The Watchman

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The Watchman Page 16

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Clarice said, “And for her, that’s going to be a long time.”

  I asked, “How long? What do you think that our lifespan is going to be?”

  Clarice said, “Before the cataclysm, there had been a lot of advances in anti-aging. Many of the causes of aging had been eliminated. You won’t get cancer, or dementia, or several other things that were common before you were born. Your cells regenerate naturally and because other factors that caused them to stop working properly have been removed from your environment, they will continue to work much longer than your great-grandfather’s did. Irene lived over eight hundred and fifty years. She was very old by then, and there were several other emotional factors involved, but who knows how much longer she would have kept going if she hadn’t tried to kill you.”

  I laughed and said, “A couple of days maybe. After what I know now, I think that if I saw her today, my look alone would kill her.”

  Clarice smiled and said, “If looks could kill. But anyway, I suspect that you will all live between three and nine hundred years. I don’t have any way to estimate it better than that. But with the longer lifespans came a much lower birthrate, too. No one knew why, but it seemed like it was probably emotional. The highly populated parts of the world had already begun to collapse before the cataclysm, just from the crushing burdens of their own infrastructure needs. The more sparsely populated areas of the planet, and that included most of our continent, well, most of the western hemisphere, except for a few areas. The cataclysm, indirectly, killed several billion people. Floods, climate change, famines, rioting, and a lot more. I don’t know what the population is now, but at the time of the cataclysm, it was about ten billion worldwide. What we call Bonvale was a small town of about thirty-five thousand. Now, it has about twelve hundred. About three percent of what it did before. But the percentage in the more populated areas would be closer to zero I think. And that may include entire countries where life was hard and clean water and good food were hard to come by.”

  I said, “They say that there are other towns, with more people, a few weeks away. I’m not really in a hurry to go find out.”

  Clarice said, “Neither am I.”

  I said, “We can let Tobias, the collector go to places like that. I have all the treasure I need for now. It’s funny. This sounds like it would be a depressing conversation, but I’m feeling better.”

  Clarice smiled and said, “Sweetie, Brenda and I know you better than you know yourself in some respects. Working on a project energizes you. You are a problem solver. A treasure hunter. Talking about problems gets you into your comfort zone. Thinking about worldwide population issues gets you thinking about what you need to do right now. And speaking of Brenda…” and at that moment, Brenda opened the door to the bedroom and walked in.

  She looked sexy, even in flannel pajamas!

  She said, “All fresh and clean and ready for work?”

  I smiled and said that I was. Clarice kissed me and then got up and helped me to my feet as well. I started to walk toward the workshop, but Clarice stopped me and suggested that we should talk first. She and Brenda were both in happy moods, so it didn’t sound worrisome or ominous at all.

  Clarice said, “Sit on the bed and watch the screen on the wall. We have a short presentation.”

  Chapter 17 - Wendy has Concerns

  The three of us climbed into the king-size bed and leaned against the headboard as the big monitor on the opposite wall lit up. A video avatar of Wendy walked onto the screen as if she were going to give a lecture. She wore the same flannel pajamas as the rest of us, but no bottoms.

  She said, “Hello. Thank you for coming today. Tea and sandwiches will be served after the presentation in the reception area. Our topic today is domestic workers. I know that we have discussed this ‘literally’ a thousand times, but I think that we should go over it again. Here you see a map of the property. And here is an overlay of the way that it used to be and how it will be restored. We have roughly eighteen square miles of land to refurbish. And here is a floor plan of the living areas of the house. Roughly forty thousand square feet. Obviously, we need to hire workers. Any questions so far?”

  I said, “I thought that we were going to have moon-maids.”

  Wendy said, “Yes, that is what I am here to discuss. It has come to our attention that there are such things as ‘twins’. There are girls who look exactly alike and may even think alike. We had found evidence of this several days ago and it gave us ideas for a better solution to our labor problem. One of our considerations for our workforce was the sheer number of ‘people’ and their ‘Genuine People Personalities’, or GPPs, that would be required. We have enough now, and adding more would stretch us thin, keeping track of everyone’s names and what sexual positions they prefer and things of that nature.”

  I said, “I thought that we were going to have moon-maids.”

  Wendy said, “Exactly. We were going to have sexless robotic moon maids…but that isn’t natural and we still had concerns about how they would be received. I, and the other nymphs, and even the royal princesses, continued to have concerns. Grave concerns. Very grave concerns that were so gravely concerning that it gravely concerned us to our very cores.”

  Clarice said, “Wendy, keep going.”

  Wendy said, “Ah, yes, well, these concerns, the very grave ones, were eliminated when we found out about twinsies. If the new workers are all twins, then it solves everything! Easy-peasy. And that concludes my presentation, thank you for coming, tea and sandwiches are already in the reception area. Goodnight and good health.”

  Clarice said, “Wait, I think that you aren’t done yet. Maybe you need to explain it a bit more.”

  I said, “I thought that we were going to have moon-maids.”

  Wendy said, “Oh, OK. It thought it was pretty comprehensive. I mentioned the grave concerns, didn’t I?”

  I said, “And that still makes another GPP as you called it. The point to the moon maids was that nobody was made so that they weren’t happy, but we didn’t have any more people. I don’t think I want any more. I love all of you, and I would be happy with less, but more?”

  Wendy said, “Oh, no, there’s not more GPPs. That’s why this works. The new ones, we call them moon-minions, because it has a nice sound to it, they are twins so we don’t have more people and their sexual preferences are already known. OK, thank you, you have been a wonderful audience. Tea and sandwiches and all that. See you next time.”

  Clarice said, “Wendy?”

  Wendy said, “Well, maybe you need to see them then. But there are no grave concerns with this plan, trust me on that. No grave concerns at all. Not a one.”

  I said, “I’m glad to hear it. It really has been mostly your concerns, not mine all along, so if you are happy, I probably will be too. As long as they aren’t nine feet tall and have eleven arms. They aren’t nine feet tall are they?”

  Wendy smiled and said, “No, we agreed to that before. Here, let me take off my shirt, that will help,” and she started to unbutton her virtual pajama top.

  Clarice said, “Leave your top on for now. I think you should show Joshua.”

  Wendy said, “I was trying to but you made me keep my shirt on. Here, let me take it off and…”

  Clarice said, “Wendy, show him what the moon-minions look like.”

  Wendy said, “Well, they have nice boobs, but you won’t let me take my shirt off! Oh…you mean bring them where he can see them. OK. That probably is a good idea.”

  Brenda said, “Joshua, we are totally OK with this. It eliminates all of the terribly grave concerns as far as we are all concerned. Lark and Raven have approved the new design and parameters as well.”

  Clarice said, “We only made two as prototypes so that you could see them and see if you approve.”

  I said, “OK. Show me. I’m sure that since all of you think that it’s a good idea, then it must be.”

  Brenda sat up and looked at me and said, “But you’re g
oing to have to trust me. More than you have ever trusted anyone…” and she started to put her hand over my nose and mouth.

  She quickly pulled it away and said, “Just kidding. I couldn’t resist.”

  I laughed and said, “Good. I was about to have very grave concerns. That’s a thing, right? Grave concerns? I think that I heard that phrase somewhere before.”

  Wendy said, “Yes, very very grave concerns. But not about moon-minions.”

  I said, “OK already. Wendy show me.”

  Wendy said, “Don’t get anxious. Keep your pants down. I can’t show you, that why. It has to be Brenda and Clarice.”

  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Brenda moved to sit on the edge of the bed and had me sit between them, facing the door to our little bedroom. Again there was a knock and the women smiled at me and nodded, and I said, “Come in.”

  The door opened, and to my surprise, Brenda and Clarice stepped through the door. Exact copies of Brenda and Clarice, wearing flannel pajamas. Except that they were only three and a half feet tall.

  Tiny Clarice said, “Hey Sweetie! What do you think? Cute ain’t I?”

  Tiny Brenda turned around with her back to us and bent over and said, “Is my butt to small?” and she pulled down her pajamas and grabbed her ankles. She looked at me from between her legs and grinned.

  Tiny Clarice said, “Brenda, you dropped your pajamas,” and she pulled her top off and dropped her own bottoms to the floor.

  At that moment, big Clarice reached through the fly of my pajamas and fished out my penis and held it up. Tiny Clarice immediately ran between my legs and began sucking me to a stiff erection. Tiny Brenda had her pajamas completely off now and came up beside where I sat on the bed and then turned around again and put her hands on her knees and pushed her rear toward my hand.

  She said, “I need you to check. This is a prototype and it might need adjustments. Shove some fingers in my tiny pussy and check to see if my lubrication system is working.”

  I hesitated, but Tiny Clarice had me pretty much aroused now, so I stuck out my hand and cupped the Tiny Brenda’s sex and after rubbing it a few times, slid my middle finger in.

  Big Brenda said, “Yep, feels nice. And it seems to be fully functional. When Clarice is done, you can try it out. It should be sized correctly, but we should check to make sure.”

  Clarice, that was big Clarice, since Tiny Clarice had my penis down her throat, said, “I like this more than I thought I would. It’s like a four-way with myself.”

  Brenda said, “I know! Joshua, hang on,” and she stood up and stood in front of Clarice…both of her, and dropping her pajamas and bending over said, “Play with both of my pussies. I want to see what it’s like.”

  I put my other hand between Brenda’s other legs and rubbed her clit and then pushed two fingers up inside her fleshy wetness.

  Tiny Brenda said, “Oh, stereo! I feel both of them. And slightly differently. This is cool. Clarice, do you want to switch?”

  Big Clarice said, “OK,” and she quickly undressed and took Tiny Brenda’s place, but facing me and guided my hand up against her vulva. Tiny Clarice pulled her mouth off of me and an instant later, Tiny Brenda was in my lap, with her back to my chest, settling down on my cock.

  Big Brenda said, “Wow, that fits just right. I like it.”

  Tiny Clarice climbed up on the bed and stood where she could get a breast up to my mouth and pulled my face against her body. Everything was happening very fast, and I wasn’t thinking about anything as I simply reacted to them and I took the nipple between my lips and sucked and tickled it with my tongue.

  Big Clarice said, “Brenda, I have no grave concerns at all now, except that we might not get as much work done as we had expected.”

  Tiny Brenda cried out in orgasm and then said, “Or we kill him by riding him twenty-four seven. This is a great way to fuck. Can I finish him off?”

  Tiny Clarice, with my mouth pulling at her nipple said, “Go ahead.”

  I felt Tiny Brenda in my lap start a special movement on my cock and I exploded less than a minute later. She held my penis tightly and started her washing action, swirling fluids around my post and then lifting off while keeping her vagina very tight at the base so that I was pretty much squeaky clean by the time she was done.

  I collapsed backward onto the bed and both of Brenda and the two copies of Clarice sat next to me. After catching my breath, I scooted farther onto the bed and lay back with my head on a pillow. I pulled the covers over me and the four of them snuggled in beside me.

  The two little ones, the moon-minions, were next to me and the two ‘regular-sized’ women were beside them. But they were on opposite sides so that Brenda was next to Tiny Clarice and vice-versa.

  Wendy came back on the screen and said, “Remember the tea and sandwiches. I’m starting to have grave concerns about them.”

  Clarice, the big one, said, “We will make sure that Joshua gets his lunch in a minute. You did a good job Wendy. We are very proud of you. And thank you for coming up with this very nice solution for our workers. You did a good job.”

  Wendy smiled and told Clarice thank you and then disappeared again.

  Clarice said, “Well, let’s go have lunch and talk about it.”

  Tiny Brenda said, “Or we could just light him up and go again.”

  Clarice said, “I’m sure he has some questions and we need to do any final testing and get approval to move forward.”

  I said, “Wait, someone said something important a minute ago! What was it? It seemed really critical and we need to take care of it right away. Oh, what was it? Ah, I remember now: tea and sandwiches!”

  I laughed and started climbing over the four bodies. I pulled on my pajama pants and headed through the door. Sure enough, the nymphs had set out a nice lunch for me with a sandwich and a big glass of something to drink. I sat down at a desk and the ‘big’ girls sat down with me. The ‘tiny’ girls ran by carrying their clothes and disappeared into the lab behind the big glass windows. The windows were still covered with curtains.

  I took a sip from the glass of whatever it was, and was surprised. It tasted like iced tea.

  I asked, “Is this tea? It takes like tea. But we don’t have any, do we? I thought that Wendy was kidding.”

  Clarice said, “Not exactly made from tea, but how does it taste?”

  I said, “Really good.”

  Clarice said, “It’s made from various herbs and vegetables. We did the best that we could. We had to work mostly by smell and records of how tea used to smell. We can’t really taste anything. And, later, we can make real tea from Camellias, if we can find some.”

  I said, “It’s good. Surprisingly good. I am going to want the cafe to serve this. OK, but let’s talk about minions. How does that work and what exactly is going on and what’s the plan?”

  The tiny Clarice ran back into the room and stood beside her twin and both of them spoke in unison.

  They said, “Well, like Wendy said. It’s just me. I have two bodies, but just one brain and one personality. Brenda and I have plenty of extra capacity.”

  Brenda interrupted and said, “It’s not just our breasts that are the size of small planets, you know. I have a mind too! But eyes down here on the boobs, Bud.”

  Clarice, both of her, continued, “We have plenty of capacity. Moving an extra body is like having more than one finger. Nobody notices how it’s done and if someone asked how you’re able to move two different fingers at the same time, it would be crazy. You just do. So, the nymphs said why don’t we just have a lot of Brenda twins and a lot of Clarice twins. You saw how we can do different things, but we are really just one. Like now as I talk. It isn’t two of me. It’s more like I now have four arms.”

  The little one ran away again and Clarice went on. She said, “We thought that it made sense after they explained it to us.”

  Brenda said, “That took a while.”

  Clarice smiled and said, “Yeah,
even for us. But eventually we saw the cleverness of it. We had talked about having twenty workers. Let’s stick with that for the sake of discussion. Say we make ten of the me-minions and ten Brenda-minions. No matter which one you talk to, it’s me and Brenda. Like Wendy says, easy-peasy.”

  I laughed and said, “It does make it easy. And it really doesn’t seem weird at all for some reason. You’re right, the little ones are as easy to think of as you as it is to think of you like you are here in that chair. So, right now, you are sitting here with me, and looking quite lovely, I must say, and you are both in the lab doing something too. This does seem like a pretty good solution. I can’t think of a better one. But if you all feel what all of you feel, is that a problem?”

  Brenda said, “We do that if we want to. It’s not like right now, if I hit my thumb with a hammer in the lab that I will jump and suck on it here. It was crazy fun when we were having sex, but the rest of the time, we feel it, but only in one place. Like if you hit your thumb, your toe doesn’t hurt. We will have a really big body and it works together, but separately.”

  Clarice said, “And neither of us every needs to stay here or anywhere else as long as part of us is here.”

  I said, “Hey, are there squirrels in the woods?”

  Clarice said, “Yeah.”

  I asked, “Can you make squirrels? Like the unicorns? But with network nodes inside?”

  Clarice smiled and said, “Why yes. Yes we can. And yes, we can just turn them loose and they can run off and figure out where they need to be positioned for best coverage and climb the trees themselves. And if needed, they can move around. If you wanted to, they could be on every property in every village. Not that we would need that.”

  I said, “Cool. And when they are done, they can go and replace the stationary nodes that you put around the river. Will they be able to collect enough solar power? Do we have enough materials?”

  Clarice said, “We will have to check.”

  I asked, “And what about some other invisible agents? Like a raccoon or something that could carry a bit more weight and deliver or retrieve things for us? Like if the squirrels find something interesting?”


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