Mysterious Murder of Marilyn Monroe

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Mysterious Murder of Marilyn Monroe Page 6

by Ana Claudia Antunes

  The night was clear; the moonlit embraced the Ocean, where so many times they would bathe themselves up to release their hot bodies from the high temperatures.

  The tropical breeze filled her lungs with a nice sensation, as if a divine beverage touched her whole body. She drank the sky and she kissed the moon. It is time to go back home.

  She turned to see her friend, but Cindy was already gone.

  She quickly arrives at the Rocinha. Some eyes follow her to reassure that she is a recognizable face. She waves her hand. One of the guys had a gun in his hand. The other next to him waves back to her.

  “Hello, sweetie!”

  She enters into what she calls her palace: a couple of walls made of wood, and the rest made of hard paper. She reflects herself at the mirror on a small part of the wall where a brick supports a piece of wood that is fallen apart: she is the queen on her ordinary life, but she dreams of living over an imaginary world.

  “Soon I will become an actress, and this whole scenario will have turned into memories of a bad dream. Soon, I will become famous and the whole world will know my name!”

  The next day, she hears the news, and she hangs her head out like trying to take it off of her neck, and forcing it against her chin.

  “Wasn’t she your friend, Christy?” asks her neighbor, a round woman, in her late fifties with her beautiful round eyes so afflicted dancing one side to the other and all around their orbits. She seemed so excited, almost happy, jumping across the fence that separated their worlds, eager to tell her the news.

  Christy doesn’t talk. Her friend was dead, victim of a violent murder. What it seems like a routine in the faceless favelas, for her would be the most dreadful news that she could receive.

  “And I was with her the night of her murder...” she thinks, and she collapses in tears.

  Savage hands cruelly killed Cindy. What first appeared to be a case of a satanic ritual was more like an act of savagery. Her neck totally injured, with many cuts, as if she was sacrificed to death, was showed in a sequence of photos running out like a cat chasing his food in the newspaper of the entire country.

  Who would kill such a nice girl? She was such a beauty full of life. To kill someone who was closer to being an angel?

  Apparently, after she talked to Christy, and was walking back to her house, she met a man in a bar at the corner of Copacabana Avenue.

  He had some bad habits, with his rude look and weird manners; some could even say that he looked a lot like a James Dean type of guy. And his pants looked dirty. He was a worker of a “Metallurgic city” in a village near the beach of Angra dos Reis, some two hundred miles away from Rio.

  This guy used to play cards every afternoon taking his beer over his mouth, sipping on it as simultaneously as he grabbed a card. He was there near the beach with his friends when he met her.

  He offered her to ride back to her house. Cindy accepted it, since it was getting late and she wanted to be back before her husband, to prepare him a nice dinner. And then, his wife, who was three months pregnant, saw them both together, and in an act of jealousy she came to her throat. Cindy tried to defend herself and hit the pregnant woman hard. She had beaten her twice in her swollen stomach. Her husband seeing the whole scene tried to protect his wife and took Cindy by the throat. He suffocated her.

  The woman then grabbed a knife in her purse and inserted the sharp instrument over her neck as many times as her hands could possibly manage to do. She was so infuriated with the scene of her own man around with another woman that her husband couldn’t stop her from that insane act.

  So, what first seemed like a sacrifice for a bloody ritual was actually an act of insanity from a woman who lost her head.

  But to uncover the murder, for his wife’s innocence, and later regret, he took the body of the young woman and put on his trunk.

  So that they could not pledge her guilty, he left the actress’s body on the road and he went back home with his wife. But the media covered the crime so well, that the husband wasn’t able to cover up for her. Being an actress from that major channel helped not to dissolve the mistakes but they did solve the mystery over her cruel assassination almost immediately after it occurred and the perpetrators had to no other alternative and they finally revealed the truth.

  Otherwise this investigation could have taken months, if not years to be solved. If not for the hard work of both policemen and reporters who actually helped find the suspects by asking questions to some eyewitnesses, it would be even harder for a mother to go on with her life after this dreadful tragedy.

  Cindy’s mother would still be in such a shock state, that she wouldn’t have found the strength to write another script in her remaining life. If you could call that a life: wasn’t the murder of her only daughter a sentence for her own soul’s death? Only after twenty years that had passed like a living nightmare that her mother would be able to grab a pen and write again.

  Christina was desolated. Her friend was so endearing to her that she imagined her as if she was still alive.

  “Cindy!” she said and smiled. The now imaginative friend lightened up there by her side, as she walked in the streets of Rio during the nights of shinning eyes.

  She looked at the moon and she could imagine her friend smiling back at her, to seeing Cynthia’s face, brightening up her day with a white full moon flair and so darling and divine she could feel her touching her soul, spreading her veil of naive dreams through the night.

  But the days were always gray now for Christina. And she decided that she didn’t want to become an actress after all. She just wanted to be closer to her friend and now this dream was also gone. Or not.

  And that is when the lives of both Christy and Christie meet. They were both mourning the death of a silent soul. They both decided to give up their lives for the sake of a beloved one.

  Christina gave up her dream for her friend, and Christie gave up her own life.

  “The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.”

  Bruce and Brando Lee graves at the top of the mountain in the Lakeview Cemetery in Seattle the day I visited him and he came to see me by channeling in a dazzling evening with a rainbow made of splendorous rays of light.



  Hannah, can you hear me? Wherever you are, look up Hannah! The clouds are lifting! The sun is breaking through! We are coming out of the darkness into the light! We are coming into a new world; a kindlier world, where men will rise above their hate, their greed, and brutality. Look up, Hannah! The soul of man has been given wings and at last he is beginning to fly. He is flying into the rainbow! Into the light of hope, into the future! The glorious future that belongs to you, to me and to all of us. Look up, Hannah. Look up!

  (The final speech from The Great Dictator)

  D.W. Griffith, Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin (seated) and Douglas Fairbanks at the signing of the contract establishing United Artists motion picture studio in 1919. Lawyers Albert Banzhaf (left) and Dennis F. O'Brien (right) stand in the background. Charles Chaplin was a character by himself, as he became detached from real life and turned into a cartoon.

  “Man as an individual is a genius. But men in the mass form the headless monster, a great, brutish idiot that goes where prodded.”


  When Charles Chaplin founded the United Artist he was establishing a financial freedom and the distribution of more independent films opening up a whole new world for all artists in Hollywood. His speech could well resemble the idea of getting rid of the greed and oppression among those who wanted to guarantee whole rights over the cleverest, dearest and most well thought creations.

  As much as they were ingenious they were not so ingenuous, so naïve and they knew they were being taken advantage of their efforts and getting too little from their own work. The big industry was already implanted back then. It was only a matter of time on how much bigger than that it would become to swall
ow their creators.

  Then in 1940 United Artists was not able to keep up and stand in their own feet as they were losing money making only mediocre moves and movies that left audiences wanting to leave the theaters and turning on their TV sets. It was a defeated battle. To go against the control system was like swimming against the flow. They gave up trying to establish a fair business and started a different approach in the industry.

  After all it was the future of the Cinema that was at stake. Not their lives, but their creations. And their creations were their babies which they carried in their own hands. Nothing easy to let some sloppy nannies take care of their business.

  Studios started to pop up, competition was harsh, no one seemed to care or to help much one another. It was one for all, and let all the others run their own buzz. And yet the anti-trust speech was working somehow.

  Chaplin managed to keep up a good deal of freedom from his own movies. Although apparently he had the cake and ate it too, things were not so smoothly accomplished as the viewer´s empty chairs in the theaters seemed like a plague to be avoided at all costs. And as the audience of their movies was becoming rather scarce resource he was obliged to shoot ad aim other targets.

  And yet again they had to convey into another plan or strategic move. So they gave up to the small tube and let TV run the shows, starring new TV shows and programs of all kinds. This opened up a new venue for all lives concerned. That´s when I Love Lucy, a popular show even today was brought to you by such an independent and ebullient red-haired artist and former ballerina, Lucille Ball. But of course she couldn´t make such a big success by her, alone. Many gifted writers and producers were among those who gave Lucille a ball.

  But like it or not, Some Like it Hot. After all, to quote Tony Curtis, “kissing Hitler” was not such a bad idea. Of course, he said it to be a joke. Like saying that Marilyn was so hot, like the fires of hell! Well, nobody is perfect! He was also in the list as the bombshell´s lover back in the late 1940s. And if it´s compared to him and the United Artist that produce the movie´s with its $500,000 still couldn't reach her goals and gold.

  Marilyn Monroe alone got her teeth in the package earning $800,000, a precedent among producers and by such making a fuss. After all, marketing is the biggest office box attracting tractor. And Diamonds Are Forever. Though later The Misfits didn´t fit the protocol, becoming a financial fiasco and making Marilyn loose her assessment and consequently her inconsistent and inconsequential life.

  Back to our days...

  Good news: Kids on the Block! The Pakistani activist of the rights for girls to have education, Malala Yousafzai, has recently won the Nobel Prize, being the youngest to receive the prize and giving hope over the gender inequality that hover over women around the world.

  In her speech at the Commonwealth Day in March of this year she says, "Dear sisters and brothers, in this world, we are living as family of nations and it is necessary that each member of this family receives equal opportunities of economical, social and especially educational growth. Even if one member stays behind, the rest can never go forward."

  Malala was shot for defying the authority in a kind of censorship political effort to ban females to attend school. They are afraid women can be part of social and political activities thus making changes in a patriarchal system and they think that talking women out of their human rights will diminish their power in society.

  Does any one of those men, and for certain women too, who are no different when in power know that if it was not for women that they would never be? It is time to end this and many other nonsense inequalities in this world. With the globalization there is no more room for this type of feudal mentality.

  The planet is so interconnected nowadays that a health crisis in West Africa threats the whole West world with an Ebola outbreak. Funnily enough, as conveniently as the news about the outbreak in America about it suddenly vanished away.

  The news of an Ebola outbreak threatening the world came to happen while they were fighting over racism issues regarding a policeman killing a disarmed black teenager, as big as to frighten the armed police officer; it completely disappeared after so many other menace of terrorism fabricated in the months that followed that terrible incident.

  But although it turns out to be such a convenient and political weapon of mass distraction, we shouldn't think of the world as subdivided into categories, poorer countries, less advanced social and economic regions, a high society, a poor neighbor and less provided parts, underdeveloped world, etc, etc. Because, in the end, all peeled the layers of the onion, we as planet are one. If we continue to have that mentality of us against them, of fighting global poverty we will miss the train of thought that can take us to a more clear reality.

  Nothing says more about inequality than poor and wealthy. But Happiness goes beyond economical crisis. It's an inner disposition that has nothing to do with social, economical, gender inequalities. And it has everything to do with an ulterior reason from an interior force, pulse, for being happy and helping others on finding their way to happiness. That's why I wrote the book "A-Z of Happiness". Finding your bliss in true equality and great quality can only benefit others, helping the world being more equal one step at a time.

  For example in Brazil, where inequality took such an unbalanced proportion that rich people live encapsulate in their own house and living side by side with slums, and the wealthy people have to be literally incarcerate inside their own mansion because they will risk being robbed or even worse, being assassinate if they put their feet outdoor.

  The inequality became a knife with two points. And why inequality exists? In India, besides the economical plateau we still see the downturn in society.

  There are also the religious issues. In Brazil the inequality has some similarities and although it is quite ambiguous it's clear that inequality comes from other things been too equal. That meaning in the other side of the scale there is a factor that distorts deeply this equation making it quite unbearable to see the facts. But the truth is while we fight to change these so controversial issues with the wheel spinning things that are in a very general and slight way improving.

  Again in Brazil, poverty is decreasing and it's thanks to a political change in the way things were handled, not so much from a global political change but rather from private initiative that generated an avalanche of projects and perspective.

  As a good result if in a continue process equals a better result in an exponential effect, the chances are that changes will happen in a happy merry-go-round way.

  But we still see much inequality in places where issues such as Education and violence, health and home, transportation etc should already be resolved if we see that poverty is diminishing. But inequality still plays a major role because, let us face it: it's not making anybody less poor or people less rich than when or if we can wipe out inequality for good in the face of the earth. Vanished, gone... would that be a miracle, for sure!

  We cannot and should not divide the world in rich and poor. Saying that violence against women are women issues also don´t help much either. That would actually only aggravate the problem. It´s everyone´s issues, for children to the elder, from Asian to North America, from North to South. The problem here is not how many people or countries in this world have lack of education, home, a decent income, or whatever differentiates what's to live with dignity and what's to live with the dignifying amount of money.

  It's the way we think of inequality that we need to change. It's not US versus, but much more UNI-versus, us together as one, no inequality means no to say that we may differ from others, we are no different than our neighbor, a country cannot differ from another if all of them lives on the same planet, breath from the same air, and depends on the same source. There is no inequality and period. Thinking like this sounds pretty silly, Utopian even.

  There is no way to see inequality if we don't see it as nonexistent. Because if we ought to see reality as it is, inequality cannot be. On
ce we are all born equal and human rights are accessible to all and not only some, there will be no such thing as inequality.

  What is the origin of misogyny, xenophobia and homophobia anyway? Why is there still so much violence against women, foreigners and homosexuals being perpetuated, and people thinking they have the right to do so much wrongs against the human rights?

  Why is the female boasted to be so scary, menacing? And why the Amazons were considered legends instead of being defended and defined in the historical context as liberating and emancipating of the soul? If their tales and exploits were banned or punished, muffled by society and the power, but embedded in the human psyche and they survive until today.

  The book that I recently published on Amazon covers the historical awareness of nature that both contributes to the perpetuation of inequality and the role of men and women in society in turn generating a distortion of power, values and principles that generate violence.

  "Memoirs of an Amazon" is a story about past lives revealing mysteries and sliding over the realm of the imaginary that challenges mankind to the vision of a society free of prejudice to the eradication of the root of problems rather complex. And that vision would benefit both the arrival of a time of peace and the dissolution of discords and the solution of challenges between such misunderstandings that plagues the world today.

  So talking about human rights, there are a lot of wrongs until we get it right as prejudice and contempt for citizens considered inferior, and any act of domination and discrimination on ethnic or national origin, including what is also considered a violation by the Conference United Nations Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 1993), which formally recognized violence against women as a violation of Human Rights.


  A Life Like Mine


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