Ruin & Reliance

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Ruin & Reliance Page 105

by Jeremy Dwyer

  Twenty-six thousand eight hundred (26800) farmers – all Gradaken drinkers – worked the farmland outside the castle. Nineteen (19) battalions of eight hundred (800) soldiers each guarded the perimeter. Baron Helladius gestured to each of the lieutenant colonels of the battalions and they approached him.

  “I, Baron Helladius, have a new assignment for battalions number one (#1) through number fourteen (#14). They are to guard the northern passage into Cinder Valley. No one is allowed to enter the valley. Battalions number fifteen (#15) through number nineteen (#19) are to continue guarding the fields against thieves and bandits who would steal the crops. These are my orders,” the baron said.

  “Yes, my lord,” each of the lieutenant colonels said. The first fourteen (14) of them led their soldiers on a march toward the northern passage, one (1) mile to the west. The last five (5) of the lieutenant colonels redistributed their soldiers to protect the farmland.

  “Now, I will return to my chambers and rest,” Baron Helladius said.

  “My lord, the central bank would like for you to go with the soldiers, and supervise,” Cahal said.

  “We will remain by your side at all times, if you command us, my lord,” Kerenza said.

  “That is a long walk to the northern passage. I need to rest,” Baron Helladius said.

  “Take my hand, my lord,” Arngeirr said.

  “And mine,” Cahal said.

  “You will be fine, my lord,” Kerenza said.

  “Be watchful, Arngeirr! Look out in every direction!” Baron Helladius said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Arngeirr said. The thirty-one (31) year old man drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of light and far sight.

  “And if the enemy can’t be seen, you can still probe their thoughts, Kerenza,” Baron Helladius said.

  “Yes I can, my lord, whether they are in darkness or false light,” Kerenza said. The forty-three (43) year old woman drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial to be energized with the powers of telepathy and empathy.

  “You will tell the central bank of our efforts, Cahal. They need to know how hard we are working. They need to know how much extra payment we deserve,” Baron Helladius said.

  “Yes, of course, my lord. I will inform them of our status,” Cahal said. The fifty-three (53) year old man drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world.

  “I will cloak you, if you wish it, my lord,” Lygia said.

  “I wish it! The darkness cools and comforts me,” Baron Helladius said.

  Lygia drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from her vial to be energized with the power of darkness. The thirty-seven (37) year old woman exerted her powers to cloak herself and Baron Helladius, along with Arngeirr, Cahal and Kerenza. They walked one (1) mile – under the cover of darkness – westward across the fields and toward the northern road, which passed between the mountains and into Cinder Valley. The portly baron struggled the whole way.


  The territory of Baron Penko lay immediately to the south of Cinder Valley. His castle was similar in design and scale to the fortresses of Baron Helladius in the north and Count Nemanja in the east. The fifty-five (55) year old lord was clad in chainmail armor and carried a heavy crossbow. He drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to be energized with the powers of light and far sight. Baron Penko gazed out the window of the scout room in the highest tower in his castle and surveyed the land one hundred eighty-eight (188) miles to the east, west and south.

  A small man in leather armor entered the observation room, walking slowly toward the baron.

  “What is it, Edorta?” Baron Penko asked without turning to face the small man. His powers to bend light allowed his sight to extend behind him at all times.

  “My lord, the central bank has sent an urgent and crucial message,” the small man in leather armor – Edorta – said nervously.

  “I am listening,” Baron Penko said.

  “My lord, the Premier Governors have ordered you to lead a brigade of your best soldiers and guard the tunnels personally. You must prevent anyone from entering the magma chamber where the crystals are kept and heated,” Edorta said. The forty-seven (47) year old man quivered as he spoke.

  “You mean they have ordered us, Edorta. You will be coming with me,” Baron Penko said.

  “My health is not good, my lord. My joints are damaged. My presence would be a disservice, especially if I fall and break our silence,” Edorta said.

  “I know that, Edorta. Walk slowly, remain in the rear. I need you to keep in contact with the central bank and inform them of our status, not fight,” Baron Penko said.

  “Yes, my lord. I will rest and make preparations,” Edorta said.

  “Rest?! You will do no such thing! You said that the message was urgent, so we will leave at once,” Baron Penko said. He turned to leave the observation room and Edorta followed him. The baron led his messenger through the castle hallway until reaching the door to the alchemy lab.

  Baron Penko opened the door and entered the lab where a young man – who had red-and-white-striped hair and eleven (11) flasks hanging on straps around his neck and over his shoulders – was hard at work.

  “Hywel, I need you to come with us immediately and unseal the tunnels,” Baron Penko said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Hywel – the young man working in the lab – said.

  Baron Penko led Hywel and Edorta out of the alchemy lab and down the stairs to the main level of the castle. They walked to the front gate and the guards opened it for them. The baron led them across the bridge leading to the area around the castle where the barracks were located. He led them into the first barracks – a stone building measuring six hundred seventy (670) feet on a side and fourteen (14) feet in height – and spoke to the commanding officer and the men inside, most of who were resting in their bunks. They sat up and listened, but remained in their beds.

  “Colonel Rhyence, you will take this brigade and follow me immediately into the tunnels. We will guard the restricted area personally,” Baron Penko said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Colonel Rhyence – a very muscular, bearded, brown-haired man of thirty-nine (39) years – said.

  Baron Penko turned to leave, followed by Hywel and Edorta.

  “Time to get to work! Up and out! Now! All of you!” Colonel Rhyence said his soldiers.

  Immediately, all four thousand five hundred (4500) soldiers climbed out of their bunks, put on their chainmail armor, picked up their swords and drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from their vials to be energized with the powers of strength and speed.

  Colonel Rhyence also drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean from his own vial to be energized for potential combat. The colonel led the soldiers out of the barracks and followed Baron Penko.

  Baron Penko and Hywel hiked the one quarter (1/4) mile long road leading to a particular section along the southern side of the mountain range that surrounded Cinder Valley. Colonel Rhyence and his brigade of four thousand five hundred (4500) soldiers followed them. Edorta followed them all, trailing far behind.

  “This is where we will enter. Unseal the tunnels, Hywel,” Baron Penko said. He walked away from the mountainside to stand beside Colonel Rhyence.

  “Yes, my lord,” Hywel said. The twenty-eight (28) year old man drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to manipulate crystals and stones. He touched the side of the mountain in that particular section and altered the low-level structure of the stone to separate it along a vertical stripe, measuring six (6) feet two (2) inches in height. He then pushed his hands into the seam between the revealed pair of stone doors – each measuring six (6) feet (1) inch high and three (3) feet five (5) inches wide – and opened them.

  Baron Penko drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial to be energized with the
powers of light and far sight. He gazed through the doorway leading into the tunnels, looking for threats, but found none. He said: “Colonel Rhyence, lead your soldiers into the tunnels. Send two thousand five hundred (2500) of them westward, send one thousand five hundred (1500) eastward, and retain five hundred (500) near this entrance, waiting outside.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Colonel Rhyence said.

  Edorta caught up with them and stood beside Baron Penko.

  “Good of you to join us, Edorta. I want you to go into the tunnels and patrol the westward extent with the first battalion,” Baron Penko said.

  “My lord, where will you be?” Edorta asked.

  “Where I need to be, Edorta. Now go and follow them,” Baron Penko said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Edorta said.

  “Keep in contact with the central bank and report the status of the battalion, Edorta. They need to be informed,” Baron Penko said.

  “Of course, my lord,” Edorta said. He drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean from his vial to be energized with the power to connect to the spirit world.

  “Which battalion shall I personally lead, my lord?” Colonel Rhyence asked.

  “Go west, colonel,” Baron Penko said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Colonel Rhyence said. He led the battalion of two thousand five hundred (2500) soldiers through the mountain doorway and then westward through the tunnels. Edorta followed them, walking gingerly to coddle his sore joints. The battalion of one thousand five hundred (1500) soldiers went through the doorway and traveled eastward through the tunnels. The final battalion of five hundred (500) soldiers remained outside.

  “On my command, Hywel, be prepared to seal the tunnels,” Baron Penko said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Hywel said.


  Inside the castle that formerly belonged to Baron Irsushin, Yarina Bazavador waited in her bedroom next to the shackled lord, whose chains were still wound around the bedposts.

  “I’ve just received a message from a spirit telling me that my brother Nandru has arrived. He is part of the family. You need to make him feel welcome,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “Usually, I meet my guests in my throne room and drink with them. Then, I order my chefs to prepare fine meals. You still have me chained to this bed. How can I show hospitality like this?” Baron Irsushin asked.

  “Just think pleasant, welcoming thoughts. Nandru will know if you’re sincere. If he likes you, then I can make your life more comfortable…even enjoyable,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “You are going to leave me chained here?” Baron Irsushin asked.

  “For now, yes,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “What about our son? You said he needs a body. You said you wanted me to host a banquet. I need to get up and move around to do that,” Baron Irsushin said.

  “I know. When the time is right, and if you are well-behaved, I will release you. I may even recapture you, in a different way,” Yarina Bazavador said. She seductively ran her hand over the baron’s prone body and said: “Then, you’ll know how lucky you truly are to have me. I want our marriage to be a pleasurable experience, for both of us, of course.”

  “If you do that now, my thoughts will definitely be more pleasant and welcoming,” Baron Irsushin said.

  “Nice try, but you need to earn that first,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “We’re married. I accept that. I love you,” Baron Irsushin said.

  “Prove your love for me. Dedicate your every thought to pleasing me. When I know I can trust you, life will be so much sweeter,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “Kiss me. A sweet kiss from my beloved wife will put a smile on my face. Then, I can’t be anything less than warm, welcoming and dedicated to you,” Baron Irsushin said.

  Yarina Bazavador thought about this for a moment and said: “I suppose I can give you that much.” She kissed Baron Irsushin on the lips and he kissed back passionately. Yarina felt urges toward him but suppressed them.

  “That was very good, my lovely wife,” Baron Irsushin said. He smiled wide while harboring thoughts of saying whatever it took to eventually gain the upper hand over this bizarre woman and, possibly, enjoying her body, even if he had to imagine another face.

  “Yes…yes it was, my dear husband…and that’s all you get for now. Hold that smile, and be polite, if you want to receive an even sweeter kiss,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “My desire for you is burning hot. I am looking forward to receiving that sweeter kiss,” Baron Irsushin said.


  Yarina Bazavador opened the bedroom door and went out into the hallway. The guards closed the door behind her. She walked through the castle and met with the armed guards near the front gate. “Guards! Open the gate!”

  Four (4) of the eleven (11) armed guards standing just inside the castle gate worked together to unlock and open it.

  Nandru Bazavador walked across the bridge leading to the now-opened castle entrance where Yarina was standing.

  “Nandru, it is a pleasure to see you again. Come in,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  Nandru Bazavador entered the castle and stood next to Yarina.

  Yarina Bazavador took Nandru’s hand in hers and said: “Guards! Close the gate!” Immediately, a different set of four (4) armed guards closed the gate.

  “I have another husband. I’d like you to meet him and give your approval,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “Take me now,” Nandru Bazavador said.

  Yarina Bazavador led Nandru through the castle hallways to the closed door of the bedroom. Two (2) guards stood by the door and waited for their orders.

  Nandru Bazavador telepathically probed Yarina’s thoughts. After that, he scanned the thoughts of the man inside the bedroom. He then telepathically transmitted to Yarina the message: “Baron Irsushin is a Medathero drinker and he told you as much. You failed to recognize the threat. He plans to cooperate for a time and thereby gain your trust. His intentions are to deceive and eventually overthrow you, possibly by repositioning and manipulating your guards like pieces on a game board, so he can create confusion, stage a surprise attack and have you conveniently be caught in the middle. While setting up his strategy, the baron hopes to gain access to your sexual favors as an added bonus. He dislikes your face and fantasizes about another attached to your body.”

  “How dare he think such evil thoughts about me! He will enjoy no woman’s body! I will mutilate him in horrifying ways! He will beg for death!” Yarina Bazavador almost said, but Nandru telepathically directed her not to speak.

  Nandru Bazavador telepathically transmitted to Yarina another message: “The spirit child you summoned and commingled with the baron’s spirit is a danger to both of us if he ever receives a body. While the boy is in the flesh, the baron will speak to the child and turn him against you, slowly but surely. It would be much better if you have biological children with the baron, who will naturally be loyal to their mother. At the proper time, you will consummate the marriage until you have both a boy and a girl. Keep those children far from the baron and coddle them to win their favor. Warn the guards not to accept the baron’s instructions – only yours. Let the baron be fully occupied with controlling the commerce and farming. Let him think that he is in charge. When he is tired from his mental labors, fill his nights with sexual excesses so that he builds our bloodline.”

  “No! I would much rather find a man who finds me attractive! I don’t want a man who would touch my body and fantasize about another woman’s face!” Yarina Bazavador thought and almost said, but Nandru telepathically reminded her not to.

  Nandru Bazavador telepathically transmitted to Yarina an additional message: “Yes. What I am telling you is for the best. While this baron is sexually joined with you, just imagine another man who is physically pleasing to your feminine desires. We need to extend the Bazavadoran bloodline. This is not love. This is family – our family. We must accept these other bloodlines and draw from their advantages. Their innate potential for
each kind of power is genetically heritable, even though the waterbinding is not, so we can choose the most appropriate oceans for the children.”

  “What should I do with the spirit child?” Yarina Bazavador asked.

  “You will have to tame that spirit carefully but we will discuss the matter later. Go to your new husband, collect his seed and put him to work, managing these fields. When I arrived here, I noticed considerable crop damage – possibly caused by that poison you were informed about – so the baron will need to devise a way for his farmers to improve the crop yield by cultivating less total arable land,” Nandru said.

  “I thought the farming was the lesser concern,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “The agriculture has some value, but your understanding is correct. The farmland here is not even of secondary importance – tertiary at most. Very soon, his stonecutters will have more than enough work to do when we release the magma from Cinder Valley’s mountains and it cools to form obsidian. Then, they can extract and refine the purest of the volcanic glass into control crystals for a uniquely powerful constructor. We will use it to assemble greater castles imbued with dark spiritual powers, under your and my control,” Nandru Bazavador said.

  “You said you had the ship. We should go,” Yarina Bazavador said.

  “Yes – I do have the ship and the cannons are loaded. Be quick and thorough about your sexual activity and we will go. While the baron’s seed takes root within you, we have several other matters to deal with, including Erikkos and Kastor. They obviously hold powerful knowledge stolen from the library of King Hamza Bazavador before they murdered him. We will be returning to that castle and its library very soon, because we need to limit how much information is taken by intruders. Anyone who gains access to it – including those men – will be a danger to the entire Bazavadoran family,” Nandru Bazavador said. Additionally, he telepathically transmitted to Yarina his next concerns in a message: “And the kaiyoyad seeds – if they are true, though I have my doubts – may represent the greatest threat of all.”


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