Legally Hot

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Legally Hot Page 17

by Leigh, Lora

  He tugged at the neckline of her dress and drew down the red satin bra with black lace, bringing both hands under her breasts so that they jutted out and her nipples grew even harder. He played with her nipples as she squirmed and then flicked his tongue over them.

  As he sucked her nipples he grasped the hem of her dress and brought it up around her waist, exposing the red panties with the black lace that she had worn just for him. He caressed the smooth silky texture of them, a sensual feel that had her moving against him, trying to get even closer than was possible.

  Adam reached behind her and unzipped her dress, sliding his fingers along her soft skin as he drew the zipper down.

  He pushed her dress from her shoulders, down and over her hips and let it fall to the floor.

  Keri gave into every single sensation that rocked her body. She wanted Adam and now was the time to take him. Take him here and now and never let him go.

  When she stepped out of her dress, she stood before him in her red satin panties and bra with the black lace, black stockings, and her black high heels. She felt delicious and decadent and loved the way Adam looked at her. Hunger in his gaze, need, and fire.

  He showed the fire inside him as he kissed her again and played with her nipples, which responded by tightening, growing hard and even more sensitive.

  Adam pinched her nipples hard enough to make her cry out in surprise before he began sucking first one and then the other. He slipped his fingers into her panties and stroked her in a way that made her moan with pleasure.

  Keri wanted to see Adam with everything off. She tugged his shirt out of his slacks and began unbuttoning it. Her hands didn’t tremble, her fingers sure and quick.

  After she finished unbuttoning his shirt she pushed it aside while running her palms across the hardness of his chest, the strength of his shoulders, the power in his biceps. He shrugged completely out of his shirt, then tossed it across the room.

  Keri leaned forward and inhaled, filling her lungs with his thoroughly masculine scent. She ran her tongue over his salty skin and licked one of his nipples while she played with the other one.

  With a groan, Adam slid his fingers into her hair. It drifted over her shoulders in a caress as he rubbed her scalp and skimmed his fingers down her nape to her shoulders.

  She lightly bit his skin and tasted him, small nibbles and flicks of her tongue from his chest, down to his waist, and over his taut abs. As she moved her mouth she eased down so that she was kneeling in front of him.

  Crazy sensations zinged through her body as she focused on rubbing her palm over his erection. Adam clenched his hands harder in her hair as she unfastened the top button of his slacks and drew down the zipper, exposing his briefs.

  She looked up at him and her insides made more twists and turns when she saw how focused he was on her. How dark his eyes were. How intense his expression was.

  Keri rubbed her hand over his boxer-briefs, tracing the outline of his erection with her fingertips. Then she grasped the sides of his slacks and pulled them down to the floor where he kicked them off in the direction his shirt had gone.

  Before she could start on his boxers, he pulled off each of his socks, then squared his stance.

  It had been so long since she had been with a man and she didn’t remember ever wanting someone so badly as she did Adam. Something about him stirred her on some deeper level.

  She breathed deep of him again then tugged down his boxer-briefs. His smell filled her, making her want more of him. His erection was so long, so hard. She wrapped her fingers around his cock, then slid her mouth over him.

  Adam gave a low rumble in his chest before grasping her hair in his fists while pumping his hips against her face. Keri took all of him to the back of her throat. She loved the way he tasted, the feel of him inside her mouth as he moved in and out. She loved knowing that she was giving him pleasure.

  “That’s enough,” he said after several minutes. “Come here.”

  Keri obeyed, letting his cock slide out of her mouth before she stood with his hands grasping her shoulders. She noticed he was still careful not to touch her arm. Funny, because right now she had forgotten about it entirely.

  When she was standing again, Adam kissed her. Long, slow, hard. He caressed her back, her shoulders, letting her fall into the total and complete pleasure of the moment.

  He moved her so that her thighs were against the bed before he lifted her up and laid her on the mattress, which was covered with a downy soft comforter.

  Their eyes met and held as he positioned her at the edge of the mattress. He spread her thighs as he bent over her, then braced his arms to either side of her head.

  “Bring me inside, Keri,” he murmured as he pulled aside her panties.

  She bit the inside of her lip as she reached down, grabbed his cock in her hand and guided him inside her.

  Keri gave a loud cry, surprised at how much he stretched her, to the point it almost hurt. It had been so long and he was so big.

  The initial shock faded into pure pleasure. He moved in and out in slow, easy thrusts that reached her deep inside. It was like nothing she ever remembered feeling before.

  Adam ducked his head and sucked and licked each of her nipples, causing her to squirm beneath him. The more she squirmed, the more intense the feeling of having him inside her.

  Her breathing grew rapid and her heart beat faster. Adam clasped her hands in his and held her hands up high, over her head. His strokes grew longer and harder.

  He began taking her in earnest. Sweat dripped from his brow onto her chest and her own skin perspired more and more until they were both slick from it.

  Adam’s jaw grew tight at the same time her orgasm started building up inside. Keri let out little cries with every thrust of him inside her.

  Her mind started spinning as heat and light swirled inside her. Adam’s breathing grew more and more ragged as he thrust harder and harder.

  Keri cried out as her orgasm burst inside her. Light prismed and all she could do was feel, not think.

  Somewhere her consciousness was aware that Adam had cried out, too, the sound of pleasure in his voice. He sank against her before drawing her onto her side, pulling her into his arms, and resting her head on his chest.

  “I love you, Keri,” he whispered.

  Keri raised her head and looked down at him. “Funny, ’cause I love you, too.”

  “Good thing.” Adam gave an exaggerated sound of relief. “Because I wasn’t about to let you out of here until you said you did.”


  “Watch what you’re doing,” Edward shouted at the idiot who had nearly scraped his mahogany desk as it was loaded into the moving truck. “One more close call like that and you’ll be panhandling, dickhead.”

  “Yes, sir.” The mover and his partner stopped and the mover licked his lips, a nervous expression on his face. “Won’t happen again.”

  “Damned right it won’t.” Edward looked at Johnny. “Have Hector keep an eye on this guy as well as the others. Better not be one fucking mark.”

  Johnny gave a nod and called to Hector. He gave the punk the instructions and sent him on his way.

  “Think they’ll fall for it?” Johnny asked when Hector was out of the way.

  “They watch my every move. One thing about them, though—like most cops, they’ve got their heads stuck up their asses.” Edward laughed, the sound more bitter than he wanted it to be. “Won’t know what the fuck happened.”

  Johnny was silent for a moment. “Is it worth it?” he said. “Killing the dancer and the cop?”

  Edward’s body tensed even more and he glared at Johnny. “Don’t need you questioning me. I need you doing what you’re told.”

  “Of course, Eddie.” Johnny’s gaze followed a pair of movers carrying an armoire. “The jet is ready for tonight. Bruce has been here since early this morning and he’ll go with all of us to the airport. It’ll all work out, ju
st like you planned, boss. He has the right clothes, the right hat, all of it.”

  “It better work out.” Edward felt the press of his PX4 Beretta against his spine. “I don’t want anything to screw up my plans.”

  “So both of them die tonight?” Johnny’s face was composed, but he had a nervous edge in his voice.

  Edward felt the coldness of his smile as he thought about what he had planned. “I just want the cop to hurt for now. Bad.”

  “How are you going to hurt him?” Johnny asked.

  Edward clenched his hands into fists. “He’s fucking that bitch, Keri. The way to hurt him is to kill her. I’ll give him a little time to feel the pain of her gone on his watch before I eventually get rid of him, too.” He rocked back on his heels. “I have all the time in the world for that.”


  “Marcy left her cell phone,” Keri said over the phone to her student’s mother. “I’ll put it in my backpack now so I don’t forget and I’ll drop it off on my way home from the studio. It’s right on my way.”

  The woman thanked her and Keri pressed the disconnect button on her cell phone while she moved away. Her footsteps were silent as she walked in her ballet slippers across the floor of her empty dance studio. The last student had gone home for the afternoon and Keri was ready to head out herself.

  She smiled as she thought of her past two nights with Adam. Being with him had been amazing. Absolutely amazing.

  Notes being played on the baby grand caused her to startle and whirl around.

  Her hand to her chest, Keri let her breath out in a rush. “Adam,” she said and wanted to melt when he gave her his adorable grin. “You startled me.”

  “Sorry, Angel.” Adam sat down on the piano bench. “If you forgive me, I have a favor to ask.”

  “Oh?” Keri smiled as she walked toward him. “What’s that?”

  His expression was adorable. For a tough detective he sure was cute. “If I play something, will you dance for me?”

  Surprised, Keri paused and stopped at the edge of the floor. “You play?”

  Adam shrugged. “My mom is the pianist of the family, but she taught my brother and sister and me while we were growing up. Insisted on it.”

  “What can you play?” she asked, smiling.

  “One of my mom’s favorite pieces was ‘Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy,’” Adam said. “She made me learn that when I was twelve.”

  “I was the Sugar Plum Fairy one season when I was sixteen.” Keri began walking toward her office. “It’s one of my favorite memories,” she said and glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll get my pointe shoes.”

  Keri hurried to put on her black satin toe shoes, which matched the black leotard and simple ballet skirt she wore when teaching. When she finished she went to the center of the dance studio and smiled at Adam.

  He played it well as she danced for him. She put her heart into her private performance, her love for Adam becoming a part of the dance.

  When she finished, Adam stood up from the piano and applauded. She ran toward him and was met by his embrace. He kissed her, sweet and wonderful.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured. “You are amazing.”

  Her answer was to kiss him back and put everything she had and felt into that kiss.

  “You look like you could still dance professionally, Angel.”

  “My knee is fine for a little three-minute dance here and there,” she said. “But that’s about it.”

  When they drew apart she said, “What are you doing here?”

  “Came to walk you to your car,” Adam said. “I want to make sure you get home all right.”

  “Last night you said Edward was gone.” Keri tilted her head. “That he was seen flying off in a private jet to Florida with his entourage of thugs.”

  Adam nodded. “It’s probably not necessary, but I just feel safer knowing someone’s watching out for you. Feel better yet when that someone is me. It’s a good excuse to see you more.”

  “Adam, you don’t need an excuse to see me more,” she said with a laugh. “Whenever you want I’ll make time for you.”

  “That’s a lot of time,” Adam said and smiled against her lips. “Be prepared.”

  “I’m more than ready.” Keri put her palms on Adam’s chest, through the opening in his jacket. He felt warm through the T-shirt. “Okay, I’ll grab my backpack and change my shoes,” Keri said, then made her way across the dance floor, back to her office.

  She took off her pointe shoes and ballet skirt and tugged on a T-shirt and sweats over her leotard before slipping on socks and running shoes.

  When they were in the parking lot, Adam gave her a kiss. “See you at the hotel.”

  They had moved from the Manhattan hotel to one in Brooklyn yesterday, but she hadn’t expected to spend another night there.

  “Are you sure it’s necessary?” she asked him.

  “One more night, just to be certain. It’s past the cancellation period anyway, so we might as well enjoy the room one last night,” he said.

  “I love the thought of that, Adam.” Keri got into her VW Bug and rolled down her window. “See you there.”

  In the rearview mirror, she saw Adam watching her drive away.

  “Marcy’s phone,” she said to herself when she neared the hotel. She leaned down and dug her cell phone out of an outside pocket of her backpack.

  “Adam,” she said into the phone when she got his voicemail. “I promised to drop off a student’s cell phone she left at the dance studio. I’m going to swing by her apartment, then meet you at the hotel.”

  She headed over to Brooklyn Heights, close to her home, and her stomach twisted. To think that she was almost killed a few streets over, and it hadn’t been that long since she had gotten the bullet wound to remind her. Thank God for Adam.

  When she reached the building that housed Marcy’s condo, she got lucky enough to snag a parking spot in the small, dimly lit lot adjacent to the building. She drew her cell phone out of her pack to call Marcy’s mother and let her know she was here, then swung her pack over her shoulder. As she started to get out of her car, a van pulled in tight next to her, in the handicapped spot.

  She looked at the driver, who glanced over briefly before turning away from her. He seemed totally oblivious as to how he had crowded her. He had pulled in at such an angle she could barely get out of her car and it prevented her from walking to the sidewalk in front of her car because the bumpers almost touched.

  What’s this guy thinking? She thought about honking her horn and pointing at how close he had parked, but something like that often only roused someone’s anger. She would be in and out in a flash, so she would just deal with it.

  She squeezed out of the car, shut the door behind her, then started to walk around the back of the van.

  The side door of the van slid open.

  A large man grabbed her upper arm and began to pull her in.

  Fear made her heart pound and adrenaline surge through her body. With every ounce of strength she had she jerked her arm away.

  “No!” Keri pulled free. She started to run in the only direction she could go—behind the car and van. “Help!” she screamed.

  The thug moved too fast and he was just too strong. Her brief scream was silenced by his hand over her mouth. At the same time he grabbed her with his forearm around her throat and dragged her back into the van.

  She heard the sound of her cell phone clattering across the asphalt parking lot as it flew out of her hand.

  He tried to throw her into the van, but she fought him. Her cheek burned when it scraped the edge of the door while she was forced up against it. Her body cried out in pain when someone heavy pinned her against the van, smashing her pack against her back.

  Air left her lungs in a rush, chasing away the scream as she tried to catch her breath.

  Panic seared her senses as she struggled, kicked, and fought the holds of the two men—a
big bruiser and the thug driver. Bruiser grabbed her where the healing bullet wound was. The pain was so great that stars sparked in her mind.

  For an instant Thug took his hand off of her mouth and she found her voice. He clapped a big hand over her mouth again.

  Keri bit the dirty hand. Thug shouted and jerked it back.

  She screamed as loud as she could. Thug slapped her so hard her vision blurred, cutting her off in mid-scream.

  Keri started to scream again, but Thug grabbed her around the throat and started choking her.

  “Don’t kill the bitch,” Bruiser said. “Carter will take you out.”

  “The bitch bit me,” Thug growled.

  “Big fucking deal.” Bruiser climbed into the front seat. “Let’s go, shithead.”

  Terror ripped through her. Adam wasn’t here and she couldn’t fight off two big men. She struggled and struggled, but couldn’t get free.

  “Put her in,” she heard Bruiser say. “Hurry.”

  She felt herself being lifted. Through the light streaming into the rear of the van from a streetlight, she saw a large open storage trunk.

  In the next moment she was dropped in on her back, the pack smashed between her and the floor of the trunk. The heavy lid slammed shut. She heard it being latched and then faint, muffled voices.

  When the lid was closed, terror ran even more rampant through her as complete darkness enveloped her. She had to fight to slow her breathing. To not panic in the cramped space.

  “Did you get her cell phone?” Bruiser said. “It’s lying on the ground.”

  They had her. Edward had her and he was going to follow through with his threats.

  Keri coughed as she tried to calm herself down. She couldn’t just give up.

  She was locked in a trunk. How was she going to get out of this?

  Tires squealed and the car shot forward. Keri’s head hit the side of the trunk and her injured arm was squeezed between her and the trunk wall. Her mind spun from the pain.


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