Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 100

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “Aren’t we supposed to wait here for the Silver Jackal and investigate its connection to the central bank’s financial fraud?” Fritz asked.

  “Yes, and this is still the most important step for us to take. If the monetary supply is unreliable – and if the central bank is distributing these counterfeit crystals to destabilize the world economy – everyone needs to know before it leads to a war or innocent people being convicted of theft,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “I still don’t see any sign of the Silver Jackal,” Massimo said.

  “Then we need to be patient and attentive,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “Something far greater concerns you. Go now!” the same powerful spirit said into Akantha’s spirit.

  “The spirit contacted me again! We have to go to Cinder Valley! It’s more important!” Akantha said.

  “What is more important than preventing financial fraud from leading to war?” Captain Pradrock said.

  “Who is this spirit? How can you trust it?” Jolene asked.

  “Captain Keallach spoke to spirits and did their work. Look what happened to him,” Fritz said.

  “If the fake gems lead to a war, then millions of people will die and their spirits might just blame us for not stopping it,” Akylas said.

  “Assuming we’re not among the dead,” Jolene said.

  “We can’t be sure that anything we do will stop a war. We can try, but that doesn’t mean that waiting for this big ship is the best way. We’re not to blame if it the situation gets that bad,” Torin said.

  “We can’t refuse to try to prevent war. Every reasonable attempt must be made,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “If we can’t see the other ship, what are we to do? We’re getting nothing accomplished by waiting here. The central bank almost certainly has light scouts on board their ships. If the crew of the Silver Jackal sees any sign of attackers or any kind of trouble waiting for them, they might change their course,” Massimo said.

  “The most important question is – where can we do the greatest good?” Captain Pradrock asked.

  “The time of the true war is near. The enemies are gathering on the battlefield in Cinder Valley. Meet with Lady Onora and take her there without delay,” the same powerful spirit said into Akantha’s spirit.

  “The spirit told me there is going to be a war – the ‘true war’ – in Cinder Valley. We have to meet with Lady Onora and go now!” Akantha said. She was visibly distressed.

  “You believe this spirit and you’re afraid. I don’t know why. You weren’t this afraid of Captain Tychon’s ghost,” Jolene said.

  “You can hear my thoughts, but without the Zovvin waters, you can’t sense the full power of this spirit. We have to go. We can’t wait any longer,” Akantha said.

  “If you are convinced that is the right thing to do at this time, then we will go,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “I am convinced. That’s what needs to be done – and done now!” Akantha said.

  “Akylas, chart a course for the Port of Reliance,” Captain Pradrock said.

  The Chronicler Alonso recorded all of this conversation into his book, even though he had no ability to verify the presence of any spirit.


  Akantha followed Akylas as he walked across the deck of the Resolute Traverser and entered the wheelhouse.

  Akylas drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their paths and positions. With this information, he charted a course to the Port of Reliance. He pulled levers to retract the boarding ramp and raise the anchor. He then steered the vessel out of the Port of Hithagredil on the western coast of the Scholar’s Path land bridge and sailed the ship westward across the Pirovalen Ocean.

  “I’m afraid. I haven’t been this afraid since the inferno or the tempests or when the skies went dark or when King Xander ruled. Actually, forget all that. I haven’t been this afraid, ever,” Akantha said.

  “Why now? What’s the big deal?” Akylas asked.

  “The spirit was insistent. And it was more powerful than any other spirit I’ve ever encountered. This war is going to be huge. I believe it completely,” Akantha said.

  “How can you be sure?” Akylas asked.

  “It’s from the spirit world. It’s hard to put into words. I don’t know how to say it,” Akantha said.

  “Do you have any idea – even a wild guess – about what this means? What is this war even about?” Akylas asked.

  “Not really. I don’t know who’s going to be fighting, or what they’re fighting over,” Akantha said.

  “I don’t really like that we’re going into a war. But I’m willing to go because I trust you. We all trust you,” Akylas said.

  “And I trust the spirit,” Akantha said.

  Akylas continued sailing the Resolute Traverser westward across the Pirovalen Ocean.


  While in the Port of Reliance, Lady Onora slept in the rented room in the traveler’s lodge where she often stayed. She awakened to hear a voice, although she could not see the source of it. The voice whispered: “A ship is coming to take you on a journey. You are to travel on board the Resolute Traverser and the captain will take you to Cinder Valley in Waderav. There, your voice will protect God’s Children in the land made desolate by the ancient sin. Another voice must also be heard. Make preparations for both of you.”

  She stood up from her bed and readied herself. She opened her bags from which she took a cord holding two (2) full vials of water from the Pirovalen Ocean. She wore the cord and vials around her neck and then put on her best coat.

  Lady Onora knelt down to pray and said: “I pray to Thee, My One True God, to guide me on this journey, that I may serve as You commanded me through Your Messenger.” She then stood up, unlocked and opened the door to the rented room and then closed and locked it behind her.

  She went outside and walked to the docks in the east where she awaited the ship.


  The Resolute Traverser approached the eastern edge of the Port of Reliance along the eastern coast of the continent of Meridianus. Akylas looked for an available pier and saw that all of the first and second level piers were taken by other vessels. “We have to dock higher,” he said. Akylas pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the ship and elevated the vessel to ninety-two (92) feet of altitude, so as to match the height of the third level piers. When the ship was aligned, he pulled a lever to extend the boarding ramp.


  On the deck of the Resolute Traverser, Massimo drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean to be energized with the powers of light and far sight. He looked down and westward, toward the docks, and saw a woman standing around and waiting in the middle of the bustling crowds of sailors and dockworkers. “I think that’s her, standing around and waiting,” he said.

  “Jolene, let’s go meet Lady Onora and bring her aboard,” Captain Pradrock said.

  Jolene drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy. “I’m ready,” she said.

  “Are you coming with us to write a record of what happens?” Captain Pradrock asked Alonso.

  “No, I will remain with the ship until you return,” Alonso said.


  Captain Pradrock and Jolene walked down the boarding ramp and then along the third-level pier. They climbed down stairs until reaching the docks below.

  Jolene probed the thoughts of the people around them and then noticed that the woman ahead was, indeed, Lady Onora. “That’s her,” she said. She and Captain Pradrock approached the woman in the fine coat.

  “I’m looking for the Resolute Traverser. I was told that ship would be arriving here soon,” Lady Onora said.

  “I’m Captain Pradrock. I believe we have met before, a few years ago. This is my assistant, Jolene,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “I am Onora. I
need you to take me…” Lady Onora said.

  “…To Cinder Valley, in Waderav,” Jolene said, interrupting.

  “Yes,” Lady Onora said.

  “Come with us and we’ll take you,” Captain Pradrock said. He and Jolene escorted Lady Onora across the docks and up the stairs to the third level pier. They walked back up the boarding ramp and stepped onto the deck of the Resolute Traverser.

  “I am Alonso, Chronicler of four thousand three hundred eighty (4380) years. Under the authority of the Oath, I will be traveling with you and recording all that I witness,” Alonso said upon meeting Lady Onora.

  “Lady Onora, these people are also part of my crew: Massimo, Fritz and Torin,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “Do we know you? You seem familiar,” Massimo asked.

  “I don’t think so, not personally. However, you may know my former student, Taesa,” Lady Onora said.

  “Is this about her?” Massimo asked.

  “I don’t understand what it’s about. I awoke to the sound of a voice – although whose voice it was I cannot say. I was instructed to go to Cinder Valley in Waderav, where am to protect God’s Children in the land made desolate by the ancient sin.”

  “This is a religious mission for you?” Massimo asked.

  “Are you sure this voice wasn’t some evil spirit? I used to work for a captain who spoke to an evil spirit, and he was ultimately ruined by it,” Fritz said.

  “I prayed to The One True God for guidance on this journey before I departed. I am confident that a good purpose will be served by going,” Lady Onora said.

  “You trust God? After what happened with King Xander, and the tempests and darkness, and the inferno, how can you believe in any kind of God?” Jolene asked.

  “After what happened to me, I’m not sure I believe. I know that Waderav is dangerous, but I can’t even see the danger ahead of me since I lost my sight. Religious fanatics did this. That’s why I don’t trust religion,” Torin said.

  “Then why are you willing to take me?” Lady Onora asked.

  “I want you to meet Akantha. I trust her. Let her tell you,” Captain Pradrock said.


  Alonso and Lady Onora followed Captain Pradrock as he walked across the deck and entered the wheelhouse.

  “Akantha, this is Lady Onora. Tell her what you told us,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “A spirit contacted me three (3) times and gave me a message: ‘The time of the true war is near. The enemies are gathering on the battlefield in Cinder Valley. Meet with Lady Onora and take her there without delay.’ I’m a Zovvin water drinker, so I have a sense for a spirit’s tone, and this was urgent. I think there’s danger, but I also believe the message is true and it’s important to listen. The first message just told me to go, but the second was more intense and the third was the most intense and the first to mention a war. I’m afraid of what it means,” Akantha said.

  “Don’t be afraid. There will be some kind of danger, but this journey is important. That God has commanded us all, through his messenger spirit, I have no doubt,” Lady Onora said.

  “Akylas, chart a course for Waderav,” Captain Pradrock said.

  Akylas drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their paths and positions and used the information to chart a course. He pulled levers to retract the boarding ramp and then lowered the Resolute Traverser from the third level pier down to sea level. He steered the ship out of port and then sailed it eastward across the Pirovalen Ocean. When the ship arrived at the western coast of the Scholar’s Path land bridge, he pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the vessel and elevated it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He steered the ship across the land bridge and returned it to sea level in the Ursegan Ocean.

  “Crossing the Ursegan Ocean may take us more time than if you had sailed west,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “We never really know for sure. Sometimes, sailing is smooth,” Akylas said.

  “We don’t have time for rolling the dice, Akylas! This is urgent!” Akantha said.

  “Going west means crossing two (2) other oceans. That’s guaranteed to be slow,” Akylas said.

  “What do you intend to do when we arrive in Cinder Valley?” Captain Pradrock asked.

  “Find the Children of God and help them. My mission is to give protection. I wasn’t told about a war, but Akantha was, and she was told to meet with me. I believe that is the true purpose of this journey,” Lady Onora said.

  “We will travel as quickly as the ‘time waters’ ocean permits,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “I’m doing my best,” Akylas said. He continued sailing the Resolute Traverser eastward across the Ursegan Ocean, and soon sensed that he was deviating from the charted course. He drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial to refresh his power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their latest paths and positions. Using this information, he charted a new course and resumed sailing.

  Lady Onora prayed over him and said: “We pray to Thee, Our One True God, to steer us along a true course, to fulfill Your Plan in Your Time.”

  After a two (2) day journey, Akylas was able to steer the Resolute Traverser to the eastern coast of the continent of Waderav.

  “I have maps of the network of rivers that cross the continent,” Captain Pradrock said.

  Akylas opened the atlas on the table and consulted the map of the rivers passing through Waderav. “I found a branch of a river leading into Cinder Valley from the west. Once we get inside, the river leads into a lake. The only other rivers in the valley are part of the Pika-Huojin Lava River,” he said.

  Alonso looked into the atlas and recorded the maps into his book, along with a record of everyone’s conversations.

  “If we’re going to help anyone, we need to keep the ship clear of any and all volcanic activity. All lava rivers produce tremendous heat, which can ignite the sails or the hull if we get too close,” Captain Pradrock said.

  “Are we sure we even want to go there?” Akylas asked.

  “Yes,” Akantha said.

  “You will be safe. I wasn’t sent to put you in danger,” Lady Onora said.

  “Let me see what we can do once we get into the valley. When we’re close – just not too close – I can figure out how to navigate there,” Akylas said. He drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial yet again to be energized with the power to listen to the sounds of the stars. He concentrated to learn their paths and positions and cross-referenced that information with the river maps to chart a course. Akylas pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the Resolute Traverser and elevated the ship to fifty-eight (58) feet of altitude. He steered the ship over land and brought it down into a river. From there, he sailed the vessel eastward along the river network leading toward Cinder Valley.


  Inside the wheelhouse of the Consecration of the Hopeful, Annaliisa steered the ship westward along the river.

  “I see the mountain range surrounding the valley ahead. There are tens of thousands of soldiers waiting in the valley, as I feared. This river leads into a lake of gray-blue waters. Strangely, there are four hundred forty-three (443) ships on the dry ground of the valley floor, in between the lava flows. No ships are on the lake, even though that would be safer than being near lava,” Reko said.

  “Which could mean that they’re waiting in ambush for whoever sails into the valley on that lake,” Annaliisa said.

  “You’re assuming the worst. Good. That can prepare you to deal with the worst. I agree that waiting in ambush makes sense, except that I saw the other ships – and the armies – much too easily. The ships and the soldiers could have hidden behind the mountain at the valley’s center to surprise us, if that was their intention. No, I believe that the lake itself is what is being avoided. I think you should elevate the ship before go
ing in. Then, find a clearing in between the lava flows,” Reko said.

  “You would rather have the ship near lava flows than floating on a lake?” Annaliisa asked.

  “Something’s not right. There’s something strange about the color of the lake. The more I look at it, the more I’m convinced. The surface is gray-blue. It’s unusual for water – even dirty water – to look that way,” Reko said.

  Kaija entered the wheelhouse and said: “I agree with Reko. The lake is suspicious given that everyone else is avoiding it. Elevate the ship before entering the valley. Do not sail on the gray-blue lake. Set the ship down on the dry ground nearby.”

  “We’re going to have to be real careful. This ship isn’t exactly built to withstand lava,” Annaliisa said.

  “The other ships managed to avoid it and find safe spots to land. So will we,” Reko said.

  “Keep watchful at all times, Reko,” Kaija said.

  “Reko drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to refresh his powers of light and far sight. “As always,” he said.

  “On our way,” Annaliisa said. She continued sailed the Consecration of the Hopeful westward along the river. As the ship passed through the gap between the mountains and entered Cinder Valley, she pulled levers to pivot the masts and the sails to the sides of the vessel and elevated it to thirty (30) feet of altitude, hovering above the gray-blue lake without ever sailing onto it.

  “Look down and you can see for yourself: there are four hundred forty-three (443) other ships around us and tens of thousands of soldiers,” Reko said.

  “I see them and they’re not fighting…yet,” Annaliisa said.

  Tija entered the wheelhouse and said: “There’s something going on. I sense hostile spirits being summoned to deceive.”

  “Where?” Kaija asked.

  “I can’t sense the location for sure. The have the power to distort light and mislead us,” Tija said.

  “Can you focus more intensely, Tija? Can you dispel them?” Kaija asked.


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