The Gate Of Good Fortune c1-905

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The Gate Of Good Fortune c1-905 Page 26

by Demon Translations

  An Yi recovered and looked at Ning Cheng in a daze and asked, “Big Brother Ning, what happened to me a moment ago?”

  Ning Cheng beckoned with his hand, but did not release An Yi’s wrist, he just stared into the darkness of the cabin and said, “Something’s wrong with this ship.”

  An Yi was about to say that they should look for another ship, but immediately understood that she and Ning Cheng could simply not change ships. They were in the middle of the sea and there was no one to control the ship, plus the ship’s speed was also not slow.

  “I do not care if you are a ghost cultivator or something, me and my cousin are going to borrow your deck to stay for a while, we are irrelevant, but if you dare to plot against us, then I will immediately burn down the ship.” Ning Cheng stood outside the cabin and shouted out the few sentences but did not go in.

  Ning Cheng knew a bit about Ghost Cultivators, they were kind of a vague concept in his memory. Ning Cheng was confident that with his cultivation level, if the other party was just merely some ghost spirit, then he would not have the slightest fear about it.

  Ning Cheng had just finished saying these words, when they heard a faint laughter that came from inside the cabin, this was a very strange laughter, and Ning Cheng was not able to pinpoint the specific source it came from.

  Ning Cheng subconsciously pulled An Yi and withdrew a few steps back, even if he had great courage and was already a Middle Stage Qi Gathering Level Cultivator, even then this faint laughter made his scalp tingle.

  Almost at the same time, at the back of Ning Cheng, Ning Cheng could immediately subconsciously feel two ice shadows appear behind him in the shape of arrows, he immediately took hold of An Yi and dodged to the side. Those two things definitely had substance to them, he was able to feel them as they flashed past his face, thanks to him perceiving them early, he was able to dodge them otherwise his head would definitely have been pierced through by them.

  It was very terrifying sneak attack, if not for his mind that mysteriously presented the path of the first invisible arrow’s track, he would surely have been hit by the arrow.

  Ning Cheng had never been a good speaker nor was he an easy man, even if he knew that the dark shadow who released the arrow was conspiring against him, he would not just suffer the beatings and not strike back.

  Not waiting even for a moment to let more such arrows to appear, Ning Cheng in the next moment fired off a number of Fireballs as he raised his hands. Without exception, all the fireballs were thrown into the cabin. At this point since his life was already in danger, why would he be concerned if the cabin would end up burning?

  Just an instant before those few shadow less arrows were shot out from the cabin, An Yi was also able to detect it. If Ning Cheng had not pulled her, she knew that she definitely would not have been able to dodge them. Now when she saw Ning Cheng constantly throw fireballs one after another into the cabin, she also did not hesitate and also started throwing fireballs into the cabin.

  This ship was originally made of wood, and An Yi and Ning Cheng kept throwing fireballs at the cabin continuously, these fireballs were not made of ordinary fire, this led to the damp ship to start burning. After some time, the inside of the cabin was filled with smoke, and the fire also started to rise up.

  Ning Cheng did not stop his bombardment, he once again started to throw out fireballs, and this time he wanted to completely burn down the top of the cabin.

  At this time, a cold voice arrived, “Stop, quickly put out the fire, otherwise everyone will die.”

  Ning Cheng, when he heard the voice being transmitted from the cabin, immediately began to throw out fireballs with even more vigour. He could never let a person who threatened him like that live, whether it was a ghost or a ghost cultivator, since they decided to plot against him, they could not blame the actions he would take. Before, when he was on the deck he had clearly stated that he did not want to stir up trouble, but since they decided to come for his head, he would definitely retaliate against them.

  “Do you want everyone to die? It is not necessary, right? We were just looking for a deck to survive. You being a ghost or a ghost cultivator, you already have the word ghost, we do not want to get in contact with you ……” While speaking, Ning Cheng again threw a number of fireballs out, this time even the top of the cabin was already on fire.

  “All right, this time I am in the wrong. I am neither a ghost nor a ghost cultivator, will you please extinguish the fire, I am willing to give you some compensations for it.” A helpless voice with a bit of frustration in it came from the cabin, he could only compromise with Ning Cheng.

  “What would you compensate me with?” Ning Cheng was not the kind of guy who would be moved easily, if there was some fear in him before, he did not have even a trace of it now. Ghost Cultivators and ghosts, he had never seen them, he did not know whether it was an incredible affair or not. Of the things that could not be seen, people would always have some fear towards them. Since the other party was not one of them, what was there to be feared about?

  “I am familiar with the waters of this area, I can also help you in advancing into the Late Stages of the Qi Gathering Realm. Otherwise with your cultivation level of Qi Gathering 4th Level, you cultivators would only be food for someone else.”

  “I do not like to be stabbed in the back.” Ning Cheng said slowly, he did not make any demands, nor did he stop him.

  “Bang……” a piece of wood from the crossbars at the top of the cabin fell down, hitting the deck of the ship, and issued a ‘bang’ sound.

  “I swear, if I, Fang, dare plot against you again, I will be frightened out of my wits, I will not give any opportunity for it to happen again.” The voice from inside the cabin said as it came to understand that Ning Cheng was not someone that it could easily deal with, and swore to not dare cheat him.

  “You are called Fang?” Ning Cheng continued as he stopped throwing fireballs out.

  But the voice from inside the cabin was urgent, and said, “After you put out the fire on the ship, you can then ask my name, OK?”

  Inside the cabin, the fire was burning everything, having not yet become too powerful, after Ning Cheng threw a number of Waterballs over, the flame was immediately suppressed, but after a moment once more rose again. Ning Cheng seeing this, raised his hands and directly brought up the water under the ship, and threw it at the raging fire, An Yi also came to help, with the two people working together, they managed to put out the flame.

  “Quite good, a mere Qi Gathering 4th Level, but unexpectedly have such a thick Qi. No wonder you could escape my shadow less arrow.” The voice from the cabin came unexpectedly.

  Ning Cheng said with a voice filled with disdain, “I am only at the Qi Gathering Realm, wait till I get to the Essence Building Realm, then to deal with such a ghost, I could just use you as a sacrifice for my Flying Sword.”

  “Well, the people here are too stupid, who told you that you could not be able to control a Flying Sword while being in the Qi Gathering Realm? As a Qi Gathering Realm cultivator you can utilize Qi, if your Qi is strong and thick enough, you can use the same to control the Flying Sword.” When the voice from the cabin heard the words of Ning Cheng, he replied with an equally cold voice filled with disdain.

  After these cold words from him, he seemed to remember that Ning Cheng had called him a ghost of sorts, he was not happy with it and once again said, “Do not call me a ghost, I am called Fang Yijan, and am not a ghost, I am an Essence Spirit. But since you are also able to survive my attacks, it shows that you are also capable, come in let’s talk about it.”

  “Essence Spirit? I thought you were a ghost. It looks like the large amount of people who were chasing us on the shore were really related to Miu Wen Hong’s background.” Ning Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, he did not think that the people from the Mingot City’s Wolf Palace would react so fast and also be able to form such a large team to chase them in just a short amount of time.

e other party claiming to be an Essence Spirit with the name of Fang Yijan said with a cold voice, “You are wrong again, that brigade rushing towards you, they were real soul soldiers.”

  Chapter 0032 – The Helpless Fang Jiyan

  Translated By – DemonKiller with a bit of help from MeTaL MaX

  Checked and Edited By – DemonKiller

  Proofread By – CurlyAdi

  “Soul Soldiers?” Ning Cheng was stunned for a moment, soul soldiers apparently meant that they did not have the soul composition of life. But a moment ago, weren’t they valiantly beating their hooves, how was it possible for them to be soul soldiers? Then again, do we really have a soul?

  Seeing Ning Cheng’s stupid expression, Fang Jiyan’s voice again sounded, “What’s there to be surprised about, in the countless years, don’t you know how many innumerable cultivators have died in the waters of the Mingot Sea, a cultivator’s soul is already powerful, and many of them even have their own shape, the forms of the soul soldiers are thus also not surprising. Those soul soldiers all look alike, although they are a bit fearful, taking your cultivation level and vigilance into consideration, they are not worth mentioning.”

  Ning Cheng this time understood clearly, the voice of Fang Jiyan was coming from the hull of the ship

  He understood that this was the home of Fang Jiyan, and slightly loosened his heart, leading An Yi to enter the cabin with him.

  “You have taken shelter in the woods of the hull, does that mean the wood of the hull is made from something special?” Ning Cheng knew that for an Essence Spirit to take shelter in the wood, he immediately came to understand that the wood that the ship was made of was not ordinary. Otherwise Fang Jiyan would have left early on, even if he burned the ship to the ground, Fang Jiyan should not have cared about it.

  “It’s nothing special, it’s just that I like this ship, and was foolish enough to get accustomed to this ship.” Fang Jiyan nonchalantly said.

  Ning Cheng glanced around and found that the same material made up many other things, and he immediately said, “So is the case, this type of wood, I know about it, it can be used to make a chair that can be quite refreshing to sit upon, this ship has quite a few of such wooden materials, I’ll dig them up and start using them. I am sure that this will not split apart the boat, you can rest assured about it.”

  Seeing Ning Cheng ready to tear down the rest of the remaining stains of the Soul Nourishing Wood, Fang Jiyan was alarmed and said, “Do not dismantle it, I will tell you why you can’t, these wood pieces are from the Soul Wood Tree, in each stain here there is an inch of the soul that is the Soul Wood’s Heart, I am depended on it preserve my body and soul, if you demolish them, I would also be finished.”

  “It is a soul wood……” When Ning Cheng heard this he was overjoyed, he had seen this Soul Wood in the book that An Yi had given him.

  In fact, people usually keep the Soul Wood actually for the Soul Wood Heart, each stub can hold a soul, but it was really useful in keeping the soul preserved in the one-inch wooden heart. Here there were already four of such stubs, even if he left one for Fang Jiyan, he could still obtain the remaining three. Of course, he would certainly not take the three stubs away, for him, as long as he could keep the wood heart of the soul wood he would walk away.

  Seeing the glowing look in Ning Cheng’s eyes, Fang Jiyan thought that it was not good, this guy was too greedy, and he quickly said, “You have eye’s but fail to see how the ship was built, digging out the Soul Wood would be akin to cutting down the ship, if you had not met me, this would simply have been a waste of nature’s resources. By the way, can I ask what is the name of this friend who has no respect?”

  Ning Cheng did not know what was the meaning of Fang Jiyan’s words? Did Fang Jiyan wanted to remind them that since he was the one who found the soul wood, thus it was his. However, Ning Cheng just ignored the meaning of the words spoken by Fang Jiyan, he was almost killed by this guy, how would he be kind to him? He just proceeded to smile and said, “I am called Ning Cheng, meeting you today was just destiny. I think that you are quite pleasing to the eye, there are four one inch stubs of the soul wood here, I decided to leave you one of them, as for the other three one inch stubs, I am taking them away.”

  “Brother Ning, you cannot do this…….” Fang Jiyan saw Ning Cheng go forward to dig out the three stumps of the soul wood, he was suddenly shocked. He had stayed here because of the soul wood, if he didn’t have the soul woods, he was finished, staying here would not have any significance.

  Ning Cheng complexion turned completely cold and said, “Brother Fang, I had heard others say if two people each covered half the distance to a certain avenue, they would gain some wealth and share it amongst themselves. However, when one accidentally strayed from the avenue and asked the other if he could break the rule and share some wealth with him, do you think that he should just disregard the rules and divide the wealth with him?”

  Fang Jiyan had lived for countless years, he did not think that he would hear such words. What’s this ‘disregard of rules’? This was plain and simple robbery.

  “I did not mean that, I mean that I am an Essence Spirit, and you have a body of flesh, once you take the soul wood away, for me it would be a disaster. Place yourself in my shoes, if Brother Ning you were in my position, you would probably also have the same idea like me.” Fang Jiyan said as he forced back his anger, without the soul wood here, why would he stay in this fucked up place? He didn’t know that the rascal kid in front of him would do such kind of business, originally he thought that the two cultivators had a pure psyche, but he did not think that they would use his own thoughts against him and find him guilty.

  Contrary to what Fang Jiyan expected, Ning Cheng just nodded and said, “What Brother Fang said was absolutely right, thanks for reminding me Brother Fang. This person had no foresight and must have caused you to immediately worry, don’t worry I will dig out only the Soul Wood Core so that I could use it in the future, thanks a lot.”

  Fang Jiyan wanted to cry, he was trying to persuade Ning Cheng to not dig, but didn’t think that it would be counterproductive. When he saw Ning Cheng take out a Flying Sword, and pointed it towards one of the soul wood stumps as he carved out section of the soul wood and brought out the core of the soul wood, when he saw this his heart was almost bleeding.

  Ning Cheng did not stop and went on to the next soul wood stump and dug out the second wood core that was in the soul wood stump. Seeing Ning Cheng go to dig out the third Soul Wood Core from the third soul wood stump, Fang Jiyan could really not hold back and said, “Brother Ning, please stop. Brother Ning is just at Qi Gathering 4th Level, surely there are many things that you do not understand. If Brother Ning is willing to leave behind just one Soul Wood Core, any question that you have, I will try to help and teach you with the best of my knowledge. Others may not dare, but I can guarantee that you would successfully pass through the Qi Gathering Realm in the shortest time.”

  After listening to the words of Fang Jiyan, Ning Cheng stopped his actions and said, “Brother Fang, you said that yourself, I do have some questions for you. We can just use this Soul Wood as your reward.”

  If he had teeth, then, at this time Fang Jiyan would have already bitten him to death, as if saying that those soul woods were clearly for his own good? Nevertheless, he could only smile drily and said, “Brother Ning, please ask what you want, this Fang will definitely reply if he had the knowledge of it.”

  “Yes, Brother Fang, I heard that an Essence Spirit can take possession of other bodies, how can I prevent myself be possessed by you?” Ning Cheng pulled An Yi and sat down, as he suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

  “Brother Ning really likes to joke; how can I take possession of my brother.” Fang Jiyan said with a smile but he was shouting abuses at him in his heart. Cultivating to this age, and also a mere Qi Gathering 4th Level, without looking at his Spiritual Roots he could tell that he had rubbish talent, only an idiot would try
to possess you.

  But Ning Cheng cautiously nodded and said, “Then I can rest assured, I heard people say that only by cultivating to the Essence Building Realm, only then one would be able to manifest their Spiritual Sense and transform it into a consciousness, and only then bring it outside their body. When in the True Condensation Realm, only then would have the means to control their Artefacts with their Spiritual Sense. But Brother Fang said earlier, that even a Qi Gathering Cultivator can bring out their Spiritual Sense?”

  When he heard about this cultivation practice, Fang Jiyan’s tone immediately became full of disdain and said, “People who say these words are just idiots, a genuine cultivator in the Qi Gathering Realm can also use their Spiritual Sense externally, but only up to a certain limit because of their Cultivation Method and insufficient Spiritual Sense. Even so, Qi Gathering Realm cultivators can also control the Artefacts and use them to attack the enemy. In Le Continent, Qi Gathering Cultivators that use Flying Swords to attack are all too common.”

  “Is the matter you spoke of true?” Ning Cheng hurriedly inquired.

  Since Fang Jiyan had already fallen, so he had nothing to hide and said, “The Qi in the Le Continent is very rich, and even the Cultivation Methods there are also numerous, the level of power of these Cultivation Methods is clearly something not a mere low grade continent can compare to. In fact, even in many mid-grade continents, there are many Qi Gathering Cultivators who can control the Flying Sword with their Spiritual Sense. Since Low Grade Continents are deprived of Qi, in order to expedite the cultivation speed, some of the Cultivation Methods will weaken the role of Spiritual Sense, this results in only True Condensation Realm Cultivators being the ones who can only use the Artefacts, while Essence Building Realm Cultivators can manifest their Spiritual Sense outside.”

  “So the Cultivation Methods we use to cultivate with are actually simplified versions of the original Cultivation Methods.” Ning Cheng suddenly came to understand, so as to say, the Cultivation Methods that his Mysterious Yellow Bead had modified, the one that he was currently using, should be the complete version of the Cultivation Method. He wanted to try if he could use it to control the Flying Sword.


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