink this time?”

  “I want a drink, but I’ve a wager with Yuè Fēi. The winner had to buy the drinks. He won, so he buys.”

  Just then, Yuè Fēi entered the room and headed straight for the bar. When he approached their table, he had two bottles in his hands. He dropped a bottle of Dark Ale in front of Leah and said, “With this beer, I fulfil our agreement.”

  After clinking their bottles together, they briefly discussed the fight, explaining for the audience why they had acted as they had. After eight minutes, Deathmaster said, “Sorry to interrupt this, but the next bout is starting in two minutes.”

  Leah said “I’d best head off. I find it easier to watch in privacy. I never know who I’ll be up against next time.”

  Deathmaster said, “We didn’t discuss your fight with Gottes_Krieger_10.”

  Leah just smiled and said, “Take care, Deathmaster. I’ll catch you in a month.”

  Before he could reply, Leah had left the room and headed for her room.


  Chapter 43

  December 17, 2073 - MERKIZE CONTEST - Part 12


  Before she made it there, she heard her name and turned to see Tomoyo Muranaka behind her. Leah said, “Ms Muranaka, we meet again.”

  Tomoyo bowed slightly and said, “Empress, my employer was hoping to watch the next bout with you if you are able.”

  “Thank you for the respect, but I am more comfortable being called Atherleah. It would be an honour to watch the bout with your employer. Where is most suitable for her?”

  “She requests you join her.”

  Leah nodded, and Tomoyo turned and led the way to Seishin_no_kage_12’s room.

  When they entered, Leah saw the room had been furnished in what she thought of as a retro-Japanese style. Tomoyo removed her shoes and slipped on a pair of slippers that were just inside the door. Leah was used to leaving her shoes at the door and knew enough to do the same thing. Tomoyo led her past a privacy screen where Seishin_no_kage_12 was waiting for her, standing beside a low table. Seishin_no_kage_12 said nothing but bowed deeply at the waist. Leah bowed back but not quite as deep. Seishin_no_kage_12 then indicated where Leah should sit. There was no chair, but Leah sat by kneeling and then sitting on her feet with the front of the feet on the ground. Seishin_no_kage_12 sat opposite Leah just as a trumpet sounded. The wall to Leah’s left faded from sight, and Leah watched as the two mages, Merideath and Královna_Kouzel_666 appeared.

  Královna looked over at Merideath and acknowledged the fire mage with a nod. Merideath simply stared back and then looked away. When the second trumpet sounded, Merideath attacked immedi
ately without even turning to look at Královna. She slammed her staff on the ground in front of her, and the ground began to boil before cracking and revealing a fiery glow and the occasional small eruption of lava. Whatever caused the heat began moving away from Merideath, leaving a trail of molten and broken earth which cooled to form sharp shards of obsidian. The shards slowly grew until they were over a metre in length. The source of the heat spiralled away from Merideath, and after looping around her three times, it began to head toward Královna.

  The dark mage hadn’t been standing still and as Merideath’s staff had landed, a vial of blood appeared in her other hand and with a flick she emptied it in Merideath’s direction. The blood expanded as it arced away from Královna, the droplets joining to form a creature Leah would have called a gargoyle if she hadn’t met Granite. Its wings were like a bat, it had the body of a large cat, and its face resembled that of an ant more than anything with sharp mandibles that opened sideways. At the end of its feet were scimitar-shaped claws.

  Seeing the molten spell drawing close Královna willed her water elemental to pool at her feet where it immediately seeped into the arena floor. Merideath had turned toward Královna when her spell had changed direction and headed toward the blood mage although she had kept the end of the staff on the ground. Seeing the Blood Gargoyle headed in her direction, Merideath lifted her left hand and cast what looked to Leah like bolts of molten lava toward the flying creature. As each one hit, they were absorbed by the creature which used the extra mana to grow larger. Merideath tried a number of different elemental types, but each one was absorbed to one degree or another with no perceptible damage done to the nightmarish creature. Drawing closer to Merideath, it folded its wings and dove.


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