Eve's Wrath

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Eve's Wrath Page 12

by Linda Verji

  When the three of them had discussed their offer before coming over, they’d known that Wick would never agree to only five percent equity for the amount of money he was offering. He wasn’t an idiot. Still, they’d agreed that it was better to start low to increase their chances of getting a better deal.

  Wick proposed, “Twenty-five percent.”

  “No way.” Sharon snorted. “We’re worth way, way more than that.”

  “That’s what you think.” Wick took a beat before offering, “If twenty-five is too much, then how much higher are you willing to go?”

  “Seven percent.”

  Wick exploded in laughter. “Sharon, come on!”

  “Fine! Ten is my limit.” She insisted, “I’m not going any higher than that.”

  “You can go higher than that,” Wick coerced. “How about I drop mine to twenty-three?”

  “Twenty-three is light years away from ten.” Sharon shook her head. “It certainly won’t work.”

  “Then make me an offer I can’t refuse,” Wick said. “But just so you know, ten isn’t it.”

  On and on the two haggled. When Sharon got to twelve percent, Eve and Henry traded concerned looks. They’d all agreed that eleven percent was the company’s limit. Sharon was now treading on dangerous waters. However, Eve knew why she was doing it. Wick was their best chance for quick money. If he didn’t help them out, it would be much harder to recover from the scandal.

  When the offer spiked to thirteen percent, Henry tried to give Sharon non-verbal hints that it was time to stop, but the woman ignored him. She was intent on getting Mark’s money. Finally, the two settled on fifteen percent.

  Henry and Eve waited until they got back to La Belle to confront Sharon.

  “Sharon, you can’t give him fifteen percent,” Henry said as they sat in Sharon’s office.

  Her expression was bullish, Sharon demanded, “Why not?”

  “You’ll lose your majority.” Eve explained, “If you give him fifteen percent, you slip to forty-seven.”

  “I can do the math for myself,” the older lady retorted, “and I know how much of the company I’ll own if I give him the fifteen percent. But my forty-seven is still larger than his fifteen. And I can buy out some of the other minor shareholders later to get back my majority.”

  “What if they don’t sell?” Henry asked

  Sharon’s grin was supremely confident as she said, “I’ll make them.”

  Eve could only imagine what ‘making them’ meant. It would probably involve a lot of blackmail. This woman needed to be dropped on a deserted island somewhere where there were no humans who she could terrorize.

  “Don’t worry about the deal. Just know that it’s made.” Sharon asked, “How fast can you draw the contracts?”

  Though he was still reluctant to go along with Sharon, Henry asked, “When do you want them?”

  Sharon said, “Yesterday!”

  “Then I guess I need to get to it.” With a heavy sigh, Henry stood from his seat.

  Sharon turned to Eve. “I need you to organize a meeting with the rest of our shareholders.”

  “You want to meet them?” Eve asked with an arch of her eyebrows. “I thought you were avoiding them until everything was settled.”

  “Well, it’s settled now.” The older woman grinned. “We should give them the good news and introduce them to our newest partner.”

  “Okay.” Eve stood up. “I’ll get right to it.”

  As she walked out of her mother-in-law’s office, she shook her head. Sharon thought that she’d just hit a goldmine with Wick. But she was wrong… so, so wrong. Eve almost felt bad for what was coming. Almost!

  * * * * *

  CARTER COULDN’T SLEEP. He was tired and sleepy, but it was hard to get rest when his wife was tossing and turning restlessly beside him. One moment she had her back to him and the next she’d flipped over to lie on her back. Not even five seconds later, she turned to face him then turned again to face the other side.

  His eyes closed, he groaned. “Eve!”


  “Go to sleep!”

  She didn’t say anything. However, she stayed still… for about a minute. Then she turned again to lie on her back. Maybe that was the end of the flipping, he tried to convince himself. But it wasn’t. A minute later, she turned, this time to face him. Though it was dark and his eyes were closed, he had the weirdest sensation that she was watching him. He could practically feel her gaze burning into the side of his face.

  “Okay.” Sighing in defeat, he flipped to his side and turned on the light.

  He had to blink several times to get used to the sudden brightness. When he could finally see, he turned to Eve. Sure enough she was watching him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Why can’t you sleep?”

  She shrugged but didn’t say anything.

  “You worked late tonight.” He turned to face her. “Aren’t you tired?”

  “I am,” she admitted. It was then that he noticed the troubled look in her eyes. Obviously, she had something on her mind and it was keeping her awake.

  “Something’s worrying you.” Carter prodded, “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Eve studied him in silence for an uncomfortably long time before she said, “You know that I still think of you as my best-friend, right?”

  “You do?” This was news to him. She’d been so cold to him for the last five years that he’d thought that their friendship was gone and what remained was just a ghost of their former relationship.

  “Of course I do.” Her expression grave, she added, “I know that I rarely say it, but I really appreciate how good a friend you’ve been and everything you’ve done for me. If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve broken down a long, long time ago.”

  “I’m only giving back what you gave me,” he said. “You’ve always been a great friend too.”

  “Not for that last few years.” She let out a slow, trembling breath. “I’m really, really, really sorry for making you marry me, Carter.”

  She looked so sad that he found himself reaching forward to cup her cheek. “You don’t have to be that sorry. It’s not like you forced me.”

  “I kind of did.” Her palm settled over his hand on her cheek and she squeezed his fingers. “I made you marry me even though I knew that you didn’t love me. If I hadn’t done that, you’d be happier right now and maybe even married to a woman you love.”

  This was the first honest conversation they were having in years and he should’ve been excited, but the sadness lingering in her eyes sent an ache straight to his heart.

  Forcing a smile, he said, “I am happy.” He paused a heartbeat before adding, “And I’m already married to the woman I love.”

  “What?” Eve’s breath puffed out in a sharp gasp and surprise widened her eyes.

  His gaze remained glued to hers. “You heard me.”

  He hadn’t planned to confess his true feelings. But this seemed like the perfect time, and he wanted to erase the sorrow in her eyes.

  Just in case she hadn’t understood what he was saying, he said, “I love you, Eve.” Then he leaned forward and pressed his mouth to hers.

  Eve was obviously shocked by his confession because her lips were motionless against his. When he pulled back, he found her watching him with wide eyes. Like a deer caught in the headlights.

  He watched her, waiting for her to absorb his words. Her gaze remained sealed to his as if she couldn’t quite believe him. As she stared at him, her eyes filled with tears. One lone tear slid down the side of her eye then was quickly followed by another one.

  Carter wasn’t sure if they were tears of joy or of sadness. With his thumb, he wiped away her tear as he asked, “Why are you crying?”

  She sighed deeply and when she spoke, her voice was choked up. “What’s wrong with you? Why would you love me?”

  “Why wouldn’t I love you?” He brushed his thumb over another tear. “You’re my wife.”

  “But…” She pushed his hand away so that she could sit up on the bed. Swiping her palms over her cheeks to dry her tears, she said, “Carter, you shouldn’t love me.”

  Following her cue, he sat up too. “Why not?”

  Instead of answering him, she just stared at him with that sad expression as if there was so much she wanted to say to him but couldn’t.

  He repeated, “Why not?”

  Her response was another deep sigh. “Oh Carter! What am I going to do with you?” She moved forward to wrap her arms around his neck. Her face brushing against his, she mumbled. “I’m so, so sorry.”

  Surprised by the hug, Carter gripped the sides of her waist as he brought her even closer to him. He’d assumed that when he revealed his feelings, she’d either accept or reject them, but her reaction right now was quite confusing.

  He turned his head to kiss her cheek. “Why are you apologizing?”

  “I…” Exhaling heavily, she pulled back from him. The sadness in her eyes seemed so much more intense. Her hands still on his bare shoulders, she said, “Carter… I… Whatever I do after today, it won’t be because of you. It’s just something I need to do.”

  Huh? Her words left him even more confused. “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

  She frowned as if trying to figure out the right words to express her feelings. “Just know that nothing I do is because of you. I like you… no I love you. And if I had a choice, I wouldn’t have dragged you into this mess.”

  He didn’t miss the little ‘I love you’ that she’d thrown in there, but his attention was more focused on her last statement. Into what mess? Their marriage? Something else?

  “What mess?” he asked.

  She didn’t respond to his question. Instead she said, “I know you won’t be able to forgive me once everything is done, but I just want you to know that this isn’t about you. I still love you and I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me.”

  Once what was done? Carter had no idea what she was talking about but it sounded ominous and left him with a sinking feeling in his gut. Would she ask for a divorce? It was the only thing he could think of to explain her bizarre words and constant apologies. His heart stuttered at the thought. She wasn’t about to ask him for a divorce, right?

  Through suddenly dry lips, he started, “Eve, I don’t understand what you’re-”

  His words were cut off when she leaned forward to press her lips to his. The kiss took him by surprise and for a moment he couldn’t even react. However, when her tongue teased the seam of his lips, he groaned giving her the chance she needed to sneak in. It was deep kiss, frantic but intimate at the same time. There was an underlying desperation to it that had him pulling back just so he could meet her eyes.

  “Eve, wait,” Carter whispered, his voice rough with the desire she’d inspired. “We need to talk about-”

  Once again, she shut him up with a passionate kiss that had him dragging her body even closer to his just so he could a better taste of her. It was almost as if she was making up for something with those wild kisses, and Carter knew that he should ask her what was going on. But every time he tried, she shut him up with another swirl over her tongue against him. He got lost in the maze of her sensuality and the seductive magic of her kisses.

  Somehow, she ended up on his lap. Having her so close and feeling her heat on his cock was bad enough, but when she stroked her tongue against his, he completely forgot what they were talking about. Her lips moved from his to press open-mouthed kisses against his throat.

  Carter had no idea his neck was so sensitive, but when her warm breath blew against his skin then her lips touched him, there was no stopping the groan that ripped through him. Desire traveled along the surface of his skin, spreading to his nerves and shutting down any rational thoughts that still lingered. When she pushed him back, he willingly fell back into the bed. When she came over him, he closed his hands around her hips while kissing her like a thirsty man who’d just discovered water.

  “Eve,” he groaned in protest when she ended the kiss, but his ability to speak faded when those wicked lips began to journey downwards.

  He was naked from the waist upwards so he felt every single kiss that she pressed against his chest, his nipples, his upper stomach, and his navel. Those kisses seared at his skin, stoking the already blazing fire that was razing his nerves. Everything in him tightened when her tongue swiped across the skin just above the waistband of his shorts. Surely, she wouldn’t….

  Honest to God, he stopped breathing when she yanked his shorts down with one strong pull. His dick jumped out like a fireman who’d just heard a siren. Little Carter was already hard but when Eve wrapped her whole fist around him, he turned into steel… hot, hard steel.

  “Fuck!” Carter cussed beneath his breath when she gave him a firm up and down stroke. When she bent her head and licked the head of his cock, he almost jumped out of his skin. It just got worse - or better, depending on who you asked - from there. Her mouth sunk down his shaft to swallow him while her hand firmed around the section her mouth couldn’t cover.

  There were no words to describe the kind of pleasure that seared through Carter as she moved her mouth and hand over his length. It was almost painful in his sweetness and left every nerve in his body tingling and curling in sensation. She was killing him yet he felt more alive than he’d ever felt in his whole life.

  Within minutes, she had him groaning her name while trying to keep himself from exploding in her mouth. Just when his self-control began to fray and it seemed like he would lose the battle, she let him pop out of her mouth.

  “No,” he growled in protest and tried to reach for her. But Eve was too fast. She scooted off the bed. But instead of leaving, she took off her tank-top then dragged down her shorts and let them fall to the ground before coming back to him.

  Carter was already on fire but when she straddled him then grabbed his cock and pointed it straight at her entrance, the heat intensified until it felt like it was scorching his insides. She was already wet… oh so wet, and he slipped into her easily.

  His groan mingled with her whimper as she slowly lowered herself down his shaft. The sensation of having her velvety insides caress his length inch by inch was indescribable, beyond words. When she set her hand on his chest then began to ride him, those groans and whimpers turned into cries that echoed in the room.

  Eve was the picture of desire as she rode him slowly and thoroughly. Her eyes were closed tightly and her mouth opened in a silent gasp. Needing to taste that gasp, Carter sat up so that they ended up sitting down but with her on his lap. He cupped the back of her head bringing her in for a kiss.

  The kiss was soft yet still just as intense. It was intimate yet still held threads of desperation. It almost felt like she was trying to swallow him whole, trying to imprint his taste into her mind like a tattoo. Carter gave her everything she demanded then took what she offered willingly. He was hers and she was his.

  While they kissed, their hands hungrily moved over each other’s bodies, and Eve lifted up and down on him. Those kisses, those touches, the way her walls clamped around him every time she came down then released him as she rose drove him closer and closer to the edge. Slowly but surely, his level of desperation rose. The need to move from this slow torture to something harder overwhelmed him. Instinct driving him, he flipped them around until she was on her back with him on top of her.

  Eve’s velvet-dark eyes burned hot with desire as she stared up at him and her breathing was as uneven as his. Her fingers closed tightly around his arms and her eyes went wide when he thrust into her.

  “Carter…” she moaned.

  “Eve…” He growled her name as he pulled back then shoved his rod in again, making sure that he was as deep in as he could go.

  She arched her back, lifting her legs to encircle his waist. But it was when she tightened her inner muscles around him to stroke and milk him that he lost all control. The leash that had been hol
ding him back unraveled. He couldn’t hold back any more.

  Covering her mouth in a hard punishing kiss, he pumped into her with all his might; as if this was the last time he’d ever get to do it. His arms encircled her upper body, held her tightly as he moved in then out of her. His thrusts became faster, stronger, harder… Each stroke was deeper and harder than the last.

  Eve started to tremble and shiver. She wrapped her arms and legs tightly around his body as her walls clamped around his cock with a vice-like grip. With a keening cry, she came. Her strong release was his cue to let go. Three strokes later, he erupted inside her.

  His orgasm was powerful. It left him weak and breathing hard like an overtaxed racehorse. Even slipping off Eve so that he could lie beside her was a Herculean task. It took him a while to catch his breath. When he turned his head to look at Eve, he found her with her eyes closed. She looked completely wiped out. A proud smile crooked his lips. He’d done that to her.

  Still smiling, he got off the bed to walk to the bathroom. When he came back, he was carrying a warm towel. Eve barely stirred as he wiped her down, and by the time he rejoined her in bed, she was already asleep. He dragged her into his arms so he could keep her close as he slept. However, as he drifted off, he couldn’t erase the memories of the conversation they’d been having before she’d seduced him.

  What had she meant when she said that whatever she did next wasn’t his fault? Tomorrow, he promised himself, he’d ask more questions. But if it was divorce she was looking for, then she was out of luck. He loved her too much to let her go.


  When it rains it pours.

  The adage had never been truer for Sharon. The last few months had been hell. It was as if everything around her had decided to fall apart at the same time.

  She still couldn’t believe how big a fuss people had made over the conditioner issue. So she’d tinkled around with a few formulas here and there to save money… it was no big deal. No one had died. If it wasn’t for Nosy Nina, everyone would still be happily using the conditioner and raving about how amazing it was.


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