Silverbacks and Second Chances

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Silverbacks and Second Chances Page 63

by Raines, Harmony

  “It is. Sorch, she works at the restaurant with me and T. She just got engaged and decided to have a baby.” Haley wiped her face, aware she would look red and blotchy even in the dim light of the lantern. “It’s been quite a day for all of us, hasn’t it?”

  “It has.” Buck put his arm around her and held her close. “I could propose. If you want me to.”

  She gave a short laugh. “I think our relationship should be older than twenty-four hours before we get engaged.”

  He turned his wrist and pretended to look at his watch. “I can wait another few hours.”

  Haley slid toward him and cupped his face in her hands. “Will we always be this happy?”

  “I hope so.” He gazed into her eyes. “But that I can’t promise.” He took hold of her hand and kissed it. “But I do promise to be everything I can to you and your children.”

  “Alicia and Marie.” Haley watched as he nodded. “And children of our own?”

  He took a sharp breath. “If that’s what you want.”

  “I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “But you do.”

  “I can’t lie. I’ve always wanted children of my own, but as I’ve grown older and never found my mate, I realized it might not happen. I have come to terms with it.” He kissed her hand once more, as if to emphasize his next words. “I’m just happy to have found you. And I’m more than happy that you have two wonderful children whose lives I want to be a part of.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. She loved her kids so much, was it fair to deprive Buck of children of his own? Of their own?

  “I need time.” She caressed his cheek and leaned forward, pressing her lips to his. Tired of talking, she lay down, pulling him down to lie beside her. “I’m scared I’m going to wake up in the morning to find this was all a dream and my ceiling is still in need of repair.”

  “Me, too. On the dream part at least. As for the ceiling, I’ll fix that for you. But I hope when we do get married, you’ll move in with me.”

  “Leave Bear Creek?” Haley couldn’t do that to the girls, all their friends were here, all her friends were here. Their lives were here, and she didn’t want them torn apart again.

  “No, I thought I’d buy a plot of land and build a house here. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.” He stroked her shoulder as they lay looking up at the tent covering them. “I’ve spent my life building homes for other people, I’d like to build one for us. For our family, whatever that means.”

  Haley shifted her weight and leaned on one elbow. “Can I help?”

  He turned his head and looked at her. “Sure. We can look for a piece of land together and draw up the plans. I’ll even teach you how to build a wall if you want.”

  Haley rested her head on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart, her eyes heavy as she thought of their future together. “I’d like that.”

  Buck’s voice drifted off as she gave in to sleep and slipped into a dream filled with children and houses and smiling faces all happy, all perfect. Was it possible she could finally have her own happy ever after with a good man who loved her?


  “Mom.” A voice from outside the tent roused her from sleep and she took a moment to figure out where she was.

  “Yes.” She cracked her eyes open. It wasn’t the middle of the night, she’d slept well and now it was morning. And Buck was gone.

  She slid a hand across to where he’d lain next to her all night. At least she assumed he’d been there all night. Her heart faltered, remembering her thoughts of him not being real.

  “Buck has cooked breakfast and there’s hot coffee.” Alicia’s words coaxed her out of her sleeping bag despite the chilly morning air.

  “That sounds wonderful. I’ll be out in two minutes.” Haley pulled her clothes on and stuck her feet in her boots, then she scrambled out of the tent, just about maintaining her dignity as her aching bones got moving. The foam mattress was not her idea of a comfortable bed, although Marie, Alicia and Rhett seemed to have suffered no ill effects.

  They were sitting around the campfire that had been resurrected on last nights’ ashes, talking and laughing as the early morning sun tried to cast its warmth over the mountain.

  “Coffee.” Buck pointed to a steaming mug of coffee.

  “Wonderful.” She sat down close to Buck and surveyed her children. “Did you sleep?”

  “We did. Even if Rhett did try to scare us with his maniacal laughter.” Alicia looked accusingly at Rhett.

  “It wasn’t me,” he said, defending himself, while next to him Marie stifled a giggle as she took her phone out of her pocket and tapped her screen.

  Over in the tent Haley had shared with Buck, the sound of sinister laughing floated eerily across to them. “Is that the laughing you heard?” Haley asked.

  “Yes.” Alicia glared accusingly at Marie. “You knew what it was all along.”

  “I did. I set Mom’s ringtone and was going to call it and frighten you when we were trying to get to sleep. But then it went off while Rhett was telling his story. It was perfect. You should have seen your face.” Marie collapsed in laughter, but Alicia didn’t look so amused.

  “That is so childish,” Alicia accused. “And you let Rhett take the blame.”

  “Sorry, Rhett,” Marie apologized but didn’t sound convincing.

  Rhett, however, saw the funny side. “It’s okay. It did add to the atmosphere.”

  “Who called you at that time of night?” Alicia asked, trying to move past the subject and sound grownup.

  “Sorch called.” Haley sipped her coffee, glad of the warmth of the mug in her hands and the buzz of caffeine in her head.

  “Was she okay?” Tiana asked, coming out of the house dressed in a pink fluffy robe and hiking boots.

  “Nice look,” Haley complimented her friend as Mason followed with two cups of coffee in his hands. “Doesn’t he trust you to carry your own?”

  Tiana glanced lovingly at her husband. “No, bless him.” She put her hand down behind her back and lowered herself down onto a log. “You didn’t tell me why Sorcha called.”

  “She called to tell me she had just finished trying to make a baby.” Haley laughed as Marie made a gagging sound. “It’s a fact of life. It’s how babies get made.”

  “I know, but I don’t need to hear about it before breakfast.” Marie shook her head disapprovingly.

  “So Karl agreed to try for a baby.” Tiana ignored Marie’s eye roll.

  “Yes, and he proposed.”

  Tiana squealed and nearly spilled the coffee Mason had just handed to her. “He proposed. I never thought he was the marrying kind.”

  “It seems he didn’t think Sorch was the marrying kind, which is why he’s been flip-flopping on their relationship.” Haley grinned. “Let’s hope she doesn’t rush to get married.”

  “Yes, if I’m going to be a bridesmaid, I do not want to look like a beached whale.” Tiana smoothed her hand over her stomach and whispered, “No offense.”

  “You look wonderful,” Mason told her.

  “You’re biased.” But she looked happy at his words. “I can’t believe we’re all going to be old, married women together.”

  “Are you getting married, Mom?” Alicia asked quickly.

  “No.” Haley frowned. “Not yet. We haven’t…”

  Alicia laughed. “Your face. I think it would be great if you and Buck got married.”

  “True mates,” Marie said, looking dreamy and clasping her hands together under her chin.

  “Breakfast is ready,” Buck announced. He’d been quiet throughout the whole conversation and Haley was worried he felt left out. But he looked happy as everyone crowded around and helped themselves to bacon and eggs. Haley waited until the others had sat back down before she spoke to him.

  “This is great.” Haley placed her hand on his upper arm and he straightened up and smiled at her before leaning forward and kissing her cheek.

  “I haven’t said good
morning yet.” He leaned down and picked up a plate off the makeshift table that was nothing more than a plank of wood resting on two large stones.

  “Good morning.” She accepted the plate of food he dished up for her. “Shall we sit together?”

  Buck nodded, quickly forking food onto his plate. They sat side by side on one of the large logs that had been dragged close to the campfire and ate in silence for a couple of minutes. Around them, there were contented sounds as everyone enjoyed their food.

  “What are your plans for the day?” Haley had a list of things she had to get done today, and none of them included spending time with Buck. However, she didn’t want to just run out on him.

  “Mason and I have a meeting with the architect at the warehouses we’re converting. Then we have to meet a supplier. I wanted to check in at your house sometime today to check the measurements and to make sure the ceiling will be dry enough for us to work on tomorrow.”

  “It sounds as if you have a full day ahead of you.” Haley finished her breakfast, her stomach wanted more but she didn’t need the extra pounds on her hips. Not if she wanted to look good for her new man when he saw her naked.

  Who was she kidding? At her age, and after two kids and a stressful divorce, it was a good thing the mating bond was so strong, and Buck wasn’t going to be put off by a little cellulite and breasts that hadn’t been pert since she breastfed Alicia.

  “I’m leaving the kids here with Rhett and Tiana while I go home to clean the house and get the laundry out of the way. Text me when you are ready to come over and I’ll be waiting.”

  She went back to eating her breakfast. Perhaps when he came to the house they could spend some time getting to know each other with no one else around. As she drank her morning coffee, she found she liked that idea. A lot.

  Chapter Ten – Buck

  What did Haley mean by I’ll be waiting? Was he reading too much into it?

  He’d soon find out because he was parked outside her house, about to walk up to the front door.

  He looked at the house nervously, and then got out of the truck and shut the door. This was ridiculous, he needed to get in there and be himself. Haley knew the score, she understood that this was different from any other relationship either of them had ever experienced.

  Buck straightened up, locked the truck and walked toward the house.

  Raising his hand, he knocked on the door. Haley answered almost immediately. “Hi.”

  “Come in.” Haley’s face, flushed with excitement, had a big smile plastered all over it. He was immediately set at ease.

  “Thanks.” He stepped inside, and she closed the door carefully behind him.

  “Coffee?” She looked nervous. Buck hoped it was for a good reason, that she was filled with the same nervous energy as he was. The kind that made his stomach do somersaults.

  “Yes, please.” He followed her through to the kitchen. “You’ve had a good clean in here.”

  Haley looked over her shoulder. “I know it’s all going to get dirty again tomorrow, but I couldn’t bear to look at it.” She poured the coffee and handed him a cup. “How was your morning?”

  “Not as productive as yours,” he replied, walking over to the hole in the ceiling and looking up. “I prefer the hands-on stuff, not the talking-about-it stuff.” He turned and watched her as she drank her coffee, her eyes flicking up to his face before looking at anything else in the room.

  “I’m always nervous my ex is going to show up unannounced and say I’m an unfit mother,” Haley admitted. “So I clean like a mad woman every week.”

  Buck’s breath caught in his chest and he forced the air into his lungs. “Do you still have contact with him?”

  “Not for a couple of months. He raises his head every so often, tries to charm the girls into thinking he’s changed. Then disappears on them for weeks with no contact, which only solidifies their low opinion of him.” She pressed her lips together, her face a mixture of emotions. “I want them to have a relationship with him. But I can’t forgive what he did. What he made them witness.”

  “And you shouldn’t have to. Not until he accepts what he did as wrong and tries to make amends.” Buck tried not to let his personal feelings cloud his words. “He has to earn his right to a place in your family.”

  “I know.” She shook her head, as if shaking of her memories of Harrison.

  “I do have some news,” Buck said, changing the subject. “I spoke to the architect this morning and he said he knows of a piece of land that might come up for sale soon. He gave me a rough map and I wondered if you wanted to come and take a look with me if I get a call confirming it’s for sale.”

  “Really?” Her eyes lit up. “I’d like that a lot. I want to start looking forward, it seems as if I spent so long looking back, and now I’ve got myself stuck in a rut. This house, my life, it’s safe.”

  “And I present a risk?” Buck asked.

  “I’m not sure I’d call you a risk. You seem to be a sure thing.” She smiled as he raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Does that mean you intend to take me for granted?” Buck asked.

  “I hope so.” She finished her coffee and set the cup down on the table as she came toward him. “I might also want to take advantage of you.”

  She took his coffee cup from his hands and placed it down on the counter, pressing her body against him as she entwined her fingers with his and tilted her head back, so she could look up at him. Buck lost himself in the warmth of her body against his and the look of longing in her eyes.

  “Are you trying to seduce me?” he asked roughly.

  “I think I am.” She sighed, her breasts rising and falling. “We are not going to get too many hours alone. So I think we should take full advantage.”

  He wanted to make sure he understood her full meaning. “Are you sure? Full advantage?”

  “Unless you would rather wait.” She gave him a lopsided grin. “I’m the mother of two girls. I’m not a tender-hearted virgin. And ever since you walked into my kitchen, I’ve fancied the pants off you, Buck.”

  He chuckled. “I like a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask.”

  “Oh, I’m not asking.” She let go of his hands and tucked her fingers in his belt, pulling him toward her.

  Buck followed, his arousal spiking as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Haley didn’t hesitate, she led him upstairs and into her bedroom as if they had no time to lose. Once inside her room, she shut the door, shutting out the world even though they were the only two people in the house.

  Haley let go of his belt and walked to the window and pulled the curtains closed. Was she afraid someone might see them? Or was this her marital bed and she felt odd bringing another man here?

  Buck was not going to shatter the moment by asking.

  Haley turned back to him and began unbuttoning her shirt and kicking off her shoes. Buck did the same, yanking his T-shirt over his head. A sprinkling of salt and pepper hair covered his chest, but he’d kept himself fit through his job and was thankful he didn’t feel the need to suck his stomach in.

  Haley also seemed comfortable in her own body, which ignited his arousal further. She moved with grace and poise, her chin held high as she came to him dressed in only her bra and panties.

  Buck sucked in a deep breath as the air seemed to leave the room. This was actually happening, after all his long years alone he was finally going to claim his mate.

  “Don’t worry,” Haley purred as she slipped her arms around his neck. “I’ve switched off that damn ringtone.”

  Buck chuckled, loving the way she set him at ease. He had never been an alpha male, not around women. He preferred to treat them as an equal, which they were in his eyes. That wasn’t to say he wouldn’t fight to the death to defend a woman, especially his mate. Or a man, if the cause was just.

  Strength, honesty and loyalty were his trademarks and they had served him well in both his business and his private life. And he swo
re he’d be all that and more to his mate.

  “The only laughter I want to hear is from you,” he said in a seductive tone, then his brow creased. “I don’t mean I want you to laugh at me…”

  “I know what you meant.” She stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips, her right hand pressed against his chest as she pushed him back toward the bed.

  Buck bent down and picked her up. Haley wrapped her legs around his waist and his hardened length pressed against her core. She moved, inching her body up and down, pressing harder against him in an attempt to ease her own need. He placed his hand on the nape of her neck, his forearm running down her back as he held her close.

  Their lips met and he kissed her, hot, eager. In desperate need to claim her as his own, Buck lay her down on the bed and hovered over her body, his tongue plundering her mouth, in the same way he wanted to plunder her body. But her undergarments stood as a barrier between him and his goal.

  Hooking his fingers around the elastic of her panties, he tore them from her body. Haley’s eyes flashed open and met his, and he had a moment of concern when he thought she might tell him to stop. Instead, she put her hand between their bodies, yanked his shorts down and wrapped her fingers around his hard length.

  She guided him into her, urging him on. Buck closed his eyes in ecstasy as he thrust forward, filling her completely. He should have taken it slow, enjoyed the sensation of skin against skin, but he didn’t have enough self-control. Not at this moment. Perhaps next time, or the time after that…

  He would make love to Haley every day for the rest of his life if she wanted him to.

  A sigh escaped Haley as he rested inside her, sheathed by her inner walls. She tensed, and he bit down on his bottom lip, it was all he could do to ease out of her slowly before thrusting forward once more.

  Her fingertips dug into his back, her voice whispered in his ear words that urged him to take her. His resolve slipped, and he pulled out of her, lunging forward to fill her once more. Hard, fast, as his momentum increased. In and out he buried himself inside her, while Haley kissed his neck, nipping his skin, kissing his face, his lips, his cheeks as her orgasm reached out for her and took her.


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