A fresh tear teetered on the edge of her lids. She tried to blink it back as she continued.
“And now I stand before you with a feeling of completeness I have never known, and for that, I am eternally grateful to the Creator for putting in you the desire to chase after my heart and not to stop until you won it. Israel, you won my heart. I love you beyond measure, and I will love you without condition through this life and into the next.”
“My, my, my,” the officiant sighed. “Such heartfelt vows require no additional nuance from me. Shall we exchange the rings?”
Israel released Cairo’s hand only long enough to receive the ring from O’Shea. Cairo accepted the ring from Charity.
“Would you speak as one and repeat after me, with this ring I thee wed.”
Cairo and Israel chorused those words together and, in doing so, placed the ring on their lover’s finger.
“And now, with the vows shared and the giving and receiving of rings, I am honored to pronounce you husband and wife. Israel, you may kiss your bride.”
Israel did not hesitate. He moved even closer to Cairo, gently lifting the veil that covered her, revealing her incredible beauty to him once again. A smile eased across Cairo’s lips, and heat rose into her cheeks from the way Israel looked at her. She saw nothing but love in his eyes as he erased any distance that existed between them. Israel's lips touched hers softly as if kissing hers for the first time. And then the press of all the love they felt for each other manifested as his mouth smothered hers with soldering heat and demanding mastery. Cairo submitted to the vows Israel sealed with that kiss. It was a kiss for Cairo’s soul to relish in.
Chapter Twenty-One
Two Months Later
Israel was awakened out of his sleep. At first, he wasn’t sure what the sound was that stirred him from rest, but as his eyes opened and his ears focused, he knew. Climbing out of bed, Israel walked to the adjoining bathroom to find his wife leaning over the toilet.
“Babe,” Israel said, concerned. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
It took Cairo a moment to be able to reply.
“No, I feel better now,” she sighed. Cairo reached up, flushing the toilet, and then accepted Israel’s outstretched hand, that helped her to standing.
“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?” He said, wrapping his arm around her waist.
Cairo turned her face away from him. “Just let me brush my teeth,” she smiled.
Only after Israel was sure she was okay did he leave her alone, returning to their bedroom. Cairo emerged shortly after and was able to offer a smile as she climbed in the bed next to him. Israel pulled her in close, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her on the forehead before he spoke.
“That’s happened a couple of times here of late, babe,” he reminded.
“I know,” Cairo sighed. “It’s weird, though. The times it’s happened, I haven’t eaten the same thing.”
“But other than that, you feel okay?”
“Yeah, like now, I feel much better, so it was probably something I ate.”
“But we ate the same thing, and I don’t feel sick on the stomach at all,” Israel countered.
“Well, we can’t really judge from that, now can we, Mr. Iron Stomach. Babe, you can eat anything and not feel sick.”
“True,” Israel chuckled. “I guess your stomach is a bit more sensitive than mine.”
Cairo nestled closer to Israel, loving the comfort of his form against hers. They fell silent for a moment, yet, Israel was unsettled in the explanation for his wife’s nausea.
“Babe, what if you’re pregnant,” he mused aloud.
“What if you’re pregnant,” he repeated.
Cairo hadn’t considered it. She’d had bouts of nausea and vomiting as a side effect of the gastrointestinal issues common with endometriosis. Naturally, she figured this was another round of the same thing. Cairo had been told by every authority she ever encountered that the possibility of pregnancy was far-fetched she didn’t count it as something that would happen for her. She went on to explain to Israel what her track record with the symptoms had been.
“I hear what you’re saying, but what if you are?”
Cairo inclined her eyes to his. It was hard to be hopeful that her body defied the odds.
“It’s not like we haven’t done what it takes to get you that way,” Israel smiled.
“Yeah, we’ve done a lot of that, haven’t we,” Cairo teased.
“And we can do it some more,” Israel crooned.
“Look at you,” Cairo giggled. “Always ready.”
“That’s your fault,” Israel rebuffed. “Shouldn’t be so damn sexy.”
“You’re pretty irresistible your damn self,” Cairo flirted.
“See, if you’re not pregnant, if you keep that up, you will be,” Israel cautioned.
“Do you think it’s really possible?” Cairo said after her flirtatious smiled faded.
“With us, you and me, anything is possible,” Israel affirmed.
“Well, there’s one way we can find out,” Cairo replied, toying with the idea of possibility for the first time while not allowing herself to totally buy into the notion so that if she weren’t, the disappointment wouldn’t consume her.
“And I will go to the store and get the test, right after this,” Israel promised.
The fluid and smooth motion of his hand on her face gave birth to a swarm of butterflies that flitted wildly in her belly. That sweeping motion continued as Israel eased the length of Cairo’s frame on top of his, Israel’s fingers tingling her flesh as they skimmed over Cairo’s soft skin. The sword of his desire pleasurably pierced the door of her femininity.
“Sss ahhhh,” Cairo moaned as Israel’s magnificent arousal filled her to capacity over and over again until they were spent.
Israel awakened a few hours later. Cairo was still snugly nestled on top of him, snoring ever so lightly. He didn’t want to disturb her; she looked so peaceful. Yet the prospect that his new wife could possibly be with child, his child was enough for Israel to gently ease his frame from under hers, making sure that Cairo quickly settled back in. She did, and only then did Israel lift himself from the bed, making sure to spread the blanket over her before quietly leaving the room. Israel entered the adjoining bath and turned on the shower. He didn’t want to get his hopes up too high that pregnancy was a possibility, but he found it hard not to. Israel liked the idea of being called dad.
“Honey, I need you to go pee,” Israel whispered into Cairo’s ear.
“Hmm?” She moaned, still plagued with sleep.
“I have the test. Are you ready to take it?”
“No, babe, I don’t have to use it right now,” Cairo moaned, reaching up even as her eyes stayed closed, feeling for the side of Israel’s face.
“Don’t you want to know what it says?” Israel quietly pressed. The idea of not getting too excited about the possibilities had gotten harder for Israel as he went through the steps of purchasing the pregnancy test from the store.
“Mmhmm,” Cairo hummed, still not putting it all together, hazed in sleepiness.
Realizing he wasn’t quite getting through to her and not wanting to jar her awake, Israel sat the test on the side table and traveled to the kitchen, retrieving a few bottles of water. He would encourage Cairo in the most loving way to take the test. When he returned to the bedroom, Israel padded to her side of the bed. Cairo had stirred a little bit more. Her eyes were open even though the position of her body hadn’t changed. Instead of standing and talking to her, Israel climbed in bed, positioning himself in front of her.
“Hey,” he crooned.
“Hey,” Cairo smiled, her lashes fluttering dreamily against her cheeks.
“Do you remember what I said earlier,” Israel asked.
“Mmhmm,” she uttered and then tried to recall what that was. “Uhn uhn,” she admitted.
Israel shook his head and c
huckled. “I went to the store while you were sleeping. I got the test if you want to take it.”
“You did?” Cairo’s eyes opened wider, and her gaze was much more focused.
“Yeah, I did.”
Cairo inhaled through her mouth and blew out slowly through her nose. This would be the reckoning if she tested. The idea of being pregnant, the dream that she only recently allowed herself to dream would be more than that if she tested. Suddenly, Cairo found herself wary. Although she believed in the power of positive thought, it wasn’t just her thoughts, she had to be concerned with. And although Israel seemed real cool at the moment, the idea of her being pregnant was big. He was probably nervous and anxious, as well. She could say to herself, the possibilities are slim and thereby try to convince herself not to get excited. But she wasn’t the only consideration. Israel was, too.
The thoughts that plagued Cairo at that moment also plagued Israel. He couldn’t afford to get ahead of himself, get ahead of what the reality might be. He had to remember that if the result weren’t favorable, it could be devastating to Cairo, another confirmation that would understandably be hard for her to accept. Israel didn’t want Cairo to get her hopes up only to have them crushed. So, he took a breath, tried to level out his own expectations, so he didn’t put any undue pressure on her.
“Are we ready for this,” Cairo whispered.
He felt where his wife's question was coming from. Israel didn’t rush to respond, taking a moment to consider the best possible way to reassure Cairo that no matter what, he would be there, still loving her, still respecting her, still appreciating her.
“Babe, if you don’t want to find out now, it’s okay. I don’t want to pressure or rush you past a place that you’re comfortable.”
“And if I don’t take it, I’m going to drive myself crazy with the what if’s, you know?”
“Yeah,” Israel nodded.
Cairo reached for Israel’s hand, and he took hers as her eyes found his. More than not wanting to be disappointed, she didn’t want disappointment for Israel. Although she believed he loved her no matter what, she didn’t want Israel to question whether he made the right decision in choosing her, in his willingness to accept her. This was more than simply taking a test. This could prove to be a test of their nascent relationship. When Cairo asked if they were ready for it, that’s what she meant, and as she looked into Israel’s eyes, she saw that he understood the depth of the question she raised.
“Let’s do it,” Cairo uttered, scaring herself even as the words spilled from her lips.
“Are you sure, sweet?” Israel asked.
“Yeah, babe. I’m sure.”
“Listen to me, no matter what the test says; I’m not going anywhere. Okay?”
Cairo nodded her head. But Israel wasn’t convinced she heard him with her heart.
“It’s you and me, Cairo. It’s you and me.”
Israel reaffirmed his words with a sweet kiss to her lips. To Cairo, it felt like she was being transported on a soft, whispery cloud, yet it was all the confirmation she needed.
“Okay,” she whispered against his lips.
“Okay,” he echoed against hers.
Israel climbed out of bed and met Cairo on the other side. She sat up, allowing her feet to drop to the floor before leaning over and picking the pregnancy test off the side table.
“I’ve never taken one of these before,” she said as she turned the box over to read the instructions on the back. Israel adjusted himself so he could read along with her.
“The box says the results only take a couple of minutes,” Cairo mused aloud.
Putting all her anxiety and fear aside, Cairo cracked open the box and removed the test.
“Do you need to drink some water or something, babe?”
“No, I think I can go.”
“Okay,” Israel sighed. He, too, was trying to keep his voice calm even though his gut was churning.
Cairo stood up with the test in her hand and padded towards the restroom. Then she stopped and pivoted on her heel.
“Aren’t you coming with me?”
Israel stood up and accompanied his wife. When they got to the door, Israel paused.
“Isn’t this what old married couples do, occupy the bathroom at the same time,” Cairo guffawed.
“I’m sure,” Israel smiled.
“It helps if you’re here with me,” Cairo said.
“I’m here, babe.”
When Cairo was finished, she recapped the test and set it on top of some tissue.
“Now we wait,” she smiled as she eased to the sink, washing, and drying her hands. Cairo didn’t want to look at the test; instead, she padded over to Israel and leaned against his frame. He opened his arms to her and held her as time clicked by. They fell into a natural sway as he held Cairo tightly. It was a chance for the two of them to think, feel, and then not try to think too much more.
“Should we check,” Israel asked after a few minutes passed.
“Whew, Lord,” Cairo sighed, feeling the hard pump of her heart. Israel’s was knocking just as hard.
“Yeah, we should check,” Cairo decided but didn’t move. Israel felt her clinging even tighter to him, and he was okay with that. Reaching over to the counter, Israel closed his eyes and took a deep breath before picking up the test. Cairo buried her face in his chest. She couldn’t bear to look. She felt Israel’s hold on her tighten, but he didn’t say anything. Cairo could feel the pound of Israel’s heart against her. But when he remained silent, she dared to look up to see if she could read the answer on his face. He lowered his eyes to hers, and Cairo’s eyes widened when she saw his misted over with tears. She felt a drop like her heart dropped out of its position.
“What does it say?”
Cairo almost didn’t want to hear the answer.
“Look,” he whispered. Israel could feel Cairo’s body vibrating underneath his touch. She dropped her face to his chest again. She tried not to hope. Cairo tried not to allow herself to get invested in the notion that the doctors could be wrong. She needed to see, to confirm, to know. Slowly, Cairo lifted her face from Israel’s chest, and even slower, she turned her head in the direction of the test. Her eyes were initially unfocused, but then they did. Cairo’s heart stumbled before finding its rhythm again.
“Do you see it, babe,” Israel asked.
Cairo blinked, keeping her eyes closed for more than a second and then gradually opened them again. She saw the same thing.
“Two lines,” she uttered just above a whisper.
“Two lines,” Israel repeated.
“We’re pregnant.” Cairo’s hands fell to her belly as she steadied herself against Israel.
“We’re pregnant, babe. The test says we’re pregnant.”
“It does, sweet,” Israel smiled, wrapping his arms around his wife, and squeezing her tight.
Chapter Twenty-Two
“I can’t believe it,” Cairo sighed, staring at the test she held in her hand. “I can’t believe it.”
She and Israel sat on the bed. His back rested against the cushioned headboard, and Cairo sat between his legs. Israel’s hands lay gently against her belly. Cairo checked her test against the box several times to confirm what two lines meant.
“Believe it, babe,” Israel said. There was a smile on his face, and Israel’s heart was full. Immediately upon seeing the results, his protection instinct surged into an even higher gear.
“I wonder how far along we are,” Cairo mused as she leaned back into Israel’s chest.
“We probably should find that out, huh?”
“Yes, we should,” Cairo replied. “But babe, I don’t want to tell anyone until we see the doctor, find out how far along we are, and make sure everything’s okay. Are you good with that?”
“Absolutely, beloved,” Israel answered. “Whatever you think is best.”
“That’s just the thing,” Cairo said, turning in his arms to face him. “I’ve never done this before,
so,” she guffawed.
“So, we’ll figure it out together.”
That was reassuring to Cairo, and so they talked about everything, including finding an OB/GYN.
“I don’t want to go to anyone I’ve used before,” Cairo said.
“Maybe Charity has some ideas,” Israel suggested, “considering she’s a neurosurgeon and in the medical field.”
“But if I ask about an OB, she’ll put two and two together.”
“Then, O’Shea would know.”
“And even if we swore them to secrecy, they wouldn’t be able to keep it,” Israel agreed.
They both went into deep thought, trying to figure out the best way to go about finding Cairo a suitable doctor. They had to rule out family, at least in the short term. Cairo thought about Kennedy, Charity’s sister. But she ruled her out as well. She was too close to family.
“We may have to find someone on the internet,” Cairo said. “At least for the first level of confirmation. Then once we find out how far along, we are, we can make a different decision if we have to.”
“That sounds like a plan, babe,” Israel agreed. “Let me get a computer.”
“No, sweet, I can get it,” Cairo replied. “I’m in front. It would be easier.”
“Shouldn’t you be careful?” Israel warned.
Cairo smiled. He was already worrying about her.
“Aw, babe, that’s sweat,” she purred. “But, I think walking into the office won’t be an overexertion.”
Before exiting the bed, Cairo turned and kissed Israel on the cheek. She made her way to the office and retrieved the laptop. Once she re-entered the bedroom, she resumed her comfortable position leaning back against his muscular chest. The computer was powered up, and Cairo typed into the search bar. They perused, checking and cross-checking before settling in on a doctor.
“Let’s make the appointment,” Israel suggested. “But let me make a phone call first.”
Israel picked up the cell phone and dialed a number.
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