A Common Language

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A Common Language Page 24

by Caitlyn Bogart

Chapter twenty-four


  Planes had always made Kalli nervous. There are so many stories of them crashing and burning with people inside. Or running off the runway, turning over, and ending in the same burning fashion.

  “Calm down, you are perfectly safe,” Percy intertwined his fingers in hers. He felt her relax slightly only to re-tense when the plane turned onto the runway. “Hold onto me if you need,” He whispered in her ear. She gratefully grabbed his hand with both of hers, holding onto him tightly. As they took off he could feel her shaking.

  “We have reached altitude. You may now move around the cabin,” The flight attendant said, repeating it in multiple languages.

  “Thank you,” Kalli said softly removing one of her hands but still holding onto him tightly with the other.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “So tell me about France. Distract me.”

  Percy told her stories of his home outside Paris. Kalli was so enthralled by the stories that she didn’t realize they were landing until the plane jarred against the earth. “How did you do that?” Kalli demanded.

  “Do what?” He asked innocently smiling. He slid past her to get both their bags out of the overhead bin. “Here,” He tossed her bag towards her. She didn’t need to check one because she didn’t own much. She was a runner. she packed light.

  Percy was obviously excited once they got inside the airport; he was practically pulling her hand off as he dragged her through the crowds.

  After they got his bag, they stood outside for a cab. Percy told him the address in fluid French; his voice was immensely beautiful in any language. The cabbie asked Percy a question, she heard his normal laugh.

  “Non, non. Elle est mon amie. Elle n'amorent pas moi,” Percy said somewhat awkwardly.

  “Oh, oui, oui--Elle est tres belle.”

  “Oui, elle est,” Percy smiled at her.

  “What are you two talking about?” Kalli inquired. Percy’s eyes smiled brighter.

  “Politics,” He was lying. She remembered enough from French I that ‘belle’ had nothing to do with politics.

  “Mere! Mama!” Percy dropped his bags and ran to the petite woman with reddish brown hair. Kalli guessed he got his jet-black hair from his father’s side. She stood back and watched the happy reunion.

  “Oh, Percival!”

  “Percy, mama, Percy,” He said sternly but he wasn’t angry. He was happier than it was possible to describe in words.

  “Oh, excuse moi,” She said, her voice sarcastic.

  “Kalli,” He called out for her. She joined him at his side.

  “Qu’est-ce?” His mom asked kindly.

  “Mama, Kalli; Kalli, this is my mother,” Percy said introducing them. “Kalli est Americane,” Percy said proudly.

  “Oh, American? Why didn’t you say so?” Kalli was taken aback. why did his mother have an English accent? “Hi, I’m Emily, Percy’s mum. It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Kalli. Percy and I only speak briefly on the phone but I can tell he’s rather fond of you.”

  Kalli was in shock, “How do you speak English so fluently?”

  “Just because I live in France doesn’t mean I was raised here. I was born in England. I moved down here when I met Percival’s father but that wasn’t until after college.”

  “Well that will make things way less confusing. I am far from fluent in French. I barely passed French I in junior high.”

  “Well I hope my son hasn’t been using that against you.”

  Percy sighed, “You two are going to be great friends and I’m going to go put my bags down. Don’t embarrass me, mom, please?” Percy picked up his duffel bag, walking comfortably in the familiar house.

  “I apologize for my son,” Emily said. “He doesn’t like me talking about him to his friends,” She was somewhat resentful of the fact her son disapproved of her actions. “But neither here nor there. Let me show you to your room.”

  Japan was amazing; Masashi’s family lived in a smaller city next to Tokyo. The house was small, compact.

  “Miss Lupe has come to join us,” Kaname said kissing her hand as she entered the door. “Still yours, Masashi?”

  “Until she gets sick of me.”

  “Never in a million years,” Lupe took Masashi’s hand pointedly.

  Kaname shrugged. “Unfortunate. I suppose life goes on.”

  The house was quiet yet busy.

  Percy’s mom was quietly humming a melody in the kitchen. Kalli recognized it. It was the lullaby Percy played during their first piano show down. She wondered what the lyrics were. Before she knew it she was laying on the bed with her spiral and pen. She hummed the melody and let the lyrics fall through her hand and allowed the ink to fill the page. It was like she was home again, laying on her own bed at her dads house, him singing loudly and out of tune while he worked or cooked.

  A light rap on the door brought her out of what her mom used to call her ‘writing daze’ Percy was leaning against the door frame. “How long have you been standing there?” She asked suddenly self-conscious about her singing. “What do you want?”

  Percy chuckled. “I thought you would want to know that the shower is free,” She noticed his black hair was wet. She assessed the rest of him: he was wearing his normal black slacks and belt, and he had his black button up open to reveal a white undershirt. He let his wet hair lazily flop on his forehead. Kalli looked down blushing. “And as for as long I have been standing here: long enough to realize you are writing something to the tune of my mom’s lullaby.”

  “As a matter of fact, yes. Did she write it? Or is it an old French one or something?”

  “It’s hers. She wrote it when I was born,” He suddenly ran at her. He flipped over her and landed on the other half of the bed and then scooted closer to her. “Mind if I read?”

  Kalli handed him the spiral, speechless. He was quite nimble for his height. It was obvious he was more comfortable being himself here. She watched his face while he read. He was gorgeous. His young skin was flawless. His eyes were a piercing sapphire and the bones of his face were clearly defined. Even since she met him he had grown up. It was amazing for her to think they were both still 17. Wait, no, she turned 18 a few months ago. She had forgotten her own birthday? When was his birthday? Did she miss it too? Kalli pondered this until Percy again spoke to her.

  “This is great, Kalli. You just came up with this?”

  “Uh--yeah I guess. I just started writing and the lyrics flowed,” He nodded turning back to the page. “Hey Percy, how old are you? When’s your birthday?”

  Percy shot her an odd look. “I’m 18, my birthday was about a month before I met you--why do you ask?” somehow, he measuring time to when he had met her, it made her happy.

  “I was just wondering if I missed it.”

  He laughed, a nice melody within his voice. “No, you didn’t miss it,” His ocean blue eyes were shining, “Well I should let you finish this before inspiration leaves,” He said climbing back over her and heading for the door.

  “Percy, wait!” She called scrambling after him. She wasn’t sure what she was going to say but she knew she didn’t want him to leave. He paused at the door and turned back to her. “You don’t have to…” She tripped over her own foot. Trusty Percy caught her.

  “You really need to stop falling for me,” He said with a playful, sarcastic wink.

  “I think it’s too late,” She said staring straight into his sapphire eyes.

  “What do you…?” He was cut short by Kalli’s lips. The kiss seemed hurried, like she had so much to say before he could disappear.

  She pulled away. “I’m so sorry Percy. You just want to be friends…”

  He held out a finger. “Would you not talk for a few moments and enjoy this?” He kissed her then. All walls shattered. He was everywhere. He was the sun, moon, and sky. He was her water and she couldn’t seem to be able to get enough to drink. “You have no idea how long I have wanted this. Just to hold you in my a

  “I’m sorry. I have been lying to both of us. I was afraid of falling for you, but obviously my heart is too far gone.”

  “Well, I’m glad. Come on. Mom’s cooking,” He took her hand and kissed her again, leading her into the kitchen.

  “Oh good. I was just coming to get you two--should I be concerned my son has a towel randomly around his neck?” Emily laughed but there was a hint of seriousness in her tone.

  “No mom, I just got out of the shower and smelled your wonderful cooking so I grabbed Kalli and came running. What are you cooking?” Percy side-stepped the question skillfully.

  “My famous lasagna.”

  “Oh, Kalli, you are in for a treat,” Kalli’s mom used to buy Stouffer’s from Wal-Mart. She had never had a homemade pasta dinner.

  “Can’t wait.”

  17 March

  I refuse to write “dear diary” like I am writing a letter to a friend named Diary. Honestly, who ever came up with that is dumb. Same with journal… why am I even explaining this? I am writing on a sheet of paper that has no feelings or emotions. It lacks a brain--meaning it is an inanimate object. And, since I am the only one who will ever read this I’m just going to jump in.

  Sasha suggested I write my thoughts down. He said, “Since you refuse to talk I want you to do this so you don’t go insane in this wasteland,” actually I made up the wasteland part, but I don’t know how anyone lives here...It’s so cold! The twins say I’ll get used to it. I don’t believe them.

  I realized as I wrote the date that it is Spring Break. I wonder where Kalli is tonight. I sure hope she is warmer than I am. I should ask if the twins will turn up the heat in the room. Maybe she ended up going home. Maybe her mom forgave her and welcomed her home for the holidays...Fat chance. From what I know Kalli doesn’t want to be there any more then they want her there. And the fact that they don’t see her like I do really is a crying shame. She is amazing, as a musician and a person. She is kind hearted, warm, funny, beautiful inside and out--oh look at me getting all sentimental. Geez, this place is really getting to me.

  Anyway…Our own “quest” is nearly at its end. The funeral happened weeks ago but the twins want to stay a little while longer; for nostalgic reasons I believe. I think this will all be over by April 1st at the latest. Finally, then, my true mission will start. I am going to write Kalli saying my final goodbyes and send it back to UA with the twins in case I don’t make it back to her. I wonder if Percy has made his move yet. With me being gone he would have to be an idiot not to at least try to be with her again. Then again…it is Percy. It makes me mad to think of her with someone else but if I had to choose someone for her after I’m gone, I would choose him. We may not get along but he will do right by her. If not I’ll come down, or up as the case might be, and kick his sorry little--I’ll make him pay. Let’s put it like that.

  That’s another thing that I have been mulling over lately: Heaven and Hell. Do I really believe in all that mumbo jumbo? I mean, my body will rot in the ground and feed the insects, but my soul? Do I even have one? Does anyone? If there is an afterlife, where am I going? Heaven seems like a cool place and Hell seems--well--Hellish. With all that I have done in my fight to survive, and what I will do… all I know is that if die I’m burying him with me. We can walk through Hell together. At least we’ll have plenty to talk about. Can you talk in Hell?

  No one understands just how much I hate that man. As far as I’m concerned he can burn in Hell forever. If I have to I will burn with him if the need arises. I read Dante’s Inferno over the summer. Dante says murderers will stand in a river of the blood of those they have killed I hope my father is drenched in it. It’s less then he deserves. I only want to have my mom know that I killed the monster responsible for her death. I wonder if she’s proud. I hope so. I can’t worry about that now. It’s too late. I’m gone too far. Wow, this is depressing. I’m done writing about this.

  I’m not going to sign my name either.

  That too, is pointless.

  P.S. If Kalli ever reads this--I am sorry for I have put you through, my love. Just know I have always loved you and that will never change but I accept that you don’t feel the same way and I know I am no good for you. So know I want you to be happy. Don’t mourn me. I can’t stand to think you are unhappy because of me and my actions. So don’t be. Life is too short for you to be miserable. I love you, Kalli. Goodbye.

  Kalli was trying so hard to find the words. “Sweetie? Can we talk?”

  “Oh you’re not going to be backing out on me again? I don’t know that I could handle that again.” Percy looked like a deer in headlights. Kalli laughed and shook her head. “Oh good. No regrets?”

  “No regrets.” She gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. “But I do need to talk to you.”

  He took her hands in his. “Sure, what’s up?” His blue eyes searched her face.

  “It’s something that my teacher told me about the scholarships.”

  He sighed. “He told me about that too. I’m not worried.”

  “Not worried?”

  He shrugged. “I think it was a way to motivate us. And, even if it is true, you’ll get it,” she started to interrupt. “Hush, you are better than me and you need it more. Prepare for the performance as you would and I will for mine.”

  “You think it’s simple as that?”

  He kissed her. “Absolutely. Come on. We will play.”

  They played on the piano for the rest of the afternoon, no music, just from their hearts.

  Kalli awoke to Percy stroking her face lightly. “That’s a nice way to be woken up,” She said drowsily and started stretching, enjoying the feeling of his warm body next to her.

  “I’m glad. Good morning, mon cheri.”

  Kalli felt her cheeks redden. It still surprised her just how romantic he could be. “Are you sure you aren’t gay?”

  He chuckled. “I’m pretty sure. Why do you ask?”

  “Because you seem too attractive and too romantic for any girl to have any sort of shot at you. Usually when that happens, he’s gay. At least that’s how it works in America.”

  “Three things--One, you find me attractive?”

  “Uh--Yeah. If I was with my friends I would call you a hottie,” Kalli said blushing.

  “Hum, good to know. Two, you find me romantic?”

  “Again, yes. What’s number three?”

  “Three, honey you definitely have a lethal shot at me if you want it.”

  “Are you some kind of bird? Am I a hunter?”

  “I can be anything you want me to be. I would do anything for you.”

  Kalli’s breath stopped. How was he so perfect?

  Percy’s Mom insisted that Percy wanted them out of the house for the day so she took Kalli out to Paris to shop.

  “Alright, dearie. Where do you want to start?”

  “You really don’t have to do this. We can tell Percy we didn’t find anything,” Kalli hated to think she was an inconvenience.

  “Honey, this shopping trip wasn’t his idea. It was mine. I thought it would be a good bonding thing for us, seeing as you’re dating my son.”

  “I…” Kalli paused. She and Percy hadn’t done anything in front of her and as far as she knew Percy hadn’t talked to her about it, “I…” she was at a loss of words, a rarity for her.

  “Oh! You didn’t think I had put two and two together!” She laughed. “Honey, I may be an old, divorced lady but I’m not clueless. I was in love once. I have never seen Percival, Percy,” She corrected herself. “I have never seen him so happy or so careful with anyone as I have seen him with you. Like he is being very careful to not make any mistakes, to make things last.

  “Really?” Kalli thought about how Percy acted the morning before that was careful? “Well, I want it to last too. I mean, Percy and I have gone through a lot together. He’s the best friend I have at UA. Maybe the best I have anywhere in the world.”

  “Well I’m glad he found
you, and you found him. Percy, he never really fit in here. Some days I wondered if his only friend was the piano. He would spend hours just running his fingers over the keys instead of running around outside with the other boys. I was truly concerned for many years that his obsession with music would make him socially awkward. But when he called me from his dorm the day he got in, he wasn’t talking about music or the campus. He was talking about the girl he met on the bus. ‘In-A-Hurry’ he called her. He said she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and could only hope he would see her again and could get her name,” Mrs. Delano smiled at her. “About a week later he called again saying that her name was Kalli and that she was all together amazing. From that point he called me every two weeks. He never spent much time talking about music or class or Data Venia even. It was always you, Kalli, your fights, your moments, your friendship. The moment you got out of the car I knew it was you,” She smiled sincerely.

  “Why are you telling me all this?”

  “Because I thought you might want to know just how much my son cares about you. I don’t want you to ever have to wonder how he feels about you. He loves you. never doubt that.”

  Kalli didn’t know what to say. Percy had always said he cared about her but maybe he was only telling her part of his true feelings towards her. “Wow.”

  “You two, go back to UA. I have my own business to take care of in this part of the world,” Dragen said. Sasha opened his mouth to suggest they should come with him. “Don’t even think it. You know I must do this on my own,” Dragen said without turning back to them. “I only have one last request,” Dragen pulled the brown envelope out of his jacket. “Give these to the people whose names are printed on the outside of the individual packages. And tell them not to share the contents of their packet with anyone,” He handed Demitri the folder packet.

  “As you wish. But are you sure you want to do this? You could die.”

  “I have resigned myself to that fate. I must face that man or I can never wish to live truly free. And even if facing him leads to my death, I must try.” He saw the pain in their faces. They were torn by his decision. He knew Sasha had always hoped he would change his mind and Demitri did everything in his power to delay their time in Russia. He knew that whatever happened they would put it upon themselves, justifying that by this moment and if he could fix that he would. The time had come and he would never forgive himself for hurting his friends, but it was sadly the lesser of two evils.

  “Your mom is so awesome,” Kalli was trying to distract herself from the fact she was further above the ground than should be humanly possible.

  “Yeah, I think so. I know it’s weird for a teenager to actually like their parent, but I have always thought my mom was pretty cool.”

  “You are so lucky you will never meet my mom. She’s so judgmental and she probably wouldn’t approve of the fact that you want to be a professional musician just because you have to be so good to make it big, but you are that good so…”

  “Kalli, if you wanted me to meet your mom as a convicted criminal I would do that. If she doesn’t like me--so what? Her loss, you like me. I’m not going to date your mom. That would be would be weird. But, with that said, I would like to meet the woman who gave you life one day,” His ocean blue eyes so sincere. His words were undeniably from the heart.

  “I wish you could meet my father. He would have liked you a lot.”

  Percy just took her hand and let her lay her head on his shoulder.



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