Through some twists and turns, we went to Michael with our hats in our hands asking if there was a place for a couple of guys like us in the TKG, and the Rise of Magic series was born. Little did we know it would turn into the Age of Magic with a slew of authors and more books than I know at this point.
Over that year, we wrote eight Rise of Magic books and built, brick-by-brick, author-by-author, bird-by-bird the Age of Magic… and had a hell of a time doing it.
After book 8 — Reborn — we had all but assumed that the series had ended.
Sure, Hannah and friends would show up in someone’s series from time to time to kick some ass. But they’d done their jobs, and we had other books to write.
But we should have known, Hannah would not be retired!! Two years later and here we are…
Now, where to?
Honestly, I have no idea. Not yet at least.
What we do know is that Solyrian Conspiracy ends with a bit of a longing. With Hannah and Parker’s desire for a place of their own. A place to settle down. I’m already kicking around how the hell this can happen… and maybe, better yet, where. Maybe by the time you read this, the book will be ready for purchase. But for all of our early readers, this one is going in the creativity crockpot for a couple of months on simmer.
Meanwhile, Lee and I will be releasing two more books in the Steel City Heroes (which has been torn apart and rebuilt from the ground level) and a new urban fantasy thriller series, which is just about to get underway!
So… thanks to our JIT readers, editors, and amazing cover designer, Miha. Thanks so, so, so much to Michael Anderle for taking a shot on us years ago. But, really, the major portion of our gratitude goes to you, our readers. None of this happens without you.
We are forever grateful!
For Irth,
Chris and Lee
PS: As usual… we ALWAYS love reviews. So, you know the deal. Imagine Lee grovelling.
PPS: And more so, we need you to spread the word. Our fans are our best form of advertising! So, if you want to help us out, spread the word!
Author Notes - Michael Anderle
December 17, 2019
Thank you for reading our stories, and allowing us the opportunity to create characters you want to read again, and again ;-)
This holiday season will be a bit hard both because we are traveling a lot, and I lost someone in my family, so I’ll be missing them this Christmas.
However, I’ll spend a quiet time during the season to remember the good times. The times we laughed together, and the stupid things we would crack up about.
The smile on her face as we recounted things we had done in the past. The joy in her eyes when I took her to a nice restaurant.
Just her.
In my memories, she made the best chili I have ever had. She would mix Wick Fowlers spices plus some Gebhardt Chili powder, onions and canned tomatoes and I couldn’t eat too much.
She wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot but she was my mother. Who I am today was affected by her insights, her teachings, her screw-ups and her mistakes. None of us are perfect.
We are who we are.
So, this Christmas will be my first where one of my parents is no longer with me in person. But, I am so very happy to say that she will be with me in spirit, and memories.
Memories I will hold dear the rest of my life.
Ad Aeternitatem,
Michael Anderle
Want more from these authors?
Sign up for Chris and Lee’s newsletter for updates, new releases, and promotions. When you join the community, you’ll get a FREE copy of their fast, fun thriller, The Devil’s Due:
Want more snarky heroines? Well, Chris and Lee also have an urban fantasy series about the mythic gods return to earth in their series with ST Branton, Forgotten Gods. The tagline is: The gods are real, and they’re assholes. And it couldn’t be closer to the truth. This series is fun, fast, exciting, and a little irreverent.
Vampires, werewolves, and all manner of monstrous creatures serve the unknown powers of old, but the story centers on the humans who make the heroic choice to fight them. Join Vic and her crew as they attempt to save earth from the gods who want it back. You won’t forget, Forgotten Gods.
Oh, and… it is an 8 book omnibus almost always on sale for silly cheap!
While you’re at it, we really thing you should try the new and improved Steel City Heroes:
A mad scientist fighting the laws of man and nature.
A demon-monster of mythical proportions.
A corporate conspiracy that goes back more than a century.
The Steel City is in desperate need of a hero.
Happy Reading!!
Books by Michael Anderle
For a complete list of books by Michael Anderle, please visit:
All LMBPN Audiobooks are Available at and iTunes
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