Silverbacks and Second Chances

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Silverbacks and Second Chances Page 44

by Raines, Harmony

  “And then you found out you were sick,” Hank said as they reached a steep part of the trail and stopped.

  “Yes. I panicked and told Thor it was over. He’s young, he’s not a shifter, I thought he’d move on.” Lauren looked done in.

  “That must have been difficult for you. With the mating bond pulling you toward him,” Elise’s tenderness made his heart ache.

  “It’s the worst.” Lauren’s voice cracked, and she had to reach out and grab hold of a branch to keep upright.

  “Is it easier if we shift?” Hank asked.

  Lauren nodded. “Yes.” She shifted instantly and moved past Hank, climbing the trail that led to her mate.

  “This breaks my heart,” Elise told him. “How can this ever end well?”

  “Is she dying?” he asked, looking along the trail to where Lauren’s bear climbed surefooted as if nothing was wrong.

  Elise shrugged. “She hasn’t said, and I can’t ask her. Not here when we’re trying to find Thor.”

  Hank nodded. “One step at a time.” He shifted into his bear and Elise did the same, following the trail upwards. Despite the heat, and her illness, Lauren set a fast pace. The closer they got to their destination, the quicker she moved. Hank was certain Lauren could sense Thor close by and he nudged Elise, telling her to hang back and give them space.

  He was right. Lauren stopped, sniffed the air, and then shifted into her human form as she approached a small den made from branches and covered in dried ferns. This was their secret place.

  Elise shifted into her human form. “He’s here.”

  Hank nodded. “We should give them some time alone.” His bear had heard the whispered shock as Thor saw Lauren, he didn’t want to overhear such a private conversation.

  “At least she changed her mind about talking to him.” Elise slipped her hand into Hank’s and they walked to the edge of a cliff and sat down.

  “How are you doing?” Hank asked. “This must bring back memories for you.”

  “It makes me thankful that Elise and Terence died together. If one of them had lived…” Elise wiped her tears from her face. “Their bodies would have lived, but part of their soul would have died.” She turned to him. “What about you?”

  “You mean about my dad?” Hank asked. “I don’t know what to think. I have a half-brother.”

  “There’s still time to pull out of the festival. If you don’t want to be in the public eye.”

  “No. I’m… His wife looked familiar.” Hank cast a glance her way. “I think… I can’t be sure.”

  “Who is it?”

  “The woman who told me he’d used her.” Hank shook his head. “I’m sure it was, but it’s so long ago.”

  Elise leaned against him, her arm wrapped around his shoulders. “What a mixed-up, crazy world we live in.”

  “What if I walked away from my career for nothing?” He gave a short, humorless laugh. “What if nothing happened?”

  “You said there were rumors.”

  “People gossip.” He stood up and brushed the dirt off his jeans, holding out his hand for her. He didn’t want to think of his father. Not now. “There’s a stream that way. Want to go and dangle your feet in it?”

  “I do.” She grasped his hand and he helped her up. “Hank, would it be so bad?”

  “Would it be so bad if I walked away from a career, and spent thirty years estranged from my father because of gossip?” His words cut through the warm, thick air.

  “Okay, stupid question.”

  “No, it wasn’t. I don’t know.” Hank wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “We might never have met. I would never have been outside my cabin playing that song. You would have walked past and gone on with your life. Alone.”

  “Can we hold on to that? That we were right where we were meant to be,” Elise asked as a big fat blob of rain splattered on her head. “It’s raining.”

  The air pressure dropped as several more raindrops fell from the sky. The higher peaks were completely obscured by gunmetal rain clouds. “We should get to shelter before this comes down.”

  “What about Lauren and Thor?” The concern on Elise’s face told him how serious this could get. “I don’t know how ill she is. If she gets soaked and catches a cold…”

  “Come on.” He took her hand and they ran back to the den, where Thor held Lauren, his face a mask of pain as she cried in his arms. She’d told him the truth and now they had to deal with the aftermath. “We need to get down off the mountain. The weather is about to break.”

  Thor got up and hauled Lauren to her feet. “Do we have time to get back?”

  “If we hurry. We can shift and run faster. Do you think you can do that, Lauren?” Hank urged them to move.

  “Yes.” She nodded and stumbled out of the den, which had kept the rain off them.

  “Once this starts, it’s going to be a deluge. The mountain is no place to be in a storm.” A crack of lightning split the sky, followed by an ominous rumble of thunder. “We have time.”

  They shifted into their bears and set off back along the trail, with Thor running behind. Clouds gathered, and the light dimmed as the spots of rain hit the dry ground. Puffs of dirt rose where the drops fell, while lightning flashed overhead, followed by echoing rumbles of thunder.

  A sense of urgency filled them as the rain came harder and the time between the lightning flashes and thunder lessened. Hank threw a glance over his shoulder, relieved to see Lauren and Thor keeping up. His need to get his mate to safety could not outweigh his responsibility for the young people.

  At last, his truck was visible, parked on the road where they’d left it. He shifted when he was ten feet away, plunged his hand into his pocket and took out the keys. Only just in time. Forked lightning split the air and the thunder crashed in a deafening crescendo. Like a sheet of water, the rain fell from the dark, ominous clouds as they all squeezed into his truck and he started the engine.

  Hank drove down the dirt road and onto the steep mountain road where rivulets of water made temporary streams, joining together to run like a river. With both hands on the wheel and his windshield wipers on fast, he took them to safety.

  “Where to?” he called over the sound of rain hammering on the truck roof.

  “My house,” Lauren replied. “I’m going to tell my parents about Thor.”

  Elise shook her wet hair back from her face. “Thor, if we have cell phone reception, you need to call your dad.”

  Thor took his phone from his pocket. He held it up and shook his head. “Nothing yet. The storm must be blocking it. I’ll call them from Lauren’s house.”

  “Make sure you do. Your dad was really worried, he’s waiting for you to come home.” Hank put on his best adulting face. “They love you and worry about you.”

  “I know.” He looked sheepishly at Lauren. “I’m still a kid to them.”

  “Hey,” Hank said. “Don’t knock it. Having two parents who love you and want the best for you is a precious thing.”

  “He’s right,” Lauren told Thor and leaned against him. She looked tired and pale, but relatively dry. Unlike Thor who was soaked through.

  Hank pulled up outside Lauren’s house. “Make that call.” Elise got out of the truck, huddled up against the rain. “And take care of each other.”

  “We will.” Thor put his arm protectively around Lauren’s shoulders. “Thank you. We owe you one.”

  As they ran toward Lauren’s house, Elise called, “You can say thank you by singing at the festival. Hank’s written you a song.”

  Thor gave them a thumbs up and then the two young bonded mates went inside and shut the door. Elise climbed back in the truck. “I’m soaked.”

  “Let’s get you home. A nice warm bath and an early night.” He might even climb into the tub with her.

  “Your place or mine?” she asked as she buckled her seatbelt.

  “Yours is closer.” He turned the truck around and drove back to Elise’s house, f
eeling pleased with himself. They’d managed to work a miracle.

  Next to this, putting on a music festival would be easy. As long as it stopped raining.

  Chapter Fifteen – Elise

  They arrived at her house and ran for cover as the rain continued to pour down. The thunder had subsided, leaving the air fresher. When the storm was over, the days and nights would be pleasant, rather than stifling.

  “Do you want me to run you a bath?” Hank asked as she stripped off her wet clothes and put them in the washer.

  “I’ll go take a shower. Do you want to make coffee?” She traipsed up the stairs in her undergarments, taking herself directly to the bathroom. Switching on the hot water, she waited for it to warm up before getting in. Squirting shampoo onto her hand, she massaged it into her hair, before washing it out and using conditioner. Ten minutes later, she was washed and wrapped in a nice fluffy robe, feeling a lot better.

  “I brought your coffee up.” Hank was in her bed. Naked. His damp hair swept back from his face making him look dangerous as the lightning flashed outside the bedroom window. His blue eyes were darkened pools of mystery as he stretched out, beckoning to her.

  “Is that the only thing you brought up?” she purred as she climbed, cat-like, onto the bed.

  He gave her a crooked smile. “Nope.”

  “Well then, since you are in my bed, I suppose I’d better have my wicked way with you.” She leaned forward and kissed his lips, and he threaded his hand inside her robe, stroking her soft skin. He teased her, his fingers tickling the underside of her breast when he knew she wanted him to touch her sensitive nipples.

  Elise nipped his bottom lip and crawled closer to him. Pushing the covers off his lap, she unearthed his hard length and decided to do some teasing of her own. Trailing her fingers along his inner thigh, he jumped every time she drew closer to his groin, only for her to avoid where he wanted her to touch him.

  “I thought you were going to be wicked?” He bit his bottom lip and inhaled sharply as she grazed his balls with her nails.

  “You have to be patient.” Elise straddled his thighs, her hand stroking his belly and she leaned forward and curled her tongue around his nipple, enjoying the taste of his skin. Slowly, she increased his arousal, until his hips lifted off the bed, trying to make contact with her fingers as they evaded his erect cock.

  “I don’t think I can be patient,” he ground out.

  She slipped off the bed. “Oh, I forgot my coffee.” She sidestepped his hands as they made a grab for her, and picked up her mug of coffee, sipping it slowly while he lay on her bed in torment.

  “Okay, I gave in. You are a wicked tease.” His eyes flashed with longing and she could resist him no longer. Draining her coffee, she set the mug down on the nightstand and climbed back on the bed.

  “Where do you want me?” Elise pulled her robe open and slid it off her shoulders, throwing it onto the end of the bed.

  “Right here.” He held his hands out to her and she took them, allowing him to guide her. She straddled him, raising her body up, and then lowering herself down onto his hard length. “Oh, that’s the spot.”

  Elise focused on his face as she sank lower and lower down on him. He stretched her inner walls, and she closed her eyes, drowning in the ecstasy of the moment as he impaled her on his cock. A shuddering groan escaped him as she took him fully inside her. For a moment she sat still, adjusting to the fullness, then she began to circle her hips, enjoying the friction of their bodies as she moved up and down.

  Hank sat up, his hand on the small of her back as he lowered his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Rolling his tongue around the taut bud, he ignited her desire, arousing her to the point where her pleasure swept over her. Wave after wave of exquisite bliss coursed through her and she cried out his name, her fingers threading through his hair as she cradled his head.

  Hank came, his seed spurting inside her, filling her with his essence as her second orgasm slammed into her. They were joined as one, here in her bed as the storm passed over them, leaving calm in its wake.

  “We should get some sleep,” Hank said, curling his arms around her. “But I want to enjoy this moment. It’s like a snapshot in time when everything is okay.”

  She chuckled. “Now you’ve gone and jinxed it.”

  “Sorry.” He kissed the side of her head.

  “I never got to hear your song.” She snuggled closer to him.

  “Do you want me to get up and fetch my guitar?” he offered.

  “If I said yes, would you?”

  “Whatever you ask, if it’s in my power to make it happen, I will.”

  “That’s a whole lot of power to put in a person’s hand.” He lifted her hand and kissed her palm, sending thrills through her body. She was more than ready to make love to him again, even though they did need to sleep. “I trust you.”

  Elise turned around to face him. “I trust you, too.” She stroked his cheek. “And I love you so very much.”

  “As if I were Hank Rivera, pop star?”

  “More.” She cupped his face in her hands and kissed his lips. “Much more.”

  “How much more?” Hank scooped her up and lay her on her back, but as his lips touched hers, Elise’s cell phone rang.

  “Timing,” she muttered and reached for her phone on the nightstand. It was late, which meant the call must be important. She frowned as she looked at the caller ID. “It’s Thor.”

  She rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed, then she pressed accept. “Hi, Elise?”

  “Yes, is everything okay?” Elise could tell it wasn’t by the tone of his voice.

  “No. It’s Lauren, she’s been rushed to the hospital.” His voice caught in his throat. “I know it’s late, but could you come?”

  Elise got out of bed and began pulling clothes out of the closet. “Sure, I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Is there anything you need?”

  “No, her mom and dad are here. I just…”

  “It’s okay, I’m on my way.” Behind her, Hank was already out of bed. Still naked, he ran downstairs. She found him a couple of minutes later, pulling his clothes out of the dryer and tugging them on, still damp.

  “Did he say what’s wrong?” Hank asked.

  Elise shook her head, and then put her hand to her mouth, stifling a sob. “What if it’s because we took her up on the mountain?”

  “Hey.” He gathered her up in his arms. “It’s okay. Let’s not jump to conclusions.”

  “But she got wet, and we ran for the truck. We should have taken shelter up there. Perhaps found a cave to refuge in.”

  Hank placed his hands on her shoulders. “Listen, she was fine. Let’s go to the hospital and see what’s wrong.”

  Elise nodded and wiped her face. With trembling hands, she grabbed her purse, grateful when Hank offered to drive. The air was fresh, the night clear as they drove to the hospital. When they got there, the receptionist told them Lauren was on the first floor.

  “There’s Thor,” she said as they hurried down the corridor. “Any news?”

  “No, they’re running some tests and waiting for the results. She was here at the hospital earlier.” He looked at them both and frowned. “You knew?”

  “We saw her here this morning, but we didn’t know why she was here. And it wasn’t for us to tell you,” Elise told Thor calmly. “We only found out she was sick tonight when we were looking for you. I could tell by the color of her skin.”

  “It’s her liver.” He nodded. “But they don’t know what’s causing it to fail. She’s too young…”

  “She’s in the best place,” Hank said gently.

  “It’s not fair, I just got her back. We told her parents, we told my parents.” He bit down on his knuckle. “It’s not fair.”

  “No, it’s not.” Elise guided him to a chair. “Let me get you a coffee.” She went to the machine and fetched a strong black coffee, which she pressed into his hands. “Here, this will make you feel better. We h
ave to be strong for Lauren.”

  “What is her liver fails completely?” Thor stared at the floor.

  “She could get a transplant.” Hank sat down next to Thor. “There are options, Thor. Elise was telling me today that people can donate part of their liver and give it to someone who needs it.”

  “Me!” His voice broke the silence of the corridor. “I’ll give her part of mine. I’d give her the whole thing if she needed it.”

  “It’s not that simple.” Elise felt utterly helpless. “But we’ll do our best.”

  Thor took hold of her hand. “You’ll find her a match, won’t you?”

  “I promise to do my best, Thor.” There was little else she could say.

  “Thor.” What seemed like hours later, Lauren’s dad came out to speak to them. “She’s sleeping comfortably, they’ve told us to go home.” He looked utterly devastated. “They’ll have the results of the tests around noon tomorrow.”

  “Can I stay?” Thor pleaded. “I can’t leave her. She’ll know if I’m there, she can sense me.”

  One of the doctors came out of the room with Lauren’s mom, who was wiping her eyes with a tissue. Lauren’s dad walked over to speak to him and comfort his wife. He returned a couple of minutes later and said, “You’re lucky it’s a shifter hospital. They can make arrangements for a mate to stay.” He hugged Thor. “Look after her for us.”

  “I will. I’d do anything for her. Anything.”

  Elise and Hank left the hospital and drove home in silence. There were no words to describe the sadness, all they could do was hope tomorrow brought good news for Lauren.

  Chapter Sixteen – Hank

  “Poor Lauren.” Emily turned away from them and wiped her eyes.

  Elise and Hank had stopped at the hotel on the way home, preferring to tell Emily the news in person rather than over the phone. “The doctors are doing everything they can,” Elise told Emily, placing her hands on her shoulders. “Here, have a hug, it always makes things better.”

  Emily’s tough exterior crumbled. “She’s always so happy. Since I took on more responsibility, she’s had my back, always willing to help out.”


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