“Hello?” She left her purse over the sink.
“Hi, sweetie... How is everything? How is the party?”
She looked at her watch; it was nine-eleven... PM.
“Postmortem”. The word insisted on appearing in her eyes. That's how she felt anyway. She looked like a zombie and for the last few years she and her husband had been persecuted; they were in a living hell as if they were both already dead, in a post-apocalyptic state and inside a nightmare that her life had become. She couldn't believe what her friend had just told her: that she was marked to die in the same way that she had portrayed in one of what would be her last movies: in the toilet and rubbed beneath a swimming pool of blood inside a bathtub.
"A German ambassador was awarded the medal for Ordens Deutschen Adler, given by Adolf Hitler, for those who have served with great loyalty and diplomacy. Upon arriving in Chile's harbor city of Valparaiso the ambassador got married and had the children.
He lived a normal life, and no one would ever guess that he had been involved in the WWII, not even his family. So upon his death a big secret was kept. He left that medal to the hands of his wife who died right after him.
And the death of the eldest son who supposedly inherits the medal, not knowing about that secret kept in the back leads authorities to go after it.
But the year 1962, within the Soviet Committee that came to the World Cup, two agents were infiltrated into the team, whose goal was to retrieve the cross in the back of that medal. And right underneath the cross, a coin was hidden.
The heavy coin, the size of a penny and made of a basaltic stone with magnetite, had a triangular shape. Within its center there was a drawing encrypted, like two poles of opposite directions.
In a crescent moon shape considered to be the North Pole, there were magnetic forces that lead any other magnetic object to turn in a clockwise direction.
The South Pole on the other hand with the half-moon reflected as a relatively smaller projection with an opposite design like a mirror, leading the object in a counter-clockwise direction. Never in the human history was such an object been built. It seemed that the coin was a key that would open and close an out-of-this-world device, with a controlling force that would enrich the lives of those who touched it with psychic abilities.
In search of the coin, there were some strange deaths, occurring one in Valparaiso. Other two deaths happened right after a pilot who flew over Chile had witnessed foo fighters, or UFOs, non-identified flying objects in and out the area where this coin was last seen.
The two agents found out that there was some alien intelligence that was also in the look out of such key. The great secret that kept the cross and the coin was a map showing exactly where the tank was and where it kept the real treasure of Adolf Hitler.
These agents were working for Jewish magnates, belonging to a lodge with esoteric features, owners of major organizations participating in the economic and political power both for the United States.
The end of 1963 is when the hand reaches microfilm of this organization and must pass 38 years to figure out and plan the rescue of the great dome, located just below the Twin Towers.
It was believed that the U.S. government itself orchestrated and carried out the attacks in a false flag operation. This group of theories questioning the cause of the collapse of the Twin Towers had Charlie Sheen leading the claim, that it would be a controlled demolition.
Just after declaring it in an interview that he was boycotted and had his contract canceled in an important TV studio. But even before him, there came Sean Penn who was overwhelmed when he heard about the news by the direction that Politics were taken, in an imminent war against Iraq right after the September Eleven attack.
He had spent a lot of bucks, in an open letter that was published at the Washington Post and addressed to President George Bush in the Thanksgiving Sunday of 2001.
I remember all about it because I was there living in D.C. And I have read the whole shit, I mean, sheet. It was very depressing, actually. As if a President who after hearing about the attack became paralyzed for a second to then continue to read a book to children (if you don't remember at that time he was visiting a school when he heard about the news) would hear (or read) a man who had just played dumb in I am Sam. Uncle Sam wants you!
And he wants you to be strong but now Sean Penn opened a bottle of Champagne that he had bought on his way to the Cannes Festival. “Finally”, he thought, “I´m not alone!”
The theorists came from all parts and defied the intelligence right when the Twin Towers collapsed. It was well known to be a conspiracy and it has even used the term inside job (internal work) to refer to the attacks in this group of theories. It has been called MIHOP an acronym meaning "Made It Happen On Purpose".
There were some gaps in the border control which lead to the access for the terrorists to attack. Those flaws in the security system and of the frontiers were later on denounced by an ex-employee of the National Security Agency, or vulgarly known as the NSA. And since then she has been banned from any type of public speech and completely discouraged to act into Politics.”
“Right!” She said, after reading the files. “So now, what am I supposed to do with all this info?”
She uploaded the files and sent them to her own email account. She then wrote another message, this time to her friend:
“If something happens to me, or to my husband, you know my password...” She was about to hit the button “send” when she heard a noise right behind her back.
She looked over her shoulders and she became petrified to what she had seen. The scene of two burglars invading her house, pointing a gun into her head and taken her into custody, to then crashing into her computer was nothing comparing to what it was about to happen to her friend.
She died aged 32. Like her husband she was slowly being killed by poison. The autopsy of both bodies later on revealed that they both had a large amount of some type of metal in their hair that meaning that it took the same type of poison they use to kill rats.
The Church of Satan
Jayne Mansfield first got into contact with Satanism by the hands of Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan. And since then she became not only a vivid follower but a livid enthusiast and avid learner of all things Satan religiosity related.
Taking a look over her handwriting and especially going through her signature, we may notice a display of enough signs of a persona worried about her public status, and so full of herself that she reveals a cross and a Christian disposition.
But almost in an antagonistic way, she revealed her thirsty for all things related to revolution, a sense of renewal, and she revels around her rebellion against traditions saying that she believes in God but she prefers a more Pagan devotion to whatever entity she thought that existed or would help her instead.
Although she almost converted to Catholicism in 1963 (and I can only suspect it was by Jorginho´s influence) and was a frequent attendee from services of the Holy Cross, the Church itself didn´t allow her to be married in the traditions, and also avoided her like the devil, such as it occurred in Ireland, for not letting her presenting her regular shows.
Pink was her favorite color. And there´s nothing new about the fact that she created a pinky dream-like state in such a fairy tale take, I mean fake, that nothing real could surpass, at least not anything from a gruesome reality. Her life was a love bubble, or something in the shapes of a gummy balloon, as she created such an artificial life, and a make believe situation where she was an eternal princess in search for love.
But there was something perverse or, at least, willing to connect with some kinky entity in her mind. When in San Francisco she went to meet the founder of the Church of Satan. There she received a medallion and the title "High Priestess of San Francisco's Church of Satan".
In her pink bedroom there is such a certified diploma of being a member of the Church framed and firmly displayed in the wall. At least for
once she felt that she belonged.
No question she loved Geometry. She drew a perfect cross for such a reminder of the burden that her name would bear right in the first letter.
It was like a sign of showing how much sacrifice that she had to carry. And no wonder her signature depicts a Trapezoid.
She was constantly balancing her personal life with her external demanding struggles and her inner conflicts. And she managed to deal with that in her own way.
Although with bad influences, she had the brains to discern what was right for her. She felt like the trapezists in many situations in her life, jumping from one trapezium to the next, in a leap of faith. And I can only imagine if it was in her plans to go join another sect as she took part of the early Order of the Trapezoid that later organized the Church of Satan.
Her need for a religious faith is so openly expressed in her signature that it hurts the eyes. And there is so much more in her than meets the eyes... Notice that in her initials, the letter J gets into fusion with the M, causing an ebullient syndrome, and almost forming the universal peace symbol but with the cross more prominently showing her need for sacrifices, of her own or of others she loved; and there is a formation of the letter J with a C below. Also in her M, almost like in a shape of a heart there is this need to follow her heart and be loved, which can be translated in her need to be noticed and having so many affairs.
She also tried by all means to find the man of her dreams.
When she traces and goes such a long way to the point of outlining the letter “m” all the way up such as to meet her stylish first letter “J” she arrives to the point of saying it all even without saying a word.
“I need to find the man of my dreams, even if for that I will have to go through all the pains and aches of a love interest”, she states. And she adds, “I will not leave my desires and my will for that, but I will go to the end of the world if needed to make my wishes come true and make ends meet.”
There she also says that her life with her first husband was no piece of cake. He may be a gentleman and had treated her nicely, but the way she addresses that first letter M for Man and from her family name “Mansfield”, she walks a mined field, and touches the tip of the letter J almost like carrying a cross across her numerous affairs in a most three dimensional design. I wonder if she ever thought of becoming a painter or a dress stylist. She would do great as well.
That f in the field means that she was pregnant, and to pinpoint the fact that she got married pregnant of her first husband, and as she was also very pregnant all the time (not only in the physical sense but in an intellectual way, with full of ideas, and always generating new creations).
And that she crosses the “L”, in a ninety-degree angle for love, such as it was all a labor of love, she makes her inhibit this desire, as to say she didn´t show half of what she came here for, her mission was much more than being a playboy rabbit, a playmate, a sex symbol. She wanted to become a myth such as Gaia, or Mother Earth, and she was indeed a Goddess of Creation. Such an unfortunate event that she died so soon. Or she would surely accomplish that goal, no doubt of that.
With her drive and wit, and her ability to make things work in her favor, she would surely reach out to the stars. And that doesn´t tell about the celebrity status that she had already gained over those frantic years as a bombshell, although that could be part of her plan all along for what I mean it´s in a spiritual level.
A powerful woman as she was, if and only if she had invested all the opportunity she had to make good to the world, she could have done so much more, and she had so much more to offer than that of what Hollywood made over her. And often she would disguise it in the form of alcohol and other drug-related issues that spared her of more suffering, or took her mind away from much disillusionment in a kind of escape from her own reality, to say the least.
The description over her own inscriptions goes much further: the leg of the letter y, turning into an eight (8) or the symbol of infinite, or almost like in the form an hourglass shape, which concerns to her very need of taking time by her own hands and having her over and over being concerned about her voluptuous body, and her voluminous breasts.
She was obsessively worried about her body image, especially over her excessive body weight (after her five pregnancies, she looked round, especially from the upper body, which is emphasized in her drawing).
Also her entangled life is displayed there, with many mischief, and tricks, and meddled middle terms and so many circles and u-turns that her life had taken. Funny that she doesn’t stop there, with the letter d almost making another circle. She says that she wanted to live her life to the fullest and didn´t want it to end so abruptly.
She was killed in a car accident with her partner, the one who introduced her to the Church of Satan. That was a mysterious event. Was that an accident? It could well be, maybe. But some drivers witnessed a van following her car. Were they paparazzi trying to get a shot? Did she die in the same strange way as did Princess Di? They both were living lives to die for, when they were reaching into a sensitive spot, ruling in their own terms. Did they make enemies? Were some people pissed off by the way they lead the events surrounding them? There was a cloud of mystique and mystery hovering over their heads. Was it not an accident, but were they abruptly taken off the road to crash and burn? It was not like the case of another super star, actress and later Princess, Grace of Monaco. Both women, Jane and Diana, were killed, for they were not arguing with anyone, like Grace Kelly who knew about the risks of driving in anger and enraged she lost control over her vehicle putting not only her life but her daughter´s life in risk, the latter, Stephanie, has a lucky star and who miraculously survived the tragedy. Nope. That was not the case if they were not even driving the car. They didn't have any control over the situation. They had others taking the wheel. They let the wheel of fortune decide their fate. What better excuse than fate? Jane didn't even like that word: Fate. It reminded her of Faye Dunaway, another one in the line to hate her for taking her roles in the industry, just eagerly waiting for her fatal fall. In no way they could prevent of her dying this way. Her leaving the end d with a lineup that shows of how committed she was to life and such a terrific gal she was, an eternal optimistic about people and circumstances. No, she could even loose her wig or suffer a scalp when the car crashed but she would never, ever surrender.
And finally, back to her signature, the way she had almost hidden the words “man” more like neglecting the n of “neighing” and the letter s from “sensuality” in her family name (borrowed from her first husband) just reveals that sex with that man was not that great anyway. So he didn´t fill her much in that field, if you know what I mean. But Paul, who divorced her almost ten years before that accident, died almost two years ago (on June 8, 2013) and he then can no longer attest if that´s true, and he wouldn't care to defend his virility and performance for all that matters.
And as much as it may appear, no, I have never met her or any one of her three husbands, although I once went to a party where William Shatner´s daughter was in. But I didn´t talk to her, I didn´t know who she was, until someone pointed her out to me. As if that would mean anything, anyway, for me she looked as ordinary as anyone else in that room. But since Mr. Shatner played a role in the movie The Devil´s Rain where the founder of the Church of Satan, (what was his name again?) where he worked as a technical adviser, I could nicely ask her about the many ventures in Hollywood´s golden ages. But as I´ve been always really shy, and I´m also very discreet I wouldn´t dare even staring at her.
No, I don´t know anyone related to Jayne Mansfield, not even her neat daughter who could say more about this whole ordeal, working on a TV show related to cases such as this, although I don´t think that even she could solve this mystery as her mother died in that horrible car accident when she was only five. Another lucky daughter surviving a car crash as her mother dies. Hmm, that sounds too familiar to be just coincidental...
at makes me wonder now if Grace... No, wait! Wasn't she a great friend of Frank Sinatra?? Anyway, back to Jayne's daughter, Mariska, I doubt she knew anything about her mother´s affairs, such as Stephanie knew about her fairy-tale mother, who would be an eternal Princess for the public eye. Jane was a diva. I grasped about her inner self by only reading her signature, by handwriting analysis and my formation in self-learned psychological and art studies.
Contrary to her, Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly who had no clue of what the opposite forces were, passed by living their lives as if they would last forever and thus becoming dead, I mean DEAF (Diamonds Enchantments Are Forever) to the risks of their surroundings and to the events what were about to come.
Jayne had a sense of better using her mesmerizing power. She knew exactly where she was stepping on, and she entered into a dimension where there was a spiritual connection with everything. She knew that one step in the wrong direction and she would be forced to vanish from the civilization, and for good. It was a cruel, ordinary world out there. And she did keep track of it. Until the day when she decided to invest too much of her time (and status) into the underworld, playing with divinities and other entities whom she was not used to manifest.
That altar allowed anyone to drift upon its magnitude. Any soul who would feel free enough to get hypnotized by its splendor had a need to explore its intricate weaves of a tapestry, as a trivial decoration, just like the luxurious carpets from the aristocratic Goya.
But it could also represent a surreal portrait from Salvador Dali. What embarrassed the most was that enormous sculpture in the format of a giant cone, in a somewhat phallic allusion, centered in front of the set, right above the seat of the throne.
And that was nothing compared to all the symbolism inserted in each and every image, from well dressed, sophisticated and ancient three dimensional figures, and a collection of vintage displayed side-by-side with “cachaça” and “pinga” which are two of the strongest alcoholic beverages in the world, to a cheap bric-a-brac, (or brie-a-bras) and other artificial objects considered as art by some with a composition that affected the sense of style of many, and convinced only the credulous.
Mysterious Murder of Marilyn Monroe Page 3