The Curse

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The Curse Page 16

by Jaimi Wilson

  Liam chuckles, looking down at me from where he is standing. "I think it was needed. But if you’re okay now, we still need to talk about your sister and your father before we go to the doctor."

  I sink into my chair, wishing we didn't have to talk about either of them, but I get why the others are worried. Less than twelve hours ago, my sister tried to kill me. And on top of that, she admitted to sleeping with two of my mates.

  "Alright. Say your piece, but I’m telling you now, I am not sending my sister away without giving her a chance."

  Liam runs a hand down his face in frustration before blowing out an irritated puff of air like I am making his life miserable. "Jasmine, you can't let her stay here. What if she tries to hurt you or the baby?"

  "I took her magic away. She can't access it at all unless she's at risk of being hurt."

  Benji throws his hands up in the air, seeming just as frustrated as Liam. "Well, what if she doesn’t use magic? What if she decides to attack you with a knife instead? There’s nothing stopping her from using any kind of weapon to hurt you."

  "Well, seeing as I have four mates to protect me, I would think that would be next to impossible. Unless you're implying that you aren’t up to the challenge?" I goad, my voice teasing, which he picks up on judging by the twitch in his lips.

  "And what of your father?" Jenkins asks. "He could be hiding much more from you than your sister. What if he is really working with your mother towards her goal?"

  I sigh, feeling the heavy weight of responsibility on my shoulders. He’s right, of course, because if my father could hide something as significant as my own sister, then there could be deeper secrets hidden within the depths of his mind. Even so, I still think it’s best to give him the benefit of the doubt, because he truly did seem shocked by some of the things he found out. Yet he did know the truth about the Soldiers and didn’t tell me.

  Shit, I keep forgetting about talking to the humans. I need to set up some kind of meeting with the branch of the human government that deals with the Soldiers to try and make sure peace continues between our kinds. I don't want to fix the earth just for us all to have to go to war with the humans.

  Unfortunately, there are still so many uncertainties and a lot to figure out. So for now, I focus on the problem at hand and answer honestly. "Look, my father is an unknown. I want to trust him, but the fact of the matter is I don't. But that doesn’t mean that I'm not going to give him a chance to prove himself. That being said, his access to us will be limited until I can be assured he is not a threat to us and our child."

  "That's as good as we're going to get, isn't it?” Josh asks with a sly smile.

  "Yep!" I grin at him and cross my legs.

  He chuckles and holds out a hand to help me up, while the others move to give me room. "You ready for this appointment?"

  "You know, there is a chance we won't see anything on the ultrasound. By my calculations, I’m probably only just far enough along to get a positive urine test, so I doubt they will actually see anything."

  "This isn't just to have a look at the baby. This exam is important because we're all different species. You yourself are three species, Jas. We need to run some tests and make sure there aren't any nutrients that you or the baby are lacking. What if the baby is more vampire than wolf? If so, then it will need blood. On the other hand, if the wolf side is more dominant, then he will need to have more protein. If he’s mostly witch, he’ll will be fine on human foods. But if the baby appears to be equal parts of all three, then we need to develop a meal plan around that. As it is, we’ve already talked to a local blood blank to supply us with blood for you and mentioned to them there was a chance we would start needing more."

  Shit, I'm already a horrible mother. None of that even stuff even remotely occurred to me. I just assumed I would be fine to continue on going like what I had been. I hadn’t even thought about the need for blood, either for myself or the baby, but then again, I fed off Josh while I was sleeping so I guess that had been enough to tide me and the baby over for now. Even so, I really should have thought about all of this sooner because this is my baby we're talking about. I need to do everything right by this little life inside me. He is important, and not just to me. I can feel that already.

  "Right, let’s get to the doctor’s then. Or is he coming to us?" I ask, eager to find out how my little miracle is doing.

  Liam smirks down at me, before scooping me up into his arms. "No, he rarely leaves his home, but the small clinic is just beside his house so we're meeting him at first light."

  "Oh, fair enough. Is he a fair walk away?" I ask, assuming that's why Liam has picked me up.

  Benji comes to stand at his side, a massive grin in place as he meets my gaze. "Nope, the doctor is only three houses away."

  I frown in confusion. Then why is Liam carrying me?

  Benji watches me closely with a mischievous smile on his face, as if, waiting for me to figure it out. After a moment, it clicks. I look up at the man holding me. "Are you carrying me just because you wanted to touch me and so you wouldn’t have to share me?"

  Liam doesn't answer and I can't help the giggle that escapes. Stupid Alpha male. We just discussed this kind of thing and yet, the first chance he gets, he snatches me for himself. I contemplate whether I should make him put me down to avoid hurting the others’ feelings, but at the subtle shake of the head from Benji, I relax back in Liam's arms. I am going to trust my mates. Trust that they know what they can and can't take and that they’ll tell me if something is bothering them. Besides, I've missed Liam’s touch and it feels amazing to be in his arms. I let out a contented sigh as he begins to walk, still carrying me and with the rest of my mates right beside us. I try to focus on that, not wanting to let my anxiety about this check up plague me. Fat chance of that, though.


  The pack doctor’s clinic is not at all what I was expecting. I half expected it to be some wood shack without any modern medical equipment, maybe with woodworking tools instead. But to my surprise, the clinic appears clean and well organized, with the finest medical equipment available.

  The doctor’s assistant ushered us in when we arrived, then offered Liam a quick bow of submission. She was a young girl who only stuck around long enough to lead us into the doctor's waiting room. She didn’t even introduce herself, just disappeared in the back to tell the doctor of our arrival.

  The doctor comes into waiting the room, smiling softly at me. I expected a cliché looking man with a beard who called himself ‘doctor’ but barely knew how to apply a band aid. But Dr. Jakobe was nothing of the sort. Liam told me that runs a human hospital in the nearest town when he's not working here. He maintains a one month on, one month off schedule. So one month he’ll work at the human hospital, and then the next, he’ll be here to help out the pack. It’s very lucky that we’re able to see him while he’s here since the other healers in the pack are still only in training.

  “Welcome to my clinic, Alpha,” he says in a deep voice, tilting his head to show his neck in submission. “If you and your mate would like to follow me, we’ll get you dressed in a gown and get this visit underway.” He offers us a kind smile and then leads us back to an exam room. None of my mates leave my side but Dr. Jakobe doesn’t question it, which I am thankful for. Who knows what a human doctor would have said if I insisted on having all four of my mates with me for this?

  Once inside, he instructs me to change into the gown on the bed. After I’m finished dressing, the doctor comes back into the room and looks at me where I’m perched on the edge of the bed. I’m incredibly nervous, mostly about the fact I’m wearing nothing underneath this gown. I know how this appointment will go having been to a gynaecologist many times before but my mates are not going to like what he’s going to do next. They were already asking a million and one questions while I was changing into the gown.

  They all look like scared little boys in the face of Dr. Jakobe. I guess that while Josh knew I needed an appo
intment, he was just as clueless as the others about what that would entail.

  Dr. Jakobe approaches slowly and his assistant enters the room, wheeling in a sonogram machine behind her. She walks past the doctor and places the machine next to the bed. Then she brings in a chair, wheeling it to sit in front of the machine.

  While this is going on, the doctor runs a hand through his shaggy brown hair and fixes his stern gaze on my mates. "Now, are you four going to behave? Because this is going to be a very personal examination and if you can't control your natures, then it would be best for the safety of your mate and child for you to leave now."

  Liam growls and takes a deep breath. "We’ll be fine and we will all be staying, no matter what."

  The doctor looks to me for confirmation, and I nod. Then he gestures for his assistant to move. He takes a seat in the chair as she leaves the room. Huh, I thought she would be needed for this. But then again, considering the alternative is being stuck in a room with four male wolves when a male doctor is about to get up close and personal with their mate, I can't really say I blame her for making a quick exit.

  "Right then. Do you know when your last cycle was, Jasmine?"

  I blush, but then count back in my head, unable to come up with an exact date. "Four, maybe five weeks ago."

  He nods and turns on the machine. His gaze goes between me and the machine as he begins asking questions. "And have you confirmed the pregnancy with a home test?"

  "Uh, no. I was kind of told by my grandparents, but I can feel him within me, growing."

  Dr. Jakobe freezes at that, looking at me with wide eyes. "You can feel it? The energy of the fetus?"

  "Ah, yeah. I'm a witch. Well, vampire and wolf too apparently. That's why we came here so soon. We needed to see if there would be any special requirements or things to take into consideration with the baby."

  He blinks slowly, trying to process all of what I just said. But he ends up staring at me a bit too long, which draws a growl from Benji this time. Dr. Jakobe’s gaze quickly snaps away from me and his neck flushes.

  "Sorry, I was just taken aback. You’re really a cross between all three?"

  I merely nod, not wanting to have to explain the full truth about what I am.

  "Well then, it’s a very good thing you came in so early. We'll still do the scan and if it’s too soon to see anything, then we can schedule another appointment before I leave to go back to the human hospital. Either way, we’ll still run a few tests to see what your blood count and mineral levels are. That should give us an idea of what you and the fetus will need in the coming months."

  I don't say anything but I see my mates all nodding, tension flowing out of them at the doctor’s words. I guess it wasn’t just me who was worried about what the baby would need.

  Dr. Jakobe starts getting ready, pulling the ultrasound wand down. Then he hands me a sheet to cover my legs with, despite the fact that the gown already reaches my ankles. My guess is it’s just an extra level of privacy he's offering to keep my mates from going off the deep end.

  "You know that since you're still pretty early along that this will have to be an internal scan?"

  "Yeah, I've been through this once before. It was just a false alarm, but I know what to expect."

  He nods, seeming a little relieved. "Good, well this will basically go the same way. I’ll put a condom on the probe, which I will then cover with lubrication. I’ll leave it up to you whether you would prefer to insert it yourself or if you would like me to do so."

  He speaks with such an air of professionalism that I begin to feel more at ease, at least until I hear my mates begin to splutter and growl with disbelief.

  Liam's voice comes through the loudest. "What the hell is this about a condom and inserting a probe into my mate?! There will be no inserting!" he roars, and while I know they're upset, I can’t help the giggle that escapes.

  Jenkins seems to be the only one unaffected by the doctor’s words, even going as far as to smile at the looks of murder Benji, Liam and Josh are throwing Dr. Jakobe

  I decide to intervene before one of them hurts the poor doctor. "Guys?" They all look at me, and I beckon for Jenkins to come closer. When he’s as close to me as he can get without pushing one of the others away, I latch onto his hand, thankful for the comfort his presence is bringing me. "If the rest of you guys can't behave as well as Jenkins is, then you will need to leave, even if I have to make you. You know I have enough magic to teleport you out of here. The question is, do you really want to miss the first chance to see your son?"

  That seems to snap them out of it, their angry growling going quiet. They come to stand beside the bed where I already have my knees bent, knowing the drill. The doctor is already prepared, having prepped the wand while my mates worked to get control of themselves.

  “Are you ready, Jasmine?” The doctor asks me, holding the wand just before the sheet, waiting patiently.

  I nod and move my hand under the sheet, ready to grab the wand. I know I have to be the one to insert it in my vagina, because I guarantee there will be a brawl if the doctor does it.

  Dr. Jakobe lifts the sheet just enough to move the stick to hover between my legs. I take it from him and guide it inside me, watching the black screen as my uterus comes into view. At least I think that's what it is. To be honest, I barely paid attention the last time I got one of these done.

  The doctor keeps his hand on the stick and slowly moves my knees apart so he can move the wand easier. His touch is strictly professional, but I don't miss the low growls from my mates. Dr. Jakobe, the champ that he is, keeps his eyes fixed on the screen, completely ignoring the guys. He presses a few buttons on the board to change the picture we’re all seeing. Then he focuses on one particular fuzzy patch, which I think is supposed to be the baby. Or where the baby is maybe? Damn, I really should have paid more attention last time.

  "Well, you're definitely pregnant,” Dr. Jakobe announces after a minute. “Give me a sec and we’ll see if we can hear..." His voice trails off as he clicks a button and a soft whooshing sound fills the room.

  My mates all look stunned, their eyes fixed on the screen in wonder. Dr. Jakobe smiles down at me. "You were right. I would put you at about four to five weeks along. As far as I can see, everything seems fine but I would still like to draw some blood."

  "Of course. We need to know what the baby needs and if there’s anything I should avoid. I just don't want to overload on anything unless I truly have to."

  "Well, we'll do the tests today and I should have the results within a few hours. In the meantime, the best advice I can give in regards to food is for you to listen to your cravings and instincts. Your body will naturally reject anything harmful for the baby, and if you begin to have doubts about particular foods, listen to that feeling. That’s probably your instincts telling you there is something wrong with it, or that it might be harmful to your fetus."

  The soft heartbeat of our baby is still echoing through the room and seems to have rendered all four of my mates speechless. I decide just to ignore them, hoping they will snap out of it sooner or later.

  "I'll go get my assistant and let you get cleaned up and dressed. Just open the door and come into the room next door when you're ready."

  I nod in understanding, but then hiss in pain when he pulls the probe from me unexpectedly. At once, all four of my men are growling and turn their angry eyes on Dr. Jakobe like he just punched me or something.

  "Fuck," he murmurs under his breath. Seeing a disaster in the making, I quickly wave my hands in front of me. Tendrils of blue magic appear, holding all four of my mates in place to stop them from leaping at the doctor.

  "It's safe for you to leave now, Dr. Jakobe. They can't move right now because of my magic," I reassure him.

  He nods nervously and quickly tidies up. Afterwards, he hurries to leave, but pauses at the doorway, glancing from me to my men like he's afraid to leave me alone with them. I nod at him reassuringly, knowing they won't hurt
me. Dr. Jakobe, however, is skating on pretty thin ice.

  Once he's out of the room, I drop the magic and let out a growl of my own. "If the four of you can’t behave, then this will be the last ever appointment you attend. I will not have you making the doctor mess up something because he is too focused on the way you are reacting to concentrate on what is important, which is our child. Now if you don’t mind, I could use some help getting changed. I'm a little tender between the legs,” I say, sitting up and groaning softly.

  More growls immediately fill the room. "Oh, shut up!" I reprimand them.

  Honestly, it feels like being at a doctor’s appointment with a bunch of cavemen if you ask me. I know they’re protective, but I just don't want the doctor to miss something because he's worried about my mates attacking him.

  I hurriedly get dressed with the help of Liam and Jenkins. Then together, we all head into to the next room. The rest of the appointment seems to fly by, with the doctor drawing four vials of blood to test for everything under the sun, and me peeing in a cup to test for other infections and human STDs. Not that such a thing is even possible, but I let him do everything, wanting to be absolutely sure.

  When the appointment is over, Dr. Jakobe just looks relieved to get us out of his clinic. My guys were being pretty good for the rest of the appointment after I lost it with them for all of their stupid growling, but they still grew tense every time the doctor touched me. It makes me wonder whether hearing the baby made things all the more real for the four of them, making our connection stronger?

  I look back, offering the doctor a friendly smile. "Thank you again. I appreciate your patience, especially with these brutes being such a pain."

  Dr. Jakobe laughs softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's okay, Jasmine. I am used to mates and their protective instincts. It was just a surprise to have four extremely powerful men in the same room, one of them being my own Alpha, not to mention your own power. I hope you don’t mind me saying, but being in your presence made me want to bow to you. Then, when I accidently hurt you, I felt the urge to cut my own hands off and was overwhelmed with guilt. Do you know why that might be?" he asks, sounding genuinely curious.


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