The Curse

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The Curse Page 18

by Jaimi Wilson

  He nods his head, shame taking over his features. Well, I’m guessing he knows exactly what we need to talk about.

  I drag him after me, but not before throwing a glance back at my mates, urging them with my eyes not to follow. I need to confront my father about this in private because I find it hard to believe that the vampires and humans had been working together without him knowing about it.

  I take him to the pack house, dragging him up on the porch behind me. Then I weave a silencing spell around us in order to keep our conversation private.

  I glare at my father. He bows his head, shoulders dropping in defeat. "I'm sorry."

  "What exactly are you sorry for?" I grind out.

  "I told them you were here. They wanted your mother and when I didn't tell them where she was straight away, they threatened the whole pack. I knew if they thought you were Gaia, that they’d take you instead. I knew you were strong enough to escape, so I wasn’t worried about that. I also thought there was a chance it might lead to some kind of alliance, or at least a tentative peace talks."

  I sigh in frustration and run a hand down my face, counting to ten. While his intentions were kind of good, that was absolutely the wrong way to go about it. He could have warned me at the very least.

  I fix him with a stern gaze, wanting to make sure he understands how serious I am. "Dad, I stood up for you in front of my mates just this morning and told them you deserved the benefit of the doubt. Do you have any idea how this makes me look?"

  I shake my head sadly and his eyes begin to glisten with tears. "I have to tell my mates about this. I won't keep the truth from them. We will discuss it further and make a decision from there, but I want you to understand that whether or not you’re allowed to stay here with us is completely up in the air right now. I can't have you here around me, my mates, my pack or my child if I even think for a second that you might turn your back on me or sell me out like that again."

  "I won't, Jazzy bear. You have to know that." His eyes plead with me to believe him.

  "I'm sorry, but I can't. If you would have just told us what the vampires and humans were planning, I would have understood and would have helped you willingly. But instead, you let them believe I was my mother, knowing they would attack us.

  “They shot me with darts filled with some kind of drug to knock me out. Do you have any idea what that might have done to the baby? Just because he is able to shield himself externally doesn't mean he can fight off everything that moves through my system internally."

  My father looks distraught by my words but doesn’t respond as I look out at my mates who are gathering the pack members in their wolf form. I smile proudly at the command the four of them hold over the pack. I had half-wondered whether Jenkins would be able to fit in with the rest of the pack, and I’m pleased to see that he has. It's like he's one of them.

  My dad moves forward to lean against the railing, looking out at the pack as they prepare for the vampires’ arrival. I may want them as allies, but we aren’t stupid enough to be unprepared in case they decide to offer violence rather than peace. "I know the decision won't be yours alone, but I just ask that you give me a second chance."

  "I can't, Dad. Don’t you get that? You already lied about Delilah. You should have told me about her, but you didn't. I needed honesty, but that seems to be something you’re incapable of. And if you can’t be truthful when it really matters, then how could we ever trust you?"

  "You're right. I can't go back in time and fix my mistakes. I wish I could, though. Then I could stop your mother from binding your wolf, and keep her from using Delilah against you, from playing with your mates and using her body to get what your mother wished. Gaia had it in her head that if you didn't have your mates by your side, you wouldn’t be as strong. Then again, she only thought you had two mates, making you much stronger than even she predicted.” He grins slyly at this and I return it with one of my own.

  "It wouldn't have mattered if I had only one mate or a hundred. They aren’t the reason for my power. Now, back to the subject at hand. Do you have any ideas what to do with the humans and vampires? I have this feeling they’ll still doubt my ability to defeat Gaia and return her energy back to the earth."

  My dad is quiet for a long time, looking out at all of the assembled pack members. After a few minutes of careful contemplation, he turns to me. "Show everyone your wolf. You’ve already shown them your witch and vampire sides, at least judging by the blood staining your lips," he says.

  I lick my lips at his words, still tasting the faint hint of blood. Shit, I went to my mates like this?

  "They haven't seen your wolf yet. And my guess is that based on your strength, your wolf is going to be a sight to behold, something that would frighten them and give them a glimpse of how strong you are."

  Huh, he actually has a good point there. When I shifted in the other realm, my wolf was bigger than even Helios’. Not that she really ever makes herself known. She’s just this silent presence in my mind, content to wait until she is needed. Maybe it’s time to let her free and show everyone the truth of my heritage.

  I throw myself at my dad, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Then I dissolve my spell and take off at a jog.

  "Thanks, Dad!" I call back over my shoulder, giving him a small wave and hearing his chuckle in response. I go past my mates, heading straight for the doctor’s clinic. Thankfully, he's leaving the office as I reach the building. I quickly pull to a stop before I accidently bowl him over.

  "Doctor Jakobe, if I shift, will it hurt the baby?"


  I'm bouncing on the balls of my feet, wearing a smirk as the army of vampires and humans emerges from the woods around us. The same human I drank from is there, his eyes darting around at the wolves who are gathered along the edges of the woods, ready to attack if needed. The vampire from before also steps forward and at his side is another vampire, one I feel a strong connection to. Huh, that’s strange and unexpected. I wonder what it means?

  My mates are all spread out behind me and my dad and Delilah are standing just to the right of Benji and Liam, while Mick, Liam’s Beta, is to the left of Josh and Jenkins.

  There are close to a hundred wolves, all in their wolf forms behind us, all of them understanding that no one is to attack unless one of the Alphas shifts. Other than me, that is.

  I told the guys that Dr. Jakobe said it was okay to shift this early in the pregnancy because unlike some of the human myths about werewolves, our wolf bodies are magic. Towards the end of pregnancy, it can become dangerous to shift, the doctor said, but for now it will be fine. Which is good; I only need to do this the one time and even then, I only plan to only shift if they truly need a demonstration.

  I step away from my mates and start walking towards the human I nearly drained earlier and his vampire friend, since the two of them seem to be in charge.

  When I'm standing directly in front of them, I thrust out my hand in greeting. "Welcome to the Maine Pack. My name is Jasmine and I speak for all gathered here, except for my mates. But since it was me you tried to kill, I will be the one to host today’s meeting."

  The human looks ready to throw up but still takes my hand, being incredibly delicate, as if worried one wrong move will make me attack. I hold back a smirk as he shakes my hand once and then quickly steps back. "I'm Thomas, ambassador for the human president. Any decisions, I make with his full support."

  I nod my understanding, then swing my gaze to the vampire, who takes my offered hand. "Sabel, Your Majesty. I would like to first and foremost offer my deepest apologies for the terrible case of mistaken identity. Our informant was misinformed."

  I let his hand go with a grin. "And by informant, I'm sure you mean my dad back there, standing next to my sister and mates?"

  His eyes widen at my words, as do Thomas'. They both turn to stare at my father, who remains emotionless, seeming unaffected by their gaze.

  Thomas finally speaks up, his voice grating on m
y nerves. "You do realize it was your mother we asked him for, right? And that he knew we very well might have killed her if she refused our requests?"

  "Oh believe me, I know. But I’m also aware that you threatened all of the Soldiers, as well as this pack if he didn't give up my mother’s location. And considering he had no clue where she’s been hiding, he gave you me instead. He trusts that I can protect myself.”

  They both turn back to me. I see a small amount of respect in Thomas’ eyes, but Sabel is looking at me with a calculating expression. Like I'm hiding some deep secret.

  I turn to the other vampire, the one I felt a connection to. He’s standing not far behind Sabel, and is eyeing me with an intense stare. I look him over, and a sense of familiarity takes over me.

  I take a step towards him, ignoring everyone else as the connection between us flares to life. My body starts to glow with a soft gold light and tears begin to well in his green eyes. He takes a step towards me, and all of my mates immediately begin to growl. I hold up a hand to shush them. If they know what’s good for them, they will trust me in this.

  I reach a hand out and cup the man’s cheek softly. The red beard under my hand tickles slightly but I continue to hold the man’s gaze. “I know you, don’t I?”

  He starts sobbing slightly, before catching himself, but his voice holds such pain when he speaks. “You saved me. I don’t know how you did it, or why. When I went to you all those years ago, I was planning to kill you, yet you saved me. You gave me back my humanity.” He drops to his knees and wraps his arms around my waist as he lets go of all his pain. “Thank you,” he sobs over and over while I just stand there, stroking his hair gently.

  I look up and see the surprise on all of the vampires’ faces, even Sabel, who looks unsure what to do now.

  When the man at my feet finally gathers his composure, he rises to his feet and gazes at me with such devotion in his eyes. “My name is Luther, Goddess, and if you will allow me, I will serve you for the rest of my life. I vow to protect you and those you love until my last days. I will do anything if you will let me stay by your side.”

  I know instinctively that I can trust this man with my life, but what would my mates think about having a vampire around all the time? “Luther, I would be honored to have your protection. We’ll need talk more about this later, though. For now, you can go stand by mates and my family if you’d like.”

  The happiness in his eyes is contagious and when he smiles at me, I give him one just as bright in return. He rushes over to join my mates, and I turn to watch him stand in line behind them. My mates watch him warily, but they don’t say a word. Once I’m sure Luther is okay, and no one from my side is going to attack, I turn back to Thomas and Sabel, and their gathered people.

  "Now, the reason I wanted you all to come here was because I wish to inform you of my plans and offer you a few options."

  Neither of them says anything. They just continue to watch me, looking as intrigued as the rest of the pack behind me, who are all silent.

  "My mother, Gaia, is out of control. Eight months from now, I will face my mother here, right where we're standing. She will bring all those loyal to her, while I will have all those who want freedom by my side. I will face her and try to send her energy back to the earth, wiping her of everything she is. She will no longer be a sentient being, just pure energy that will help keep the earth healthy."

  I pause to make sure they’re still listening before I begin listing the choices they have. "Now here are the options you have to choose from. One, you come back here in eight months time to help prepare for the inevitable fight. You’ll fight by our side, and then when my mother is gone from this earth, you’ll help us round up all the people affected by her magic to either return to them to normal or imprison them if they are just plain evil.

  “After that, life goes on, but with humans, vampires, wolves, witches and Soldiers all living in harmony. No bitterness, no fighting. Just all of us working together."

  I turn to face Thomas. "The Soldiers will no longer work for the humans once they are freed from my mother’s control. They will be given freedom to live their lives however they please. If they want to work for you, then that’s perfectly acceptable, but it will up to them to decide.

  "Or there’s option two, in which I fight my mother without your help, and afterward, you will be ostracized from the rest of us. The Soldiers still won't be working with the humans, and even if you need us, you will be all on your own. And I can pretty much guarantee there will come a time in the future when you will need me and the power I have, but if you refuse us now, then I will not help."

  “So we either help you and you’ll help us in turn, or we leave you to it and you won't ever help us? Those are really the only options you’re giving us?" Thomas asks, seeming appalled.

  I shrug my shoulders, not really caring how he feels about my choices. The humans have waited until now to intervene, as have the vampires. My mother has been targeting the witches and wolves, both by using my adoptive mother and my sister. Meanwhile, the vampires have remained hidden and practically untouched, as have the humans. The few deaths they’ve had are nothing compared to the casualties the witches and wolves have suffered in the past few years.

  "I am open to suggestions, of course, but those are the basic options as I see them."

  Sabel cocks his head, scrutinizing me with his gaze. "And you just expect us to believe you have the power to do what you say? Yes, you're powerful for a witch but that isn't enough to stop the earth herself."

  I beam at that and take a few steps back, leaving a big enough space between us. "I was so hoping you would ask."

  I close my eyes, my body vibrating as I call to that energy that has stayed curled up deep within my mind. She rises eagerly, the power and strength radiating off her almost the same as that I felt from Helios. In the blink of an eye, my wolf rises out of me, triggering the shift. I shake my head, wobbling slightly on unstable legs, unused to this new size. I’m big enough that I tower over the people around me.

  I look down at my mates, who smile up at me with awe-filled expressions. Then I turn to stare at Thomas and Sabel, both of whom look about ready to piss themselves. After a moment, I shift back to my human form. Liam hands me a sundress, which I take and quickly pull on.

  Once I’m dressed again, I turn to face the assembled humans, wolves and vampires, who all seem to have come closer to get a good glimpse of me. As I stand here looking out at them, I see the Soldiers that remained underground in the compound begin to slowly walk out from the trees, with Harry and Ivy leading them.

  My former best friend winks at me, and I hold back a grin. Then I raise my voice to ensure they can all hear me. "I am Jasmine. I'm not human, nor am I just a vampire, witch or wolf. I am all of that and more. My father too is a cross between all our kinds, while my mother is Gaia, the earth herself.

  “My grandparents are Helios, the sun." At my words, he appears in a translucent form on my right. Even so, I can still I feel his ghostly touch on my right shoulder. The people around me can see his ghostly appearance too and they all gasp in complete shock. "My grandmother is Selene, the moon." At my summons, she appears on my left, placing a hand on my other shoulder, reminding me of the vision I saw of them with my mother. Although that future had to have changed now that my adoptive mother is out of the picture.

  My power radiates off me, and I can tell all of them can feel it too. The power inside, just waiting to be released so it can return my mother’s energy to where it belongs and right all of her mistakes.

  Thomas and Sabel both take a step forth, dropping to their knees in supplication. "Goddess, we humbly pledge ourselves to your cause," Sabel says, his voice filled with amazement.

  "On behalf of the humans around the world, we will help you defeat this evil, Goddess." Thomas looks at me like I'm nothing but a weapon to him, but I guess in the eyes of the humans, that is exactly what I am.

  "Long live the goddess Jasmine
!" I hear shouted from behind me and hold back a smirk at the sound of my sister’s voice. But then to my surprise, others begin to join in.

  I look at my grandparents, both of them smiling softly. Helios leans in to whisper, "You will face her, and you will win, Jasmine. But unfortunately, your fight won't be over then. No, your battle won't be over until the day your son faces our gods and wins."

  With that, he disappears, as does my grandmother. I can't help but curse at Helios’ words. I thought this would all finally be over after my mother was dealt with. I don't want my son facing anything like this, but if what Helios says is true, his challenge is going to be a lot harder than mine.

  To be continued in “The Binding.”

  Thank You For Reading!

  Thank you to everyone who read the second instalment of the Saving the Supernaturals Trilogy. Now there are a few things you should know.

  Firstly, this series is under the pen name Jaimi Wilson but it is me, Tamara White, writing the stories.

  Secondly, as you have probably figured out there will be a spin off series to this story featuring Ivy and Jasmine’s son. It’s a little complicated and won’t be out for a while, but it is on the schedule for hopefully mid 2019.

  Thirdly, there is no release date for book three ‘The Binding’ at this stage. I have five stories to complete before I can start it but I will update everyone as soon as I can.

  And lastly, all Jaimi social media presence will be gone by the time you read this. If you wish to follow me, and keep track of releases, you are best to stalk my Tamara profile. It is very hard to maintain the two accounts and with the schedule I have, this will give me more time to write all the words.


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