Love Will Find You

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Love Will Find You Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She looked at Marco and then at Cab. She licked her lips, felt her heart racing. “I had a hard life growing up and some things happened. There were things I was forced to do. Some bad things that could have cost me so much, and I’m embarrassed by them. They’re why I wouldn’t accept this relationship with you guys and especially not with Finn and Lotus.”

  “Why especially not with Finn and Lotus?” Marco asked.

  “You did something illegal? Were arrested, have a record? What?” Cab asked.

  She ran her palms up and down Cab’s muscular chest, taking in the sight of the tattoos. He gripped her hips and gave them a shake. Her breasts bounced and she nibbled her bottom lip. Marco slid his palm up from her ass to her neck, under her hair, and he gave it a squeeze. She glanced up toward him. “Fess up so we can move on and make love to you,” Marco ordered.

  She closed her eyes and rambled it off. “When I was in my teens my dad was a criminal, a crook who did everything from stealing cars and selling parts, to robberies. He ran numbers, did some loan sharking, you name it, and I was even better at numbers and at computers, and he made me do some jobs for him.”

  “What?” Marco asked. “I know, it’s so bad, and then there was this bigger job I was forced to do because he beat my mom and said he would kill her if I didn’t do it, and well I did, and I came so close to not only getting caught, but also raped.”

  “Raped?” Cab asked, and gripped her hips and narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Yes. There was this guy who worked with my dad and he kept watch over me to make sure I came through on my end of the bargain to save my mom. Thing was, my dad was in on it, too, and the end result would have been me being part of the deal to this guy. I wasn’t even eighteen at the time.”

  “Holy shit,” Marco said, and then she explained everything else, not coming up for air or to answer questions until the tears fell and she cried. Marco and Cab held her between them and caressed her hair and her skin.

  “You could have gotten raped or killed, never mind put in prison. How the hell did you get away?”

  “I ran, Marco. I took off with money I had, and then caught wind that my dad and the others got busted. I didn’t though, and well, I’ve been living on my own since. Came here two years ago as you know, and was just trying to live my life and move on.”

  “And your dad and these men, your mom, where are they now?” Cab asked as he caressed her cheek. Marco was pressed up behind her. She took a deep breath and exhaled. She didn’t want to tell them or make them worry about her. She would handle her mom and dad and the bullshit that was baggage she needed to get rid of by ignoring them.

  “York?” Marco gave her a squeeze.

  “Out of jail. Living life, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t have anything to do with them. I only text my mom here and there, but we aren’t that close.”

  Cab exhaled and caressed her cheek. “You’ll need to explain things to Finn and Lotus, so they know about your past.”

  “Uhmm, there’s something else,” she said to him.

  “Of course there is,” Marco said, and caressed her back and her ass as she looked at Cab and then glanced toward Marco.

  “I sort of have a little record.”

  “What?” Cab asked, but instead of looking angry or like he thought badly of her, he seemed humored by it.

  She lifted up. “I kind of was a bit of a risk taker.”

  “Risk taker? What, do you have a juvie record?” Marco asked, and chuckled.

  When she didn’t answer him and instead nibbled her bottom lip, he narrowed his eyes and sat up. “Seriously, York? You have a juvie record?”

  She lifted up and Cab gripped her so she wound up straddling his waist. He gave her hips a shake and then eased his palms up her ribs to her breasts.

  “What did you do?” Cab demanded to know.

  “Small time stuff. Some street gambling, hotwiring a few cars,” she said and looked away.

  Cab pinched her nipple and she gasped.

  “Hotwiring cars? You know how to do that?”

  “See, this is why I didn’t want to explain things. It’s embarrassing, and I had a shitty childhood, was on a bit of a rampage, and well, I couldn’t afford things and needed to find a way to afford them. My mom was always getting knocked around by my dad. In their arguments, she would tell him she wished she didn’t have me with him, and that if I was never born, then she would have left him.”

  “Oh fuck, that’s terrible,” Marco said, and caressed her hair.

  “I know it was said in anger. She was abused and beaten down, and he was being a crook and a batterer. I had to fend for myself, and I guess at times I didn’t really care about the risks. I hung out with kids who had similar family problems and we did stuff to survive. To eat, to have things other kids had. I was too young for a job really, and school was important, so I did a few jobs here and there and it paid for stuff.”

  “Holy shit,” Marco said, and smirked as he caressed her back and her ass.

  “We’ve got ourselves a little criminal here. Finn and Lotus are going to have a lot of fun ideas about discipline with you.”

  “What does that mean?” she asked Marco.

  Cab pulled her lower and slid his hand under her hair to her neck. “It means handcuffs and spankings. Big time.” He pressed his lips to hers, and that was all the talking for now. Cab kissed her deeply and she felt his cock harden beneath her. She eased her hand down and stroked him, then pulled from his lips and trailed her mouth along his neck and chest. She teased and tugged on his nipples one after the next as Marco massaged and squeezed her ass, until she gripped Cab’s cock and began to suck on him while both men watched her.

  “Now that is one hell of a sight,” Marco said, and eased lower, keeping his eyes on her mouth as she sucked on his brother’s cock.

  “It sure is. Our sweet little angel has a naughty devilish side to her, and boy, we’re the men to bring that out in her.”

  “Fuck yeah. Lotus and Finn are going to be so fucking horny when they find out.”

  She continued to bob her head up and down on Cab’s cock as he caressed her hair and moaned. “Damn, woman, what a mouth you have.”

  “What a body, too,” Marco said as he maneuvered behind her, and began to slide fingers into her cunt from behind.

  “You are in for one hell of a ride, woman. Just wait until Finn and Lotus get here. We’re going to fill you up with cock in every hole and make you our woman. When you get out of line, or think of straying back to your criminal ways, you’re going to get a nice pink ass.”




  She moaned and came as Marco thrust fingers into her pussy and then spanked her ass.

  “Fuck,” Cab said, and came in her mouth. She licked him clean, and then Marco pulled his fingers from her cunt as she lay her head against Cab’s chest and rested. They lay with her quietly, just waiting until their brothers arrived, and catching a little bit of rest.

  “She did what? A juvenile record?” Finn asked.

  “Hotwiring cars?” Lotus asked.

  Marco chuckled. “Jesus, the woman is fucking filled with surprises, and that mouth of hers, that body, she’s both an angel and a devil, it’s fucking wild.”

  “I don’t believe what I’m hearing. This is why she held back and resisted?” Finn asked.

  “And the fact she’s a virgin. Never gave head until you, Lotus, and never had sex until now with the four of us. We waited for you. You brought the lube, right?” Marco asked Lotus.

  “Fuck yeah,” he said, and pulled it out. The sun was already up, and it was nearly 8:00 a.m. “We got like an hour sleep.”

  Marco started to walk back to the bedroom, but Lotus stopped him. “What about the guy, the father?”

  “She said she doesn’t talk to them, has been on her own since. She talks to the mom, but they aren’t super close.”

  “I don’t like it.”

  “Well, you can d
o your police thing later. Right now, we’re claiming York as our woman. Then we make it official,” Marco told him.

  Lotus shook his head and smirked. “My head is spinning.”

  “Wait until you see her body and feel the connection. She’s it, man.”

  Lotus nodded and smiled as the three of them headed into the bedroom. Lotus was caught off guard at the sight. Cab held a very sexy, curvy, naked York against him, and her perfectly round ass was fully exposed. She looked like some model, with her golden blonde hair cascading over the pillow. Then she stirred and moved, exposing some of her very large breast. His eyes also locked onto the scratches.

  He scrunched his eyes together. “Is that from the incident at Harper’s?” he asked, raising his voice. Her and Cab stirred and then she blinked her eyes open. They locked onto his and then Finn’s, who was getting undressed.

  Lotus licked his lips. “Heard you were waiting on us, darling.”

  She nodded.

  “Go on and show them you’re ready for us. To be claimed by all, and de-virginized,” Marco teased, which was so unlike Marco. He and Cab were super serious all the time.

  She lifted up. Her body was incredible. She had full breasts, a taut belly, gorgeous thighs, and a very bare, pink pussy that was already glistening with cream. She crawled down the bed toward Lotus and Finn as Cab reached out and palmed her back and her ass as he sat up. She stared up at Lotus as Finn took her hand and held it out so he could look at her. Lotus cupped her cheek and gazed over her body. “My God, you are perfect,” he said, and lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her tenderly.

  “Her cream is the sweetest you’ll ever taste. Have at it while we get things ready for her,” Marco told them, and Lotus released her lips so that his brother Finn could kiss her hello next. Then they both lowered her to the bed, each caressing a thigh then spreading her.

  “Arms above your head. Relinquish all control to us, York, and we promise nothing but pure pleasure,” Cab ordered as he assisted bringing her arms back. As she tilted her chin up to look at Cab and acknowledge his order, her breasts and pelvis lifted and then lowered just as Lotus licked along her pussy. One touch, one low moan from her, and that was it. He couldn’t wait to make her theirs.

  As he licked along her pussy and plunged his tongue into her cunt, Finn played with her breasts and suckled one of her luscious tits between his lips. “Oh my God that feels so wild. The two of you together,” she said and exhaled.

  “Just wait. There are four of us and we have hefty appetites. Especially for such a delicacy as you,” Marco told her. He dropped the tube of lube on the bed and stroked his cock.

  “Our patience is slim, guys,” he said.

  Lotus chuckled. “Now you know how we felt the last few weeks,” he said, and then winked at Finn who moved between her legs to take a taste for himself. Lotus pulled off his clothes and then lowered down to feast on her breast. Cab moved in on the other side and suckled her right breast. She was moaning and lifting her pelvis.

  “You ready, darling?” Marco asked, standing back watching.

  “Yes, oh God, yes please. I want you.”

  “Good,” Cab said and nipped her tit.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, and lifted her arms only for Lotus and Marco to press them back up.

  “Finn,” Marco commanded.

  Finn lifted up, aligned his cock with her pussy, and held her gaze. “No turning back, York. No denying this,” he said to her.

  She shook her head. “Never,” she said, and he slowly pushed into her cunt. Lotus watched as she squinted, and then cried out as Finn thrust all the way into her.

  “Holy fuck. I felt it. She’s ours. Only ours,” Finn said, and they moved to the side and began to make love slowly. He eased in and out of her cunt and then moved faster. “You feel incredible, baby. Absolutely incredible. I’ve waited so long to make you mine. So fucking long,” he told her, and she panted and moaned, then counterthrusted. He stroked faster and faster, and then came inside of her.

  He crushed her to the bed, and she stroked his arms and back. “We take you one after the next. Claim you ours fully.”

  “I want that.”

  “Good. My turn,” Lotus said, and his brother eased out from between her legs and Lotus took his place. He stared down into her gorgeous blue eyes. “I understand we have some things to discuss, that perhaps you might need a little discipline here and there since you have a naughty side,” he teased.

  She shook her head. “No naughty side, except maybe with you guys in bed.”

  “Oh yeah, she has no idea,” Cab said, and Marco chuckled. He reached down and stroked her cheek. She looked at him.

  “We’ll teach her,” he said with promise, and Lotus eased into her pussy, and slid her arms above her head, thrusting into her fully. He stared at her, holding her gaze as he felt a deep connection unlike anything he felt with any woman before. He knew this was different. That they were all older and knew the difference between lust and love. He was in love with York already, and knew that. He watched her full breasts bob and sway with every deep thrust. He admired her beauty, her soft, full lips, her one little dimple in her cheek, and of course, those sexy blue eyes. She smelled incredible, too. Her body was feminine, sexy and more than they could ask for in a mate. “Mine. You’re mine now, York.”

  “And you’re mine, Lotus,” she said and counterthrusted. He lowered down and thrust faster, deeper into her channel. She moaned and held on tight, even dug her nails into his skin as he thrust faster until he couldn’t hold back any longer, and he came. He lowered down over her and felt her press her thighs against his sides.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her, and she stared up at him with tears in her eyes.

  “More than okay, Lotus. Kind of feel silly about waiting so long.”

  “To have sex?” Marco asked, and slid along the side of her.

  She looked at Marco and shook her head. “With you four.”

  “Well, sweetie, you need to make love to Cab and I, too, and then all of us together to make it official.”

  “I’m fine with that. I’m ready,” she said to him.

  Lotus caressed her cheek. “You sure? We can wait.”

  “No. I want all of you to take my virginity, to claim me fully tonight. I want to feel like this forever. I want so much.”

  “And we will give you so much,” Marco said to her, and pressed his lips to her temple as Lotus eased up. He slid from her body, and immediately, Marco took his place. He kissed her deeply, and then he rolled to his back. “I sure could use a little more of that mouth of yours while Cab gets you ready.”

  “Hmmm, I think I can accommodate you, Marco,” she said to him, and Marco grinned as she slid lower until her legs hit the rug and she used her mouth to explore Marco.

  Cab grabbed the tube of lube as Finn returned from the bathroom. He gave him a wink as Cab slid fingers to York’s pussy from behind. She moaned and thrust back at him. Cab caressed her ass as he stroked her cunt.

  “You suck him really good while I get this ass ready for cock. We’re going to make love to you together, York. Claim you our woman,” he said to her, and then eased fingers out of her pussy and replaced them with his cock. He slowly pushed into her cunt from behind. He closed his eyes, overwhelmed with the sensations running through his body. “Holy fuck you’re tight, sweetheart. So damn tight.”


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