Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series

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Warriors Trust: Elite Warrior Series Page 1

by McKayla Jade

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Warriors Trust (Elite Warriors)

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Warriors Trust

  An Elite Warrior Book

  McKayla Jade

  Warriors Trust ©2020 McKayla Jade

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This book and any after it, would never have been possible without help from my family and friends. They are amazing and talented, and I wouldn’t trade them for all the treasures in the world.

  That said, there are a few stands outs.

  First as always, my husband; without whom I would be lost. Thank you for loving me through all these ups and downs. Thank you for your suggestions with scenes I needed to make just right.

  Then there’s a fellow author who became a best friend on this wild ride to become a self-published author, Lynda J. Cox, My gratitude overflows. Here’s to many more adventures.

  Next, we have Rebekah Randall, editor and best friend. Thank you for your advice and suggestions and impromptu gripe sessions.

  I’d also like to thank Karl Witsman, for the amazing cover art. Thank you so much. I value your advice and friendship so much.

  Extra special mention goes to

  Donna Karlee Carlene

  Crystal H.

  Alexandra R.

  Chapter 1

  The room was barely lit in a strange twilight haze. Hawk calmed the warning washing over him. His mind was still hazy but his body sang with energy. Why the hell was he awake? A sudden pounding on his bedchamber door sent fire racing down his back. He gritted his teeth with the pain, halting the shift it brought on. Stopping his inner demon was never easy. His second in command bellowed from the other side of that door. His eye twitched and he gritted his teeth.

  “Hawk, wake up!”

  He glared at the closed door over his shoulder and dropped his head back down on the pillow. Damn it. Couldn’t this wait? Gareth continued bellowing had him lifting his head from the pillows once more. He wiped a hand across his face. A battle axe lay on the table on the opposite side of the bed. It caught his attention and sparked an idea. That idea withered into silence when his wife’s fist hit his chest and she cried out in her sleep.

  She was caught in the grips of a nightmare. One caused by Gareth’s bellowing, no doubt. He gave her his full attention and wrapped his arms tight around her. Holding her fist to his chest, he whispered, hoping his voice would soothe her, “Cassidy, love, calm down. You are safe with me.” He slid one hand around the back of her head, palmed it, and kissed her forehead. She struggled against him, cried out and he whispered to her again. “It’s only me. You are safe, forever more.” He watched her chest rise and fall, she settled down and snuggled into his arms. His name whispered across her lips.

  He reached over her and grabbed the axe. He would end this bellowing. He was the king here and whatever the problem was, it would bloody well wait until he was ready. Flinging the heavy double-bladed weapon at the chamber door, it struck solid, making a loud thunk sound. The bellowing from Gareth ceased. He yawned, pulled Cassidy closer and dropped his head back on the pillows. The twilight world outside faded to black behind his eyelids.

  “Sire, we are under attack!” Gareth yelled. “You must wake!”

  His eyes popped open and he couldn’t be certain he didn’t growl. He opened his mouth to yell back and Cassidy kissed his chest. His attention was pulled back to her. The outside world disappeared. She blinked up at him, like she was only now realizing who he was. Her past tortures still haunted her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” she whispered.

  He kissed her forehead again and told her, “I don’t know, but I do know, my best friend is about to lose his ballocks.” He loved watching the blush that stole over her cheeks. He sure as hell did not want to leave this bed, but as king it was up to him to deal with whatever this trouble was. He rolled away from her and leapt from the bed, landing in a crouch. Fire raced up his legs and his wings burst from his back. Damn the gods. Why did he have to shift now? Did his body already know danger was near at hand? May haps he should take Gareth more seriously; he was just so damned tired. Could he not get one single night with his new wife, uninterrupted? He took the few steps to the door and yanked the axe free.

  “For shit’s sakes Gareth.” Throwing open the door, he asked “How is it possible, we are under attack? We only just arrived last eve. Alexandar had said this was a place we would be safe.”

  “I know not, Sire.” Gareth shook his head and immediately dropped his gaze to the floor.

  Hawk wondered why until he remembered his aforementioned wife lay in bed, naked as the day she was born. He turned his head to look at her over his shoulder. The grin on his face died and his jaw dropped open. She was traipsing around the room in a state of near nakedness with only the bed sheets wrapped around her, gathering her clothes. “And just where are you off too?” He demanded. She looked at him as if he were daft, pausing in her pursuit of scattered clothing. “With you. I will not let you fight without me.” She stepped to his side and pushed his wing aside, as if it were of no consequence and addressed Gareth.

  “Who dares to attack us?”

  She brushed her hair back from her face, while still holding the sheet around her and grinned. She was excited for battle? She had clearly lost her damn mind. Was he the only one left with any common sense? Without a word he tucked his wings behind him, wrapped an arm around her waist, and easily moved her behind him.

  “Hawk, I can—” Her defiant protest was cut off by the wave of his hand.

  They both paused. This was Cassidy. His Wife. His confidante. His everything. He turned back to her, took a breath and said, “Indeed. There are many things you can do.” He kissed her gently and pulled her into his arms, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His own horrid memories came too close to dismiss. “However, I will not have you in harm’s way. I came close to losing you once, it will not happen

  Her whole body stiffened, and she stepped back out of his arms. “Hawk, there is not time to argue this. If you are wounded in battle, your blood is lethal to everyone except me.” Then she gave him the only reason she needed. The one he could not argue with.

  “If you die out there, I die as well.”

  That damned curse. One cannot be, without the other.

  He nodded, admitting she was right, the magic could not be changed. Questioning a seer as powerful as Alexandar was never wise. The man had been around too long and seen too many things to doubt his wisdom. He faded his wings, donned his armor, and waited for her. Grabbing his sword and shield from the hooks on the wall, his inner beast bristled at the idea of his mate leaving the safety of this chamber. Fire raced down his back and he struggled to breathe. The blood in his veins boiled. Bracing his hands on the wall in front of him he lowered his head and took a deep breath. He would keep her protected. He must.

  Hawk and Cassidy stepped into the hall and found Gareth with three Elite’s waiting for them, all dressed in full battle gear. Hawk turned to his third in command, “Keith, keep her safe.” He and Gareth continued forward. Their long strides took them ever closer to the battle raging outside. The hiss of swords sliding from the sheaths and armor jangling as they walked calmed him. Battle was no place for emotions. It was a place for calculating calm and self-assuredness. From the corner of his eye he saw Keith step in front of Cassidy, his big body blocking her completely from view. He could feel her anger, but there was nothing he could do for her now. He would soothe her hurt later. Battle was no place for emotions. She would do well to learn that.

  HER SAFETY BE DAMNED. Cassidy Heather Lounsbury, now Hawkins, married to the king or not, was a warrior in her own right. Not even her new husband would keep her from a battle. She was an asset he needed. She had the luxury of feeling rage without turning into a beast. Hawk did not. She would do her best to shield him. If she could ever get around this wall of a warrior. She was confident in her abilities. Since becoming immortal she had gained a few new ones, one of them being telepathy. She had always been able to ‘hear’ her animal’s thoughts, but perhaps that link was different. Perhaps since humans were said to be smarter, it was harder to pick up their thoughts. She could hear the others fine, but to target in on only Hawks’ just now was giving her a headache. Perhaps he was too far away. Too many men stood between them for her to get a glimpse of him. She reached for Gareth’s thoughts instead. Unable to focus on just him either, she gave up and tried to be patient. Not one of her better qualities. She huffed out her frustration and Keith grinned at her over his shoulder. She poked his buttock with the tip of her sword, making him growl deep in his throat. She smirked.

  They had just reached the fields beyond the castle gates, when she heard the first of many swords strikes. Without any other warning, the battle she had feared, had begun. She pulled out her short sword and dagger, since she had brought no shield, she was momentarily grateful for the two hulking men standing in front of her. As excited as she was, she was not at all sure how she would even get the chance to swing her sword, with these two brutes standing so close, hiding her. She glared up at Keith and he had the audacity to smile at her. Marcus ignored her. They knew she wanted nothing more than to prove herself to Hawk and his men. Hawk would never allow it and they would never defy their king, and brother in arms, and willingly let her into battle. She needed a plan.

  As the fighting continued ahead of them, Keith and Marcus both had to move away from her just enough, to give her little glimpses of the battle. Marcus kept reaching backward, keeping her pressed to his back and out of striking range. It didn’t take long to find an opening. She took a few quick steps to the side and ducked under a slashing sword. She stepped up to confront a bear of a man. She blinked as her guts churned, her heart pounded, and her mouth went dry. She forged ahead. In battle there was no time to think or second guess. This was the enemy. She swallowed her uncertainty. Hawk would have Keith’s head for this, but that was a worry for later. She swung her sword and moved away so fast, even she was shocked when the man’s leg sprayed blood on the ground in front of him.

  She may not be strong enough to sever the limb, but she knew where to strike. A quick glance around her, told her Keith had followed her as best he could. She was faster than they had anticipated. Without them to hinder her, she fought her way across the battlefield to Hawk’s side. As she reached her mate, he made eye contact with Keith over her head. He smiled back at his commander’s angry scowl and shrugged.

  “She earned it.” Keith shouted to him over the noise. “I have never left her side.” He swung his sword high to unseat a rider. “Impressive, actually.”

  Her chest swelled with pride when she heard him. Keith pulled the half dead rider to the ground and they kept moving. Always forward. Taking ground. Never giving it. Hawk replied with only a snort as he dispatched his newest attacker. A glance past another man told her there was no end in sight. They just kept coming. If she was ever going to prove her worth, now was the time. This was her chance. Hawk was right here to witness it.

  THERE WAS NO MORE TIME to talk, as more soldiers were coming at them, bloodied swords at the ready. Hawk had no time to push her away. Ordering her back to the keep was useless. He would have to kill every one of these bastards to make sure she stayed safe. His sword swung at another, beheading him. The next one, he got on the return swing, but a third slipped past him. The man only made it as far as Gareth, losing his sword arm first and then his head. These soldiers and their stench just kept coming. Did they fear water? Why the stench? Gods bones. They must have never bathed before in their whole lives. The smell was truly awful.

  Keith and Marcus finally made their way up close to Cassidy. Hawk took a deep breath and released some of the tension building inside him. With he and Gareth on her other side, they formed a sort of defensive line. His other Elites covered their backs. Standing this way, they seemed to have the advantage. As his sword swung through yet another, he looked up to see a wave of riders coming from the north. “Gareth. Marcus. Keith.” He ordered. “Look lively. We have more on the way. Cassidy, behind me, now. That’s an order. Dalton, Calum, guard her back and everyone else, guard the keep.”

  He and his men had just arrived. There was no way word would have reached another kingdom. They had brought almost nothing with them. Not even their steeds. It seemed so senseless. All they had been told by Alexandar was, this realm is where they were to live for the rest of their immortal lives, retreat was not an option. This was supposed to be a haven. Just now he had more pressing matters. Those horsemen were heading straight for them and no one knew if they were friend or foe. His heartbeat sped up. He took a deep breath and spit on the ground at his boots.

  This new group seemed to be more organized and they carried colors. At least now they would know with whom they fought. As they got closer however, he could see they were not colors he recognized. In a new realm, that fact, did not genuinely surprise him. There would be a lot for he and his men to learn now. The army carried a flag of crimson and silver with an image of a scroll upon it, along with a white flag.

  When the hilltop was lined thrice deep with men on horseback, he paused and looked at each of his men in turn. Each nodded back at him. Turning his attention back to the new army he watched as the men in the front line pulled their horses to a halt. They sent only one man forward. This was not what he had expected. They were clearly outmanned, and the other side wanted to speak terms? This was highly unusual. What game did they play? With the safety of the keep at his back, it lessened the chance of Cassidy being vulnerable. Not until his men moved in close to protect her, did he raise his foot to step forward. Before he could be noticed, Gareth and Keith stepped in front of him. They stepped in to play his part. Being king was not something he was used to. The others found defensive positions around him, adding to the illusion he was just another soldier.

  “King Hawkins! Your reputat
ion precedes you and is evidently not exaggerated, by the looks of this bloody field. We have been awaiting you, Sire.” The man to the fore called to them as he came closer. Hawk had let Gareth take the lead and remained silent.

  “How is it, you know who I am?” Gareth challenged the man, as they took one another’s measure. The man still holding the white flag did not hesitate, however, he looked Hawk in the eyes.

  “Lord Hawkins, your likeness has been shown to us. We know it is you there with the black hair and broad sword in hand.” The man smiled. “We are friend. Not foe.”

  “Then why were we attacked upon our very arrival? We’ve been here but a day.” Since the ruse had not worked, Hawk spoke up. “Who are these men that lay dead and dying upon this field?”

  “Until we have helped to dispatch the bodies, we will not know for certain.” The man informed them, slowly making his way through them. “But I suspect black magic.”

  Hawk sheathed his sword. Neither his men, nor Cassidy followed suit. He stepped toward this man who still held a white flag of truce and wore the crimson and silver colors of the mounted army behind him.

  “Well, before we begin, let me ask again. Who are you? And where are we, for that matter?” He wanted answers. The unease of not knowing bothered him, more than he wanted to admit. Perhaps this man held the answer the seer had neglected to tell him.

  “M’ Lord. You are in the realm of Hells Vein. You are upon your own lands. Castle Rogue Stone lies just over the yonder hill. Your kingdom awaits, Sire.” The man dismounted. “We are all your warriors. The wizard Alexandar came to us a few days ago to tell us of your arrival.”

  “Then you knew to expect our arrival and we knew nothing of you.” He stated facts. “The place we stayed last eve. What is that? Who’s keep?”

  “That is the keep used for all newcomers. It is staffed, as you learned, and everyone who comes and goes is looked over first by Alexandar. It is a gateway of sorts.”


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