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Silverbacks and Second Chances

Page 11

by Raines, Harmony

  “Adam said in the photographs that Frank Millar was cleanly shaven.”

  “So, he was in disguise.” Cath nodded, then put her hand to her lips, appalled at her sudden thought. “He kissed me!”

  “Don’t remind me!” Julius bristled with anger. “But it got me thinking. What if he knows Hector left you? Perhaps he thought you would be pleased to see him. And expect a kiss.”

  Bile rose in her throat. “That’s sick.”

  “It sure would explain why he didn’t hang around when I told him I worked undercover as a cop.” Liam frowned and shook his head. “I can’t find an Frank Millar who fits the description.”

  Cath reached out for Julius’s hand. “I can’t believe it. What… Who does he think he is? Coming here and raking the past up. What reason would anyone have?” Julius wrapped his arm around her waist and helped her sit down.

  “It’s OK. We’ll get through this and nail him, for whatever he’s up to.” Julius looked up at Liam apologetically. “I’m sorry, Liam, that it’s not your father.”

  “Don’t be, Julius. I’ve lived without my dad this long. But I’m sure going to make this guy pay, once we know what he’s up to.”

  “Bastard,” Cath whispered hoarsely. “Coming here now, and upsetting everything, right before your wedding.”

  “Don’t worry about me and Beverly, Mom. Our wedding will be perfect, or Beverly will rip someone’s head off.” He hunkered down next to Cath.

  “She’ll have to get in line,” Cath said with an angry sob.

  “Mom, I’m so sorry.” Liam hugged her close.

  Cath shook her head. “I was finally getting over it, and now it’s all been dragged back up. I’m so angry.” If she were a bear, she’d be roaring her head off in anger and frustration.

  “We need to figure out how we deal with the situation,” Julius prompted gently.

  Liam looked at his watch. “We have a couple of hours until he arrives. I told him to come by at ten thirty. If he shows up.” Liam got up and paced the floor. “I want to know what he wants. And why me being a cop spooked him.”

  “If you being a cop spooked him, but he still shows, whatever he’s doing here must be important.” Julius rubbed his unshaven chin thoughtfully. “Did he ask about your brother?”

  “Mike?” Liam responded. “No.”

  “I wondered about that too,” Cath added. She closed her eyes, not wanting to face her suspicions. “Do you think Mike has anything to do with this?”

  Liam shook his head. “Mike might have made some bad choices, but he wouldn’t hurt you like this, Mom. Mike always told me how much he loves you. He wouldn’t.” But was Liam being his usual optimistic self, and overlooking his brother’s failings?

  “We could just call Sheriff Brad,” Julius suggested.

  Liam rubbed his hands over his face and shook his head as if trying to wake himself up. “I want to know why he’s doing this.” He looked pointedly at Cath. “Mom, you don’t have to be there. He only wanted to see me. You can stay with Julius.”

  “I can do this,” Cath replied firmly. “This isn’t right, and you aren’t going to face him alone.”

  “Are you sure? Both of you.” Julius aimed his question at Liam. “Professional life is a lot easier to handle than personal life. I know from experience.”

  “I’m OK,” Liam replied and then turned to Cath. “And we need to be sure. Just because he’s staying at the hotel under a different name, doesn’t mean he’s not Hector Jackson.”

  Cath stood up. “Perhaps, and he has some reason for the alias.” She took hold of each of their hands. Part of her wished it really was Hector, just so that Liam could find some closure. “Although I’m certain he’s not. I just wish I’d handled it better yesterday instead of running out on you. We could have avoided all this trouble.”

  “Do you want me to stay?” Julius asked.

  Cath shook her head. “Liam and I need to do this together. I’m not sure you have complete control over that bear of yours.”

  Julius smiled ruefully. “Not where you and your happiness are concerned.” He kissed her cheek. “But I won’t be far away.”

  “Thank you.” Cath walked him to the back door of the store. Before he left, Julius kissed her, his lips fierce, his hands possessive.

  “You’re right, I don’t have full control,” Julius ground out.

  “I wouldn’t have you any other way.” She watched him walk toward the street, and then closed the door and returned to Liam.

  “I need more coffee.” Liam gave her a weak smile.

  “I don’t think there’s enough coffee in the world to prepare me for this.” Cath hugged her son. “Come on. Some breakfast will help.”

  They went upstairs and ate a quick breakfast of cereal and toast, before Liam went down to open the store. Hector was due at around ten thirty; by then Leona would arrive and handle the running of the store while they talked.

  Cath busied herself cleaning Liam’s small apartment. It didn’t need cleaning, but she needed something to occupy herself, and didn’t want to leave in case Hector arrived early. At ten o’clock Leona arrived and the sound of Liam greeting his assistant drifted upstairs. Liam would explain everything to Leona, whom he trusted completely. Just after Leona arrived, Beverly’s voice filled the store below as she called to Liam. Hushed whispers followed and then the store door opened and closed.

  Liam had sent Beverly away. Cath closed her eyes and prayed this was not going to upset Liam’s wedding plans. At ten thirty precisely, the door opened and a muffled male voice informed Cath the man pretending to be her ex-husband had arrived.

  Cath sat down heavily on the sofa. Was she ready for whatever was about to unfold?

  Yes! When footsteps sounded on the stairs, Cath got up, and pulled herself together. “Hello, Hector.” Cath smiled brightly, as Liam reached the top of the stairs. She watched the man closely, as unease swept over him. Liam hadn’t told him Cath was here.

  “Cath.” A false smile spread across his lips, showing his bleached-white teeth. “You look a lot calmer today. When you ran out yesterday, I was concerned.” His voice had a lilt to it that she didn’t remember. More convinced than ever it wasn’t Hector, she looked closer, but with eyes hidden behind dark glasses, and a trimmed mustache and beard, she couldn’t really get a good look at his features. Only his nose, which was flatter than Hector’s. Imposter.

  “Your arrival was a surprise,” Cath admitted. “But I’m over it now.”

  “Over it? You’re putting a brave face on, I can see.” He kept his distance, not comfortable with her being here.

  “Liam and I are curious as to why you are here.” Cath narrowed her eyes, studying the man before her.

  “I wanted to spend time with my son.” Hector looked at Liam. “He’s grown tall.”

  “He has,” Cath responded. “He reminds me of your brother’s boy.”

  Cath caught Liam’s expression as he arched his eyebrow in question. Hector had no brothers, or sisters, at least none that they ever knew.

  But fake Hector’s smile broadened as he agreed. “There is a strong resemblance.”

  “Mom, maybe we should make coffee?” Liam asked with a frown as he inclined his head toward the kitchen. He’d seen her confusion.

  “Yes, where are my manners?” She walked toward the kitchen, grabbing Liam’s hand as she passed. “Do you still take your coffee black with two sugars?”

  “Sure,” Hector replied, and sat down on the sofa as they left the room.

  “Are you sure it’s not him?” Liam asked in a low voice. “I don’t have enough memories of him to tell if it’s my dad or not.”

  “That’s not your father,” Cath hissed, pained that Liam could walk past his own father on the street and not know him. “Your father was four inches shorter, liked cream in his coffee, and never took sugar.” Cath ran her hand through her hair. “It’s not his voice. It’s not him.”

  “You’re sure?” Liam asked again, then
shook his head. “I can see you are.”

  “So, who is Frank Millar and what does he want?” Cath asked, leaning into her son and keeping her voice low, despite wanting to scream. All this stress, all this upset, for a stranger.

  Liam moved back toward the door on quiet feet, and looked out into the living room. “He never asked about Mike,” he murmured.

  Then he was gone, with Cath dashing out after him, just in time to see Liam football-tackle fake Hector to the ground. “Liam!”

  Cath watched the two men as they fought, Liam had the stranger pinned to the floor, but the fight wasn’t over. “Leona, call the police,” Cath yelled down the stairs.

  Leona’s face appeared briefly, and then she was gone. Cath’s words seemed to trigger something in the imposter; he kicked out at Liam, hitting him in the solar plexus. Liam gasped, fighting for breath, while the imposter slid down the stairs on his belly to land on the floor in a heap.

  Liam ran after him, but as he reached for him, the imposter turned into a small brown bird and flew out of his reach. “Damn it!”

  Cath ran downstairs to join Liam. “Let’s corner him.”

  “Brad is on his way,” Leona told them, as they split up, looking for the small bird, who seemed to have disappeared.

  “Where is he?” Cath asked in frustration.

  Liam shook his head. “I’ll let my eagle hunt him down.”

  “No,” Cath replied. “Someone might see.”

  “Here’s Brad,” Leona said, as the sheriff opened the door and the small bird flew out.

  Chapter Eighteen – Julius

  Julius sat in his car waiting for news from Catherine, when he saw Sheriff Brad running along the street. Immediately alert, Julius got out of the car, not waiting to see where the sheriff was heading. His suspicions that Hector was not here for a family reunion were confirmed when Brad skidded to a halt outside Liam’s store and pushed open the door.

  Julius was hot on his heels when he heard Catherine cry out, “Catch the bird!”

  His reactions were fast, but not fast enough, and as he made a leap for the bird, it flapped its wings and rose high into the air. “Missed!”

  “What’s going on?” Brad asked as he whirled around to watch the bird grow small in the distance.

  “I’d like to know that too,” Julius asked, tempering his voice as people on the street stared at them.

  “That is not Hector.” Catherine pointed at the small dot in the sky.

  “Who is he then?” Leona looked confused.

  “An imposter,” Liam tried to explain as he ran to the counter and grabbed his jacket. “We need to chase him.”

  “Wait,” Brad said with his hands in the air. “I need some kind of an explanation.”

  “A man showed up here yesterday pretending to be my ex-husband. He wasn’t, he’s an imposter,” Catherine said quickly. “Now he’s getting away.”

  “Do you know why?” Brad asked, pulling out his cell phone.

  “No,” Catherine replied.

  “I do.” Liam pushed past Brad. “Upstairs, the old sofa. I think you’ll find a stash of drugs stuffed into it. Frank Millar was trying to retrieve them when I lunged at him.”

  “Drugs?” Catherine asked. “That’s why he never asked about Mike!”

  “What do you mean, that’s why he never asked about Mike?” Julius asked.

  “Because Mike must have been the one who told him they were there,” Liam finished.

  “Of course. That’s how he knew to impersonate your father.” It was all slowly making sense to Julius.

  “Julius, phone the hotel and tell them not to let Mr. and Mrs. Millar leave. Do whatever it takes to keep them there. That’s if he goes back for his wife.” Liam ran around the side of the store and came back a few minutes later with his motorbike, while Julius quickly called Adam and relayed the news. To his credit, Adam didn’t ask any questions, but assured Julius he’d do his best.

  “I’ve called the sheriff in Bear Bluff. Declan will meet you at the hotel,” Brad said. “I believe you are still a deputy, Liam.”

  “I am. And this is one arrest I’ll enjoy making.” Liam pulled on his helmet. “I’ll meet you there,” Liam said to Catherine and Julius, as he jumped on his motorbike and took off at speed.”

  “I’m going to search the premises. I don’t have a warrant,” Brad said as Catherine and Julius ran across the street.

  “You have my permission,” Catherine called back, and then they were in Julius’s car and speeding out of town.

  “Are you OK?” Julius asked as Catherine sat next to him, her face pale and her teeth chattering.

  “Yes. Just in shock. I thought it was him, yesterday. But with the sun behind him, and the shock of that kiss. But I should have known it wasn’t.” She closed her eyes. “And poor Liam. He thought his dad was back in his life. And…”

  “Hey, we’ll get him. Adam is on it. He won’t let them leave.” Julius spun the wheels of the car as he took a corner too fast, but his expert handling meant the car stayed on the road and soon they were arriving at the hotel, where Liam’s motorbike was parked right outside the door to the reception lobby.

  Catherine and Julius opened their car doors in unison and ran for the door. Julius reached out for his mate’s hand and held on to her tightly as they burst into the hotel. Several members of staff were in the reception area, their faces turned to Julius as he strode in.

  “Adam has them pinned down inside the elevator,” Sian said, pointing upwards. “Second floor.”

  “Thanks, Sian.” They ran for the stairs, Julius slowing to match Catherine pace as they raced for the second floor. Behind them, the door burst open and footsteps followed them up. Julius looked down as they reached the second floor, to see a police uniform. “Sheriff Declan is here.”

  Opening the door into the corridor on the second floor, they paused while Catherine caught her breath. Despite his concern, she waved him on. “I’m OK.”

  Julius turned the corner, and saw Liam standing outside the elevator; there was no sign of anyone else. Frustrated, Julius asked, “Where are they?”

  Liam pointed to the elevator. “Adam sure has some balls. He used his key to stop the elevator, and then…shifted.”

  A low growl emanated from behind the elevator door. “I didn’t realize Adam was actually in there with them.”

  “Have I missed all the fun?” Declan asked as he strolled along the corridor, pulling his handcuffs off his belt. “I’m Declan, by the way. Sheriff of Bear Bluff,” Declan introduced himself to Liam and Catherine. Julius had known Declan for some time; their paths had crossed a few times over the years. “Brad called and gave me a brief rundown of what happened.”

  “They are in here,” Liam said. “You have to watch the male. When he shifts he’s a small bird. Easy to lose.”

  “Is he? OK, do we have a room we can get them into while we figure out what’s going on?” Declan asked.

  Julius took out his cell phone and called down to reception. “Do we have an empty room on the second floor?” He listened and then repeated. “Room 5? Thanks, Sian.”

  “Five?” Declan pointed along the corridor. “Let’s go.”

  “Adam, we need the doors open,” Julius called.

  A menacing growl came from the elevator, and a woman whimpered, then the doors opened. Adam, in human form, stood in the doorway, straightening his tie. Behind him stood Frank Millar, in his human form with his shocked looking wife. “Good work,” Declan said to Adam. “Right, you two. We’re going to go to room 5. If you try to run, or fly, I will not be responsible for you getting eaten by some kind of predator. Do I make myself clear?”

  Both the man and woman nodded. Adam led the way, opened the door to room 5, and stood aside as they all entered. “I should go down and resume my duties,” Adam said. “I can give you a statement later, if you need one.”

  “Thanks, Adam.” Declan sat down at the small dining table used for guests who wanted to eat in their
rooms, and he gestured for the two imposters to sit too. Liam, Catherine, and Julius stood guarding the door. No small birds were getting out of this room.

  “Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?” Declan took out his notebook. “Names?”

  “Mrs. Cerys Millar,” the woman said quickly, looking at her husband. “Will someone tell me what is going on?”

  “Frank Millar,” the man replied, avoiding the wrath of his wife’s gaze.

  Declan looked up. “Is that your real name?”

  The man sighed. “Yes.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” His wife looked confused.

  “Why did you go to Bear Creek Mountain Store and pretend to be Hector Jackson?” Declan asked the question they all needed to know the answer to.

  “Frankie?” Cerys Millar asked in a hushed voice, only to be answered with a glare.

  “I want a lawyer,” Frank said.

  “Let’s get you to the station and you can call one.” Declan put his pen down and looked at them both. “Am I going to need a bird cage?”

  “No,” Frank sneered.

  “Good, but if you shift into a little bird, I swear I’ll hunt you down personally.”

  “Wait, they aren’t going to tell us why they came here? Or why he pretended to be my ex-husband?” Catherine stepped forward.

  “I didn’t come here to pretend to be your ex-husband,” Frank said, then pointed at Liam. “Just his dad.”

  “Why?” Catherine asked.

  But Frank Millar didn’t answer,

  “For the drugs,” Liam replied. “You met my brother inside, didn’t you? Did he tell you where the drugs were?” His fists clenched at this new betrayal.

  Frank stared out the window, refusing to speak.

  Julius took hold of Catherine’s hand. “It makes perfect sense.”

  “All this for drugs?” Catherine asked.

  “Not saying another word without my lawyer present.” Frank pretended to zip his mouth shut.

  “You two go. I’ll help Declan,” Liam said to Julius and Catherine, who looked distraught.

  Julius nodded and pulled Catherine toward the door. “Come on, love, let’s go.”


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