Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 2)

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Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 2) Page 4

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "I'm technically your mom, Arielle. I could tell once you started sneaking out that something, or should I say, someone, caught your attention. It made sense when Noah came by with Miolana to do my checkup at home. You know, when you burned my pants."

  I groaned. "I didn't mean to burn them. They were faulty! Yes, it's the sweatpants fault!" I argued, and Celestia giggled.

  "It's okay, Arielle. Orion made me new ones." She gave me a reassuring smile.

  I nodded slowly but couldn't help but feel sad. I didn't want Celestia thinking I was hiding it from her on purpose. It just wasn't the right time and I was scared of burdening her.

  "Sorry, Bru-Ree," I whispered, lowering my head to stare at my hands.

  "Hey, I never said I was mad. Don't give me that sad face," Celestia whispered back and leaned forward to stroke my head.

  "But aren't you disappointed in me?”

  I could feel the butterflies fluttering in the pit of my stomach just thinking about Celestia being disappointed in my behavior. I already felt guilty, and knowing I'd let her down for not working harder to find a chance to tell her would make me feel even worse.

  “Why should I be?" Celestia asked, giving me a sympathetic look. "My dream has always been for you to be as independent as I've perceived you to be from day one, Arielle. No matter the situations you were put through when you were just four years old, you never ran away and cried. You fought. Even when circumstances were against you. You proved your bravery and independence before you ever met me. It was only a matter of time before you found someone of interest.”

  “But..." I tried to defend myself, but Celestia cut me off.

  "Arielle Rainbow."

  I lifted my head to stare directly into Celestia's eyes.

  "I love you with my heart and soul, and that means I have to let you spread your wings and fly too. This is an opportunity for you to figure out what you want, Arielle, as your own person. You will always be my loyal familiar, and I know there will still be plenty of moments and battles ahead where I'm going to need you to be victorious. However, during those down times, I want you to have your own social life and well… love life," she admitted.

  “That's okay? For me to go out and hang out with the guys or with Faelia?" I asked with wide eyes. To get that amount of freedom seemed almost imaginary.

  "Yes, Arielle. I give you permission to hang out with the other familiars and Faelia. Just don't burn anyone else's sweatpants." She winked, and I smiled brightly before getting out of my cross-legged position to hug her.

  "THANK YOU, MISTRESS! I'll be good!" I exclaimed, hoping my high-pitched voice proved how happy I was to have her support.

  “You’re welcome, Arielle." She hugged me tightly.

  I pulled back and grinned happily before an idea came to my mind, prompting me to shuffle forward.

  "What are you-OMPH!" Celestia began but huffed when I lay back down on her stomach instead of her lap.

  "Oops? I didn't measure my height properly." I giggled.

  “Why do I feel that was on purpose?" Celestia sighed but smiled down at me.

  We were silent for a moment before I spoke. "You know, I never expected Hellsin, Magnor, and that Harrison guy to be your fathers too. I'm really happy Magnor is though."

  "Me too. I hope to have more time with Hellsin and Harrison. Maybe even Orlando once everything settles and he's not busy. Mom has been really amazing, just as I remembered her. I haven't seen her much in her commander role, but the times I have, she's proven how passionate she is with saving as many endangered shifters as she can. It's nice to know there’s someone out there doing just that," Celestia replied.

  "It's also nice to know you're not the only unicorn. You can finally learn more about yourself," I suggested.

  "That too. I don't think we have much time now, and I'd like to go back and see the others. I doubt they're super happy being left behind."

  "Theo and Hunter seemed the most bothered. The twins looked rather calm. I think Noah said that Hunter checked in two hours ago to say he, Faelia, Othello, and Miolana are making sure the school runs smoothly since Orlando isn't there. People seem to act out the moment he leaves," I explained.

  "I bet. He doesn't leave often. Some students take advantage of that.”

  “Yes. I don't know about Theo though. Axel said he's still cranky and won't talk to him when he tries to communicate telepathically," I admitted, remembering that Axel had tried to reach out to him before heading to the springs with the others.

  "I don't know how to explain it, but I am worried about him. I feel like something is bothering him or he isn't well? I don't really know, but the last couple of weeks have been such a blur with the Trials that I can't remember how he looked last time I saw him." Celestia sighed. "I'll see him as soon as we get back."

  "Hmm, that reminds me. Where's Sia been?" I asked, deciding this was the perfect moment to bring her up.

  "Now that you mention it, I don't know. Sia's kinda been quiet lately. I think she came out a few weeks ago? Maybe..." Celestia trailed off.

  From the look on her face, I didn't think she knew when the last time Sia had taken over.

  “She took over when I walked with Noah to the familiars' homes, but that was weeks ago," I mused.

  "Maybe she's exhausted like me? We have to balance ourselves out, which I haven't been doing well at," Celestia admitted.

  "I guess. The Trials really did mess with you and your magical balance. Especially the last two. You're okay, right? Harrison said he has to check your left leg tomorrow." I glanced down and studied her left leg.

  “Yes. They don't get why it hasn't healed yet, but Harrison is going to take a closer look with Magnor and the others, just in case," Celestia replied.

  "Hmm. Okay..." I stared up at her before I continued. "Just remember, if you don't feel well or anything, let us know."

  "I know. I'll make sure you're one of the first to know when I can." She began to stroke my hair in a soothing manner.

  I closed my eyes and nodded slightly, relaxing in her lap while she played with my long hair.

  We were quiet for a few minutes, both of us lost in our own thoughts before Celestia spoke.

  “So..." She began, and I opened up one of my eyes to look up at her again.

  "So, Bru?"

  "How many are you dating?" Celestia asked with a sly smile.

  I blushed and closed my eyes again. "All six… Bru."

  "All? Even the Dragon?! I thought you were only dating Noah and Gabriel!"

  My eyes remained closed, but I knew my face was probably red from her comment.

  "I'm taking it slow with them. I've been dating Noah though, and I've gotten closer to Gabriel. There's an actual order, so I'm kinda hoping to work on spending time with each of them and see where it leads."

  "Aww. My Arielle is growing up and has a harem of her own. Mommy's so very proud," Celestia stated dramatically.

  I opened my eyes to shoot her a glare. "Stop teasing me, Bru," I whined.

  "I'm not teasing. I'm proud," she countered with a wide grin.

  "Sure, you are." I huffed.

  "I am."


  "Aww, you're all embarrassed." Celestia giggled at my flustered expression.

  "Ugh. I'm sleeping," I grumbled. Even though my comment was the perfect excuse to get away from Celestia's teasing, I was feeling a tad tired.

  "The others will be back soon," she pointed out.

  "Ya. Just wake me up when they're back. I'm going to enjoy my sleeping time with my Mistress," I mumbled, closing my eyes once more.

  Even though my eyes were closed, I could feel Celestia's joy and gratitude. She was happy for me, and that was such a wondrous feeling to have run through our bond. I hope she felt the relief I was experiencing, and my love for her continued to grow.

  She was the best Mistress I could ever ask for, and I wouldn't want anyone else to receive my utmost loyalty.

  Celestia was truly my one and only M


  I pouted my lips as I waited for Celestia to reply, but she remained still under the covers. Sliding out of the sheets, I walked around the bed to look at her as she slept soundly. I smiled at the sight of her peaceful expression.

  "Hmm, Bru." I leaned over and stroked her head, and a small smile formed on her lips.

  "Milkshakes," she muttered dreamily.

  "At least she's having a nice dream," I snickered and continued to stroke her hair. After a minute, I stood up straight and stretched. I'm not sleepy anymore.

  I'd fallen asleep after my chat with Celestia, and now that I'd woken up, I didn't really know what to do.

  Glancing at the clock, I checked the time. "Three in the morning."

  With a sigh, I walked over to the drawer where Celestia's mom had packed a few clothes for me. I didn't see the need of choosing anything super pretty, seeing as I'd be changing out of them very shortly.

  Might as well head to the Hot springs.

  After changing into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I glanced back at Celestia before I pouted my lips again. I don't want to leave Celestia alone.

  There was a knock on the door, and I turned my head as it opened and revealed Orion and Finn who were both bare-chested and wore shorts.

  "Huh? Oh, morning Arielle," Finn greeted with a hint of surprise.

  Orion yawned and slightly lifted his hand before he shuffled straight to the bed. He didn't even delay with me being in the room as he stripped to his boxers and slipped right between the sheets, cuddling next to Celestia who mumbled something like 'lavender.'

  I turned back to Finn who gave me a wide smile. "He's exhausted. I had to wake him up before he passed out in the hot springs."

  "You guys just came from there?" I inquired.

  Finn nodded and began to stretch. "Ya. We had a discussion with Magnor and the others, and by the time it was over, it was one in the morning. The other guys already finished up and headed to bed, but Noah and Gabriel wanted to enjoy some time in the springs, so we decided to join."

  "Ah. Okay. Are Noah and Gabriel still there?" I asked.

  "Probably. We left first. You should catch them leaving if you head there now," Finn suggested.

  "All right, I'll go meet up with them, Bru," I replied happily. Closing the drawer, I walked to the door and Finn followed to open it for me.

  "Make sure you get some sleep," Finn encouraged.

  "I will. You too." My smile widened when Finn reached out to softly stroke my head.

  I turned around and headed down the hall, hearing the door close softly.

  At least Celestia isn't alone. I guess I'll try to catch Gabriel and Noah. Maybe they'll stay up a bit longer.

  * * *

  "Guess I missed them, Bru," I mumbled to myself as I wrapped the towel around my body.

  Walking over the mirror, I fashioned my hair into a messy bun, but a few strands fell back to rest against the side of my face. I still appeared a bit tired, but I wasn't the least bit sleepy.

  When I had arrived at the hot springs, the others weren't around. Instead of going back to Celestia's room to sleep, I decided I'd enjoy another dip in the hot springs before sunrise.

  With one last glance at the mirror, I left the change rooms to the springs. I stared at the passing scenery; the different trees and cool colored leaves always caught my attention.

  The fireflies were out, their different colors leaving me breathless and in awe as they buzzed around. The place was literally paradise, making me wish my family could have been rescued in time.

  I don't know if I would have met Celestia, the thought alone making me shiver, but it would have been nice for them to witness such beauty. I just had to hope they could see something similar or even better in the skies above.

  Shaking my head, I took a deep breath and continued walking.

  I'm happy with how life is now. I just gotta keep being a good familiar to Celestia and protect her when I can.

  I entered the hot springs without a second thought, inhaling the soothing aroma of lavender.

  Ah. I love how this place smells! Reminds me of Gabriel.

  As I continued to walk, a cinder fragrance drifted to me, which made me smile in delight. I loved the hot springs, especially for the numerous scents you got to inhale. It was extra strong thanks to my enhanced senses, but it wasn't a harsh smell that annoyed you.

  When I reached the steps of the steamy warm water, I glanced down to my towel and decided it wasn't needed. The steam was thick in the cool air, and I could see only a few steps in front of me.

  A sigh escaped me as I took my first few steps into the warm water. I walked through the waters to the far corner of the hot springs and relaxed, pressing my back against the wall.

  I rested my arms on the ledge and let my body float up for a few minutes. Closing my eyes, I began to hum quietly as I lightly kicked my legs to make splashing noises.

  "Bru, Bru, Bru," I hummed.

  "Huh, Bri? Arielle?"

  I completely froze with one of my legs up, wondering if I was hearing things.

  That's not Noah, is it?

  Lowering my legs back into the water, I pushed off the wall towards the direction I thought the voice was coming from. It would have been much easier to see if the steam wasn't as thick as it was.

  "Hmm. I guess I was heari-" Noah's voice began until he showed up right in front of me and we crashed into each other.



  The impact was unexpected, and I felt an arm wrap around my waist to keep me from falling back into the warm water.

  I blinked a few times before Noah's wide amber eyes met mine. "Arielle?"

  "Um… Noah? What are you doing here, Bru?"

  "I should be asking you that, Arielle. I've been here for a while. Gabriel went to cool down. Why are you in the men section of the springs?"

  "Huh?!" I squeaked, looking around to see if there was a man sign somewhere. "I… didn't see anything!"

  When I'd come to the springs with Celestia, I was more focused on telling her about each of the guys than watching where I was going.

  "The men springs are first. The women springs are down the hall and to the right," Noah explained.

  I noticed his face was red and I gave him a curious look as I tilted my head.

  "Why is your face red? Is the heat of the springs getting too much for you?" I asked, reaching out to press my hand against his forehead. He blushed even more, his eyes lowering to my chest.

  "I guess I can see why you wouldn't need a towel..." he muttered, and I blinked at him innocently.

  It took me another five seconds to realize how close we were, my eyes trailing down to his bare chest and into the water.

  I could tell two major things: one, Noah was clearly naked seeing as I couldn't catch a hint of the white fabric of a towel and two, so was I.

  "Bru..." I mumbled.


  I swiftly turned around. Noah let go of me and I covered my face with my hands. "I'M SO SORRY, BRU!" I exclaimed, feeling the heat go to my head.

  This is SO embarrassing. And I'm naked… and he's naked… AHHH!


  "Bru, bru, bru," I mumbled, feeling tears form in my eyes as I continued to stand there.

  Ah! I can't even stand here?! My back is naked too. Ah. Maybe I should shift? I could shift and run away to a faraway land and hide forever.


  "Running away, Bru!" I yelled out and attempted to move forward when an arm wrapped around my waist, stopping me. Bru?

  My back pressed against something warm, and it didn't take me long to realize Noah was holding me against his body. I could feel the lines of muscles of his chest and abs, and I could feel something pressed against my lower half that made me feel a pulsing sensation between my legs.

  "Arielle." He stated my name again, but his voice was right next to my ear. Even though he'd whispered my name,
it made my body hot, and the pulsing between my legs grew.

  I couldn't tell how to describe how I felt. The way my Noah's husky voice said my name and made me shiver in his hold or the fact I wanted to remain in his arms, enjoying the cinder scent that wrapped around me.

  "Yes, Bru," I whispered.

  I felt his lips press against the side of my neck; the touch made me arch my back just slightly. His lips lingered for a few seconds before they moved again, sucking on my flesh very cautiously.

  If I thought Noah's voice was having an effect on me, this was a whole other level. The way he kissed my skin like it was my own lips made a quiet moan escape me as I closed my eyes.

  My tense shoulders began to loosen, and I allowed my body to rest in his secure hold.

  "Noah," I whispered, and he released my neck for a moment. I turned my head to look over my shoulder and into his amber eyes that appeared darker.

  His gaze lowered to my lips and before he made a move, I followed my instincts and leaned in to kiss him.

  Our lips moved at a different pace than our usual kisses. It wasn't slow and it didn’t hold a level of caution. It was stronger… deeper than the others, as if we couldn't wait any longer to enjoy each other's taste.

  I was trying to ignore what was going on down below, but it was getting difficult with how intense the kiss was getting.

  Noah pulled back to give me a moment to breathe, and as I panted quietly, I decided to ask. "Noah… is it… um." I tried to figure out my words and noticing Noah's calm smile made it a bit easier for me to continue.

  "Is it weird that I feel really… weird… between my legs. You know..." I trailed off, feeling embarrassed for asking. Even with my bits of knowledge about the human body and with the number of times I'd peeked when Celestia would watch her "shows," I didn't quite grasp what I was feeling. It felt weird, but it also felt a little good? My problem was I didn't know how to stop it.

  Noah seemed to get it, and instead of his usual nervous nature, it felt like something had switched in his demeanor; a more confident aura surrounded him. His amber eyes looked at me with love but also a heated passion I hadn't seen since we first kissed. It was far more intense this time, and it somewhat made me acknowledge that Noah was a man.


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