Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 95

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “My name is Antaine. This is Sandalio and that is Helder. We are here to greet you on behalf of Count Nemanja, the lord over these lands. I apologize for being so secretive, but we were hired to protect our master from the thieving, murderous bandits who roam Waderav. Count Nemanja wishes to greet you personally in his castle. There, you will be given rich meals and a place to rest. He intends to discuss hiring you to work his fields and quarries at a fair wage,” Antaine said.

  “I’m ready to for a good meal,” Sean said.

  “Me, too,” Molly said.

  “I’m ready to do some regular work,” Ruth said.

  “So am I,” Odhran said.

  “We reserve the right to say no,” Sophie said.

  “Count Nemanja pays fair wages and never demands more than fourteen (14) hours a day from his farmers and stonecutters. Most days, it’s only twelve (12),” Antaine said.

  “That’s actually very good,” Ciaran said.

  “That’s the fairest offer I’ve ever heard,” Sean said.

  “Let’s meet Count Nemanja,” Patrick said.

  “Follow us, please,” Antaine said. He, Sandalio and Helder led Ruth and her fellow travelers for a one (1) mile walk, heading westward along a flat, dusty road passing through the wheat field and toward a castle. The fortress – which was ninety (90) feet in height and three hundred sixty (360) feet in width – had eight (8) towers, each measuring thirty-two (32) feet in diameter and one hundred forty (140) feet in height. Archers were stationed at different levels of the towers, watching through windows for any threat of attack. A platoon of one hundred twenty-six (126) soldiers guarded the castle gate. The imposing stronghold was carved into the side of a roughly circular – and even more imposing – mountain range. A squadron of eleven hundred seventy (1170) soldiers guarded a roadway that meandered westward through a gap between the peaks. A massive airship – measuring five hundred forty (540) feet in length and supported by the fully energized sailing crystals woven into six (6) pairs of pivoting, double-masted sails – hovered at an altitude of eighty-five (85) feet above the road.

  “I’ve never seen a castle so well-guarded,” Patrick said.

  “Count Nemanja protects his land – and his workers – from the thievery that runs rampant in Waderav. The robber barons and bandits steal whatever they can. Peace and prosperity can only be achieved through overwhelming power,” Antaine said.

  “Power is the only law that thieves and murderers will ever obey. We have more than enough power to protect Count Nemanja’s interests. His enemies cannot see all of our defenses,” Sandalio said.

  “Yet, we can see them before they arrive. They cannot hide in the darkness, or in the distance,” Helder said.

  “If you agree to stay here and work for Count Nemanja, you will be safe and live well,” Antaine said.

  “We haven’t agreed yet. We need to meet your Count and find out if his idea of living well is the same as ours. Most of these counts and barons and dukes only protect their own profits, so that they can live well. They have a lot of power and they use it, but not to help us. They just make sure everybody else works hard, for long hours, to earn low pay and then we lose most of it to high taxes,” Sophie said.

  “You haven’t even met Count Nemanja and you already assume that he has the worst intentions,” Antaine said. He probed Sophie’s mind and knew that she had almost no intention of agreeing to stay here and work under any circumstances. Whatever her decision, she wasn’t going to be allowed to keep the seeds, because he had his orders from Count Nemanja.

  “The One True God protects us. There is no power greater than or equal to His. Even though He cannot be seen, He sees all things, wherever they may be hidden. God knows our intentions, whether good or evil. We must obey His Laws. That is the only way to live well,” Elise said.

  Antaine telepathically signaled – and made visible hand gestures – to the guards at the castle gate and they unlocked and opened it.

  “Be our guests,” Antaine said.

  Ruth entered the castle, followed by Patrick, Sophie, Sean, Molly, Ciaran, Elise, Odhran and the fifty-six (56) other farmers.

  Antaine, Sandalio and Helder followed them inside the castle and the gate was closed and locked behind them by the guards.

  “Please wait here. I will inform his lordship, Count Nemanja, that his guests have arrived,” Antaine said.


  Antaine walked through the hallways of the castle and entered the throne room.

  “What is your report, Antaine?” Count Nemanja asked.

  “The peasant workers are here. They are runaway slaves: the former property of Baron Vizakrid. They have the seeds from the breached vault, but they are unaware of any accomplices. The warrior was with them, but he vanished before we met them,” Antaine said.

  “Take them to the banquet room and have them wait for me there. Appetizers have been prepared – breads and cakes, salads and fruits – so that they can be comfortable by the time I arrive and dinner is served. I believe they should be interrogated further, until we are confident that there is no larger scheme,” Count Nemanja said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Antaine said. He exited the throne room.


  Antaine returned to meet the guests and said: “Count Nemanja instructed me to take you to the banquet room. Appetizers have been prepared so that you can be comfortable while waiting for dinner with the Count.”

  “So we can eat right away? Loving this!” Sean said.

  “It’s about time to eat something other than wild berries and algae – no matter how good it was,” Molly said.

  “I won’t complain about a decent meal,” Ruth said.

  “Remember your manners. We are guests,” Patrick said, looking to Sophie.

  “I won’t complain right away. I’m too hungry,” Sophie said.

  “Let’s just appreciate a good meal before we get back to work,” Ciaran said.

  “Thank God for the meal,” Elise said.

  “Actually, you should thank Count Nemanja when you see him,” Antaine said.

  “We’ll thank him by working for him. I look forward to returning to the fields,” Odhran said.

  “Good,” Antaine said. He walked through the castle hallways and led Ruth and her companions into the banquet room. Sandalio and Helder followed them and watched.

  Once everyone was inside the banquet room, Antaine closed and locked the door.

  In the blink of an eye, Sandalio’s severed head fell to the floor with a sword swipe. Helder’s skull was split open by a sword slice in the next blink. Antaine fell dead from sword piercing his heart only a blink later.

  “What is happening?!” Sophie screamed.

  Ruth vanished from sight.

  “We’re all gonna die!” Molly screamed. Then, she disappeared.

  “I pray to Thee, Dear God, to protect us from this evil,” Elise said. Then, she disappeared. Odhran was next.

  “This makes no sense!” Sean said. Then, he disappeared, followed by Ciaran.

  “Am I next? Whoever you are, are you going to take me? Come on! I’m ready for a fight!” Sophie screamed.

  “Sophie, don’t go crazy,” Patrick said. Then, he disappeared. One (1) by one (1), the fifty-six (56) other farmers disappeared. Then, Sophie vanished.


  “What is this place?” Molly asked as she looked at the rotted trees around her and the flowing red rivers. She found herself standing next to a mountainside, which was on the east.

  “I think I know,” Patrick said.

  “And? We’re waiting, Patrick!” Sophie said.

  “It’s Cinder Valley. Look at the fallen trees and the red rivers. That’s lava. This mountain borders the eastern side of the valley,” Patrick said.

  “I was afraid that was the answer,” Ruth said.

  “How did we get here?” Sophie asked.

  “It’s worse than I thought it would be,” Molly said.

  “This place is dead and dying,
” Sean said.

  “I’m afraid I have to agree with you,” Ciaran said.

  Odhran drank anew of the waters of the Gradaken Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to influence plants and animals. He touched the ground near the dead trees and analyzed the soil. “Nothing edible will grow here. This soil is toxic,” he said.

  The other fifty-six (56) farmers were nearby, waiting for instructions.

  “And it’s cold,” Molly said. She started coughing.

  “I smell ash. The breeze is blowing around volcanic ash,” Ruth said.

  “We’re going to get sick and die,” Sophie said.

  “Cover your mouth when the wind blows at you,” Ruth said as she held her hand over her mouth.

  “Like that’s going to work!” Sophie said.

  “Dear God, I pray to Thee, to protect us in this wasteland,” Elise said.

  Lavakara appeared before them and said: “I brought you here. You’ll be safe. Plant the seeds now.”

  “No we won’t be safe here!” Sophie said.

  “We can’t breathe volcanic ash! Look!” Ruth said and she held out her hand, already stained with some of the windswept embers.

  “These seeds won’t grow here. What you say is impossible. I’ve already analyzed the soil. It’s toxic,” Odhran said.

  “Try,” Lavakara said.

  “We can’t stay long enough to be farmers! This is a graveyard!” Odhran said. He started coughing and then held his hand over his mouth.

  “Take us from this place,” Elise said.

  “If this is your plan, you’ve already failed,” Patrick said.

  “Plant the seeds,” Lavakara said.

  Odhran planted three (3) of the seeds in the ground and…nothing happened.

  “This plan of yours isn’t exactly working!” Ruth said.

  “The soil is truly ruined and useless,” Odhran said. He cleared his throat by coughing out the bit of volcanic ash that he breathed in.

  “Let’s put the blame where it belongs. Wasn’t it Patrick’s idea to come here in the first place?” Sophie asked.

  “I thought we could find some good soil higher up in the mountains. The valley floor is barren,” Patrick said. He coughed to clear his throat of the ash.

  “Maybe our ‘savior’ can take us up into the mountains! He brought us here!” Sophie said. She coughed and cleared the ash out of her throat.

  “Considering that these seeds didn’t work, and we can hardly breathe down here, I think you need a new plan,” Ruth said. She coughed to clear the volcanic ash out of her throat.

  “I’ve got something better in mind,” Lavakara said. He exerted his powers to vanish from sight and move into the spirit world.

  “He’s no savior,” Ruth said.

  “No. Only God can save us from the troubles of this world,” Elise said.

  “I’m still waiting to be saved…by anyone,” Sophie said.


  Count Nemanja was surrounded by twenty (20) guards as he led a procession of ten (10) chefs who were pushing wheeled carts filled with fine meats and cheeses and roasted vegetables. They marched through the castle hallways and arrived at the doors to the banquet room, then unlocked and opened them. Count Nemanja immediately saw the severed heads of his scouts – Sandalio, Helder and Antaine – and yelled: “This is an act of war! Summon my soldiers! Assemble my army!”

  CHAPTER 57: Sounds of Armies and War

  Count Nemanja hurried through the castle hallways, returned to his throne room and put on his armor, which was designed to be nimble, yet resistant. He drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of strength and speed. He then took hold of the pair of dark-bladed swords. When he turned to leave, he saw three (3) men and two (2) women – all colonels in his army – standing at the entrance to the throne room and facing him.

  “My lord, Colonel Iulan reporting. I heard your summons. Brigade number seven (#7) – with a size of four thousand two hundred (4200) soldiers – is ready as always,” the first man said.

  “You drink the Elanatin waters, Colonel Iulan, is that correct?” Count Nemanja asked after looking at the symbol carved into the man’s vial.

  “Yes, my lord. I know the enemy’s thoughts and plans,” Colonel Iulan said.

  “My lord, Colonel Ghenadie reporting. Brigade number two (#2) – with a size of four thousand two hundred (4200) soldiers – is ready as always,” the second man said.

  “You drink the Lujladia waters, Colonel Ghenadie, am I right?” Count Nemanja asked after looking at the symbol carved into the man’s vial.

  “Yes, my lord. I can them from afar, and if they are hidden in the darkness,” Colonel Ghenadie said.

  “My lord, Colonel Dumitru reporting. Brigade number eleven (#11) – with a size of four thousand two hundred (4200) troops – is ready to serve, as always,” the third man said.

  “You drink the Ikkith Tar waters, Colonel Dumitru, do you not?” Count Nemanja asked after looking at the symbol carved into the man’s vial.

  “Yes, my lord. I can see the enemy when they are cloaked in false light,” Colonel Dumitru asked.

  “My lord, Colonel Crina reporting. Bridge number nine (#9) – with a size of five thousand eight hundred (5800) soldiers – is prepared for battle as always,” the first woman said. She was very attractive and obviously pregnant.

  “Are you ready, Colonel Crina? Your Trerada waterbinding makes you healthy and quick to recover from injuries, yet it makes you far too attractive. You’ve obviously been spending time playing with my soldiers again. Can they still fight our enemy? Or will they be fighting to occupy your bed?” Count Nemanja asked.

  “I’ve given birth during battle and still won, my lord. This happened twice, I might add. One (1) of those deliveries was your son, if you remember,” Colonel Crina said.

  “Yes, I remember the boy. He’s an apprentice cook. I never eat anything he touches. Nothing great will come of such a dullard and coward. This throne will remain with me,” Count Nemanja said.

  “The soldiers are ready for battle, my lord. They have to win before I let them play,” Colonel Crina said.

  “If that is what motivates them, their loyalty is in doubt. However, today, I only care about results,” Count Nemanja said.

  “My lord, Colonel Sorina reporting. Brigade number five (#5) – with a size of two thousand two hundred fifty (2250) soldiers – is prepared to win the battle, as always,” the second woman said.

  “I trust you most of all, Colonel Sorina. You win larger fights using smaller forces,” Count Nemanja said.

  “I serve you to the best of my ability, my lord. My purpose in life is to win battles for you, nothing else. It’s all I ever think about,” Colonel Sorina.

  “You drink the Medathero waters, Colonel Sorina?” Count Nemanja asked. He did not need to look at her vial. He knew based on his experiences working with her.

  “That is correct, my lord. My mind is occupied with thoughts of war. The winning moves must be chosen before entering battle. The strength of my soldiers is directed to that end to execute the strategic and tactical maneuvers I select,” Colonel Sorina said.

  “I will be entering this battle personally,” Count Nemanja said.

  “My brigade can serve as your personal guard, if you wish, my lord,” Colonel Sorina said.

  “No, Colonel Sorina. I fight where I choose, when I choose and how I choose. I utilize my own unique strategies and tactics in battle,” Count Nemanja said.

  “Yes, my lord. I am here to serve,” Colonel Sorina said.

  “Destroy all intruders in Cinder Valley. Do not waste time asking questions. Anyone other than our own forces, or those of our allies, must be eliminated. Follow me,” Count Nemanja said. He exited the throne room and led his colonels through the castle hallways and then through the main gate. Outside the castle, the colonels each marshalled their troops from their barracks and then followed Count Nemanja as he marched along the
roadway leading into Cinder Valley.


  Hekuba sailed the Forthright westward along the river network and reached the eastern entrance into Cinder Valley. Just as the ship was about to travel into the gray-blue lake, she pulled levers to pivot the sails and the masts to the sides of the vessel and elevated it to thirty (30) feet of altitude.

  “Hekuba, bring the ship down over there, near the road that enters the valley, between those peaks. That’s our guard post, until and unless Count Nemanja instructs us otherwise,” Baron Waldahr said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Hekuba said. She then steered the Forthright over dry land and pulled levers to bring the Forthright down onto solid ground near the road that passed between mountain peaks and entered Cinder Valley from the east. She maintained ample distance – more than five hundred fifty (550) feet – from the nearest lava flow.

  Baron Waldahr looked through a telescope and surveyed the other ships nearby – there were three hundred eighty-five (385) other vessels, unless he miscounted – as he tried to discern the situation. “The central bank is planning for a battle to be fought here. But I don’t see who we’re supposed to attack. These other ships are just waiting for their orders. Now I see Count Nemanja – and he has five (5) brigades marching with him – but they’re not attacking. I can only conclude that the enemy hasn’t arrived yet,” he said.

  Lieutenant Colonel Primoz entered the wheelhouse and said: “Baron Waldahr, my lord, the soldiers are ready.”

  “Await my orders, Lieutenant Colonel Primoz,” Baron Waldahr said. He drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world. He found a familiar spirit and asked what he was supposed to do. The answer was soon given through that same spirit. “We are to wait until the enemy takes action or attempts to plant the seeds,” he said.


  The Marshland Wolf was a three hundred thirty (330) foot long frigate with four (4) pairs of pivoting, double-masted sails. Two thousand (2000) soldiers stood, armed and ready, on deck. Two (2) identical vessels, with the same force strength on board, followed the vessel. The ships sailed westward along the river network until reaching the eastern boundary of the territory of Count Nemanja.


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