The Dictator

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The Dictator Page 21

by Penelope Sky

  “Of course. Bates has been such an asshole to me, but I know he’s only trying to protect you. The last thing I want is to drive you two apart. When Martina gets here, I want her to have a close relationship with her uncle. I want her to see you two happy together. I don’t want her to see family fighting over money the second she comes into this world. The first thing she would see is how important money is to people…and that’s the last thing I want.”

  He continued to stare at me in disbelief.

  “And even if we never got married, but you died, you could have it written that Martina couldn’t have access to anything until she was in her twenties or something—and I wouldn’t get a dime.” If that settled the beef between Bates and Cato, then it sounded like a good idea. I’d never cared about Cato’s money, and I was willing to put my money where my mouth was.

  “I think that would make Bates feel much better, actually.”

  “Then let’s do it. Problem solved.” I could finally be comfortable in Cato’s house without fear of running into Bates—and being screamed at. I could come to the office again without being accused of being a gold digger. Maybe Bates and I could even have a nice relationship…in time.

  Cato didn’t show an emotional expression, but he seemed touched by the gesture I’d made. Unable to put his thoughts into words, he stared at me as the silence surrounded us both.

  There was no need to be surprised. I’d told him I never cared about his money—and I meant it. If anything, I despised the ego he had based on that wealth. I disliked the way he treated other people just because of the size of his wallet. The qualities I admired about him had nothing to do with his wealth. I actually liked him in spite of his riches.

  Cato finally brushed it off. “I’ll make some calls.”

  I wore a slimming black dress that hid my baby bump fairly well. It was backless, distracting stares away from my front. I wore black pumps and a few pieces of jewelry that Cato’s assistant picked up for me.

  I was grateful I’d come along because the second we were inside that bar, every single woman looked at Cato as a target. His handsome features were impossible not to recognize. He was a beacon to all women, the rich and handsome man every woman wanted for a husband.

  Too bad. He’s mine.

  Cato had his arm around my waist as he guided me to a private seating area. With leather couches curved into a circle and a table in the center, it was raised above the rest of the bar so visibility was clear.

  I sat beside Cato and crossed my legs.

  He rested his hand on my thigh with his knees apart. He had his signature drink, scotch with a single ice cube, and I sipped a glass of ice water.

  My arm was hooked underneath his, and I snuggled with him on the couch, claiming my territory so none of the other bitches would think they had a chance.

  Bates said nothing to Cato. He was still livid from that exchange in the office. Now he was so mad he wasn’t on speaking terms with his brother at all.

  Two women joined us a moment later, both tall and beautiful.

  I squeezed Cato’s arm harder. The tough thing about Cato was he was known to have multiple lovers, so seeing me grip his arm like this didn’t matter at all.

  The brunette came to us, her eyes on Cato. As if I weren’t there at all, she addressed him in a sultry voice. “Cato Marino, I heard you and I have similar tastes. Care to find out?” She helped herself to his lap, about to straddle him without even introducing herself.

  “Whoa, sweetheart.” Cato put his hand out and steadied her. “As flattered as I am, I’m giving monogamy a try.”

  “And we’re having a baby together,” I added, even though it was unnecessary information. “But Bates it totally available and just as rich.”

  “She’s right,” Bates said. “And I’ve got two arms.”

  The woman took Cato’s rejection in stride and decided to join Bates instead.

  I couldn’t believe women were that forward with Cato. I’d seen it with my own eyes but still couldn’t believe it. Did they really think being kinky would bag them the richest husband in the country? Cato needed something more than another night of good sex. That was exactly why he was a hollow shell—because nothing really meant anything. My jealousy faded away, and I actually pitied him. One-night stands were fine, but they weren’t even based on a real connection, a true lustful attraction between two people. It was just sex in its most basic form, like a lion with a pride of lionesses.

  Cato turned to me. “That would have gone the same way whether you were here or not.”

  “I thought I would be a better bug repellent. Guess I’m not.”

  “No. They think I’ve found one woman for the night—and now I need a second one.”

  “Well, you do have two women for the night. Just not in the way you’re used to.” I moved his hand to my stomach.

  He looked down at my bump as he felt it over my black dress. “I prefer this way.”

  Cato did business with shady people, I’d leave it at that.

  The guys seemed to be part of some organization called the Skull Kings. I’d heard the name before, but I didn’t know much about them. Apparently, they’d borrowed money from Cato for an arms deal, and now they were asking for more.

  I got to see a different side of Cato, the cold-hearted moneymaker. If I thought he acted like an asshole to me, it was nothing compared to the way he treated others. He iced down his alliances and his enemies with the same frost.

  I was absolutely silent for the entire exchange, not making eye contact and holding on to Cato’s arm for balance.

  Bates complemented Cato’s coldness with his fire. He was more aggressive than his brother, pushing Cato’s statements to solidify them. He might be pissed at his brother, but he didn’t let his personal feelings affect the deal they were making.

  Three hundred million was on the table—including the five hundred that had already been borrowed.

  Geez, that was a lot of cash.

  Once the interest rate had been decided, they came to an agreement. There was no paperwork or contracts to sign. It was a gentleman’s agreement, with the promise of death as collateral.

  How did Cato live this life every day?

  Was the money worth it?

  We entered the penthouse he had in the city. The living room was exactly as I remembered it. The building seemed to belong to him exclusively because there was no one else around.

  I stepped inside and examined the windows, noting how thick and dark they were. They were probably bulletproof. I stripped off my jacket and hung it on the coatrack by the door. The last time I’d stepped inside this place, I had decided to bed Cato to save my father. Once I’d kissed him, I didn’t have to talk myself into it anymore.

  But when I’d spotted Christina on the bed, the mood had been destroyed.

  What if I had slept with him that night? What would have happened? Would I be pregnant now? Would he have forgotten me by morning? Would my father be dead and I would be a prisoner to Damien?

  Cato came to my side by the window. “What has you so deep in thought?”

  I’d been staring out the window at the cold city. It hardly snowed here, but it definitely seemed like an unusually cold winter. The air was chilly to the skin, and I could feel the coldness slightly when I stood right next to the glass. “I was thinking about the last time I was here.”

  “A night I’ll never forget.”

  “I’m sure you had fun anyway…” I didn’t mean anything to him at the time. He’d probably forgotten about me the second I left.

  “I did,” he said honestly. “But I didn’t stop thinking about you. Those last words you spoke to me stayed with me. I’d wondered if I’d made a mistake. I’d wondered if I actually lost a real woman.” He moved closer to me then stood at my back. His head bent toward my neck, and he pressed a kiss to the top of my spine. His fingers moved up my bare back to the slender straps over my shoulders, then he pushed them off, watching them drop down my arms.

  I let the dress fall to the floor.

  His hands gripped my tits and then moved over my distended stomach as his breaths caressed the back of my neck. “Even if it was all a lie. Even if it was all bullshit. I’m glad it happened. You’re the real woman you vowed to be.” His arm slid under my stomach and rested there, as if he were supporting both of us.

  He kissed the back of my neck before he lifted me into his arms. My dress was left behind on the ground as he carried me to the bed where he’d bedded all those other women, all the women who’d meant nothing to him. He gently laid me on the bed before he peeled his clothes away. His watch was left on the nightstand, his jacket resting over the armchair in the corner, and the rest of his clothes were dropped into a pile on the floor.

  I watched him strip down to his bare skin, to his muscles and his strength. With wide shoulders, powerful arms, and narrow hips, he was over six feet of perfect man. I’d always imagined starting my family under very different circumstances, with a nice man who was sensitive and kind. We would date, fall madly in love, and after a small wedding outside somewhere, we would start our family. My reality was nothing like my fantasy, but now I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I didn’t want anyone else to be the father of my child.

  I didn’t want to share my nights with anyone else.

  Even if I weren’t pregnant and he would let me go, I didn’t want to be anywhere else.

  I wanted to be right here.

  He left my heels on and went for my black thong. He slowly pulled it down and over my shoes before he left it on the foot of the bed. Then he moved on top of me and widened my legs, taking the position he usually took when he screwed me. He used to do it this way so he could see my tits and face, but now he wanted to see my belly instead. He got the head of his cock inside me and slowly slid deep into me, pushing through all the moisture my body produced for him. He released that sexy moan I always looked forward to hearing. It was a moan of pleasure, a moan that showed he wasn’t thinking about anyone else but me. He could have any woman he wanted, but he only wanted to be with me.

  My palms planted against his chest, and I stared into his eyes as he moved inside me, feeling that big dick take me all the way. Now that I’d had a real man like Cato, I couldn’t go back to anything else. Now that I’d lived with this man and slept beside him every night, I knew I never wanted to be without him. The one time I’d tried to cut him from my life, it ended up being the biggest mistake I’d ever made. When his shadow appeared behind that towel, I hadn’t been able to keep the tears back.

  Because he was home.

  I’d lost everything to greed, but I found everything in him. Now I was starting my own family, rebuilding all that I’d lost, and I was doing it with a man I respected and admired. Our relationship was built on a lie, but that lie turned into the truest feeling in my life.

  My hand cupped the back of his head, and I brought his lips to mine for a passionate kiss, full of tongue and longing. We breathed into each other’s mouths as we enjoyed each other, our bodies so deeply intertwined, we were one person.

  My heart ached for this man in a way it never had before. Watching him reject that woman in the bar tonight showed me how much he had changed. He was an arrogant asshole who had fucked anything that moved. He was stubborn and egotistical. But once he let some of his walls come down, he showed a beautiful side he shouldn’t be afraid to hide. He buried my father when he didn’t have to. He shot Damien so I could have my revenge. He let me go because he knew I would only want to come back. He’d turned into my protector, my partner. It wasn’t the future I’d planned, but now it was the future I wanted more than anything else. “Cato…I want to make more babies with you.”

  He kept thrusting into me, his intense eyes focused on mine.

  I wasn’t afraid to say how I felt. I would have said it sooner if I’d known what was in my heart. “I want to spend my life with you.” I cupped his face. “I love you.” Everything spilled out of my lips, like warm caramel pouring over ice cream. The passionate ignited me, but the love in my heart gave me the courage to tell him how I felt. He wasn’t the man I’d pictured myself with, but now I couldn’t imagine my life with anyone else. Maybe he was wrong for me, but I didn’t care. With Martina, we were already a family.

  Cato slowed down his pumps then unexpectedly came inside me. His dick got extremely thick as it buried farther in my body. He gave his hips a swift buck and dumped everything into my cunt, releasing a moan at the same time.

  It was the first time we’d made love and he didn’t make me come first.

  Maybe my words aroused him so much that he couldn’t keep it in. Maybe my confession was so sexy his body didn’t know how to react.

  He pressed his forehead to mine as his heavy breathing continued. No words were forthcoming, but he seemed to gather his bearings. His cock softened inside me, but within a minute, it was hard again. He moved his mouth to mine and kissed me, giving me a slow and sexy embrace.

  But he didn’t say it back.

  And it didn’t seem like he was going to.

  When he was at full mast, he started to thrust inside me again, this time a little harder. He pulled his lips away and looked into my eyes, the desire burning white-hot like an inferno. He clearly wasn’t angry by what I said.

  But he didn’t reciprocate either.

  My hands rested against his chest, and I felt my tits shake up and down. My eyes locked on to his, and I tried once more. “I love you so damn much.”

  There was another flash of desire across the surface of his eyes, like we were making dirty talk and I’d said something particularly kinky. My whispers aroused him even more, made him thicker than he’d ever been.

  But I got silence in response.

  He went to sleep right when we were finished, but I stayed up most of the night. When the sun came up, Cato woke up and immediately got into the shower. He didn’t kiss me good morning or try to fuck me again.

  Most mornings, he didn’t, so that wasn’t too unusual.

  But I wondered if we would talk about last night.

  Or pretend nothing happened.

  Cato wasn’t the kind of man to shy away from anything, so I doubted he would ignore the tension between us indefinitely.

  Or maybe he would. He’d looked me in the eye and listened to me say I loved him twice. And he said nothing at all.

  When he was finished with the shower, he came back to the bed and kissed me. “Morning, baby.”

  Whenever he called me baby, that was usually a good sign. “Morning.”

  He opened his closet and pulled out a new suit to wear. “We are meeting my lawyer this morning.”

  “What for?”

  “To sign all the paperwork we talked about.” He grabbed my clothes that I’d brought with me and set them on the bed. “It shouldn’t take more than an hour.”

  Everything seemed normal, except for the big elephant in the room. “Okay.” I grabbed my clothes and got ready before I headed into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. Flashbacks of last night came to me, our sweat rubbing together and our breaths deep and powerful. Those words had rolled off my tongue so easily. I’d never told a man I loved him before, and when I did it for the first time, it felt so right. It felt like a burden had been lifted from my shoulders.

  When I walked back into the bedroom, he was ready to leave. In a navy suit with a black tie, he looked like the corporate dictator he was. He owned every room he stood in, including the bar last night when he cornered the Skull Kings into giving in to his ridiculous interest rate. With one hand in his pocket, he scrolled through his phone.

  “I’m ready.” I wore my black jeans, blue sweater, and my black jacket.

  He looked me up and down appreciatively. “You look beautiful.” His arm circled my waist, and he kissed me.

  Like everything was normal.

  We went down to the car waiting for us and then drove to his lawyer’s office.

I couldn’t figure out why Cato was behaving this way. Would he continue to ignore it until I believed it never happened in the first place? It had happened, right? “Are all your business dealings like that?”

  “Like what?” He looked out the window.

  “Hostile. Aggressive. Kinda scary.”

  He chuckled. “That’s how you have to be to survive in this world.”

  “Not survive. Triumph.”

  He nodded in agreement.

  “I thought you were an asshole to me, but now I realize you can be much worse.”

  He chuckled quietly. “Much worse.”

  I stared at the side of his face for a while and wondered what he was thinking. I remembered how thick he felt inside me when I said those words. I felt how hard he came inside me when I whispered my feelings. He’d obviously enjoyed what I’d said even though he didn’t reciprocate.

  When I looked back on everything he had done for me, I refused to believe he didn’t feel the same way. He rescued my father from an oil drum and buried him where he belonged. He protected me against his brother’s fists. And then he came to France and asked me to come home…because he missed me. He slept with me every night now, had been faithful to me during those two months we were apart. Would a man do that if he weren’t in love? No, I didn’t think so.

  I knew Cato loved me.

  But maybe he wasn’t ready to say it.

  His lawyer presented all the paperwork to me, along with an intimidating pen to add my signatures. “According to these documents, in the event of Cato Marino’s unlikely passing, one-third of his personal assets would be divided between his brother and mother. The other two-thirds would be given to Martina Marino. She would inherit most of the holdings in Cato’s trust. But she will not receive this inheritance until she’s twenty-one years of age.”

  “Alright.” I read through the paperwork and added my signature.


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