A Common Language

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A Common Language Page 18

by Caitlyn Bogart

Chapter eighteen


  “Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Kalli said. “Dragen’s taught me how to dance!” She was still grinning wildly feeling like she was actually 17: young and happy. She hadn’t felt this way in months.

  “By the way, did I offend him in some way? He seems to glare at me every chance he gets,” Percy asked Kalli. His eyebrows made a confused expression over his sky blue irises, a distinct difference from Dragen’s.

  “No. I don’t think so. I think he just doesn’t know you that well yet. Once he gets to know you he’ll warm up,” She assured him, but Percy’s face was still confused.

  “He seemed to warm up to you pretty fast,” Percy said. Why did he feel like this? Did he really just say that? He must sound like a total jerk.

  “Yeah I guess,” Kalli said shrugging. “Maybe I’m just cuter,” she said sarcastically, bumping into him.

  “Maybe, maybe not,” Percy said bumping her back harder.

  “Hey! Are you saying you don’t think I’m good looking?” she said, acting offended. She missed having conversations like this with Percy.

  “Eh, I have seen better,” he said, shrugging and laughing.

  “Ah! Jerk!” she said, rolling her eyes. He put his arm around her shoulder.

  “You know I think you are drop-dead gorgeous, right?” He looked at her expectantly. She looked at him. Until she got here no one had even ever called her pretty and here was this black haired, blue-eyed, god-like creature calling her gorgeous? He had to be joking.

  “Ha-ha. Nice one. Had me going therefore a moment,” she laughed. If only he could possibly mean it, she thought.

  “What? You think that was a joke? I assure you, mademoiselle, it wasn’t. You are beautiful,” he said sincerely. He didn’t understand why she thought we was joking when he was more serious than he had been in days and she usually thought he was serious when he was just messing with her head.

  “Well, thank you. But I know you don’t mean that. Unless you are completely blind,” she said. The joke was wearing thin. He just didn’t know when to stop sometimes.

  “Why do you think I’m joking? I’m not! I think you are the prettiest girl I have ever met!” he half shouted, frustrated. She was so aggravating sometimes.

  “Because I know I’m not pretty! I’m average! So just stop, please!” she shouted back. The comment was like a slap to the face for him.

  “Is that what you really think?” he asked quietly. “If so, then you are dead wrong.”

  “It’s what I know. And no, I’m right,” she said, defiant as usual.

  “Goodness! Look at where you are, Kalli! Do you really think anyone ‘average’ gets where you are? This school is the best of the best! And, as a bonus, you are part of Data Venia! Do you know what that is? Well I looked into it! It is an elite group of students--no more than ten at a time--two from each year; you have to get in freshman year or its game over. The older members choose two first years each year. Some years they only choose one. Others they don’t choose at all. Only the truly excellent get in. Lupe was the only one for her year. there were none the year before her, which is why we don’t have any 5th years in Data Venia. The twins came in the year after Lupe. Masashi and Dragen came last year, and this year it was us! And to get in you don’t only have to have talent. You have to look good enough to attract the public’s attention!” He sighed and lowered his voice. “You know what? Screw this. I’ll be in my dorm, but don’t come to talk to me until you decide you are worth something,” he turned and began walking towards the guys’ dorms.

  “Percy!” Kalli shouted but he just waved once without turning around. Kalli watched as he left her standing alone in the courtyard. She felt her face and eyes warm. Liquid flowed from her eyes and down her hot cheeks. She hadn’t felt this alone since her dad died. Her heart was gaping. Why was she so stubborn? She cursed herself. Why was she so stupid? Why can’t she just take a compliment regardless of whether or not she agrees? She was so frustrated with herself. There was a bench a couple of steps away but she sat on the ground instead. She curled in on herself and allowed herself to cry.

  Why had he left her like that? He didn’t want to leave her. So why did he? He should go back. No. he couldn’t. She needed to learn her own worth. He would just be giving into her. She wouldn’t learn that way. But what if she needed him? Was it his place to do this to her? Questions swirled around Percy’s head, but they all boiled down to one question: Why did he still care so much? “Ah! I’m so stupid!” he screamed to no one in particular.

  “People will think you’re crazy if you keep talking to yourself like that,” he turned to see Masashi standing and reading a book under a nearby tree. “How did you screw yourself over this time?” he joined Percy on his sad walk.

  “I told Kalli she was gorgeous and she got really mad. Basically.” He shoved his fisted into his pockets. Masashi started laughing hysterically. “It’s not funny man! I mean she was P.O.’d, and I yelled and walked off without looking back. I couldn’t help it. She said she was average.”

  “Well she is far more than average.”

  “I know! That’s my point, but she won’t believe me!”

  “Girls are tough,” Masashi said shrugging. “Try to compliment them and they bite your head off. Don’t compliment them and they think you aren’t paying attention to them,” they both sighed and walked into the dorm.

  “Lupe, can you help me please? I’m hopeless,” Kalli was standing in front of the mirror holding her long hair up in her fists against her head. She had been trying to get it right for hours with no success.

  “Hold your ponies! I’m coming. Don’t forget I have to get ready too,” she said running mousse through her own short hair.

  “Fine. And for future reference: the phrase is ‘hold your horses,’” she said giggling, but her smile disappeared as she looked towards the mirror.

  “Duly noted,” Lupe said coming up behind her and peeking around at the mirror. “Do you trust me?” she asked. She ran Kalli’s long straight hair through her small hands but capable hands.

  “Sure, why?”

  “Can I have full rights to do your hair however I like for tonight? I promise it won’t look bad, but I have this really pretty idea and it would work perfectly with your hair,” she said smiling just imagining it.

  “Sure, why not? I’m in a gambling mood today,” she sat down in the chair Lupe pulled up.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked knowingly as she brushed gently out Kalli’s long caramel brown hair.

  “What, my hair? What is there to talk about? I know I have a lot of split-ends…”

  “Masashi is Percy’s roommate. I know you two had a fight. I should have figured it out sooner, the way you have been acting as of late,” she said plugging the hot curler into the wall.

  Kalli froze. Was she that easy to read? “What do you mean ‘the way I’ve been acting as of late’?”

  “Ever since yesterday you have been sullen and disconnected. I figured something had happened but I didn’t press it. What did he do this time?” Kalli loved how Lupe just assumed it was his fault. Such a girl thing to do.

  Kalli sighed, not even bothering to laugh at Lupe’s ill attempt at humor. “It’s shallow and my fault. You really don’t want to know,” Lupe gave her a look in the mirror. It was the same look a parent gives to a child when they know the kid really wants to talk about it but is refusing to admit it. “Fine. He called me gorgeous,” Lupe laughed. “I know, I know. But, I don’t know. I guess I don’t see myself as being even close to pretty. He then went on to tell me how special I am and the meaning of being in Data Venia and--I just don’t see myself that way and that made him mad and made me feel really awkward and defensive and then he stormed off saying he wasn't going to talk to me until I 'realize my worth',” Kalli ran on, letting the words spill out.

  Lupe paused, choosing her words carefully. “I know how you feel. I had that problem when I was chosen. Jake w
as my Percy. He told me how special I was. I truly didn’t believe him for a very long time, but for some reason he kept at it. And, well here I am. He was so stubborn, an American from Kansas, very headstrong. So am I, but he won. He beat me at my own game,” She smiled slightly to remember the way things used to be. “Let Percy do that for you,” she ran the brush under her hear trying to make it curl under.

  “I don’t know. I feel so lost, like I don’t have the floor under my feet and there’s no one to catch me,” She felt like she jumped out of a plane without a parachute, spiraling towards the ground with no hope of survival.

  “Data Venia isn’t just an organization. We’re a family and we protect our own. We are all behind you ready to catch you if you stumble. We got your back,” she said slapping her lightly on the shoulder and smiling at her in the mirror.

  “Thanks, Lupe. I should probably talk to Percy then, I guess,” Kalli said with a sigh.

  “Yup-p,” she said popping the ‘p’, “and I would I would hurry because Masashi texted me about ten minutes ago saying Percy was driving him insane. Apparently he wouldn’t stop pacing all night,” Lupe dropped Kalli’s hair. “I can do your hair when you get back, just hurry,”

  “But I’m still not sure if I’m more than average. He said not to come back until I ‘figured out my worth’ whatever that means,” Kalli slumped in the chair.

  “I’m not sure he would care at this point.”

  “Are you sure? He was really mad yesterday... maybe I should wait until you finish my hair...”

  “Go!” Lupe commanded dumping her out of the chair and kicking her shoe lightly. “Now!” she was amazingly strong for her size. She picked Kalli up by her collar and dragged her to the door. She threw her out and Kalli heard the lock click.

  “Hey! Let me in! My key is in there!” Kalli screamed banging on the door.

  “I know! You aren’t getting back in here until you talk to Percy!” Lupe’s voice yelled tauntingly from inside the door.

  Kalli stomped her foot, pretending the ground was Lupe's face and slowly made her way to the elevator. Despite her attempts to keep her head up her eyes fixated on the patterns in the carpet, it was hard to ignore the churning of her nervous stomach.

  The hair on her neck stood on end by the time she got to his door. She knocked three times, quieter than she normally does in hopes he wouldn’t hear and she could go home without having to talk to him at all. She had just finished the third knock when a ruffled Percy opened the door. His normally flawless black hair was standing on end and his normally bright blue eyes were red with lack of sleep. She tried to talk but before she could open her mouth his arms were around her so tightly she could barely breathe. “I am so sorry, so sorry,” he hugged her even closer. Somehow her brain responded and she hugged him back, burying her head into his broad chest. “Can you ever forgive me Kalli?” he looked down at her, his eager eyes pleading. She wondered to herself how anyone could no forgive that face.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong, there’s nothing to forgive,” she said looking up at him. Tears of happiness were in her brown eyes. She was glad that he wasn't making this more difficult on her.

  “Why do you cry darling?” he wiped the wetness from her cheeks. “You will ruin your chances of having perfect makeup tonight,” he said his voice mimicking Lupe’s voice. He even added the wrist flip for good measure. “And Lupe will be quite displeased with the both of us,” his voice returned to normal. “The last thing we need is that little monster attacking us.”

  “How are you so perfect at this?” she asked and wiped her eyes once again and smiling.

  “At what? Being awesome?” he laughed at himself. Kalli laughed as well. He had a way of deflating high tension moments with his words.

  “At making me happy when I’m upset. ‘Being awesome’ would be a good way to describe it, I suppose, if that’s the word you want to use.”

  “It is the word I would like to use,” He smiled a flawless smile at her.

  “Fine,” she said. “How are you so perfect at being awesome?”

  He shrugged. “Just comes naturally I guess,” he smiled at her. He was so cocky and humble at the same time. “Now I have to get ready for the formal and so do you. We can talk some more tonight; I have dibs on at least one dance.”

  “Well I cannot deny the international rules of dibs,” She turned to leave but then remembered. “You have to walk me back to my dorm or Lupe won’t let me back in.”

  “Do I even want to know why?” Kalli shook her head. “Okay then, shall we?” he held out his arm and she took it. She felt like she was Dorothy walking down the yellow brick road with the scarecrow. They had the same bounce in their step. “I can’t wait to see you in your dress,” Percy breathed almost to himself.

  “Really? Why so excited?” she said tensing slightly. He was going to tell her she was pretty again and the entire fight would be re-ignited. She cursed herself for not being able to keep her mouth shut.

  He shrugged. “A guy can’t have his own reasons?” he grinned implying the unsaid.

  “He can, but a girl might interpret his reasons wrong,” she grinned as he tensed sarcastically.

  “Perhaps the girl who thought she interpreted his thoughts wrong actually interpreted correctly.” Kalli had a sickly feeling he wasn’t talking hypothetically any more.

  “Then wouldn’t it be easier for both of them for the guy just to tell her in the first place?”

  “Yes it would be. But part of having a secret is keeping it. To tell her would indeed save time and make things easier, but perhaps it’s a secret best kept.”

  “Your argument seems terribly circumstantial. Any particular reason for that? Hiding something perhaps?” she said trying to pull back the many layers of Percy, with no success. The moment she met him he seemed shallow and uncaring, but the more she got to know him the more mysterious he seemed.

  “Maybe, but who would want to know my secrets?” he said smiling but his eyes were guarded.

  “I would. I find you intriguing. I want to know more about you,” her eyes stayed forward towards the elevator door but she could feel the ice of his eyes down her back. He sighed and stopped the elevator. “What are you doing?” she asked, feeling slightly claustrophobic.

  “I’m making you a deal. Or rather, reinitiating an old one.”

  “You have my undivided attention.”

  “You want to know more about my life and I want to learn more about you.”


  “So I propose, for every one thing you tell me about yourself, I will tell you an equally important part of my life, sounds reasonable?” Kalli deliberated, weighing all options quickly before nodding and shaking his outstretched hand. “It’s a deal then?”

  “Yes. But you have to share first some of the time. I mean I can’t always be the one starting the conversation, ok?” he nodded and re-started the elevator. She had to quietly wonder about how long the deal would last this time.

  The walked in silence down the narrow hallway until they came to the door. Percy banged his flat hand against the wood. They listened and heard Lupe’s voice from inside. “Unless you are an inhumanly tall male with dark hair and your name starts with ‘P’ or ‘M’ and ends with either an ‘ercy’ or ‘ashasi’, you can’t come in!”

  “Everyone is amazingly tall to you Lupe. Open this door before I break it down!” Percy said his voice semi-menacing, but his wink at Kalli calmed her. She laughed at Lupe’s rushed answer to the door.

  She heard Lupe getting up and running to the door. “Percy! Kalli? Did you two make up? If not I’m slamming this door in both of your faces!”

  “I don’t know... Percy, did we make-up or make-out?”

  “Definitely make-out, but I don’t know about making-up. Wait,” he paused for dramatic effect. “Scratch that, switch it.”

  Both girls laughed and Kalli stepped into the dorm. “Come on in Percy,” he took a step but Lupe stopped him. “Lupe! What
are you doing?”

  “I have to get you ready, for which he has to leave,” she turned to Percy. “So for the time being, this is a ‘girl-only-zone’ go get ready with Masashi,” she pushed him out of the room. He tried to say goodbye to Kalli but the power Lupe had behind her was surprising for her size.

  “Sorry Percy!” Kalli shouted as Lupe shut the door.

  “Sit,” The word was a command. Kalli sat roughly in the chair by the mirror. Lupe began working on her hair. It took a while but eventually Lupe let Kalli see herself. Her hair was pinned back and curls were flowing out of the back of her head.

  “Wow. Lupe, it’s gorgeous.”

  “It’s your hair,” she said with a smile. “Now get into your dress, then I will do your make up.”

  “Make up?”

  “Yes, make up. The stuff some girls put on their face ‘cause it makes them feel pretty.”

  “Do I have to?” Kalli said now with her dress on. Lupe was helping her with the zipper.

  “I’m afraid so darling.”




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