A Dragon for Christmas: Shifters for Christmas #2

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A Dragon for Christmas: Shifters for Christmas #2 Page 12

by Chant, Zoe

  Looking around, she spotted Logan standing across the room with Charlie and his mom Kelly, and another woman Georgia hadn’t met but, from the way her hand rested on Kelly’s shoulder, she could tell was her partner. Freddy was standing by Logan’s side, tail wagging.

  “Logan!” she called as she approached, waving. Light exploded in her heart at the sight of Logan’s smile when he turned to look at her.

  Laughing lightly, Georgia made her way across the room. She was just about to beckon Logan to her when she felt a hand come down on her shoulder.

  Turning in surprise, she found herself looking up at a grim-faced man, taller than her by over a head, his hair and eyes both jet black. Behind him stood another man, just as tall, just as wide.

  “Are you Georgia Clarkson?” His voice was low and gravelly, and definitely unfriendly.

  Georgia blinked, looking down at his hand and then back up to his face.

  “I – I am,” she stuttered, shooting Logan a glance. But he’d already paused, watching the man warily.

  “You’d better come with us, then.” The man paused, looking over to where Logan stood with Charlie’s family.

  Fear sliced through Georgia’s heart. What the hell did these men want?

  “Why? What’s going on?” she asked, hoping to pull the man’s attention back to her.

  “We can discuss it after we leave,” the man said gruffly. “For now, just come with us.”

  He pulled her shoulder again, more insistently this time.

  “The boss said both of them,” his friend muttered, voice very low.

  The fear in Georgia’s heart became full-blown panic.

  Both of them. Both me and Logan.

  Thinking quickly, she spun back around to face Kelly and her wife, waving to them.

  “Kelly! Will you take care of Logan for a little while?” She made her voice loud enough that everyone around them could hear her. “Sorry to spring this on you. I just have to sort something out.” She jerked her head at the men, making a face that she hoped conveyed This is such a hassle! rather than the terror that was pulsing in her chest.

  Watching the men’s reaction from the corner of her eye, she could see them glancing uncertainly between Charlie and Logan, and she realized all at once that they didn’t know which of the boys he was. They were both the same height, same age, and both had light brown hair and brown eyes. They looked quite different, but anyone operating on a vague description might have been confused. It was clear that without knowing, they were reluctant to make a move.

  And Georgia thought it was unlikely they’d risk making a big scene – not after the big scene with the horses yesterday.

  But either way, Georgia was determined to keep their attention on her, and as far away from Logan as possible.

  “I’ll come with you, but Logan’s staying here,” she said, hoping she was keeping her voice steady. “Whatever this is about, I’m sure we can get it sorted out.”

  The man with the black hair hesitated, before seeming to make up his mind.

  “Sure. Fine. As long as someone’s looking after the kid.”

  Georgia didn’t have much time to wonder what he meant, and barely had time to shoot Logan and Kelly a reassuring glance before the man’s hand tightened on her shoulder, and he was steering her through the hall, toward a back door.

  “What’s all this about?” she asked as they went. Maybe she was jumping to conclusions. Maybe this was just a mix-up and she really had had to pay for the skate hire yesterday, and now they were coming to make her pay up.

  Whatever the case, the men didn’t answer her.

  Okay, fine, Georgia thought.

  She had to try to stay calm. This didn’t necessarily have anything to do with what she’d discovered this morning from Ilara. It could be anything.

  Or maybe not, Georgia thought with a sinking feeling as they emerged from the back of the building, and she saw the huge black SUV waiting for them just outside, door open, engine running.

  “Wait –” she started to say, only to be cut off by a squeeze on her shoulder.

  “Look. We can do this the nice way, or the not-so-nice way,” the man said. “I’m only interested in you, but that could change if you don’t co-operate.”

  Georgia’s blood ran cold as his meaning became clear to her.


  If she didn’t co-operate, they might go back inside and get Logan too.

  Georgia had been banking on them not wanting to cause a scene in the main hall. But could she really be so certain they wouldn’t hurt anyone else if she refused to go with them?

  Indecision gripped her, but she knew already she only had one real choice: the best way she could make sure that no one else got involved was to go with these men now.


  Georgia sucked in a quick breath.

  Could Garrett sense that she was in trouble?

  This morning it had felt like she could sense his happiness within her heart, and last night it had felt almost as if she was feeling his pleasure alongside her own, doubling it.

  Was it so ridiculous to think he might also be able to feel her fear?

  Please, Garrett – if you can hear me, I really need you now!

  She hoped being able to sense what your mate was feeling didn’t have a limited range, like radio waves or something. Garrett would almost certainly have left to meet the agents Hardwicke had sent, and who knew where he’d be by this time.

  The man behind her gave her a shove toward the car.

  “C’mon. Let’s go.”

  Georgia considered struggling away from him, but the thought of what they might do to Logan if she escaped held her back.

  Garrett, I’ve changed my mind – if you can hear this, go to Logan first and make sure he’s safe. That’s the only thing I care about!

  She let the man push her head down to get into the back of the SUV, sliding across the plush leather seats. There was already another man waiting for her by the other window seat. He gave her an unfriendly look as she tried not to touch him, or the man who got in behind her.

  “This is a bit of overkill,” she said, hoping they couldn’t hear the tremble in her voice. “I’ll pay for the skate hire, if that’s what you want.”

  The man sitting next to her gave her a puzzled look, before shaking his head.

  “No. It’s not that. It seems Mr. Barston wants a word with you.”

  “Well, I’ve never even met Mr. Barston,” Georgia said, as the car engine purred to life and it pulled out of the drive. “Are you sure you’ve got the right person?”

  No answer to that, and Georgia honestly wasn’t expecting one. The only reason she was talking, really, was because she’d read in one of the detective novels she used to devour in high school that talking to your kidnappers sometimes helped them see you as human – as someone with a life of their own.

  Glancing between their faces, Georgia wondered if that would help her.

  They’re probably shifters, she thought. Given how dismissive Ilara had been of humans this morning, Georgia wondered if having them see her as human was really what she wanted.

  “Well, whatever this Mr. Barston wants, I hope it doesn’t take too long,” Georgia said. “I had a lot of plans today. It is my vacation, after all. I wanted to go look at the Christmas tree, try some food, maybe go skating. I haven’t been since I was a little girl, but I was just thinking I might like to give it another go.”

  This was less talking and more nervous rambling, Georgia realized, but she wasn’t sure what else to do. Either way, the men in the car remained silent.

  “Do you have any plans?” she blurted desperately, as the car took a sharp turn. She couldn’t see much out the windows with the men’s bulging shoulder muscles in her way, but she could see the SUV was carrying them into the forest. “I suppose not if you’re working, but once you get off? Maybe you could all go see a movie together? I just saw Zootopia. I know, it came out ages ago, but the library I work
at just had a screening and I didn’t get the chance before then.”

  No answer.

  Georgia tried not to clench her fists. She wasn’t usually this much of a talker, but fear was making her babble. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to start annoying them, rather than making them relate to her more.

  Clamping her mouth shut, she decided to stay silent for the rest of the trip, unless she actually had something to say, or they asked her a question.

  Instead, she simply tried to focus on the passing scenery outside – what she could see of it, anyway – and focus her thoughts on Garrett.

  He won’t let anything happen to me, she told herself. He said he’d protect me, and protect what is mine.

  It didn’t seem fair that they’d only just found each other, and now –

  Georgia cut that thought off before it could grow any larger.

  Garrett wouldn’t let anything happen to her. She trusted him. More than she could ever express.

  I just hope he hurries up.

  * * *

  She wasn’t certain how far they had driven when the car eventually came to a halt. It was either very far or not far at all – Georgia thought her fear might have distorted her sense of time.

  But either way, the car had stopped, and the men were getting out. The one who had grabbed her in the hall gestured for her to follow him, putting his hand back on her shoulder as soon as her feet were on the ground, sinking into the crisp, freshly fallen snow.

  “You don’t need to do that, I’m not going anywhere,” she said, trying to sound breezy but knowing she sounded terrified.

  But to her surprise, the man actually took his hand off her shoulder.

  “Come on,” he said.

  Looking around for the first time, Georgia noticed a little cottage nestled amongst the trees. Despite the fact it was fairly small, it was still obviously expensive – it was decked out in the same luxurious style as the chalets, made from timber and with a wrap-around porch. Warm orange lights glowed in the windows.

  Georgia was led up the steps. A blast of warm air hit her as the man opened the door, before ushering her inside.

  The room was so warm she immediately began to feel uncomfortable in her winter jacket. There was even a glass vase of flowers on a side table that had begun to wilt in the heat.

  Who has the heat turned up this high?

  Her question was answered a moment later when her eyes fell on a man standing before a large fireplace. He was broad and heavyset, and his body looked powerful. His dark hair had a hint of gray.

  Mr. Barston, I presume.

  Georgia hoped the sleeves of her jacket hid her clenched fists. Though at least she supposed she might find out now why exactly Barston had had her brought here.

  “She’s here, Mr. Barston.”

  Barston turned, his eyes flickering over Georgia as if she was insignificant.

  “Where’s the boy?”

  The man was silent a moment. “We didn’t get him. It would’ve caused a scene. You said do it quietly.”

  Barston swung toward him, face furious. “You incompetent idiots! If I ask you to do something, I expect it to be done! What am I paying you for? To stand around with a stupid look on your face?!”

  The man behind Georgia shifted. She wasn’t looking at him, but she could sense the uneasy movement. “No, boss.”

  “You’re damn right I’m not.” Barston exhaled, running a hand through his hair. “Fine. Whatever. Maybe this just means we’ll have some extra leverage if we need it.”


  Georgia gritted her teeth. She knew what that meant. Barston was trying to use her and Logan to get what he wanted.

  And realistically, there was only one person who he could use leverage like that on.


  Barston waved a hand, and Georgia felt the man standing behind her back off a little, though he didn’t leave the room. She licked her lips as Barston fixed her with a steely glare, eyes glinting.

  “I assume you know why you’re here – and I’m warning you, don’t try to play dumb. Just because you’re a human doesn’t mean you’re stupid. I deal with humans all the time. I know there’s nothing wrong with your brains.”

  Georgia wasn’t sure whether to feel flattered or discouraged that Barston apparently didn’t think humans were any lesser than shifters. On the one hand, it was nice someone didn’t think she was an inferior life form. On the other, it meant any kind of stupid or oblivious act on her part wasn’t going to wash.

  Still, she didn’t actually know what Barston knew. She wasn’t about to give anything away by opening her mouth more than she had to.

  “I knew something was up when that slippery Hardwicke sent someone up here for the second year in a row,” Barston said, fuming. “Of course I had to act like everything was fine, otherwise he’d get suspicious. I even cut him a good deal! I should have known better. Shit.”

  Georgia blinked. Okay, now she really was confused. Clearly, Barston thought Garrett was up here on Hardwicke’s orders to spy for him, but she didn’t think that was the case. Otherwise, why would Garrett have needed to call Hardwicke this morning to get his permission? Surely he would have already had it if that was the whole reason he was here.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she said cautiously. “Garrett’s not – I mean, he’s here on vacation. That’s all.”

  Barston rounded on her, glowering. “What did I say about not playing dumb? Don’t think I don’t know about your little meeting with Ilara Warren this morning. That’s right – I’ve had my eye on Garrett from the moment he came here. And we’ve been monitoring Ilara for years. I have no idea why either of them thought they could get away with it.”

  Catching her breath, Georgia snapped her mouth shut before she could say anything else. If Barston knew about Ilara coming to see them, then it was pointless to try to convince him this was just an innocent mix-up.

  Garrett, God, please be safe.

  Georgia bit into her bottom lip so hard she could taste blood. While she’d sometimes thought the ability to turn into an animal might be pretty handy at times ever since she’d learned it was possible, never before had she regretted being a human quite as much as she did now.

  Compared with all the strong, powerful, shifter men in the room, she felt weak and powerless. At least if she’d been able to turn into a mountain lion or a wolf she might have stood a chance of escaping and outrunning them. But as things stood, she knew she’d be lucky if she even made it to the front door.

  The only thing she had on her side was the knowledge that once Garrett found out what Barston had done, he’d tear the forest apart looking for her until he found her. He wouldn’t let Barston get away with this.

  And Garrett is a dragon.

  She didn’t know what Barston turned into, but she couldn’t imagine it’d be any match for Garrett’s dragon.

  She trusted in her mate completely. She knew he wouldn’t stop until she was safe.

  That is, if Barston hasn’t already hurt him somehow…

  Catching her breath, Georgia stared hard at the man across the room.

  No, she couldn’t bring herself to believe he’d somehow already taken Garrett out. He was pacing and agitated, and didn’t look like a man who was holding all the cards. Clearly, even though he’d gotten her, his plans were still playing out.

  But more than that, somehow, Georgia knew she would have been able to feel it if something serious had happened to Garrett. She didn’t know how, but she knew. If Garrett was lying injured or – or anything else, she would have known it in her heart.

  Oh God, I hope I’m right.

  She felt like she should be praying for a Christmas miracle, but there was no Christmas tree with a star on top of it for her to wish on right now. She just had to hope that someone was listening anyway.

  Please, please… keep Garrett safe.

  “He will stop you, you know.” Georgia heard herself speak before she’d ha
d a chance to think. “I know Garrett. I know how dedicated he is to making sure people like you see justice.”

  Barston sneered at her. “We’ll see about that. You think Shifter Patrol agents are above being bought? I have a whole bunch of them under my thumb that prove otherwise. And if it turns out he can’t be bought, and he won’t listen to reason… well.”

  The tips of Georgia’s fingers prickled in fear at the sinister look Barston gave her.

  “Well, what?” This time, she didn’t even bother trying to hide the way her voice shook.

  “Well, let’s just say I’ve got someone on the job,” Barston said, voice low and terrifying. “And unlike these idiots, when I tell him to do a job, he makes sure it’s fucking done.”

  Chapter 10

  The icy air whipped past him, filling Garrett’s wings as he sped toward the rendezvous point he’d arranged with Hardwicke. The heat in the dragon’s belly and his tough, scaly hide kept him from feeling the cold, and even at this height the chill of the air couldn’t touch him. And here, over the untouched wilderness, he didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing him.

  Garrett knew the agents Hardwicke was sending – Beau Harris and Sally Mason. They were experienced and tough, and he knew they’d be able to handle whatever Barston and Crane could throw at them.

  Almost there…

  As much as Garrett had hated the idea of going on vacation and had told Hardwicke he didn’t need it, now that he’d met Georgia, Garrett was furious that having to deal with Barston was intruding on time he should have been spending with her, getting to know her better, and getting to know Logan. As much as he and Georgia might have known their bond was unbreakable, Garrett was honestly unsure whether that meant Logan would take to him too. And he’d never truly contemplated having a child before.

  And I want to do it right, he thought determinedly. I want to be the man Logan’s father was not.

  Perhaps he wouldn’t be the same kind of father his own was, either – as grateful as Garrett was for the skills the man had passed on to him and the way he’d made sure he was tough enough to handle the challenges of being a Shifter Patrol agent, Garrett couldn’t remember his father ever telling him he was proud of him or what he’d chosen to do with his life.


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