Peck there only found out about it when the woman called
him, said her brother’d been four days gone for vacation and
not rung her once. Without that Peck might not’ve thought
of Dougherty just from our description, though the photo I
showed him clinched it, and one would’ve reached him by
mail soon enough. Well, he’d hardly set it down again when
a call came through for me. It was Billy Lee. He’d remembered.
“ When he’d seen Dougherty was the Sunday night three
days before we found him. Where he’d seen him was the
Trucker’s Tavern outside the north end of town. The man had
made a stir by being jolly drunk and latching onto a miner
who was drinking there, man named Joe Allen, who’d started
at the mine about two months back. Dougherty kept telling
him that he wasn’t Joe Allen, but Dougherty’s old buddy
named Sykes that had worked with him at Con Wood for a
coon’s age, and what the hell kind of joke was this, come
have a beer old buddy and tell me why you took off so sudden
and what the hell you been doing with yourself.
“ Allen took it laughing. Dougherty’d clap him on the
shoulder, Alien’d clap him right back and make every kind
of joke about it, say ‘Give this man another beer, I ’m standing in for a long-lost friend of h is.’ Dougherty was so big and loud and stubborn, Billy Lee was worried about a fight
starting, and he wasn’t the only one worried. But this Joe
Allen was a natural good ol’ boy, handled it perfect. We’d
checked him out weeks back along with everyone else, and
he was real popular with the other miners. Finally Dougherty
swore he was going to take him on to another bar to help
celebrate the vacation Dougherty was starting out on. Joe
Allen got up grinning, said god damn it, he couldn’t accommodate Dougherty by being this fellow Sykes, but he could sure as hell have a glass with any serious drinking man that
was treating. He went out with him, and gave everyone a
wink as he left, to the general satisfaction of the audience.’’
Craven paused. Dr. Winters met his eyes and knew his
The Autopsy
thought, two images: the jolly wink that roused the room to
laughter, and the thing in the tarp aboil with bright blue flies.
“ It was plain enough for m e.” the sheriff said. “ I told
Billy Lee to search Allen’s room at the Skettles’ boarding
house and then go straight to the mine and take him. We
could fine-polish things once we had him. Since I was already
in Rakehell, I saw to some of the loose ends before I started
back. I went with Sheriff Peck down to Con Wood and we
found a picture of Eddie Sykes in the personnel files. I ’d seen
Joe Allen often enough, and it was his picture in that file.
“ We found out Sykes lived alone, was an on-again, off-
again worker, private in his comings and goings, and hadn’t
been around for a while. But one of the sawyers there could
be pretty sure of when Sykes left Rakehell because he’d gone
to Sykes’ cabin the morning after a big meteor shower they
had out there about nine weeks back, since some thought the
shower might have reached the ground, and not far from
Sykes’ side of the mountain. He wasn’t in that morning, and
the sawyer hadn’t seen him since.
“ It looked sewed up. It was sewed up. After all those
weeks. I was less than a mile out of Bailey, had the pedal
floored. Full of rage and revenge. I felt . . . like a bullet,
like I was one big thirty-caliber slug that was going to go
right through that blood-sucking cannibal, tear the whole truth
right out of his he'art, enough to hang him a hundred times.
That was the closest I got. So close that I heard it when it
all blew to shit.
“ I sound squirrelly. I know I do. Maybe all this gave me
something I ’ll never shake off. We had to put together what
happened. Billy Lee didn’t have my other deputy with him.
Travis was out with some men on the mountain dragnetting
around that tree for clues. By luck, he was back at the car
when Billy Lee was trying to raise him. He said he’d just
been through Allen’s room and had got something we could
maybe hold him on. It was a sphere, half again big as a
basketball, heavy, made of something that wasn’t metal or
glass but was a little like both. He could half-see into it and
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it looked to be full of some kind of circuitry and components.
If someone tried to spring Allen, we could make a theft rap
out of this thing, or say we suspected it was a bomb. Jesus!
Anyway, he said it was the only strange thing he found, but
it was plenty strange. He told Travis to get up to the mine
for back-up. He’d be there first and should already have Allen
by the time Travis arrived.
“ Tierney, the shift boss up there, had an assistant that told
us the rest. Billy Lee parked behind the offices where the
men in the yard wouldn’t see the car. He went upstairs to
arrange the arrest with Tierney. They got half a dozen men
together. Just as they came out of the building, they saw
Allen take off running from the squadcar with the sphere
under his arm.
“ The whole compound’s fenced in and Tierney’d already
phoned to have all the gates shut. Allen zigged and zagged
some but caught on quick to the trap. The sphere slowed him,
but he still had a good lead. He hesitated a minute and then
ran straight for the main shaft. A cage was just going down
with a crew, and he risked every bone in him jumping down
after it, but he got safe on top. By the time they got to the
switches, the cage was down to the second level, and Allen
and the crew had got out. Tierney got it back up. Billy Lee
ordered the rest back to get weapons and follow, and him
and Tierney rode the cage right back down. And about two
minutes later half the god-damned mine blew u p .”
The sheriff stopped as if cut off, his lips parted to say
more, his eyes registering for perhaps the hundredth time his
amazement that there was no more, that the weeks of death
and mystification ended here, with this split-second recapitulation: more death, more answerless dark, sealing all.
“ Nate.”
“ W hat.”
“ Wrap it up and go to bed. I don’t need your help. You’re
dead on your feet.”
“ I ’m not on my feet. And I ’m coming along.”
The Autopsy
“ Give me a picture of the victims’ position relative to the
blast. I ’m going to work and you’re going to bed.’’
The sheriff shook his head absently. “ They’re mining in
shrinkage stopes. The adits—levels—branch off lateral from
the vertical shaft. From one level they hollow out overhand
up to the one above. Scoop out big chambers and let most of
the broken rock stay inside so they can stand on the heaps to
cut the ceilings higher. They leave sections of support wall
between stopes, a
nd those men were buried several stopes in
from the shaft. The cave-in killed them. The mountain just
folded them up in their own hill of tailings. No kind of fragments reached them. I ’m dead sure. The only ones they found were of some standard charges that the main blast set off,
and those didn’t even get close. The big one blew out where
the adit joined the shaft, right where, and right when Billy
Lee and Tierney got out of the cage. And there is nothing
left there, Carl. No sphere, no cage, no Tiemey, no Billy Lee
Davis. Just rock blown fine as flour.’’
Dr. Winters nodded and, after a moment, stood up.
“ Come on, Nate. I ’ve got to get started. I ’ll be lucky to
have even a few of them done before morning. Drop me off
and go to sleep, till then at least. You’ll still be there to
witness most of the work.”
The sheriff rose, took up the doctor’s suitcase, and led him
out of the office without a word, concession in his silence.
The patrol car was behind the building. The doctor saw a
crueller beauty in the stars than he had an hour before. They
got in, and Craven swung them out onto the empty street.
The doctor opened the window and harkened, but the motor’s
surge drowned out the river sound. Before the thrust of their
headlights, ranks of old-fashioned parking meters sprouted
shadows tall across the sidewalks, shadows which shrank and
were cut down by the lights’ passage. The sheriff said:
“ All those extra dead. For nothing! Not even to . . . feed
him! If it was a bomb, and he made it, he’d know how powerful it was. He wouldn’t try some stupid escape stunt with
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it. And how did he even know the thing was there? We worked
it out that Allen was just ending a shift, but he wasn’t even
up out of the ground before Billy Lee’d parked out of sight.”
‘‘Let it rest, Nate. I want to hear more, but after you’ve
slept. I know you. All the photos will be there, and the report
complete, all the evidence neatly boxed and carefully described. When I ’ve looked things over I ’ll know exactly how to proceed by myself.”
Bailey had neither hospital nor morgue, and the bodies
were in a defunct ice-plant on the edge of town. A generator
had been brought down from the mine, lighting improvised,
and the refrigeration system reactivated. Dr. Parsons’ office,
and the tiny examining room that served the sheriff’s station
in place of a morgue, had furnished this makeshift with all
the equipment that Dr. Winters would need beyond what he
carried with him. A quarter-mile outside the main body of
the town, they drew up to it. Tree-flanked, unneighbored by
any other structure, it was a double building; the smaller
half—the office—was illuminated. The bodies would be in the
big, windowless refrigerator segment. Craven pulled up beside a second squadcar parked near the office door. A short, rake-thin man wearing a large white Stetson got out of the
car and came over. Craven rolled down his window.
‘‘Trav. This here’s Dr. Winters.”
‘‘Lo, Nate. Dr. Winters. Everything’s shipshape inside.
Felt more comfortable out here. Last of those newshounds
left two hours ago.”
‘ ‘They sure do hang on. You take off now, Trav. Get some
sleep and be back at sunup. What temperature we getting?”
The pale Stetson, far clearer in the starlight than the
shadow-face beneath it, wagged dubiously. “ Thirty-six. She
won’t get lower—some kind of leak.”
“ That should be cold enough,” the doctor said,.
Travis drove off and the sheriff unlocked the padlock on
the office door. Waiting behind him, Dr. Winters heard the
river again—a cold balm, a whisper of freedom—and over-
lying this, the stutter and soft snarl of the generator behind
The Autopsy
the building, a gnawing, remorseless sound that somehow fed
the obscure anguish which the other soothed. They went in.
The preparations had been thoughtful and complete. “ You
can wheel ’em out of the fridge on this and do the examining
in here,” the sheriff said, indicating a table and a gurney.
“ You should find all the gear you need on this big table here,
and you can write up your reports on that desk. The phone’s
not hooked up—there’s a pay phone at the last gas station if
you have to call m e.”
The doctor nodded, checking over the material on the larger
table: scalpels, post-mortem and cartilage knives, intestine scissors, rib shears, forceps, probes, mallet and chisels, a blade saw and electric bone saw, scale, jars for specimens, needles
and suture, sterilizer, gloves. . . . Beside this array were a few
boxes and envelopes with descriptive sheets attached, containing the photographs and such evidentiary objects as had been found associated with the bodies.
“ Excellent, ” he muttered.
“ The overhead light’s fluorescent, full spectrum or whatever they call it. Better for colors. There’s a pint of decent bourbon in that top desk drawer. Ready to look at ’em?”
“ Yes.”
The sheriff unbarred and slid back the big metal door to
the refrigeration chamber. Icy, tainted air boiled out of the
doorway. The light within was dimmer than that provided in
the office—a yellow gloom wherein ten oblong heaps lay on
The two stood silent for a time, their stillness a kind of
unpremeditated homage paid the eternal mystery at its threshold. As if the cold room were in fact a shrine, the doctor found a peculiar awe in the row of veiled forms. The awful
unison of their dying, the titan’s grave that had been made
for them, conferred on them a stem authority, Death’s chosen
Ones. His stomach hurt, and he found he had his hand pressed
to his abdomen. He glanced at Craven and was relieved to
see that his friend, staring wearily at the bodies, had missed
the gesture.
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“ Nate. Help me uncover them.”
Starting at opposite ends of the row, they stripped the tarps
off and piled them in a comer. Both were brusque now, not
pausing over the revelation of the swelled, pulpy faces—most
three-lipped with the gaseous burgeoning of their tongues—
and the fat, livid hands sprouting from the filthy sleeves. But
at one of the bodies Craven stopped. The doctor saw him
look, and his mouth twist. Then he flung the tarp on the heap
and moved to the next trestle.
When they came out Dr. Winters took out the bottle and
glasses Craven had put in the desk, and they had a drink
together. The sheriff made as if he would speak, but shook
his head and sighed.
“ I will get some sleep, Carl. I ’m getting crazy thoughts
with this thing.” The doctor wanted to ask those thoughts.
Instead he laid a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“ Go home, Sheriff Craven. Take off the badge and lie
down. The dead won’t run off on you. We’ll all still be here
in the morning.”
When the sound of the patrol car faded, the doctor stood
listening to the generator’s growl and the silence of the dead,
resurgent now. Both the sound and the silence seemed to
mock him. The after-echo of his last words made him uneasy.
He said to his cancer:
‘ ‘What about it, dear colleague? We will still be here tomorrow? All of us? ’ ’
He smiled, but felt an odd discomfort, as if he had ventured a jest in company and roused a hostile silence. He went to the refrigerator door, rolled it back, and viewed the corpses
in their ordered rank, with their strange tribunal air. ‘ ‘What,
sirs?” he muttered. “ Do you judge me? Just who is to examine whom tonight, if I may ask? ’ ’
He went back to the office, where his first step was to
examine the photographs made by the sheriff, in order to see
how the dead had lain at their uncovering. The earth had
seized them with terrible suddenness. Some crouched, some
The Autopsy
partly stood, others sprawled in crazy, free-fall postures. Each
successive photo showed more of the jumble as the shovels
continued their work between shots. The doctor studied them
closely, noting the identifications inked on the bodies as they
came completely into view.
One man, Robert Willet, had died some yards from the
main cluster. It appeared he had just straggled into the stope
from the adit at the moment of the explosion. He should thus
have received, more directly than any of the others, the
shockwaves of the blast. If bomb fragments were to be found
in any of the corpses, Mr. Willet’s seemed likeliest to contain
them. Dr. Winters pulled on a pair of surgical gloves.
He lay at one end of the line of trestles. He wore a thermal
shirt and overalls that were strikingly new beneath the filth
of burial. Their tough fabrics jarred with that of his fle sh -
blue, swollen, seeming easily tom or burst, like ripe fruit. In
life Willet had grease-combed hair. Now it was a sculpture
of dust, spikes and whorls shaped by the head’s last grindings
against the mountain that clenched it.
Rigor had come and gone—Willet rolled laxly onto the
gumey. As the doctor wheeled him past the others, he felt a
slight self-consciousness. The sense of some judgment flowing from the dead assembly—unlike most such vagrant emotional embellishments of experience—had an odd tenacity in him. This stubborn unease began to irritate him with himself,
The Color of Evil - The Dark Descent V1 (1991) Page 34