Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 75

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “I’m disappointed in you, Taesa. You value knowledge, yet you belittle the Chroniclers who live for centuries to gather it. They are forbidden by the Oath to interfere unless to speak truth against demons, but they are not forbidden to love or to have families. Many choose not to have children, but some do. Chroniclers understand what suffering is, they don’t just watch others suffer. Observing the pains of people across the world and through the ages sickens them, yet the Chroniclers endure these trials to honestly record the evils of history so that we can learn from the past. Have you learned from their writings?” Kaija asked.

  “I’ve learned that the world is full of suffering, and a lot of it makes no sense,” Taesa said.

  “And you are the cause of much of the suffering, child. The testimony in Emeth was enough for me. Victoria may have influenced you, and a few people are convinced that you did not act under your own willpower, but you are still guilty of a massacre. Your voice lured – tempted – millions of helpless men to their deaths in the tempest. You sang to them, saying Sail to Me, and their lives were ended far too soon. Who else, besides King Xander perhaps, has brought so much death? Your existence is a travesty. If there were to be a God, you should fear Him most of all, because your judgment will be the worst. Even if it can be said that my economic policies and those of the central bank are sometimes unpleasant, we have saved lives by our efficiencies. Families can hold their farmland and operate their businesses. Generations of children can inherit these assets and continue their family lines. Large businesses can sustain communities by trading across islands, continents and oceans because of the financial system we have constructed. You have brought death to multitudes. Why do you still have life? You are trying to judge a God who doesn’t exist and thus cannot be guilty of anything, while you do exist and are guilty of the worst tragedy at sea I have ever known,” Governor Decima said.

  “Taesa is guilty. This is absolutely true. However, you are not innocent, Governor Decima. God is Loving. God is Just. Yet, God is merciful and forgives even the greatest of sins. He does this through His Son, Yeshua, who became man and taught us the Divine Will of His Father, the One True God. He spoke truth to power and they hated Him, because He exposed their deceptions and depraved actions. The corrupt bankers and the false priests and even the lowly worker who didn’t own any land or wield any power were all embroiled in smaller sins. They all practiced idolatry, worshipping false gods, who were no gods at all, yet who gave permission to sin: stealing, killing and lusting and hating and denying God’s Truth. Yeshua called each of them sinners, and He warned them to change their ways and to act both justly, by loving the One True God above all else, as well as mercifully, by loving one another. He was persecuted and murdered for this message. Soon thereafter, Yeshua was resurrected from the dead, and by this, we are all saved from our sins. We must accept Him if we are to find eternal life. There is no other way,” Kaija said.

  “This story is ridiculous beyond belief. Your fables grow ever wilder with each telling, Kaija,” Governor Decima said.

  “You believe a fable, Governor Decima. You hold onto the myth that you will escape punishment for your sins without accepting the forgiveness given by the Son of God through His Death and Resurrection. Do not judge Taesa. Look to your own guilt and beg forgiveness. Accept Him and His Gift of Divine Mercy,” Kaija said.

  “I’ve heard enough superstition, Kaija. I don’t need to hear any more of it. But you had better watch yourself, Taesa. The world still hates you. Judgment will come against you for the millions of murders you committed. I would run far and hide in the deepest darkness if I were you,” Governor Decima said.

  “You can’t run from God or hide your own sinful soul from His Divine Judgment, Governor Decima. You must accept the Son of God, Yeshua, as Your Savior, who died for your sins,” Kaija said.

  “I’m done here,” Governor Decima said. She turned about and walked away, heading back towards the docks. Counselor Orfeo escorted her. He read her thoughts and knew that she was sorely disappointed that he was a weaker telepath than Kaija, unable to guard her mind from probing. The ten (10) soldiers surrounded and guarded them.

  “Pay attention to everything I’ve said, all of you. Taesa is no guiltier than any of you. Set your minds on your own misdeeds. Only The Son of God can save you from your sins,” Kaija said.

  “And you, Romana, should teach others what I have taught you. You are a good friend, and I need your help spreading the Word of God. You are more than a scholar or a farmer. God has given you powers and talents and the right ocean water to use for greater purposes. There is no mistake. Have no regrets about your waterbinding and no doubts that it can be made to serve God,” Kaija said.

  “I consider you my teacher, as well,” Lady Onora said.

  Niels recorded all of this into his book. He was captivated by Kaija’s lecture, but he was also under orders to monitor the central bank. The Oath allowed him to weigh the significance of competing events and decide which to pursue in the absence of specific orders. However, those orders were present. He turned about and followed Governor Decima, Counselor Orfeo and the ten (10) surrounding soldiers who guarded them.

  CHAPTER 46: Search for Thieves and Traitors

  Under the cover of darkness, Kassia rummaged through the dresser drawer, finding a single sheet of paper nestled among the shirts. She read it and found the numbers that might just be the combination. She hurried out of the guest bedroom and through the hallway, back to the master bedroom – a room measuring sixty-eight (68) feet in width and length with a nine (9) foot high ceiling. She slid the thirteen (13) foot wide bookcase to the left, revealing the door to a safe. She turned the dial according the numbers and then pulled the lever and…the safe door opened. Kassia stepped into the safe, which was fifteen (15) feet deep, eleven (11) feet wide and nine (9) feet in height. The seven (7) shelves on each wall were two (2) feet in depth and four (4) inches in thickness. Large books filled the shelves and she began opening them, only to discover that they were albums containing large platinum and gold coins, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, citrines, opals and pearls. Several other gemstones which she could not positively identify were also in the album pages. She skipped past the precious gems in album after album until finding a crystal different from all of the others.

  Kassia removed the large crystal – which was five (5) inches in diameter and three (3) inches thick – from the album page. She peered through it and could see Daley standing next to her, even though both of them should have been invisible to each other and to the world around them because of the cloak of darkness he provided.

  “I see you,” Kassia said.

  “I see you, too. The spotter crystal works both ways. Now let’s cover it up with something before it gives us away. Try using the bedsheets. They’re a solid blue,” Daley said.

  “I have a better idea,” Kassia said. Daley followed her closely as she stepped out of the safe and walked over to the large closet. Inside, she found a black dress and wrapped it around the spotter crystal.

  “That worked. We’re in the dark again,” Daley said.

  “Now we have to get past the governor’s party guests without any telepaths noticing,” Kassia said.

  Daley drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from his vial to be further energized with the powers of darkness. He thus maintained their dark cover and escorted Kassia out of the master bedroom, through the hallway and down the stairs leading to the foyer.

  There was commotion, with dozens of guests circled around a man lying on the ground and hundreds looking over their shoulders. Kassia and Daley overheard the conversations.

  “He’s dead!” one person yelled. “The governor was poisoned!” another screamed.

  Daley pulled on Kassia’s arm, escorted her past the guests and walked toward the front door of the mansion. He led her through the hedge maze until reaching the riverboats. They boarded an available ship, sight unseen. A few minutes later, when some othe
r people stepped on and paid, the riverboat set sail and returned to the Port of Hithagredil.

  Still under the cover of darkness, Kassia and Daley ran to the docks and waited, keeping their distance from the dockworkers, crew and passengers moving to and fro. “When will the Silver Jackal get here?” he asked.

  “Just a few days. That’s what the governor’s little girlfriend told me,” Kassia said.

  “How did you get her to talk?” Daley asked.

  “You don’t want to know,” Kassia said.

  “You didn’t kill her. You would never do that,” Daley said.

  “No. She’s fine. She just needed someone to talk to – a woman she could trust – and she told me everything. That’s how I knew to look for the spotter crystal,” Kassia said.

  “That doesn’t explain who killed the governor, does it?” Daley asked.

  “No, but we’ve got other things to worry about when this ship arrives. If the spotter crystal really works, and we can see the Silver Jackal before it’s out of range, we have to hitch a ride and get to their secret island that moves. That’s where the big bosses of the central bank operate,” Kassia said.


  Agent Leilah stepped onto the deck of the Incisive and eased her powers of darkness, thus revealing herself and Agents Claudia, Glyn, Cheveyo and Gavriela.

  Admiral Tiede was standing on deck and said: “I await your report.”

  “We infiltrated the castle and learned that General Aerona and Brigadier General Nazar have both become traitors. Aerona communicates through spirits to make deals with the central bank so they ship the counterfeit gems here, where those gems expand and devalue our supplies, slowly but surely. She’s doing this out of revenge, because she was crippled by her waterbinding trial and given the Zovvin waters instead of Trerada waters she needed to heal. She sees us as the enemy – the reason she can’t have a personal relationship or a lover. Nazar is power hungry and sides with her to make a profit. The Jenaldej Empire economy is already in a lot of danger because of what she’s done,” Agent Claudia said.

  “Considering the high ranks of these traitors, they may do a lot more damage through their subordinate officers. We will need to deal with the internal problems of the Jenaldej Empire rather than worrying about the central bank,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “There’s more, Admiral. A giant freighter – the Silver Jackal – is due to arrive in the Port of Hithagredil in a few days. It has light distortion and sound dampening crystals to cloak it from pirates, and it’s heavily armed. The freighter is carrying a large supply of low quality gems. It will travel over that port and then sail to a hidden, movable island in the Ursegan Ocean where the Premier Governors of the central bank operate. They will convert the cheap gems into the expanding gems and then distribute them throughout the world, including here, to accelerate the bankruptcy. We’re not their only target, but we are high up on their list, since we’re the largest,” Agent Claudia said.

  Admiral Tiede considered this for a moment and said: “Intercepting and exposing this freighter may be an opportunity to prove the fraud of the central bank. However, following the ship to their hidden island may even be more effective, by exposing the corrupt leadership. Once the truth of the central bank’s financial fraud is revealed to the world, we will have leverage to negotiate new precious gem market prices and undo the financial damage. We can identify and penalize the traitors in the Jenaldej Empire – all of them – after that happens,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “Should I return to headquarters and report to Director Shirong?” Agent Claudia asked.

  “That won’t be necessary just yet, Agent Claudia. What is necessary is for Agent Glyn to prepare a cloak penetrator crystal,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Agent Glyn said. He drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his vial and was energized with the power to manipulate crystals and stones. He walked across the deck to his cabin and began molding one of the crystals he kept there into a special form.


  Admiral Tiede walked across the deck of the Incisive and entered the wheelhouse.

  Agents Noach and Prudencia were waiting there.

  “Agent Noach, chart a course for the Port of Hithagredil. Agent Prudencia, sail the Incisive according to that course,” Admiral Tiede said.

  Agent Noach drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their paths and positions and then used that information to chart a course. He wrote this down into the captain’s logbook.

  Agent Prudencia read the charted course and took hold of the ship’s wheel. She pulled levers to retract the boarding ramp and raise the anchor. She then sailed the Incisive southeastward across the Kazofen Ocean until reaching the Glivoran Trail land bridge. At that point, she pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. She steered the ship across the land bridge, returning it to sea level in the Trerada Ocean. Next, she sailed the Incisive southeastward until reaching the Farmer’s Road land bridge. At that point, she again pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. She steered the ship across the land bridge, returning it to sea level in the Pirovalen Ocean. From there, she sailed the Incisive eastward until reaching the Scholar’s Path land bridge. She steered the ship into the Port of Hithagredil but did not drop anchor so as to remain maneuverable.


  Admiral Tiede exited the wheelhouse and walked out on deck. Agent Glyn was waiting there with a crystal in hand. Agents Gavriela, Claudia, Kenaz, Leilah and Cheveyo were also standing nearby.

  “Agent Glyn, do you have a reliable cloak penetrator crystal?” Admiral Tiede asked.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Agent Glyn said.

  “Good. You and Agent Gavriela are to stand watch, using the crystal to bend light and uncover cloaked vessels. This large freighter should be here any day,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Agent Glyn said.

  Agent Gavriela drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power of light. She focused a beam of light through the crystal that Agent Glyn held and searched for signs of ships entering or leaving the port that were not visible to the unaided eye.

  “Agent Claudia, telepathically probe for any sign of this ship. The captain and crew will know the name of the vessel – Silver Jackal – so that may be the surest indicator of their arrival,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Agent Claudia said. She drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial and was energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. She focused her powers to search for any suspicious thoughts of people on board any ships passing through the port.

  “Agent Kenaz, you are to listen for any signs of ships moving, high or low, in every direction. Even a hidden vessel will make some sound as it moves through the air or the water,” Admiral Tiede said.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Agent Kenaz said. He drank anew of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of music and sound. He focused his powers to listen for signs of movement by unseen ships.


  Tiago provided the cover of darkness for himself, Captain Fernao, Aletta, Saskia and Zeferino. He even extended it to their captives: Mayor Langford, Zenaida and Meliora. He escorted them all as they walked across the foyer of the dead governor’s mansion and then they exited the residence. They traversed the maze that was the topiary garden and then walked up the boarding ramp of the Blazing Payback that was docked on dry ground nearby.

  Once on board, Tiago eased his powers of darkness. Zeferino pushed Meliora and Zenaida onto a bench on the deck and tied their hands behind their backs. Fernao did the same to Mayor Langford, seating him next to his female companions.

  “How did it go?”
Margaux asked.

  “What happened with the governor?” Bartel asked.

  “The governor’s dead. That woman killed him before he could spill his secrets,” Fernao said, pointing at Meliora.

  “We got some of the information, anyway. So, what are we doing with it?” Saskia asked.

  “Bartel, could you make another crystal to spot a cloaked ship?” Captain Fernao asked.

  “Make another? I already have several prepared. They’re all different kinds, with different refraction angles. We never know which cloaking method or angle a pirate ship will use,” Bartel said.

  “Good to hear. How about setting up all of them around the ship? We can all work as lookouts,” Captain Fernao said.

  “The pirates are coming here?” Bartel asked.

  “Not exactly here: they’re going to the Port of Hithagredil. We’re looking for a giant freighter called the Silver Jackal. It’s loaded up with cheap gems that the central bank wants to turn into those fake ones that split,” Captain Fernao said.

  “I’ll take us back now?” Rafael asked.

  “Yes, Now,” Captain Fernao asked.


  Rafael walked across the ship’s deck and entered the wheelhouse. Once inside, he drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their paths and positions and used this information to chart a course back to the port. He pulled levers to retract the boarding ramp and elevated the Blazing Payback to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. Rafael then steered the ship back to the Port of Hithagredil, returning the vessel to sea level in the Pirovalen Ocean alongside an empty pier.


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