Cornering Carmen

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Cornering Carmen Page 9

by S. E. Smith

  “Yes,” she panted as her climax built. “YES!” She gasped out as her body exploded around his.

  A low growl escaped Creon as he felt her body tighten down on his, fisting his cock as she pulsed around his. She was so beautiful as she came. Her eyes were closed and her head was thrown back slightly, exposing the slender column of her throat to him. A look of bliss curved her lips. Unable to resist, he rocked into her harder, faster. Enjoying her gasp as her eyes popped open in shock as her body tightened again.

  “Creon,” she breathed out hoarsely. “Oh…” she cried out, gripping his shoulders as her body stiffened again.

  “You are mine,” he roared out as his own body answered hers.

  Creon’s eyes closed as he felt his seed pulsing deep inside her. He could feel her vaginal walls stroking him, pulling more out of him. Inside, his dragon roared out wanting to see his mate being born. Dragon fire burned his throat again. He didn’t think it possible for there to be any more left inside him but his dragon refused to be sated until he knew his mate was transformed. His eyes popped open, focused on the pale slender column in front of him.

  Bite! His dragon roared out determinedly.

  It seized control once again with a force Creon had never experienced before. Midnight scales rippled and his teeth lengthened. His eyes lowered to Carmen’s small, firm breast. Lowering his head, he sank his teeth into the rounded globe. His hands prevented her from jerking away and injuring herself as he once again placed his mark upon her.

  “Creon?” Carmen asked in a confused voice.

  Her head jerked down when she felt the sharp pinch, followed by the tug on her left breast. Her eyes widened as she watched Creon suck on it. A small trace of blood ran down one side, slipping down until it dropped into the warm water of the bath. A whimper escaped her as she felt warmth flood it, causing her nipple to swell in response. Soon, the throbbing between her legs match the sucking motion of his mouth as he continued to move back and forth, running his tongue over her taut nipple until it became ultra-sensitive.

  “You are going to kill me,” she moaned in a husky voice as the waves of desire and need built again.

  A low rumble was the only response to her moaned words. Need fed and grew to an explosive level inside her. She erupted as it crested, grinding her hips down against his seeking relief. She felt a slight tug as he released her breast followed by a hot tongue over the hypersensitive nipple. Pleasure/pain exploded through her at the sudden release.

  Her head fell forward to lay against his shoulder, as shaken sobs ripped from her throat. The world tilted as one strong arm slid down to support her ass as he stood. Water poured down their bodies that were still attached. His other arm supported her around her waist, keeping her pressed against his broad chest. She knew he was walking back into the bedroom but she didn’t care. She was a mass of over-sensitive nerves right now unable to function or support her own body. She bit her lip as he pulled out of her trying unsuccessfully to keep the cry of denial from escaping her swollen lips.

  “Hush, it has only just begun,” his deep voice whispered quietly against her ear as he laid her down gently on his bed.

  Carmen forced her eyes open to stare up in disbelief. “What do you mean, it has only just begun?” She asked in shock.

  “The dragon’s fire,” Creon replied, pressing a kiss to her shoulder, then her breast, before moving down to her stomach.

  “What is the dragon’s fire?” She asked in a strangled voice, staring up at the top of the bed as he continued moving down, pulling one of her legs over his shoulder.

  “If the Gods and Goddesses bless us, we will be one when the transformation is done,” his muffled voice said before he latched onto the small, swollen nub between her legs and began feasting.

  Carmen arched into his mouth still staring up. The images reflected in the mirrored surface above her showed her everything he was doing to her body. The sight and sound so erotic she couldn’t close her eyes to block them. She saw the image of herself opening like a bloom seeking the sun for him. She spread her legs wider, opening to him. Her fingers curled tightly in the covers of the bed. She could see the mark on her left breast. It throbbed, as if his mouth still held it captive. A cry ripped from her throat as her body shattered suddenly. She could feel the force of her orgasm as it exploded out of her. The tugging increased instead of decreasing. Unable to stand it any longer, her fingers released the bedspread and wound in his long hair.

  “Stop,” she cried out even as she wrapped her legs around his head, trapping him to her. “Oh God!” She muttered over and over as pleasure washed through her.

  Creon pulled back with a soft, rumbling growl. He gripped her thighs, pulling them from around his head and slid his hands up to her waist where he roughly flipped her until she lay on her stomach. Pulling her up onto her knees, he held her around her waist and slid his throbbing cock between the slick, swollen folds until he was buried as far as he could go. He held her tightly, even as she fought against the intrusion against her sensitive core. He bit back a curse as the waves of the dragon fire ensnared both of them in its greedy grasp. His hips piston back and forth faster and faster as it burned hotter. Scales rippled over both of them in response, his black scales against her white, red, pink, and purple ones.

  Creon’s eyes focused on the spider web of veins spreading out over her back. The image of the phoenix on her back gave the illusion of movement. Its wings spreading, opening, taking flight. The reds turning to flames while the pink and purple twisted, turning and reshaping into a dragon. His throat closed with emotion at the beauty of her transformation.

  His body exploded in a kaleidoscope of sparks, bursting in an explosion that left him shaking and gasping for breath. He bent over her body, straining to pour every ounce of his essence, of his love into her.

  “Never,” he choked out through a throat thick with emotion. “Never will I leave you.”

  Chapter 11Creon lay on his side looking at his mate’s relaxed face. He marveled at her beauty, her strength, and her determination. A smile curved his lips when he noticed there was a slight tremble to his hand. He was in awe of her. She had not shied away from his, or his dragon’s, claim. She had matched him touch for touch, taste for taste, fire with fire throughout the night only to fall into a deep sleep as the moons set and the sun teased the horizon. The smile faded slowly. He would never be able to let her return to her world alone.

  During the night, she had haltingly told him about her life before. She talked of her husband, holding nothing back. He was surprised at first at the lack of jealousy he had for the other male. Perhaps it was the sad but peaceful way in which she told him of her life before. The more he learned, the more he was thankful the other male had been there for her. He held her tightly when she told him of how he was murdered and about the man who she had sought vengeance on. And, he comforted her as she tearfully told him of losing the child she and her first mate had conceived due to the injuries she had suffered. He had sworn then and there he would do three things. He would plant his seed inside her, not to replace the child she lost but to fill the emptiness in her heart and arms. He would protect her with every fiber of his, his dragon, and his symbiot’s being. And last, they would return to her world and he would personally kill the man who had taken so much from her.

  His hand moved down to gently touch her flat stomach. The smile slowly grew again as he thought about the fact he had accomplished his first task. Just before the moons set, he had planted his seeds deeply inside her. He felt her dragon stirring in confusion and wonder as the twin tiny lights sparked to life, anchoring deep inside her womb. Her dragon gave a contented purr before wrapping protectively around them.

  My mate, his dragon purred in delight. I tell you I claim her.

  Yes, you did, Creon replied dryly before reluctantly rolling out of bed. You really need to learn a little about control.

  Control for wimps, his dragon replied with a roll of his eyes. You needed my
dragon balls to lose control.

  Fuck you, Creon growled back playfully.

  No, fuck my mate, his dragon answered back with a huge yawn. After nap.

  Creon shook his head. He would probably need a nap later, he thought, as he stumbled toward the bathing room. He needed to finalize things with his brothers before he left. He also needed to talk to his mother. He wanted to thank her for her help. She had told him he needed to look beneath the mask to the wounded creature beneath. He now understood the depth of pain and grief his mate had suffered and he would do everything he could to make her life a happy and fulfilling one. Today was the first day of her new life and he was determined it would be one she never, ever regretted.


  Several hours later, Carmen was walking next to Cara, Ariel, and Trisha toward Abby’s living quarters. Along with over a dozen guards who kept a marginal distance behind her. Carmen had been surprised at the knocking at the door and out of habit had picked up the vase she kept near the door before realizing she probably didn’t need it anymore. She opened the door to find Cara bouncing like a super-ball. Behind her was Trisha and Ariel and a cart laden with pots of…

  “Coffee?” Carmen asked hopefully looking at the cart with a look that had the guards backing up even further. “You have coffee?”

  Cara’s light laughter filled the corridor. “Pots and pots and pots of it. All the good stuff! I’ve been reprogramming the replicators to make it. It took a while but I think I have it figured out. I also made a bunch of other stuff. It is so cool. Did you know if you….”

  Carmen had lost track of what Cara was rattling off about. Something to do if you cross this wire with that and add something else you end up with something new. All her brain could process was it smelled coffee. She would have followed the women anywhere if it meant getting a cup or a hundred.

  “We’re headed to see Abby. She had the most amazing adventure!” Cara said excitedly. “I heard Mandra, who told Kelan, who told Trelon that she burned this guy that kidnapped her up! I want to learn how to do that.”

  Carmen shook her head and put her hand on Cara’s shoulder to stop her energetic movements. “The only question I have is do I get a cup of coffee if I follow you?”

  “Yes!” The answer came from three giggling voices.

  Carmen looked at the guards who moved back another step. She frowned in confusion at them. Before, at least two or three of them would have been on her ass by now. She took a step toward them and they almost stumbled trying to move backwards away from her. She shook her head in confusion before closing the door and following the other women down the corridor. Every once in a while she would glance over her shoulder to see if the guards were still there. They were but they were like a school of Barracuda. They kept the same distance from her. If she moved toward them, they moved back. If she moved forward, they took a step closer. It was downright weird.

  “So what’s with all the guards?” Cara asked as she bounced down the corridor. “I would have thought we had enough protection with all our gold BFFs.”

  Carmen wouldn’t have been surprised if Cara didn’t start dancing on the ceiling with the amount of energy she was putting out. If they could harness it, they could power the entire planet for at least a month or two. Instead, she scowled when she listened to her sister’s response.

  “Oh, they are guarding us. They are here to prevent Carmen and me from trying to escape again,” Ariel was saying.

  Cara turned around walking backwards, practically shaking with excitement. “Do you need help? I bet I could rewire the V’ager! We could go exploring. Maybe we could try…,” loud groans from the guards drew laughter from the women.

  Even Carmen couldn’t quite hide the smile that curved her lips. Cara was additive and exhausting all in the same sentence. It was obvious she was in rare form today. She wondered how Creon’s brother was holding up. Tired, exhausted, worn-out were a few adjectives that came to mind. Carmen had visited Trisha and Ariel enough over the last three years to know what their little friend could be like. Outrageous on a good day and destructive on an even better one. She had never seen Cara have a bad day so she figured the world would be safe until that day arrived.

  She gave a silent ‘thank you’ when they arrived at Abby’s door. She was about ready to go feral if she didn’t get a cup of coffee soon. The smell was heaven and she was ready for more than a whiff of it. She bowed her head to hide the blush that rose on her cheeks as she remembered why she was in such a desperate need for a cup. She was working on about three hours of sleep. Creon had been insatiable last night. It had been a long time since she had a workout like that. Not since she and Scott spent that long weekend in Rio de Janerio. A soft, warm glow filled her. She could now think of her memories with him with a measure of happiness instead of just pain and grief. They had lived, loved, and laughed life to the fullest. Now, it was time to let go and live again. Tears burned her eyes. Not from sadness this time but with a gratitude that she had been given a chance to be loved like that not once but twice in her lifetime. Her fingers fell to her side. She felt a warmth spread through the tips of her fingers up her arm as Harvey brushed against her. Long tentacles of gold spun out from his coat, wrapping around her arms and moving under her shirt to encase her neck.

  “Thank you, my friend,” she murmured quietly.

  He let out a small snort before trotting through the open door into Abby’s living quarters where he promptly turned around in a circle several times before lying down in the first sunny spot he could find near the windows. Carmen listened to the other women chatting excitedly about everything that happened. She quietly poured herself a cup of coffee and walked over to the chair nearer to where Harvey lay. Curling her legs up under her, she followed along with Abby’s tale of everything that happened to her. She leaned forward when Abby dropped her little bombshell.

  “I can change into a dragon,” Abby was saying with a nervous giggle.

  The words echoed through Carmen as Abby described to Cara how she did it. Carmen looked down at the soft, peach-colored skin of her arms but she was remembering last night. She had watched as ripples of color had run up and down them.

  Just like when Creon had transformed at the hanger, she thought stunned. That was what he meant about the transformation. That was what the burning fire was inside me. He was changing me… like…, her mind froze for a moment. … Like the phoenix. I was reborn last night.

  A small nervous chuckle escaped her as more memories came. How she felt like something was moving under her skin. How her back had burned and itched as if something was trying to burst from it. How his eyes had lit with passion, desire, and delight as he stared down at her. How something deep inside her was reaching out to touch…

  My mate, the husky voice inside her whispered. I want my mate.

  Carmen remained motionless, listening to the voice inside of her instead of to the giggles coming from Cara and Abby. She lowered her head so the others couldn’t see the confusion in her eyes or notice when she closed them as she focused inward. She reached out again to see if what she had heard was imaginary or real.

  I real, the voice purred. Just like our babies.

  Carmen’s eyes flew open and her pulse sped up until she felt like she was about to hyperventilate. Our what?! She choked out silently.

  Our babies, the voice said with a satisfied sigh. See, you look. You see me and our babies our mate gave us.

  Carmen let out a trembling breath and closed her eyes again. She focused deep inside her, unsure of what she was looking for or what to do. It was as if some invisible thread suddenly began to glow inside her mind. Images swirled, mixing and forming into a solid shape becoming clearer the longer she focused. The image of a beautiful, slender dragon in the colors of the phoenix on her back appeared. Shades of white blended with reds, pinks, and purples from the tip of her long, narrow snout down to her tail. Her wings were folded in close to her body.

  Look closer, the husky voice
said. Look at our mate’s gift to us.

  Carmen watched as one delicate wing lifted to reveal two tiny sparks of light. They were so small and fragile but glowed with a strength that belied their size. They moved closer to each other and to the dragon curled protectively around them. Carmen could feel the tightness in her chest as she fought with a collage of emotions. She reached out with her mind to gently stroke the tiny sparks.

  Will I be able to transform into a dragon like Abby? She asked her dragon in a trembling voice.

  Silly, how else do I touch my mate if you no change! Her dragon said as she wrapped her wing around the two sparks again. My mate as horny as yours. He not want to wait for long. You watch. He call to me.

  Carmen couldn’t stop the nervous giggle that burst from her. She opened her eyes and stared at Abby again. Once she started she couldn’t stop. The air filled with her giggles as happiness unlike anything she ever thought possible again filled her. All eyes whipped around to stare at her, unable to believe where the giggling was coming from.

  Carmen wiped her eyes trying to stop from laughing. “Oh Abby, please teach us. I would love to be able to give someone else hell and I’m sure I could think of a hundred different ways to do it in the form of a dragon,” she said as images of Creon in his dragon form trying to catch up with her formed in her mind.

  Soon, they were giggling and making up ways they could drive the men insane by switching between human and dragon and using the symbiots. Cara was the most creative but Carmen came up with the most devious. She could escape out the windows and fly down different levels or soar out over the ocean she had seen in the distance or when he got bossy she could wrap her tail around him and hang him upside down over the balcony until he gave in. The list went on and on, each getting more ridiculous than the one before. When Zoran walked into the room a couple of hours later and found all five women in hysterics, he groaned loudly. Carmen looked at his face and burst out laughing even harder.


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