Daddy Boss (A Boss Romance Love Story)

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Daddy Boss (A Boss Romance Love Story) Page 92

by Bishop, Claire

  I nodded my head.

  “If you think you can take it.” He pressed the head of his cock through, then pulled it back out.

  “Hey.” I pushed forward to take it in.

  He pulled back and slapped his dick down. “Ah.” I jolted up.

  “Atta girl,” he laughed.

  “Do it.”

  “You want me to?”

  “Put it in me.”

  “Okay.” He pressed his cock through a little further, this time deep enough to get my body pulsing, then pulled it back.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He slapped his dick down again.

  “Jesus.” My whole body shot up. He slammed in, slipping deep, past my lips, through to my spot, then back again, always returning back to the place that sent sparks flying through me. His movements, once a consistent wave, became a powerful force, full of passion and careful devotion.

  He rested his eyes on mine, digging deeper and deeper, in and out, never once stopping to catch his breath. I pushed into it, hoping to get a reaction out of him. He responded by grabbing my ankle with a roar and lifting it up.


  He hit my spot hard and a sphere of warmth burst out. He wasn’t done, though, and neither was I. He was closing in, his lips pressed to mine while his hips swung up and down, faster now, and with a force that I’d never felt before.

  He was claiming me, and I was giving myself to him. We melded together, our bodies and minds intertwining. The moment was coming. I could feel that circle of warmth starting to grow. It became a fireball, scorching flesh and bone, met with a burst of pressure that fueled us both on.

  He slipped deep and a stream of hot wetness filled me up, quenching the fire, turning it into a rush of power—blissful, succulent, and overpowering. I wasn’t me any longer, and he wasn’t him. The energy between us had changed all of that. We were the pleasure that was flowing through us.

  He stood up and swept me off my feet so he could carry me into the bedroom. We laid down together, and I rested my head against his. The moment felt sacred, like we’d finally let ourselves get close to each other for the very first time.

  “I’m sorry that I pulled away from you, Archer.”

  “Don’t ever apologize,” he said.

  “No, I mean it.” I sat up to look at him. I couldn’t help but kiss his gorgeous face. “I decided something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You can’t get rid of me.”

  “I should hope not.”

  “That’s not what I mean. I’m staying here with you. I want to go get some clothes from the apartment so I don’t have to leave again.”

  “You don’t need clothes.” He kissed me.

  “Maybe not, but what would Mona say?”

  “We’ll worry about that in the morning. You’re stuck in bed with me where you belong.” He closed his arms around me, holding me steady while I listened to the sound of heart pounding against my ear. I started to get caught in the rhythm, pulled in by his breath, and I felt myself drifting off.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I once heard a story about a Chinese emperor who was lying down with his lover resting on his shoulder. He was so entranced by the way she looked that he couldn’t stand to wake her up, but he had business to take care of in court. He cut off his sleeve so that his lover wouldn’t get startled awake by his departure. That’s exactly how I felt when I woke up next to Zoe.

  I slid my arm out from under her and stood up quietly so I could get my phone from the nightstand. It was early enough that I could get things ready before she woke up. I called the wait staff.

  “Bueno?” the voice on the other end of the phone said.

  “Hey, Leti. Do you think you could bring up a platter of strawberries when you get a chance?”

  “Sure, is there anything else?”

  “A bowl of hot fudge and the best champagne we have. Leave it outside the room, please.”

  “Mmm.” She giggled. “You’re having fun today.”

  “I refuse to comment on that. Where are you?”

  “In the living room, cleaning.”

  “When you’re done getting the food, go on back to the guest house and get some rest. I won’t need you for the rest of the day.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Archer. You are a wonderful man.”

  “No, thank you, Leti.”

  I hung up the phone. Zoe was still sleeping, and I didn’t feel like going anywhere, so I crawled back into bed until I heard the sound of Leti bringing up the cart. The noise must’ve woken up Zoe because she was smiling. I hopped up, wrapped a robe around my naked body, and pulled the cart into the room. I set it at the foot of the bed. Then I sat on the bed so that I faced Zoe with my legs open. I wanted to be the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes.

  She grabbed the base of my cock and it went stiff. “What are you doing, hmm?” Her palm slipped over the shaft.

  “Nope.” I pulled away and dipped a strawberry in chocolate. She propped herself up and opened her mouth so I could feed it to her. When she bit down, tiny drops of rose colored juice burst out.

  “Oooh,” she sighed. “That is exactly what I needed.”

  “There’s more.” I reached up to get another, but she stopped me. “What was that for?”

  “It’s my turn,” she said.

  “No, it’s isn’t.” I darted for the bowl, but she was faster. She had the strawberry dripping with hot fudge before I could get to one.

  “Come here,” she said.

  I opened my mouth obediently, and she pressed the strawberry between my lips. I took the sweet, tangy juice, and relished the dark, sultry taste of the chocolate. She was already going back to grab another when I opened my eyes. When she reached out to give it to me, I took it out of her hand and slipped it into her mouth.

  “We should do this every morning,” she said and laid back against her pillow.

  “I highly agree.” I laid down next to her and walked my fingers down her stomach.

  She stopped me. “I want to see the boys.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, we’ve never had a day with just the four of us. I want to start bonding with them.”

  “What should we do?”

  “Anything and everything. Whatever comes to mind, just so long as I get to hear you guys laugh.”

  “It is really cute the way they are both trying to start walking now.” I said.

  “They’re always cute, even when they cry.”

  “I wonder what they’ll be like when they get older,” I mused.

  “I think they’ll be vibrant, golden boys, then strong young men with integrity and discipline, just like their father.”

  “But they have to have that mean edge.”

  “Rough, not mean—never mean.”

  “Of course, and some style. Not like all those preppy rich boys you see walking around dressed like they’re about to board a yacht. And no shopping trips in Monaco.”

  “Don’t forget croquet. They can’t even watch movies with croquet.”

  “We’ll cover their eyes like it’s a titty scene.”

  Zoe laughed. “I’m going to get dressed. You get Mona to drop them off.” She started to get up.

  “Wait.” I pulled her back down and kissed her. “Now you can go.”

  Zoe hopped in the shower, and I dialed Mona’s number.

  She answered the call without even saying hello. “I don’t care how depressed you are,” she said immediately. “I’m not bringing them home.”

  “Depressed?” I was confused for a moment. Things had changed so much since yesterday. I almost forgot what it was like when Zoe was gone. I filled Mona in on what happened. Well, the clean version of what happened last night.

  “She did it,” Mona gasped. “That darling angel. You want the boys? You sure you don’t want a little more alone time?”

  “Yes, I’d like to see t
he boys. Please get down here as soon as possible.” I hung up and waited for Zoe to finish her shower.

  Mona must’ve left right away because she arrived as soon as I was done getting dressed. “Knock, knock,” she said as she walked up to the bedroom door with her hands covering her eyes.

  “Strawberry?” I motioned to the cart.

  “Mm.” She pretended to think about it. “If you insist.” She pulled out a handful and started scarfing them down.

  Zoe had been doing her makeup in the bathroom. She walked out smelling like vanilla. “Hey, Mona.”

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” She popped another strawberry into her mouth and licked the chocolate off her upper lip. Then she ran forward and wrapped her arms around Zoe. “You did the right thing.”

  Zoe patted her on the back. “It’s all your fault.”

  “It is. I won’t lie. I’m just glad you had the sense to listen.”

  “I am too. Listen.” She turned to where I was sitting on the bed. “I’m going to head down to my apartment and get some clothes real quick. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “I’ll call you a driver.”

  “That’s all right. My car’s in the garage. I won’t be long.” She kissed me on the cheek and walked out.

  “Let’s go downstairs,” I said to Mona. “I’m making you chocolate chip pancakes.”

  “Wonderful.” She followed me down into the kitchen and hopped up on a stool.

  “How much do you owe on your house?” I pulled the box of pancake mix out of the cupboard.


  “A car?” I grabbed a mixing bowl and set it down on the island.


  “You’ve had that old thing since the nineties.”

  “If I wanted a new one, I’d buy it myself.”

  I opened a bag of chocolate chips and set it down on the counter just far enough away that she couldn’t reach it. She lunged forward to grab it, but I pulled it away. “Not unless you let me pay you back somehow.”

  Mona pulled another bag out of the drawer next to her stool. “No.”

  “Why not? You did something amazing. Heck, you’re always doing something amazing. I’m giving you a raise.”

  “You pay me as much as a doctor. I have so much money, I’ll die before I can spend it all. You know I have a stock portfolio?”

  “I was the one that had the company contact you.”

  “They said I was on a phone list.” She poured the chocolate chips into her mouth.

  “I wasn’t going to let you get away with taking care of those boys without a reward. You’re the only reason I’ve been able to manage for so long.”

  She chomped down on the chocolate and swallowed. “I just want you to be happy. For an old woman like me, that’s gratification enough.”

  I measured out the pancake mix and poured in some water so I could mix it up, then added the chocolate chips. “That and good food.”

  “That too, but you matter more.”

  “Thank you, Mona.” I turned toward the stove so she couldn’t see me blush.

  Chapter Thirty


  The apartment was cold and dark. It was never really home. I’d taken the time to hang up paintings and buy little knick-knacks, but it didn’t have that lived-in feel. It was like a show home that real estate agents used to make a bad property look appealing. The furniture was too clean, the sink was dry and spotless. The counters were bare, and the carpet felt like it’d just been rolled out.

  Archer’s house felt lived in. He stomped up and down the stairs, leaving a trail on the carpet, and the boy’s room was cutely decorated. Even the kitchen had character, and he rarely used it.

  He gave my world substance and color. Every day was another adventure, another chance to feel my stomach flutter. I woke up excited, ready to work just so I could get to the end of the day and feel the goosebumps rise up my arms while I waited for his driver to pick me up.

  I remembered sitting on my couch for hours, mindlessly flipping from channel to channel while I tried to keep myself from running over to the bakery to make sure that Chloe didn’t burn it down. My life was hell. I hated it. But that was over.

  I pulled a duffel bag out of the closet and shuffled through my clothes. They were old, mostly things that I’d bought to cover up my body or collected over the years. I dressed for comfort, not style. I didn’t see any point in looking good. I wasn’t looking for a man. Now, I felt like spending a day at the spa and grinding my pores just to make sure that I was good enough for somebody as amazing as him. It wasn’t about hating myself, exposing my flaws, or easing my insecurities. I was happy with myself. I just wanted to make sure that he saw me at my best because that’s what he deserved.

  My phone started vibrating when I was stuffing socks into the bag. I reached into my pocket and pulled it out. “Hello?”

  “How are you, Zoe?” Chloe sounded exhausted.

  “I’m all right. How is the bakery? Anything interesting happen?”

  “No, I’ve just been mixing batch after batch of cherry chocolate chip cookies.” I heard her take a puff of a cigarette.

  “How was the morning rush?”

  “Busy. The Sans crowd ordered half the store. I guess they’re having some sort of party for the launch of this new thing they’re selling.”

  “What is it?”

  “I wasn’t paying attention. It had a weird name. Paladin or—I don’t know. I wish you could come in and help me with some of these cookies. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stand up any longer.”

  “No, I’ve decided that you’re on your own today. It’ll be good for you. Are you getting blisters yet?”

  “You’re just paying me back for convincing you that Archer was wrong for you.”

  “How did you even know I got back with him?”

  “Because you would’ve been here by now.”

  “I’m happy. Please be happy for me.”

  “No,” she pouted. “I don’t trust it.”

  “We’ve been through all of the reasons over and over. Why won’t you give it up?”

  “Because he lost control when he was with Mr. Beetle.”

  “In time, you’ll understand.” I laid down on the bed. “He’s giving and loving, and he’s got this way of sparking me up. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  “There’s one word that is on your mind right now, and it makes me want to puke.”

  “What word?”

  “It rhymes with dove.”

  “I really do like him, Chloe. I want to be with him. I don’t know what this is, but I’m happy.” Something crashed in the kitchen. I jumped up to run out and see what it was. Nothing seemed out of place.

  “Zoe?” she asked, her voice worried.

  “I’m here.”

  “What was that noise?”

  “I don’t know. I’m checking it out.” I opened the cupboards, but everything was in order. I checked around the table. Nothing had fallen onto the floor.

  “You’re starting to scare me,” Chloe said.

  “I’m just checking to see what it was.”

  “Well, I’m not hanging up until you find out.”

  “It’s fine.” I opened the freezer. A block of ice had fallen out of the icemaker into the bucket below. The cubes were fused together.

  “What was it?”

  “Just my icemaker. Please stop worrying about me.”

  “That’s not easy.”

  I walked back into my room to lie down again. “Can’t I just enjoy myself for a little while?”

  “I suppose you’re right I—”

  “Mr. Beetle.”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  I rolled over to duck down around the far side of the bed. He walked right inside, and he was looking around in the kitchen. “He’s here. In my apartment.”

  I edged forward toward the closet. I could hide in there. It would buy me some time. I lifted my arm to open the door. S
omething crashed into my head, and I crumpled to the floor. Something dripped down my forehead. It was hot and gooey. I reached up to touch it and felt a rush roll over me, pulling me under until I lost consciousness.

  My head throbbed. Something rough and scaly had dried onto my cheek and nose. When I moved my mouth, it broke apart. The smell of festering urine and cheap tobacco was everywhere. I opened my eyes. Mr. Beetle was less than an inch away from my face, squinting at me through his thick glasses.

  “Help!” I screamed. “Help!” I reached up to punch him, but my hand wouldn’t move. Something rough grated against my wrist, grinding into my skin. I was tied to one of my dining room chairs, sitting in the middle of the living room.

  I thrashed around, whipping my head back and forth, desperate to catch my breath. “Help! Help!”

  Mr. Beetle’s expression remained neutral. He sat down on the couch across from me, then reached into his pocket to pull out a bag of loose tobacco and a miniature Bible. He ripped a page out, folded it, and shoved the black mess inside. Then he sealed it up with a wad of mucus. He lit the freshly rolled cigarette. The smell of sulfur and burning ash filled the air.

  “Let me go! Let me go!”

  He didn’t even look at me.

  I jerked against my restraints. The chair wobbled off balance, and I crashed sideways onto the carpet. “Please,” I sobbed, certain that he’d have some sympathy for me. He was obsessed with me, wasn’t he? I heard him take a puff of his cigarette, but that’s all he did.

  I erupted in a roar of frantic screams, never once letting up, even when my throat was so dry it felt like it was going to collapse into a pile of dust. My vocal chords were just grating together now, making a harsh raspy sound, but I wasn’t going to stop. My animal instincts had taken over. This wasn’t about getting away any longer. I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I was like a dog scratching on a cage that they knew they weren’t going to get out of, acting out of pure desperation.

  I clawed at the carpet, ignoring the way the orange rope cut into my skin, even when I felt blood slick my wrists. It didn’t matter. There was no stopping. My fingernails were chipping, now raw and bloody, and my voice was completely gone.


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