Taming the Darkness

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Taming the Darkness Page 4

by Sarah Carter

  “There’s a prophecy that someone is going to come along and save the fallen.”

  “What does that have to do with this guy?” I inquire, totally confused.

  “It will be neither light, nor dark angel.’

  Sitting up, I say, “It will be a human.”

  “I think so,” Gale agrees. “Why else would the Marked Ones be looking for one.”

  “Hell is too,” I whisper.

  “What?” Gale counters, looking concerned.

  I shake my head. “No, rumor has it that hell is looking for someone, too.”

  “Be careful,” he whispers, grabbing my hand. “This may be the start of another war.”

  “What if it has nothing to do with this?” I reply. “We could be totally wrong.”

  “We could be,” Gale chimes, with his energetic smile. “I like being a detective. I will help where I can.”

  This time I touch his hand. “Don’t get wrapped up in this. You are still learning to be an angel.”

  “I’m like 14 compared to you,” Gale replies, with a smile.

  “The most innocent 14-year-old ever created,” I laugh.

  His eyes light up. “I’m an angel. I better be innocent.”

  “We’ve known each other since we were kids. With the time differences and aging differently, I have no idea how we are still friends.”

  Gale’s face falls. “You don’t want to be my friend.”

  “Oh stop, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m surprised God hasn’t struck me down for being a bad influence on you.”

  He smiles. “You have good in you, Raven. I wish you could see that.”

  “Yeah, well I kissed a demon today, so not exactly playing for the good team,” I snort, going back to my food. Why is everyone so hell bent, pardon the expression, on reminding me that I’m so good. I’m a reaper. Darkness, not sunshine. Reaping isn’t all butterflies and lollipops. It’s deep and dark. And it’s kind of scary.

  A disgusted look sweeps across Gale’s face. “Who did you kiss?”

  “Azrael,” I reply, taking a bite of food.

  “Why?” Gale gasps.

  “Nothing better to do.”

  Suddenly, looking very sad, Gale whispers, “I’m going to lose you to the darkness.” He looks down and a tear falls onto the floor. A downpour starts to come down outside.

  “Oh no, no crying. Angels don’t cry,” I snap. “You’ll wash away the city.”

  “But, you are falling into the darkness,” Gale says. “You’re going to be gone and with Lucifer. I will never see you again.”

  No! “Gale,” I say, grabbing his hands. “I kissed Azrael and then punched him so hard he flew backwards. I was just putting on a show. It wasn’t a real kiss. I’ve never been really kissed.” He continues to frown. “You will not lose me to the darkness.”

  He beams. “Promise?”

  “You know I can’t make that promise,” I whisper, running my fingers through his hair.

  Gale grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles. “Promise to try.”

  “I promise to try.”

  Pressing his lips together, Gale narrows his eyes. “No more kissing demons.”

  “I’m not planning on it,” I laugh. “It was closed mouth and unpleasant. It was Azrael. Not like I wanted to enjoy it.”

  “He’s an awful demon.”

  I laugh. “Aren’t all demons?”

  “Him especially,” Gale states, with a firm nod.

  I frown. “He does take great joy from taking the souls.”

  Gale shakes his head. “The darkness can’t experience real joy.”

  “They can experience pleasure,” I counter.

  “Yes,” he agrees, “but not true joy.”

  My face falls. “I will never experience joy.”

  “For the one thousand, six hundred and thirty second time, you have a light side. You can have feelings. You can be happy and experience joy.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ve never felt anything, so I think I’m defective. Darkness, baby, it’s what I am.”

  He comes over and puts his hand on the side of my face. “My lost, little reaper.”

  Brushing his hand away, I say, “So, you think this human is important?”

  “He has to be,” Gale replies, sitting down next to me.

  “Why can’t the Marked Ones find him? Why have I been sent to track him down?”

  He shrugs his shoulders and sighs. “I don’t have the answers to those questions.”

  I throw my hands up in frustration. “I don’t even know where or how to start looking for him.”

  Gale points at my neck. “That’s a pretty necklace.”

  “The Marked Ones gave it to me,” I reply, putting my fingers on it.

  “Maybe it will tell you where he is,” Gale suggests, with a glowing smile. Always the optimist.

  I roll my eyes. “If it were that easy do you think they’d send me?”

  “God has a plan for everything,” he states.

  With a scoff, I say, “I doubt I have any part in some big plan.”

  “Don’t ever underestimate God.”

  I sigh. “I’m not saying anything like that, but what do I have to offer?”

  “Your compassion.”

  Spitting out food, I gasp, “Compassion! Are you kidding me?”

  Gale smiles. “I’ve seen you reap.”

  I’m shocked. “You have. When?”

  “Not too long ago. I was curious,” he states. “But argue all you want, you show them compassion.”

  This is ridiculous. “How do you figure that? I rip their souls from their bodies.” Gesturing, I emphasize, “R-I-P!”

  “You don’t break souls,” Gale replies.

  Completely confused, I ask, “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “You’re gentle. You do it gently and you give them time to repent.”

  “So,” I snort. “It’s in the rules.”

  “Your brethren don’t show that kindness.”

  My skin starts to prickle. I shift uncomfortably. “I don’t want to break souls. That’s all there is to it.”

  “You ask them to repent. You say please.”

  Getting slightly angry, I snap, “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Gale. That’s not what happens.”

  “But it is,” he urges.

  “GALE!” I scream.

  “I’m your friend. You have a light side, a white side. I don’t know why you bury it so much.”

  I spin around in my chair and log onto the internet. “It buries itself,” I mumble. “If you keep talking about this I’m going to send you home.”

  “Okay,” I hear. “I’ll go.”

  Spinning back around, I gasp, “You’re leaving.”

  He is standing up. “You don’t want to hear the truth so I’m going home. Bye, Raven.”

  With a brilliance of light, he’s gone. “Gale!” I yell. “Gale…come back. Come on. SERIOUSLY.” I wait a minute but he does not return. “UGH!” I scream, throwing my empty food container across the room.

  This day just sucks. I need a nap. I’m very exhausted. Sitting, I stare at the floor, my mind starting to blank out. I know! I want a bath! Yes. Bubbles. Hotness. Soaking of the feet. I get up, with a heavy heart, and go into the bathroom. I wanted this apartment because of the bathtub, and it was dark and gloomy. I like dark and gloomy. I’m also in a bad part of town but I’m not too worried about it, given my profession.

  When I walk into my bathroom. I gasp. There is a bath filled, bubbles included. Candles sit on the counter. There’s a note propped up there. It reads: Rest my friend. I love you, just the way you are.

  “Oh Gale,” I whisper. A tear trickles down the side of my face. I will only shed tears for him. This one and only time. Happily, I strip my clothes off and get into the tub. This feels amazing. With a flick of my wrist, my iPod turns on and heavy metal music starts to play. Rob Zombie for the bathtub. My hand instantly drifts to the necklace. I wonder ho
w this search will start. I think I need to sleep. Who knows how long this adventure will take. I can stay up for weeks, sometimes I have difficulty sleeping.

  Looking down, I trace my fingers around the pendant. I wonder where I will find you. My mind is racing. Suddenly, a hooded figure is standing next to the tub. I scream. It’s a Marked One.

  It’s hand passes over me and I hear, “Rest little reaper.” And suddenly, the world is black.

  Chapter 3

  I’m walking through bustling crowds. My gaze drifts around and I stare at all the crazy people. They are all screaming, laughing, throwing beads at each other. I get hit with a pair. My eyes narrow, but the drunk guy is gone before I can punch him. I continue to walk through the streets. That’s when I see Avery. He is coming right at me. Stopping, I wait until he gets closer. His eyes are locked on mine. I extend my hand and my fingers brush against his shoulder and suddenly we are alone. We are in complete darkness. I spin around. What is this place? It’s void of light but we can see each other.

  “Raven,” I hear whispered, from this voice that is like honey for my ears.

  I look at Avery. He looks at me softly. My breath seems to stop. I have the weirdest feeling inside of me. It’s like an angel’s touch. All I know is that I want to touch him. I reach out, at the same time he reaches out for me. We pull each other into a tight embrace. Completely confused, I stare into his beautiful, deep blue eyes. They’re like the ocean. I stare at him, as he stares back. There is so much said with that one look. I don’t know what it means. I don’t know what any of it means. He bends his head down and I tilt my head up. When our lips meet, it’s like a wave of warmth spreads over me.

  Suddenly, I sit straight up in bed. “Whoa,” I say out loud. “What was that?” I look around the room. How did I get here? How long have I been asleep? Shaking my head, I try to cure it of the dream. What was that about? What in the heck was I feeling? Whatever it is, I didn’t like it…I don’t think. All I know is I need to find Avery. And I’m guessing he’s at Mardi Gras.

  An hour later, I’m standing dressed and growling to myself. Mardi Gras. I hate Mardi Gras. Crowds, which I’m trying to push through now. Crowds of incredibly stupid drunk people. They are all screaming and flashing things I don’t want to see. Ugh. Put it away girl. Have some mystery. Just like in my dreams I get nailed with some beads. I turn my steely glare to the guy cat calling me. He’s yelling how hot I am. Yeah, I’m hot, I’m a fucking angel. He’s gesturing for me to lift my top. I’m going to show you something douche, but it’s going to be my foot up your ass. My stare must be scary because he runs away.

  Again, I hate Mardi Gras. I could go on a reaping spree. How many can I get in one day? They frown upon that. It’s not illegal to reap on your own, but it’s frowned upon. Now, to find Avery.

  I start pushing through the crowd. People are touching me. If someone grabs me, I’m going to break their hand. I hear the tinkling of bells. Fine, I got it, Marked Ones. No beating people for no reason. Thank you very much. Couldn’t help me along, but you can stop me from hurting people. Makes sense. Makes total sense.

  Stopping, I run my fingers through my hair. Where would he be in a crowd of thousands. I touch the pendant and think of him. Suddenly, I get a vision of him standing in front of a club. I know that club! With great effort, I push my way there. It takes me a while to get there since people won’t move. Finally, I come around a corner and see him. He’s dressed in all black and looks good. Avery turns and throws his cigarette butt down, blowing out smoke. Nasty. Effing smoker. I casually make my way along the wall, keeping an eye on him. When he turns my way, I stop. He’s even better looking in person. Holy crap.

  Shut up, Raven. You’re stupid. Suddenly, a girl walks up to him. A tightness forms in my chest. I rub it. That’s weird. What in the hell? Reapers can’t have heart attacks. I eye up the girl. Short skirt with tube top. She has skank written all over her. I look down at my outfit. Black leather pants, red tank top to match my hair, and boots. I have much better taste. Skank is talking to my mark. She’s giggling and touching his chest. Talk. Talk. Flirt. Flirt. Barf. Barf. Humans are so damn predictable. She smiles and grabs his hand. They start to move.

  I don’t budge. “Well, there he is…” I state. “Now what?” I am surrounded by silence. “Hello?” I draw out, looking up at the sky. “Moving target…” And then there is more silence. Crap. Damn it. “Now, I have to follow him, that’s not part of this deal.” Still SILENCE.

  Man. This sucks. I have to remind myself to stay focused so I don’t lose them. Following like only a reaper can, stealthy, I trail them. She’s giggling some more and keeps touching his chest. Oh God. Please, put me out of my misery. I cannot witness this ridiculousness. Suddenly, they get to a darkened part of the street, she stops and whispers something in his ear. Avery smiles and the girl bites her lip. She yanks his hand and pulls him down an alley.

  Gross, they’re going to do it in a dirty alley. Man, have some standards. Great, now I can’t see them. I can’t lose the mark but I really don’t want to watch that. I hate my life. Two guys come around the corner and then go down the alley. Wait a minute. Who are they? They disappear from site. Now, I have to go look. I jump my way across the street and look down the alley.

  Avery and the girl are making out against the wall. Stay classy my friend. Suddenly, the two guys stop behind him. The girl smiles at them. Avery turns around, just as the one guy pulls a gun. Oh YES. Let the reaper come out and play. Oh, I’m so excited. Walking down the alley, I let my black aura out. Everyone turns and looks at me. I don’t say a word. Reapers are beautiful but super creepy at the same time. “What’s going on here?” I purr.

  “Man,” the gun holder stutters. “You’re hot.”

  “So I’ve been told,” I reply, walking up to him. “What’s your name?”

  “Why would I tell you?” He snorts. His friend and the girl laugh.

  Staring him in the eyes, I whisper, “Because I want to know.”

  “Go away,” he growls, “before things get ugly.”

  “Oh, they can’t possibly be any uglier than you,” I retort.

  “Bitch,” he snaps.

  I laugh, “You have no idea. Now, what are your names?” I press out my aura.

  The gunman stares at me blankly. “Tony.”

  “And you?” I ask the other guy.

  “Doug,” the guy whispers.

  Then I turn on the girl. “And the hussy?”

  “Deedra,” she says, looking terrified.

  Bending over, I smell the air around her. Opening my eyes, I say, “You’re free to go. Don’t do this again.”

  “What?” Deedra stutters.

  I press my aura hard. “Go.” She takes off running. I turn and glance at Avery. He’s watching me closely. He doesn’t look scared at all. Turning back to the gunmen, I say, “Tell me something about yourself.”

  “He’s my brother,” Doug exhales, staring blindly.

  “Brothers!” I exclaim. “Awesome!” I clap my hands. I look at Tony. “So, you care what happens to Doug.”

  “Well, yeah,” Tony scoffs.

  Turning to him, I say, “Hey Doug. What’s with that tightness in your chest?”

  “What?” He snorts in reply.

  I rub across my sternum. “That tightness. Wow. It’s so tight.”

  “Shut up,” Tony snaps.

  My eyes turn back to Doug. “It hurts. Wow. It’s so damn tight. Now, there’s tingling.”

  Doug starts to grab at his chest and makes weird faces. “What in the hell…” he growls.

  Pressing my aura out even harder, I say, “Now, the tingling pain is shooting down your left arm.”

  He gasps and grabs his arm. “What in the hell…” Tony snaps.

  I lean in closely and whisper, “It’s a heart attack.” Doug cries out and falls on the floor. He screams out in pain.

  “What are you doing to him!?” Tony shouts. “Doug. Dude. Doug.”

re you really going to let him die?” I ask, staring Tony down.

  Spinning, he points the gun at me. “I will kill you.”

  “Well, a bullet can’t kill me. Want to see what can?” I draw my arm back and spin in a circle, arcing down. When I stop, half of the gun goes skidding across the ground. My seraph blade is in my hand and Tony is holding half a gun.

  Everyone pauses and I yell, “BOO!” Tony and Doug scream and go tearing off down the alley. I slap the sword across my back and it disappears. Turning around, I look at Avery. He’s just staring at me. “Don’t look at me like that,” I snap. “You’re the disgusting one.”

  He arches a perfect eyebrow. “How am I disgusting?”

  “Umm, the obvious, you were going to have sex with some slut in a dirty alley. Have some respect for yourself.”

  “Who in the hell are you?” He asks.

  “The name’s Raven,” I state. Grabbing him, I pull him against me. Oh my god. He smells so good and it makes me feel… I shove him away. “Well, you don’t smell like death.”

  He lifts his shirt up. “Why would I smell like death?”

  “If you smelled like death, it would make a lot more sense as to why I was sent to find you.”

  “Find me?”

  “Yeah, I don’t know,” I scoff. “You’ve been marked and I guess I’m supposed to babysit you.”

  Avery shakes his head. “Chick, I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to stay away from me.”

  “I don’t take orders from you,” I snap. “There are bigger things in this universe than Avery Cross.”

  His eyes widen. “How do you know my name?”

  “Well, I can’t really tell you,” I say. “At least, I don’t think I can.”

  “Your name is Raven. What’s your last name?”

  Cocking my hip, I say, “Where I’m from, we really don’t have last names.”

  “Where are you from?” Avery inquires, looking really confused.

  “A place between heaven and hell,” I state. Then I burst out laughing. “Purgatory!”

  “What?” Avery snaps.

  Suddenly, a familiar sensation prickles across my skin. I shove Avery against the wall and step in front of him. I hear clapping, followed by, “Well, that was fast.”


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