Mysterious Murder of Marilyn Monroe

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Mysterious Murder of Marilyn Monroe Page 16

by Ana Claudia Antunes

  The images of witchcraft, demoniac calls, magic, and even Satanism felt so horrendous, yet so close to our times. The last movies directed to children have all been about supernatural powers, but the kind of power that will only destroy:

  Where is the moral in Maleficent (and Angelina Jolie, who had the main role in that movie didn't allow her own children to watch it, God knows why!), Harry Potter (magic), The Twilight Series, about witches, vampires and werewolves that showed only shape-shifting and other horrendous images to children when what they most need is a model to follow?

  Where is the need to show so much violence on TV and on games made for children to play? It's not that we don't have violence in this world. “Au contraire, ma soeur et mon frère”. You just need to tune into a channel that just shows it indefinitely.

  But how about showing some grace, some peaceful plots, some stories about redemption, are they so hard to find? Not at all. They need as much energy as we spend producing some horrible content. Are the humanity so thirsty for blood? I remember being a child and watching movies on TV that showed vampires and other terrifying scenes.

  How much I feared them, and just like Margaux (Hemingway) I felt troubled and was eager to get the hell out of the places and bad influences that had been bothering me. So back on talking about my “look-a-like” and, eerily enough, a month after I left Santa Monica, and a day before it completed thirty-five years of his grandfather Ernest Hemingway's suicide that's when and where she died. In her final years she looked terrible in a B-movie about some weird stuff. Yet she was trying to find peace by turning to more spiritual doctrines.

  Only she went through some wrong hands. And in some way she was longing to find a way out of this ordinary world, to have a deeper experience, which would allow her to change life from upside down to something bigger, and more connected to the divine power.

  Humanity always had this fascination with the realms of the unknown and the supernatural. But only if we knew that we've got that power inside ourselves. Only we have been too lazy to step forward and tune it in. So we just let the outside control us and its manipulative way had been destroying our natural ability in the most dreadful form. Expect more movies about the war as we get closer and closer to a final countdown. Is that some kind of prophecy? No, it's just the way things are turning, unless...

  “Unless, what?”

  “Unless we change our ways...” She said, her eyes turning inward now.

  A black cat passed through her way. The cat looked at her and she could sense an ironic atmosphere in the air. It was October, 31 of 2001.The first Halloween that she was about to spend away from home. It was the first one from the new Century and the first blue moon that she had ever experienced in America.

  The only thing that she didn’t know yet (and that she had to learn later anyway) it was that a wish always comes true. But, sometimes, it is simply not exactly as we planned that to be.

  Her own life was about to change. Right! But from upside down to an everlasting snowball, increasing the crisis in size and diminishing in hopes of getting better. Like a huge roller coaster transforming it into a monster that she wouldn’t happen to manage, unless she could see the vision of a giant red signal. And it was not the red light watching her constantly in the obelisk, that blinking menacing source in that tower, while she was flying away from D.C. That force was nothing comparing to what she had to face yet.

  And she would only be able to stop it if she could just stop it right when she noticed the first signals of danger... Because the solutions of her problems were also available to her and that she knew she could reach it at the tips of her fingers.

  If only she could see that on time...

  He seated at the Central Park on a bench near the lake.

  He was certain of already making too many mistakes.

  Yet he could not help but think he had failed somehow.

  She was gone for over ten years, gone without a bow.

  Those were the golden days when they used to fake

  with each other in happiness, strolling along that lake,

  That brought too many remembrances and sorrows.

  For them there will not be no longer a tomorrow.

  She had almost drowned, not quite on that lake,

  In a sea of passion because her life was at stake.

  But all that he found was his pride to swallow.

  So he buried her into a deep and dark hollow.

  He tried to keep her on track and he had failed.

  He knew deep inside their entire life yielded.

  He knew that she suffered from a mental inability

  It was not even a matter of sense, but sensibility:

  She fell right at the beginning of their marriage.

  The pain she endured counted as a lot of mileage.

  After all the advices that he received from their friends,

  he denied the existence of any turbulence and trends.

  He insisted on trying to keep things smooth

  But the boat was about to sink in sooth.

  He should have seen that coming, but yet...

  He was too dull and he couldn’t see it wet

  His mind got lost in a dizzy kaleidoscopic din.

  It passed like a ball running directly to the pins.

  Their fifth anniversary they would celebrate.

  He left her a note, before it was too late.

  Although he knew she would not be that far.

  It was the last time he would let the door ajar.

  She was already gone, so...

  He released her from his soul

  and stopped feeling sorry for him.

  There was nothing else for them to deem.

  He decided to live his own life once again.

  As if a tender kiss blessed a child right then,

  A cold breeze blew right through his face.

  Ans he felt the warm and delicate embrace.

  He smiled as he received the lace,

  Coming by the sweet sunshine rays.

  Calling his name the rain softly fell

  In each drop there he heard the bell.

  He then felt the ethereal sunshine over his left ear.

  And he heard her whispering, “Good-bye to you, dear!”

  He then breathed in deeply and felt such a bliss

  that now he knew she found a place called "Peace".

  The September, Eleven (or the new Pearl Harbor) that changed the world forever served as a smoke screen to distract people with Terrorism and fear of more attacks.

  That was planned much earlier and just before the Gulf War, which already had people in London crazy about a terrorist attack, I was there in the subway and there were signal everywhere telling us to watch our backs and any bags left unattended. Scary as hell, heels over heads about the news of hostages taken by terrorists in a kidnapping of commercial airplanes. But that seemed so distant from America. So there should have a bigger plan to make people really scared to death and let their surveillance touch their lives and control their steps completely.

  And the fact that the attacks on the Twin Towers and on the Pentagon were just means to an end, a way of destroying real evidence, with files and records about the Kennedy's assassination, and also of the murder of Marilyn Monroe by the CIA, along with proofs of the existence of a powerful weapon, the mind control program, and of an alien intelligence behind it all.

  There is no doubt the collective consciousness is most infatuated with many Conspiracy Theories. And a note from Marilyn herself, just after she died, by the hands of a Medium (the same one that is now writing these words) only shows that nothing can be kept in the dark, and some way, somehow the Divine Justice shall prevail and the Truth will always comes to light.

  “I didn't kill myself, no... If I was going to remarry Joe (DiMaggio)within a week of that horrible death, how that could possibly come out in my head... there was no suicidal thoughts by then. Gosh! It just makes me so sad that people would still t
hink and or want to believe what the official press says. That's so depressing. It makes me sick to my bone that they do believe them. Of course I tried to kill myself or at least thought of doing so (and who didn't) more than once, twice, thrice, perhaps. But I didn't kill myself, I swear. I don't want to reveal who did it, but I guess people pretty much know by now. At least my most devoting and adoring fans and genuine admirers must know. And no, I wasn't afraid of getting gold. I mean old! I was just thinking how beautiful it would be to have kids or in the last possibility I would adopt a kid and then we would get older and I would live to see my grandchildren, and I would teach them how to dance, how to sing, how to act. Of course they would follow my steps and even join in a new Rat Rack.... (Giggles) I crack... hahahaha! Pack. That's what I said. The Rat Pack which was one helping the other, with true devotion, like the guys did for me. I cannot say that I'm happy about what happened, the way that it happened, the revenge and all. But I have to confess that I was too naïve and even vanity took over me when I decided to reveal everything all due to my own ego, and because of a broken heart, I would tell everyone our own president talked to the little green men. And I would tell all that of what he told me in confidence.” And what he told her in the end were basically truths that they kept secret for way too long. President Kennedy was the last one of the American presidents who knew about that all.

  A statue has been removed from a spacecraft. Such object has supernatural powers with cosmic ritualistic hieroglyphic signs that once serving as a form of incantation may cause imbalance between the two opposite poles and which forces may bring creation or destruction.

  The secret weapon that the CIA has been searching for and that have been taken from the spaceship that it is now in the hands of a secret sect.

  The CIA believes those who got this machine want to use it as a weapon to restore what they call 'The New World Order.'

  President Kennedy knew about the whole ordeal and actually was the last of the American Presidents to know about this weapon and had direct contact with the Extra-terrestrial visitations.

  That same statue which was used by the Czechoslovakian man killed only two months before her murder, that alien figure with the magical hieroglyphic was to be exploited to gain victory against the enemies. That's how Pele got injured during the second game at the World Cup in ‘62. And just after that he had his kidney removed. It was after a broken rib, and he was advised to take off the organ that was malfunctioning and ruining his health. And he already lost before he could even win, it was a secret that he kept well guarded until a few weeks ago when he had to go through a kidney treatment. But as the same talisman that plays its own rules, of cause and effect, any given subject who uses it in the wrong way would suffer serious consequences. Thus, just after that second act, in the game played in that violent World Cup in Chile, that the man got killed and the magical talisman has been missing ever since.

  If they could do this to the king Pele, what could they do with the Mortal Goddess Marilyn Monroe, who had the most valuable talisman of all, her huge heart of gold and such a generous soul?

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