The Gate Of Good Fortune c1-905

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The Gate Of Good Fortune c1-905 Page 186

by Demon Translations

  While speaking, the sky above the marsh once again exploded with intermittent thunderous roars. Now that Ning Cheng had already experienced such a thing before, so he was able to react almost instantaneously as he once again brought out his Profound Beak Spear.

  This time, although Ning Cheng had no time to blast out all 36 of his Spear Shadows, but dealing with these kinds of lightning strikes and dealing with cultivators were two different things. These kinds of lightning strikes would not be influenced by one’s strengths and weaknesses. There would not even be half a minute change in them because of it, only in the most appropriate time, exploding out with the most suitable spear shadows, only then would one be able to just block these lightning strikes.

  This time the lightning strikes were even denser than earlier, however the only difference from the first time he encountered them was that Ning Cheng was now able to perfectly use the Profound Ice Spear Shadows to block the lightning strikes completely, and did not let even a single part of it to hit or even reach his body.

  At the same time, Ning Cheng was also observing Lu Fei and Chai Chudie’s way of dealing with the lightning strikes; the two people’s round shield was extremely powerful. Especially after it was stimulated, it would immediately form a huge umbrella, completely covering each of them. All the lightning arcs fell on top of this round shield, without even letting the two of them experience even half an injury.

  At best, it would only make them consume some of their True Essence, this made Ning Cheng to make up his heart and mind that he HAD to get himself a defensive magical weapon. Although inside his ring there were many lower levelled defensive magical weapons, but these magical weapons, to Ning Cheng, did not have any use in this kind of situation. Before when he was in the Spiritual Treasure House, he had taken a fancy to a Heaven and Earth Cauldron, but it was forcibly bought by that demon, letting him obtain nothing.

  “Yi….” Seeing Ning Cheng, not even receiving half a bit of injury this time, Chai Chudie immediately called out in surprise. This kind of progress was simply too huge right?

  “Elder Brother Sikong sure has some good skills. With this kind of progress of Elder Brother Sikong, combined with going to the Thunder Domain City as a form of learning through experience, in the future, the Soul Essence Thunder Tribulation would not pose the slightest problem for you. Moreover, Elder Brother Sikong’s long spear is also quite unusual, and can almost be compared to a high grade Spiritual Artefact. For you to obtain this kind of spear, and display this kind of spear technique, presumably Elder Brother Sikong must have encountered an opportunity that should not have been small.” Lu Fei’s eyes flashed. He even praised him loudly as they continued forward.

  Ning Cheng already knew that Lu Fei did not actually want to ask about his spear, but rather wanted to know about the origins of his 36 Profound Ice Spear Technique. However, he was already not in the mood for Lu Fei’s hypocrisy, as he put the Profound Break Spear back on his back and spoke, “This spear is just an ordinary Medium Grade Spiritual Artefact that I had purchased from a Magical Weapons Pavilion, compared to the Elder Brother Lu’s shield type magical weapon, it is far inferior. Now that I think about it, how much further are we from the Thunder Domain City? Should we increase our speed?”

  “No there is no need for it; we should be there in a few hours.” Lu Fei spoke as if he was without a care in the world.

  After Lu Fei’s constant insinuations about the origins of Ning Cheng’s Profound Ice Spear Technique, combined with Ning Cheng pretending to not know about it, Lu Fei’s interest in Ning Cheng’s Profound Ice Spear Technique grew even more. He also became interested in the healing pills that Ning Cheng used.

  Ning Cheng was just a Profound Congealing Cultivator, for him to have so many high quality healing pills, combined with such a powerful Profound Ice Spear Technique, Lu Fei was almost certain that Ning Cheng had obtained the legacy of a powerful cultivator.

  As the three people proceeded further inside, the lightning around them in that part of the marsh started becoming increasingly intense. Ning Cheng simply did not have the time to be embroiled in Lu Fei’s long-windedness, as he used almost all of his focus to deal with the lightning strikes falling from the sky.

  Because of the increasing density of the lightning, Ning Cheng once again began to be injured, but because of Ning Cheng’s Profound Ice Spear Shadow’s increasing dissipation range, his injuries were getting lighter and lighter.

  Because of the dense lighting strikes falling over marsh, Lu Fei and Chai Chudie could also not continue to observe the situation with Ning Cheng.

  With the three people resisting the increasingly intensive lightning strikes side by side, they slowly made it into the depths of the Thunder Domain Marsh.

  “Pi Pa, Katcha…” Bouts of intensive thunderous lights could be seen accompanied by sounds of exploding air. Lu Fei and Chai Chudie stopped, Ning Cheng also stopped, in front of his eyes appeared a city that was overflowing with thunder and lightning.

  Countless amounts of thunder and lightning could be seen surrounding the city from all four sides, while there were still numerous quantities of thunder and lightning falling from the sky over the marsh, creating a kind of defensive shield of thunder and lightning with the city at the core of it.

  Perhaps it was because this city was continuously encircled for over a long time by this kind of horrifying thunder and lightning, because of which its walls were already of the same color as of the thunder and lightning, having a pale cyan color.

  “Boom, Katcha…..”

  A burst of intense thunder and lightning explosions could be heard unceasingly spreading out from this city.

  This was the Thunder Domain City? Ning Cheng exclaimed with surprise in his heart. Just looking from the edges, at the lightning strikes falling around the Thunder Domain City, some of them were already as thick as chopsticks. Once he entered this Thunder Domain City, with this kind of intensive lightning strikes that already had enough power to kill him, would he still be able to keep his life? Moreover, the lightning strikes inside were quite dense, they were even many more times denser than the outside in the Thunder Domain Marsh. Once inside, he may not even have the chance to catch his breath.

  Although Lu Fei had said that inside the Thunder Domain City, there were some places where the lightning did not strike, but he did not know how much of it was true or how much of it was false. If it really were false, then wouldn’t it mean that he really would be walking towards his own death aah?

  Ning Cheng’s Spiritual Consciousness almost simultaneously fell on the entrance to the Thunder Domain City. He could see that the area just beneath it was already filled with countless bones that had already turned into slag under the constant bombardment. Even though the bones had turned into slag but it could still be seen that these bones-transformed-slag were from cultivators, rather than the monstrous beast from this place.

  As for the inside of the Thunder Domain City, his Spiritual Consciousness could not sweep in. Other than the light of the lightning strikes from the outside, there was only the clap of thunder that could be heard.

  “What a terrifying Thunder Domain City……” Chai Chudie subconsciously muttered a sentence. It could be seen from her face that she was somewhat timid.

  Lu Fei’s face was also quite pale, it was apparent that he also did not think that the Thunder Domain City would turn out to be such a terrible place. He suddenly remembered about Ning Cheng. Since this Thunder Domain City was already such a terrible place, he estimated that this Sikong Kai absolutely would not go in. If Sikong Kai wanted to walk away from here, then he would have to get rid of the other party, only then would be able to get his hands on the Profound Grade Spear Technique.

  Ning Cheng was also somewhat startled in his heart, but he soon calmed himself down. It seems that the words spoken by Lu Fei were at least partially true. If this place was not on the inside of the Law’s Way, then even if he wanted to actively take the initiative to look for
a place like the Thunder Domain City on the outside, that was surrounded on all four sides with continuous lightning and thunder. It really would be impossible for him to venture into it in order to learn through experience, even if he found it.

  Since he had already come here, then he would have to get in. If he did not experience this kind of thunder tribulation and not learn from this experience, then in the future when it would be time for him to actually cross the tribulation, in order to advance to the Soul Essence Realm, the only thing waiting for him would be being erased from the cycle of life and death. Since there was such a good opportunity presented to him, then why wouldn’t he try it?

  If there really was no way to keep his small life, then as a last resort, he could crush the Talisman given to him by the skeleton slumbering at the bottom of the Blood River Mountain. Although it was a big deal to go back to that place once again, but that skeleton should not come out to kill him, right? If that skeleton had that kind of ability, then he would have already escaped from that place, and would have no need for his help.

  As for Yan Ji in his miniature world, if he ended up dying, then she can only resign herself to her fate.

  Thinking until here, Ning Cheng did not hesitate to rush towards the Thunder Domain City. He did not even say his goodbyes to Lu Fei; rather he was in no mood to do so. The only reason he had put up with Lu Fei and his nonsense was to let the other party take him to the Thunder Domain City. Now that he had already arrived at the outside of the Thunder Domain City, there was no need for him to be hypocritical now. The kind of people Lu Fei and Chai Chudie were, they definitely were not his friends, and it was impossible for them to become friends.

  “Is this guy not afraid to die?” Chai Chudie seeing Ning Cheng unexpectedly rush towards the Thunder Domain City called out, as she; herself did not dare believe what she was seeing.

  “At least he provided a bit of fun.” Lu Fei spoke as he laughed, “Junior Apprentice Sister Chudie, we should also go inside. Although this Thunder Domain City is a bit terrifying, but we are different from the others. We have the Refining Array Diagram of the Thunder Domain City. We just have to find the core region, then we can work together to refine this Thunder City.”

  Chai Chudie hesitated for a moment and spoke up, “The Thunder Domain City is only for one person, moreover the Array Diagram to refine the Thunder Domain City was obtained by us together, after refining the Thunder Domain City, will you really hand over the control to me?”

  Lu Fei suddenly spoke in a stern voice, “Junior Apprentice Sister Chudie, inside the Thunder Domain City there are numerous Thunder Flame Stones. The value of those added up would not be lower than that of the value of the Thunder Domain City. Moreover, inside the Thunder Domain City, there is also a sub city. This sub city is actually overflowing with Thunder Flame Stones, the value of which is actually even higher than that of the Thunder Domain City. If I can obtain them, it would already be a lot for me.”

  At this point, Lu Fei’s tone suddenly became incomparably soft, “Besides, Junior Apprentice Sister Chudie, my feelings towards you, do you still not understand them? You must not say such things to me, even if there was nothing in it for me, if I can be on any help in Junior Apprentice Sister’s work, I would still do it willingly.”

  Chai Chudie’s face turned slightly red and spoke, “Senior Apprentice Brother Lu, I am completely focused on practicing cultivation, as for the other affairs, I don’t have anything to say about them. But now that Sikong Kai has already gone in, then should we also go in now?”

  “Well then, Die’er be careful and follow closely behind me on point.” Lu Fei answered almost simultaneously, as he took the lead. Since Chai Chudie did not object to the manner he called her, it showed that he had definitely risen up a level in her heart.

  Ning Cheng had already arrived at the edge of the Thunder Domain City and found that the entrance of the Thunder Domain City was actually blocked with a dense criss-crossing lightning net. Moreover, looking at the composition of the lightning arcs of this lightning net, the finest of the arcs had the thickness of chopsticks.

  How can one go in? Ning Cheng only hesitated for two breaths of time, before a large number of those lightning arcs, with a thickness of chopsticks, crashed down on him. Ning Cheng no longer had time to think, as he immediately struck out with his Profound Ice Spear Shadows.

  The collision of the Profound Ice Spear Shadows and the lightning arcs produced crackling like sounds. Ning Cheng surrounded himself with the Profound Ice Spear Shadows making sure to cover himself completely as he rushed into this dense lightning net that blocked the entrance to the Thunder City.

  Since he had already arrived at this point, then what was the use of thinking about it? Anyways, the outside of the city already felt a bit crowded and stifling with the descending lightning arcs, so he might as well go into the city. Maybe after he went inside the city, it might really turn out like Lu Fei spoke about, that is about finding a safe place to escape to and rest up.

  Chapter 0232 – The Terrifying Thunder Domain City

  Translated By – DemonKiller

  Checked and Edited By – CurlyAdi and Livewidsmile

  Proofread By – SmartyMouth

  Please do not host our works anywhere else without our permission.

  “Ka Ka Ka Ka ……”

  Ning Cheng’s Profound Ice Spear Shadows were just like thin papers in general, and in just a twinkling of an eye, were annihilated to nothingness under the constant bombardment of the bright fluorescent lightning arcs raining down in front of the entrance to the Thunder Domain City. As these berserk lightning arcs rained down, Ning Cheng who had a mind to not easily resort to his True Cosmic Devil Axe, was forced to reconsider as that thought completely disappeared from his head.

  Using his True Cosmic Devil Axe, he immediately cast out an Axe Line, which in just a twinkling of an eye, wrapped around him forming a circular shield covering him up under his manipulation.

  “Hong Hong Hong……”

  Using the Axe Line that was casted from the True Cosmic Devil Axe, he immediately collided with the lightning net that was covering the entrance of the Thunder Domain City, causing a terrifying explosive sound to reverberate out.

  “Peng” Although the Axe Line casted from the True Cosmic Devil Axe was able to block the seemingly endless lightning net, but at the same time Ning Cheng was able to borrow the powerful backlash from the lightning net and was directly thrown inside. While simultaneously spouting a mouthful of blood, before finally hitting the ground just in front of a cyan coloured stone pillar. This stone pillar seemed to contain a terrifying thunder source, because of which Ning Cheng subconsciously moved aside from it. He guessed that this should be one of the cyan coloured thunder pillars that Lu Fei had spoken of before, but because he did not believe Lu Fei, so he was not intended to follow Lu Fei’s directions and instead immediately turned right.

  Lightning arcs did not seem to be falling around the thunder pillar, but Ning Cheng had not even had the time to look at his injuries, when an ancient aura that seemed to be as vast as the heavens itself penetrated into Ning Cheng’s Sea of Consciousness.

  This somewhat powerful and extremely strong aura, completely suppressed Ning Cheng to the point that he found it extremely difficult to breathe. But even so Ning Cheng was able to forcibly suppress this oppressive feeling, then laboriously taking a breath, he slowly moved his head up to look at the sky above the Thunder City.

  Over the sky above the Thunder Domain City, there were misty blue lightning arcs flashing that seemed to cover the heavens above. They looked like countless snakes formed from lightning moving about in the sky, which could fall at anytime and anywhere below.

  It seems that the violent aura brought out by his True Cosmic Devil Axe seemed to have agitated the aura flow, which made these lightning snakes become even more unstable. Seeing this Ning Cheng immediately put away his True Cosmic Devil Axe. It was only at this time, did he discover that his
injuries were quite terrible, and this was merely on just passing through the lightning net at the front entrance only once. It was as if his body had been battered to the point that it was now no better than a rag in general.

  Although with the help of Mysterious Yellow Origin, the wounds were no longer bleeding, but because he was covered in bloodstains, combined with his clothes and skin hanging over his body in tatters, it made him look horrible to look at. Moreover looking at his back and shoulders, that had taken the brunt of the lightning strikes, one could see that it had been burnt to the bone. One could even say that if he did not have the Mysterious Yellow Origin, then perhaps he would not be any different from a person who was tortured and hung for several days.

  Such a terrifying lightning net

  , Ning Cheng thought as he shuddered in his heart. Although he had managed to pass through this lightning net in just an instant, but even then he could feel that the strength and intensity contained in it was far less than the memory of his Thunder Tribulation. If he had not been inside the Law’s Way, then when he successfully cultivated all the way to the Profound Core Realm, and then attempted to cross the tribulation, wasn’t it highly possible if even his ashes would be left behind, right?

  In this place, he at least had a chance to catch his breath.

  The aura from the Mysterious Yellow Origin, with its fastest speed, repaired Ning Cheng’s body, and at this moment Ning Cheng was just about to bring out another robe to put on, when 7 or 8 lightning arcs that were even thicker than chopsticks fell down towards him. Ning Cheng had that thought that this place seemed to a bit safe, so then why would lightning arcs suddenly began to fall?

  He could just barely bring out his Profound Break Spear, and casted out a spear shadow to resist it a bit.


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