Out of Sight, Out of Heart

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Out of Sight, Out of Heart Page 3

by Jill Ferraro

  Brielle hadn’t messaged him in over 24 hours. Damien told the other guys in the apartment they’d been messaging all day to save face. He knew Carl could see right through him and Asher knew he was struggling but no one else seemed to question him when he said he’d been talking to her all day. It wasn’t exactly a lie, he had been messaging her all day. But she didn’t respond. Not once.

  He didn’t want to pack his bags yet, he thought Asher was cool but didn’t want word to get out that he thought he was out before it was confirmed. He hadn’t unpacked much anyways. Packing would be the final nail in the coffin.

  Instead, Damien sat on his bed, slumped against the wall, and waited to be called to the living room for the elimination. The minutes passed by slowly. He could hear Brandon and Peter joking as they walked down the hall and wondered why they even bothered being nice to each other. This was a competition. You can’t compete with friends, especially not for a girl.

  “Can everyone come to the living room please?”

  Mark’s voice filled the bedroom and Damien groaned. He wasn’t upset he was missing out on marriage, he was upset Brielle would embarrass him like this on national television. Weddings were overrated anyway.

  The other guys were all in the living room by the time Damien made his way down the hall. He stood in the back as far away from everyone else as possible.

  “How’s everyone feeling today?” There was an affirmative murmur from the group but no one spoke up to share more.

  “Uh...Peter? How are you doing?”

  Peter looked down at his knees. “I guess fine. We’ve been talking but I don’t really think we’ve made a very strong connection. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m sent home today, to be honest.”

  Damien’s ears perked up and he quickly blurted, “We’ve been talking a bunch. All day.” He saw Carl roll his eyes but didn’t address it. He didn’t want to be challenged in front of the rest of the group. Not by Carl.

  “That’s interesting to hear, Damien.” Mark was looking around anxiously. Damien assumed he didn’t want another fight to break out.

  The screen came to life and Brielle’s face popped up.

  Mark stood up to address the group. “Alright, you guys know the drill. Brielle is sending one of you home. We will let you know in an hour or so after you film your video if you’ll be going on a date or not. Jason did not get a date last night and was sent home. Remember, if your date goes well you could potentially be saved and still have a shot at love.”

  He looked around the room. “Any questions?”

  The men shook their heads. Mark started the video and Brielle’s voice filled the room.

  “Hey, guys. I started wedding planning today! So excited to meet you, future husband, whoever you are. Today’s decision was easy. Damien, you’re going home. I am looking for a future husband, not a child.”

  Damien looked down at the floor, he didn’t want to rush off and forced himself to stay for the rest of the video. He could at least avoid looking like a complete loser by listening to the rest of what she had to say.

  “To the rest of you, if you’re serious about wanting a beautiful marriage with me, do better. I haven’t made even the slightest connection with most of you. I’m here, giving it my all. The rest is up to you. Woo me, guys.”

  The TV went black and the room was silent. Even Mark looked a bit surprised, clearly, he hadn’t watched Brielle’s video before heading up to the apartment. Everyone continued to stare at the screen for a moment before Mark stood up.

  “Well, Damien, come with me to film your video.”

  No one said anything as Damien crossed the room. His cheeks were burning, he hoped he could calm himself down before getting to the studio to film his video. They walked to the elevator in silence.

  Damien knew he wasn’t getting a date with Brielle. He didn’t want one, ignoring him for an entire day wasn’t a great way to start a lifelong relationship. He thought about the other guys in the apartment and who she had made a connection to.

  He knew she’d talked to Asher a bit. And he was sure she had a connection to Carl. He was the kind of guy girls fall for in movies, just enough of a nice guy for girls to forget all the terrible stuff he did. Damien wasn’t going to be someone he wasn’t. At least he gave her a taste of his authentic self. Oh well if she didn’t want it.

  The camera crew quickly got Damien ready and sat him down in front of the camera. He thought for a moment. What was there he could possibly say to her?

  Laura counted down from five. He thought about being polite but decided, instead, to share his true feelings. It’s not like he would ever even meet Brielle in person. The camera started rolling and Damien shared exactly how he felt about his almost bride.

  Chapter Seven


  Carl: hows ur day?

  Brielle: Better now that I’m talking to you :)


  There was another knock on the door. Brielle assumed it was Laura and James coming to film her watching Damien’s video. She took her time getting to the door and was surprised to see Stacey standing there, holding her laptop.

  “Oh! Stacey! I forgot you might be coming. Come in!”

  “I hope it’s not too late.”

  Brielle shook her head. “Not a problem! I haven’t finished my filming for the day yet. Come in.”

  Stacey set her things down on the dining room table and turned to Brielle. “In addition to discussing your dress options, we need to talk about your bridesmaid dresses and discuss your mom and her issues with the guest list.”

  Brielle poured a glass of wine. “Do you want one?” Stacey declined and Brielle plopped down at the table across from her. “What’s wrong with the guest list?”

  “Your mom seems to be getting some pushback from relatives about who is and isn’t invited. And she won’t stop calling me. So we need you to call her and let her know that it’s pretty much set in stone at this point.” Stacey pulled open her laptop.

  Right on cue, Laura and James arrived with the camera to capture the call. Brielle took a sip of her wine and leaned back in her chair. She was angry they were using her mom like this. Theresa was harmless but had always dreamed of helping plan Brielle’s wedding. This was the hardest part for her.

  At the same time, she thought of Stacey as a life raft of sorts. She could make or break her wedding, not exactly the type of person you want to piss off. Or have your mother calling every 10 minutes.

  “Ok. I’ll talk to her. I’m sorry she’s calling so much, she feels left out.”

  Stacey pulled out a phone and handed it to Brielle to dial. She typed in the number and put the phone on speaker.


  “Hey, mom!”

  “Hi, honey! How’s it going?!”

  “It’s great! Really enjoying my time here. I started planning the wedding today.” She knew her mom would be upset with her for lying when she watched the show and saw she was not, in fact, enjoying her time but she’d deal with that later.

  “Oh, that’s wonderful!”

  “It’s actually the reason I’m calling.” Brielle paused as she realized she didn’t exactly know what the problem was. “Is there an issue with the guest list?”

  Theresa was quiet for a minute. “Well, yes. Your aunts and uncles all want to be there. Is there any way we could add them to the list?”

  Brielle sighed. She didn’t look at Stacey but could see her shaking her head in her peripheral vision. “I’m sorry mom. We talked about this before I left. There’s really not a way to fit everyone in the venue provided. Tell them I love them and I promise to have a celebration with them once we get settled.”

  “I just thought I’d ask again. That other lady, Abigail, she wasn’t very nice about it. I wanted to hear it from you.”

  Brielle rolled her eyes. “I will be sure to talk to Abigail about that.”

  “So...it’s Day Two. Have you found a husband yet?” Her mom sounded so hopeful.
/>   “I’m working on it, mom. I guess we’ll both find out at the wedding if I’m really getting married or not.”

  “Stop it, Brielle! You’ll figure it out before then!”

  “I hope so.” Stacey made a signal to indicate it was time to end the call. “Listen, mom. I have to go. More wedding planning to do. I’ll talk to you soon!”

  “Love you!” The phone went dead and Stacey put it back in her pocket.

  “Thank you, for making that call. We have enough to do and, while I’m sure your mother’s a wonderful woman, I can’t spend all my time speaking with her.”

  “She can be...persistent.”

  Stacey understood. “I could tell you some stories about moms planning weddings.” She took Brielle’s hand and squeezed it. “I will send her some updates as we go to keep her involved.”

  Brielle was surprised by Stacey’s kindness. No one else involved with filming had shown her even the glimmer of genuine kindness since she’d arrived. “Thank you. That would mean a lot.”

  Stacey pulled away and started typing on her computer. Her business mode was clearly back on. “Alrighty then. Bridesmaids’ dresses. And then your dress.”

  Brielle and Stacey chatted about the dresses for a long time before settling on a style. She originally wanted everyone to wear a different style that they felt most comfortable in but Stacey broke the news that they would not be ready in time. Instead, Brielle had to choose from 10 styles. She had already decided on the color earlier in the day, they’d be in maroon to match the bowties she wanted.

  Brielle cut out the dresses and held them up to the headshots she had to give producers before coming to the show. Eventually, she settled on a sleeveless dress with full coverage in the front. They were floor-length and would look good on everyone. Brielle hoped her friends would be happy with her choice.

  They spent the next half hour looking at the dresses Brielle had ripped out of the magazines earlier that day. There was no clear pattern that Stacey could discern.

  “You said earlier you’d always wanted a mermaid.”

  Brielle nodded. “But is it too flashy?”

  “Your husband will love you in whatever you come out in. I know this is going to be the first time you see each other but it’s also, hopefully, the only time you get married.” Stacey waited for Brielle to process her statement before continuing. “I have already arranged to have many of these styles available for you to try on. But I also think you should give your original idea a try. It may be the one you love.”

  “You’re right. Thank you, Stacey.”

  She gave Brielle a hug on her way out. She was beginning to grow on her, her no-nonsense planning was paired with a tremendous amount of patience. It was clear she was skilled at her job and Brielle relaxed a bit, knowing her wedding was in her hands. Finally, someone she could almost trust.

  It was almost 8 o’clock by the time Stacey left. Brielle was getting tired and wished Laura and James could film her video already so she could go to sleep. They had come much earlier the day before.

  Brielle decided to call down to the producers’ apartment to see what the hold up was. She was sure this was some sort of powerplay but she didn’t care at this point. She was tired and cranky and really didn’t care about Damien’s video. The faster she got it over with, the faster she could go to sleep.

  The phone rang four times before someone answered. It was Abigail.

  “Brielle. Wonderful to hear from you.”

  “Are you sending Laura and James up to film me watching Damien’s video or not?”

  Abigail paused for a moment. “Yes, yes I suppose we could do that now.”


  “Before we do, are you planning on going on a date with any of these guys?”

  “Did you select any guys worth going on a date with?” Brielle was annoyed Abigail was even asking.

  “I guess we’ll see.” She paused. “I hope you’re not planning on abandoning the show at the altar. We can edit this to make you look very, very terrible.”

  “I’m well aware, Abigail. Send Laura and James up.”

  Brielle hung up the phone and stood in the kitchen, waiting for James and Laura to arrive.

  Chapter Eight


  Peter: So...do you like music?

  Brielle: Yeah...doesn’t everyone?


  Peter could hear Damien packing his things as he walked by the open door to the room he shared with Asher. Damien seemed upset but Peter couldn’t figure out why. The man had no real connection to Brielle and didn’t exactly fit in with the rest of the guys there. He should be relieved to go home. Peter was sure it must be an ego thing.

  He cracked open a beer and sat down at the table, lost in thought. If Peter was being honest with himself, he was actually a bit disappointed Brielle didn’t send him home that day.

  It was becoming increasingly apparent that Peter and Brielle had absolutely no chemistry. All his attempts at starting conversation failed. They had nothing important in common and, although his demeanor seemed to match what she was looking for in a husband, there weren’t any sparks there that would make marriage worthwhile.

  “You alright?” Asher sat down at the table.

  Peter sighed. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “What’s up?”

  He wasn’t sure if he should divulge his thoughts to Asher but what did he really have to lose. “Do you feel like you have chemistry with Brielle?”

  Asher looked at him with a puzzled expression. “I mean...yeah I guess we do. As much chemistry as I can have with someone who I have never met in person and have only known for 48 hours or so.”

  Peter nodded. “Okay.”

  “I’m guessing you don’t?”

  “I really want to. She’s gorgeous and seems smart and funny. She doesn’t take any crap which I appreciate. She saw right through the two worst guys here. There’s just nothing...there between us. At all.”

  Asher leaned back in his chair. “Isn’t it interesting? How can we have such different responses to the same person? I mean...our conversations can’t be all that different on the surface.”

  “Yeah, it’s definitely weird.” Peter sighed. “What should I do?”

  “I’m saying this as a friend, not as someone who is hoping to make Brielle his wife. But do what’s best for you. If you’re not into it, chances are she’s not either. It can’t hurt to ask, she seems pretty chill when you’re not a complete dick.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. And I came here to show her how much I care. Walking away would be a good way to do that.”

  “You’re absolutely right.”

  They finished their beers and talked about their lives outside of Sight Unseen. Peter felt better after talking to Asher. He knew that Asher was being sincere, he didn’t really have a reason not to be. And although Peter was prepared to take his advice with a grain of salt, he didn’t need to. Deep down, Peter knew he wasn’t destined to be Brielle’s husband.

  He was about to get up and go back to his room to message Brielle when Carl walked into the living room. Peter tried his best to stay away from Carl, he wasn’t the nicest guy and Peter didn’t want to interact with him more than he needed to.

  “Hey, Petey. How’s it goin’?”

  Peter gave Carl a wave. “It’s fine. How’re you?”

  “I’m doin’ good. Great actually. Brielle can’t get enough of me.” Carl stood six inches too close to Peter and towered over him. Peter could tell he was trying to be intimidating.

  “Good for you, man.”

  “Yeah. It is good for me.” He paused and looked around the room. “So now that Damien’s gone, who do ya think is the next to go?”

  “Not sure. Could be me, could be someone else.” Peter backed his chair up away from Carl and stood up. “It’s been great catching up with you but I’m gonna go lay down. See ya.”

  Carl looked confused. “Okay...see you.” He sat down at the tab
le and searched the room for someone else to bother.

  Peter breathed a sigh of relief as he walked down the hallway. He was going to get himself sent home his own way, not because Carl provoked him into acting like an idiot. Dodging Carl’s attempts to sabotage him gave him the confidence he needed to message Brielle again.

  He wasn’t surprised to pick up his device and see he had no missed messages from Brielle. He took a deep breath and typed out his message.

  Peter: Hey. Quick question and I don’t want this to come off the wrong way but...do you think we have any chemistry?

  He hit send on his message and instantly felt relief. Talking to Brielle about how he was feeling was the only thing left to do. If, on the off chance, she was madly in love with him, they could figure that part out later. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait too long to find out.

  Brielle: Honestly...not really. I’m sure you’re a great guy but I just don’t feel anything there.

  Peter: Oh thank god! I obviously think you seem great but there’s really nothing here is there?

  Brielle: Nope, not that I can see

  Peter: Don’t take this the wrong way, of course you can do what you want. But if you sent me home tomorrow, I would NOT be offended.

  Brielle: That’s so sweet of you! Now that Jason and Damien are gone, fingers crossed I don’t need to send anyone else home to save my sanity. I’m sure you want to get back to your life

  Peter: Everything is much quieter around here without them. So thank you :)

  Peter felt so much better after his conversation with Brielle. He didn’t want to waste her time and, as much as he was enjoying a change of scenery, he wanted to return home to his normal life. There had to be a girl out there for him, he just wasn’t going to find her on a nationally televised reality show.


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