Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3

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Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Page 34

by Laura Burton

  “Walk with me?” she asked, taking Edward’s hand. He grinned widely at her, his dimples on show again. Catherine glanced at the commotion of officers taking Calvin away. A huddle of men stood some way off in a circle. They appeared to be deep in conversation.

  Catherine looked down as they walked hand in hand. Calvin wanted to be found. It all ended too easily. Was this part of his twisted plan? He had told her all about Edward’s deal. She wondered what he had to gain out of that. Obliterating her trust for Edward? Was that the closure he wanted? There were so many questions, that even the sight of Calvin being handcuffed by the police did not make her less troubled.

  She stepped up into the bandstand and turned to look Edward in the eye. His looked like the most beautiful piece of art, sculpted by a master. His face was chiselled, with two dimples at his cheeks. The corners of his eyes creased, and those baby blues twinkled like stars at her. She sighed for a moment, lost in the blissful happiness of his countenance. Catherine didn’t want to ruin his joy just yet. Instead, she ran her hands up his arms and dragged them down his chest. Her fingertips traced his firm abs and she reached round to his upper back. His muscles clenched under her touch and she gasped as he pulled her in close, her hips pressed up against his.

  “You keep saving me,” she whispered. Edward pressed his lips against her collarbone, his hands clutched her back and he moaned. “Edward, I have to tell you something.” Edward made a trail of kisses up to her jawline and pulled back to look in her eyes.

  “What is it?” he asked, winded. Catherine stroked his cheek and tucked a tuft of dark hair behind his ear. His scent was so comforting and familiar. His touch set her senses wild. It was so odd to Catherine that something so wrong, could feel so right. This man had been playing with her from the beginning, yet she couldn’t deny the chemistry between them was strong. She tugged at his neck and stood on tip toes to meet his lips.

  Fireworks exploded in the sky. More applause followed and Catherine moaned as she lost herself in Edward’s embrace. His lips warmed her entire face. They collapsed against each other, hands roaming every inch of their upper bodies. His warm breaths showered her bare skin, she sighed as he kissed her neck. And he groaned, as if being tortured, when Catherine kissed him hard on the mouth. There was no more space between them. No more lies. No more jealous ex-boyfriends. Nothing.

  Catherine didn’t know where she ended and where Edward began. They were entwined, swivelling on the spot, touching and kissing with rising momentum. Catherine almost forgot what she was going to say. The passion between them reached new dizzying heights and soon the two of them stopped, only to catch their breaths. Edward panted, his cheeks flushed, and he flashed his teeth at her.

  “Edward…” Catherine began, she had stepped back but was still holding his hand. Edward nodded, his chest heaving. Catherine slowly took her hand away from his and folded her arms.

  “I–” she began. Edward took a step forward, his face radiating happiness.

  “Yes?” he said with anticipation. Catherine placed her hands on her hips and frowned at him.

  “Calvin told me all about the deal you made with Sam.”

  Edward’s face fell.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Letting Go of the Past

  Oh boy.

  Edward was shaking. He had been basking in the warmth of their passionate exchange until Catherine said something that was akin to throwing a bucket of ice over his head.

  He couldn’t speak. He opened his mouth, hoping something eloquent would come out, but instead he gave a nervous laugh. He coughed and swallowed, trying to ignore the sickly sensation that was now swirling in his stomach. He had just rescued Catherine from her crazy ex-boyfriend. She threw herself onto him and… that kiss. Wow.

  He shook his head, as if the gesture would shake away his thoughts. No, he couldn’t think about that right now. His breathing grew labored as he stared at the hurt in her eyes.

  “How did Calvin find out?” he asked weakly. Catherine’s face contorted as she huffed. He had really blown it now.

  “Why don’t you ask your friend, Sam?” she raised a hand and motioned to slap him across the cheek but paused mid swing. Edward winced, preparing for impact, but Catherine lowered her hand again.

  “My mom told me it’s never okay to hit someone.” She turned on her heel, giving him one more scowl before she descended the steps and marched down the path.

  “Catherine – wait!” Edward ran after her, but Anthony stood in his path with his arms folded.

  “Let her go,” he said firmly. Edward craned his neck to watch Catherine walk off and sighed in defeat. He looked to the side and noticed David and Sam deep in conversation.

  “What’s the situation?” he asked David, as he approached them. Sam looked at him briefly but averted his gaze as Edward glared back.

  “Well, he was caught red-handed. Father has the lawyers building a case right now. We won’t need to worry about Calvin anymore,” David said. “You did well,” he added, pulling his brother in for a side hug. Edward exhaled with relief. At last, some good news.

  “And what have you got to say for yourself?” he said frankly to Sam, who still wouldn’t look at him in the eye.

  David nudged him and raised his brows.

  “Go on,” he said to him. “Either you tell him, or I will. And trust me, it’s better coming from you,” David said to Sam. Edward crossed his arms and looked at Sam who stared at them all one by one like a deer in headlights. Then he swallowed.

  “I was worried about losing the bet,” he started, shifting his feet and rubbing his thumb into the palm of his left hand. “When you told me about this woman, and I found out it was Anthony’s cousin… I really didn’t like it.”

  Edward glanced at Anthony who was staring intently at Sam and shaking his head a little, his eyes were wide open. He looked back at Sam, who was still avoiding his gaze.

  “I told Anthony about the deal, and when I met Calvin at the climate change event… Well, he wouldn’t stop talking about Catherine and I thought, hey, this is too perfect.”

  Edward dragged both hands through his hair and gasped.

  “Are you kidding me? This is all your doing?” he asked, winded. Sam and Edward were impossibly competitive with each other. Neither of them was known to back down easily and it would not have been the first time Sam played dirty to win.

  “I never expected things to get to this,” he said quickly, following Edward’s train of thought. “I just thought, that if I told Calvin about your… intentions. And perhaps told a couple of white lies…”

  “Like what?” Edward asked quickly. Sam winced and took a breath.

  “I may have suggested that Catherine was my friend’s cousin… and I heard she was still thinking about getting back together –”

  There was a resounding crack as Edward’s fist made contact with Sam’s cheekbone.

  “You call yourself a friend?” he spat as Sam fell to the ground, cradling his face. David and Anthony lunged forward and each took one of Edward’s arms. “He nearly killed me. Twice.” Sam got to his feet with a groan, his hands still covering half his face.

  “He was supposed to scare you both. Not hurt you.”

  “But I kept saying I wanted to call off the deal. I told you I blew it anyway.”

  “What, because of the painting you bought for Catherine?” Sam said.

  “You didn’t technically give it to her though,” David said evenly. “Besides, Sam didn’t want to win by default. He wanted to win –” David sighed, bowing his head.

  “What? Fair and square?” Edward laughed to himself. He looked at Sam now in a whole new light. His own best friend conspiring against him. It made him sick to his stomach.

  “I can’t believe this. Any of it,” he said, letting his arms hang. David and Anthony loosened their grip on him, and Sam bowed his head.

  “I’m really sorry,” he said, his eyes tearing up. “It wasn’t my idea to mess with the car. It w
as my car, after all. How could I have known that Calvin was a psychopath?”

  “And I’m sorry about beating you up,” Anthony added. “I had just found out about this bet, when Catherine called and told me she was seeing you. I snapped.”

  Edward hummed.

  “So, the ‘my mom is getting remarried’ act was just that… an act?”

  Anthony nodded as he let go of Edward’s arm.

  “Sam told me he was using Calvin to break you two up. It sounded like a good plan to me. The further you were from my baby cousin, the better. I thought you were going to dump her as soon as you won the bet.” He sniffed and cleared his throat. “But when you decided to come out and risk your life to find her and protect her. I realized…”

  “What? That I’m not a complete jerk?” Edward asked. David stepped in and placed a hand on Anthony’s shoulder.

  “You love her. We all saw it,” he said fervently as he too broke away from him. Edward stepped back in shock, his ears ringing. Sam lowered his hands and looked at him as if has going to offer his final confession.

  “I’m sorry Eddie. If there’s something I can do to make it up to you…”

  Edward looked down in thought. It would take a lot to get Catherine to forgive him. He would need a grand gesture to show her that his feelings were real. He wanted her. He needed her. He looked up at the men and smiled sadly. Yes, he loved her.

  “There is something,” he said, softening. Sam’s eyes lit up and he nodded back.

  “Anything,” he said, sounding hopeful. Edward looked from Sam to David, and then to Anthony.

  “I’ll need all of you to help,” he said firmly. The men nodded back. David placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Tell us what to do.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  A Grand Gesture

  A week had passed, and Catherine had returned to her apartment. A brand-new pane of window gleamed in the sunshine. Calvin was in jail awaiting trial and no longer a problem – for now, at least. Catherine had blocked Edward’s number and resolved that life was much simpler as a single woman. From now on, she would be alone. Or perhaps, she would rescue a bald cat and knit woolly sweaters for it.

  Rehearsals for her new show were to begin in a few days, and she was excited to embark on this new normal. Edward had left a void in her heart. It ached almost constantly, but she was resigned to the fact that she was only another conquest. The fact that she had fallen head over heels for him had nothing to do with the fact that he did not care for her. And the thought of his whole family laughing about it made her mad.

  The doorbell rang. Thankfully it was not a black rose, or Calvin, or even a grovelling Edward on the doorstep. Instead it was Anthony, and Johnny; who was holding a bouquet of yellow daisies.

  “This is a nice surprise,” she said, letting them in. “What are these for? It’s not even my birthday.” She took the flowers and inhaled their floral scent.

  “We’re taking you on a date,” Johnny said delightedly. Anthony smiled.

  “Now?” Catherine said, surprised. Johnny stuck out his elbow and nodded. “But I haven’t even straightened my hair.” Anthony threw his head back and roared as they walked her out of the apartment.

  “You look beautiful,” Johnny said honestly. Catherine beamed at him, taken aback by his gushing compliment. She locked her door, and linked arms with the two men and they walked down the street together laughing.

  “Why are we at Sam’s club?” Catherine eyed Anthony with suspicion as he and Johnny frogmarched her through the front door. No one inside the club would know it was gloriously sunny outside because there were no windows. The lights were low, and it took a few moments for Catherine’s eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Most of the circular tables were empty, a few servers walked around handing out drinks. A band played chilled out music as people talked. The atmosphere was surprisingly relaxing. Anthony walked her to a table right at the front, with David sitting at it alone. As Catherine met him, he rose to his feet and offered his hand.

  “My name is David,” he said. “I’m Edward’s younger brother.” Catherine shook his hand and took a seat. Johnny clapped and looked around like a child in a candy store.

  “This place is great. I love this band,” he said, conducting to the music with a placid smile on his face. Sam arrived, his cheek was blotchy, though no one commented on it. He looked at Catherine and inclined his head.

  “I want you to know, this was entirely his idea, and until a week ago, none of us knew he could even play the guitar, let alone –” he stopped and looked at David, who had coughed and shot him a glare. “Sorry. Anyway. Please, have a drink on the house, my servers will bring you some food. Enjoy the show.” He bowed slightly and walked away. Catherine’s heartbeat quickened as she looked wildly around the faces at the table. Everyone was looking at her, as if they were in on some spectacular secret and wanted to watch her react at the unveiling.

  The band finished and Sam took to the stage.

  “A round of applause for the Jaxsters. It’s always a pleasure to have them here.” The room broke out into applause. Catherine’s breaths grew uneven as anticipation rose in her chest. She could practically feel the excitement radiating from Johnny who couldn’t sit still. Anthony was grinning and kept glancing back at her. Only David remained somewhat normal, resting his hand on the table and looking at the stage serenely as if admiring a beautiful sunset.

  “Now you’re in for a real treat. Please can we give a hand for my best friend, who wrote a song to share with you all today.” The room clapped again, and Catherine held her breath as Edward swaggered onto the stage, a guitar in his hand and his dimples on show. Catherine wasn’t sure whether to laugh or jump up and run for the door. Edward’s face was a deep shade of magenta as he grinned at her and settled on a metal stool.

  “This is the first time I’ve ever done this in front of an audience. So, be kind, alright?” he said. The audience laughed and a light mumble followed.

  “What is he doing?” Catherine whispered to David, who only smiled wider, still looking at the stage. Then Edward began to play a melody.

  “This is for Catherine,” he said. Catherine’s eyes met his baby blues briefly before he looked down and struck the chords. Then he began to sing.

  “Two weeks ago, we were strangers

  I was cocky and shallow, I know

  And when your hybrid Mercedes

  Decided to give up on you

  I’d never do that to you, my dear

  I could never just let you go

  “He’s not bad,” Anthony said, with a nod of approval. Catherine shushed him, not taking her eyes off Edward as he opened his mouth to sing again.

  “And when you fall in my arms, dear

  I will never, ever let go.”

  He shook his head as he sang, to add emphasis to the words. Catherine could barely breathe, and her eyes were brimming with tears.

  “So, when you wonder if my feelings are true,

  Catherine, my heart beats only for you.”

  He drummed the chords and Catherine stared, enchanted, as Edward gave her a sheepish smile.

  “Oh, oh, Catherine, my heart beats only for you.”

  Edward finished the song and looked down as the room erupted into applause. Someone whistled. Catherine bit her lip and looked at Johnny.

  “Go on,” he nudged her as he clapped. Catherine grinned and dashed to her feet. She ran up to the stage and Edward set down his guitar to help her up.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, holding her hands. “But it’s true. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. All I think about is you and your beautiful voice.” He caressed her cheek.

  “Kiss him!” Johnny shouted and the rest of the crowd laughed. Edward lowered to one knee and looked up at her, his eyes shining. The room gasped.

  “Catherine, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked. Catherine glanced at the people scattered around the room. It appeared that even the servers had stopped what they were d
oing. All eyes were on them. She looked down at Edward’s expectant smile and exhaled.

  “Yes, alright,” she said. Edward jumped to his feet and lifted her up and swung her around in a circle.

  “She said yes,” he said into the microphone. His voice boomed. Then he pulled her in for a bear hug and smothered her face with kisses. Catherine giggled and pressed her hands against his chest.

  “Edward,” she said through a laugh. Edward stopped kissing her and nodded, his brows raised. Catherine pointed at him and eyed him seriously.

  “No more bets,” she said. Edward broke into a laugh and picked her up again.

  “No more. I promise,” he said. Catherine grinned so widely her cheeks ached. But she didn’t care. She thought that perhaps she wouldn’t be single forever, after all.

  Though adopting a bald cat was still very much a possibility.

  The End.


  “Thank you all, for joining us this evening, to celebrate our one-year Anniversary.” Edward towered over the table of guests, in his sharp Armani suit and Cheshire Cat grin on show. He raised his glass before he continued. “It’s hard to believe this beautiful woman has been my wife for this long. It feels like we’ve only been together for ten minutes.”

  “Yeah, ten minutes under water, maybe,” Sam muttered into David’s ear with a smirk. David resisted the urge to laugh out of politeness.

  “I’m so proud of everything Catherine has achieved this year, with her show. I’m sure everyone will agree you are certainly the songbird of the family.”

  Murmurs of agreement filled the air in response. David glanced down the table to see his Grandmother coughing into her lace hanker-chief and frowned. He looked back at Catherine, her eyes were lowered as color flushed to her cheeks. Then Edward spent an extended period of time gushing over his wife.


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